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Why all the British accents on Empire side?


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It isn't that America hates Britain, it is just that Britain used to have a massive Empire across 1/4 of the Planet. And America is a Constitutional Republic. Given that Britain still has influence in former Colonies (example: Canada, Australia) it is a way to relate The Sith Empire to The British Empire.


Also, The Republic isn't supposed to be America, like The Empire is Great Britain. The Republic is supposed to be a combination of Rome and Germany (hence the Head of State is the Chancellor), and the Republic isn't necessarily the 'Good' side, while the Empire is a Military state, the Republic is corrupted by politicians.

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It's messed up. The books and stuff established that the British accent from the movies is the native born Courscant accent. Yet everyone on Courscant talks like someone from the American mid-west and what should be the Courscant accent is called a Droumand Kass accent in game.
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It's because of the Revolutionary War isn't it?


Seriously, I hate my own toon because of his pompous British accent. It makes me not want to play.


Can we have "American accent" option please?


If it's any help, that's not actually a British accent, it's more like an American idea of what a British accent is like, very few Britsh people have accents even remotely similar, even in England.

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It's because of the Revolutionary War isn't it?


Seriously, I hate my own toon because of his pompous British accent. It makes me not want to play.


Can we have "American accent" option please?


a fair bit of welsh in the empire to.


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If it's any help, that's not actually a British accent, it's more like an American idea of what a British accent is like, very few Britsh people have accents even remotely similar, even in England.


It actually is pretty close to a "high" english accent or "The Queens English".

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Why does Obi-wan have an English accent then?


if you wish for a in universe explanation, well the accent is known as a core accent and Obi wan grew up in the core (being a Jedi and all most of his life) and many of the imperials in the empire were from core worlds.


The real reason however was that England at the time had the largest sound stages available for sets for the death star, that is why the scenes are shot with mostly British actors.


This game simply follows that trend of evil sounding English and good sounding American.

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It's the imperious nature, which was pretty much perfected by the British.


My first taxi ride in the UK many years ago.... true story incoming....


Taxi driver: "your first trip to London?"


Me: "Yes. Say, how come you folks drive on the wrong side of the road?"


Taxi driver: "Americans drive on the right side of the road, in the UK we drive on the correct side of the road"


I LOLed. I got punked by the taxi driver less then an hour after landing. :p


Here's an interesting titbit: The reason we drive on the left dates back to medieval times with armed horsemen. Seeing as most people are right-handed, we used to ride on the left to have quick access to our weapons against anyone travelling in the opposite lane, such as for self-defence or jousting.


If it's any help, that's not actually a British accent, it's more like an American idea of what a British accent is like, very few Britsh people have accents even remotely similar, even in England.


I think you'll find BioWare very much hired British voice actors for this game, the accents you hear are very real and not all that uncommon. I should know, I share the typical 'Imperial' accent.


Personally I enjoy not having to play as an American for once, it's rather novel.

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Seriously, I hate my own toon because of his pompous British accent. It makes me not want to play.


I will take British accent over American any day. Let's not forget it was Americans who bastardised English language.

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It actually is pretty close to a "high" english accent or "The Queens English".


Which very few people use any more, most of the High English accents were because the BBC used them exclusively for news and documentaries, now TV(including the BBC) uses all accents, so very few people put on the High English accent.


Even the Queen doesn't any more, in 2002 universities proclaimed she had developed a more estuary accent (Cockney/Essex accent depending on which university), and while I take the studies with a pinch of salt, it is true that the Queens accent has become less "High" and more friendly

Edited by AlexDougherty
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Because the IMPS in the original trilogy were british. The original films were filmed moslty in ENgland, at the Elstree Studios in Northern London. Theres a "Tesco" grocery store (big one, two stories!) store right nest to it now. You can see form the Tesco on the sound stage it is written "George Lucas Sound Stage".


I am happy with the British accents. I a m tired of hearing our old boring voices all the time.


This. And all the games, movies, and TV shows have continued this tradition. 'nuff said.

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Nah, it's because back when the very first Star Wars film was produced, the world worked in such ways that America always was the hero. Now, America hated the British (and still does), hence the Republic got American accents and the evil evil Empire all got (fake) British accents.


Again, Swtor is an American game, so ofc the Americans are the "good" guys.


That's a quite cynical point of view -


- but fact is that almost all actors for the movies playing imperial character were British actors. Thus the British accent.


Interestingly, Sir Alec Guiness was also an British Actor ...


Because the IMPS in the original trilogy were british. The original films were filmed moslty in ENgland, at the Elstree Studios in Northern London.


This is the story as I have learned it, too.

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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One was English, the other was a Scot. Britain covers both Scotland and England - they're both Brits.

Possibly Not for much longer :D


I think you'll find BioWare very much hired British voice actors for this game, the accents you hear are very real and not all that uncommon. I should know, I share the typical 'Imperial' accent.

Id love that kind of accent, but i think he may have been refereeing to the fact that most seem to think ALL Brits have the same accent which is Imperial like, which as someone from Yorkshire can tell you that isn't true.

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Id love that kind of accent, but i think he may have been refereeing to the fact that most seem to think ALL Brits have the same accent which is Imperial like, which as someone from Yorkshire can tell you that isn't true.


Or Liverpool, or Birmingham, or Leeds, or Cornwall, or Devon, etc.

Or Wales, or Scotland, or Nothern Ireland.

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No thanks i don't want to sound like a hillbilly


The Empire comes off as a disciplined, well-organized force while the Republic is full of backstabbing, incompetent or just plain lazy people.


There's your reason right there.


I will take British accent over American any day. Let's not forget it was Americans who bastardised English language.


And here I was thinking that we Americans were supposed to be the nationalistic jerks.

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