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Reverse Engineer a whole stack needs to be fixed IMMEDIATELY


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This is MOST INSANE design I have ever seen in an MMO.

How can you make this a default? So damn stupid.

I lost 3 whole stacks of my medpacs until I realized it is destroying everything I spent hours to craft. And I can't even find any option to make it RE once at a time.

Make it SHIFT+RIGHT CLICK to reverse engineer a stack please. There is no way you can make one right click destroying everything you crafted without a warning. Don't you know it takes hours or even days to harvest and craft those things? Or add a warning dialog to confirm for RE on a stack.


You have ruined all the fun in crafting by this stupidest default I have ever seen!

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I'm not sure I see the problem... reversing a whole stack saves you time from doing it to a bunch of singles. Also as far as I have seen you get credit for every one in the stack.


If you'd like to do them one at a time you can separate a stack with shift+drag

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I am not saying you should not be able to RE a stack.

I am saying that THIS IS THE STUPIDEST THING to be a default.


And I have read that it will RE the whole stack but I did this after RE for my armormech alt, and I simply forgot about this HORRIBLE TRAP they made, I just did the same procedure, then BOOM... everything gone.

Unless you are insane or lack any sort of common sense, this can never be a default.


I am saying 'Make it SHIFT+RIGHT CLICK' for a stack, or add confirmation / option.

Current default is just insane.


It is like placing a auto self-destruct button near the entrance of a building that can be pushed by any trespasser to destroy the whole building in a few seconds. No password, no confirmation, no alert.


Just a few tweaks can make it very confortable for everyone, but leaving as it is would make it a very destructive part of crafting. I believe that whoever fell into this trap would always have this 'This is so stupid. I wanna quit the game now' feeling crossing their minds.

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Nope, OP is right on. It's stupid, and shouldn't exist. Shift-dragging items into individual slots and then REing them is a pain in the rear. I REd a stack of medpacks just once, and got like, 1 material back. So it deeeeefinitely does NOT give you credit for the whole stack. Fortunately, it was only about 6 or 7 of them, and I realized how utterly crappy it was, and started shift-dragging.
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I question if it is even possible that bioware could make it simple enough for you if it took you more than 1 stack to realize you were re'ing the entire stack at once and loosing all the items.


Come on man.




Dont blame bioware because you are stupid, realize that it is YOUR fault for not learning/paying attention. People sure love to blame others for their own mistakes. You only have yourself to blame, we dont need a mechanic for this, it's working just fine

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Nope, OP is right on. It's stupid, and shouldn't exist. Shift-dragging items into individual slots and then REing them is a pain in the rear. I REd a stack of medpacks just once, and got like, 1 material back. So it deeeeefinitely does NOT give you credit for the whole stack. Fortunately, it was only about 6 or 7 of them, and I realized how utterly crappy it was, and started shift-dragging.


Right... no.

I always save up stacks of 5 or 10 and it gives alot bigger chance of getting me the next tier recipe, and it always gives me more than just "1" material when it fails.

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The OP is spot on.


Yes, doing it multiple times is stupid on his part, but it shouldn't be a hidden "gotcha!", even once. The default action for an unmodified click (e.g. shift or ctrl) should be the single action.


Think about it.


If you click on a stack of medpacks, how many do you actually use? - 1.


If you click on an item for sale at a vendor, how many do you buy? - 1.


Shift-click is a common metaphor for interacting with multiples. So, though it's not implemented yet, when it is it should be done consistently and inline with the common metaphor.

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It's your fault for doing it the second time.

I'm sure 99% of us have done it once. once, not 3 times in a row. :rolleyes:


It's like "Dear Shotgun Manufacturer, I accidentally shot myself using one of your products, after the 3rd time I realised that it was quite painful. I would therefore like a full refund... and a new leg."

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Think about it.


If you click on a stack of medpacks, how many do you actually use? - 1.


If you click on an item for sale at a vendor, how many do you buy? - 1.


Flawed logic

If you sell a stack - do you sell 1 or the whole stack...


Fool me once, shame on you - fool me twice, shame on me


Human nature seams to be to always try and blame others for what they do (or can do, but shouldnt) Like the guy who walks in to mcdonalds, buy a coffee, burns himself and then complains that there is no warning or anything to let him know that the coffee is infact hot, so ofc he has to sue them so others dont make the same mistake. *roll eyes*


AND BESIDES... why complain, if you R/E something in the first place you do it so you can get a new recipe, right? And by doing them in stacks you have a higher chance... so what is the problem really?

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Sounds like the mantra of the entitlement generation.


Nothing I do is my fault, even if I repeat the same mistake multiple times. It HAS to be someone else's fault...it can NEVER be mine.


Damn stupid programers allowing me to make stupid mistakes.


Now can they fix it, or should it be defaulted differently? Possibly. But stop blaming others for your mistakes.

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I really don't understand.

If you did more then 1 stack, you obviously didn't get the Schematic on the first stack. So you actually saved yourself time from having to click each of the 20 medpacks individually.


As has been stated you get full credit for each item on the stack. Otherwise I'm really bugged because when I RE a stack, I get back more components then it takes to make one of the item in the stack.

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The OP is spot on.


Yes, doing it multiple times is stupid on his part, but it shouldn't be a hidden "gotcha!", even once. The default action for an unmodified click (e.g. shift or ctrl) should be the single action.


Think about it.


If you click on a stack of medpacks, how many do you actually use? - 1.


If you click on an item for sale at a vendor, how many do you buy? - 1.


Shift-click is a common metaphor for interacting with multiples. So, though it's not implemented yet, when it is it should be done consistently and inline with the common metaphor.

Erm. Not quite. The medpacs are single use consumables (which have their own rules), and items on vendors usually aren't in stacks ( but for the items that are stacked on a vendor, one click = buy the stack )


The default action when interacting with a stack of items is for the whole stack to be effected. When you sell, move, mail or auction a stack, the entire stack is always moved. You have to go out of your way ( shift-drag ) to separate individual items.

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