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Invited to EGA but stuck @ work


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anyone else trying to come up with excuses to leave the office?


I'm not gonna fake being sick. i need something better. something believable. help, please!


I'm in the same boat, sitting at work, an email in my inbox welcoming me to the game. Sometimes it sucks having responsibilities...oh to be young again...

Edited by Strongfort
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Trust me, I feel your pain (am stuck at work right now after receiving the invite 2 hrs ago). What's worse, I have a Christmas party tonight after work. Do you think I can beg out of the party if I change my religion prior to something that doesn't allow holiday celebrations between now and end of business? How do I survive the wife-aggro as well, quickie-divorce?
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Trust me, I feel your pain (am stuck at work right now after receiving the invite 2 hrs ago). What's worse, I have a Christmas party tonight after work. Do you think I can beg out of the party if I change my religion prior to something that doesn't allow holiday celebrations between now and end of business? How do I survive the wife-aggro as well, quickie-divorce?


lol! you're screwed!

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I'm in the same boat, sitting at work, my email in my inbox welcoming me to the game. Sometime it sucks having responsibilities...oh to be young again...


Trust me it'll be worse tomorrow. I got in Tuesday, and everyday I have to get up and be all responsible and come to work. Playing the night before just makes sitting here for 9 hours all the harder.

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Trust me it'll be worse tomorrow. I got in Tuesday, and everyday I have to get up and be all responsible and come to work. Playing the night before just makes sitting here for 9 hours all the harder.


This my friend... this.

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Trust me it'll be worse tomorrow. I got in Tuesday, and everyday I have to get up and be all responsible and come to work. Playing the night before just makes sitting here for 9 hours all the harder.


lol really? idk man gonna be hard to be worse than this, all the months of anticipation..

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lol..yeah, in the same boat. Got up early today and got ready to go, then waited until 7 (PST) to see if I got access..I didn't, so I left. Got the email at 8:00 that I received access. UGH.


Logged into my home computer through my phone (Android app FTW!) and created 3 characters on the server my guild is on. So I reserved my names, and my chosen class is getting rested bonus while I'm sitting at my desk.


I've got nothing to do today too, so it's going to be a long long day.

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anyone else trying to come up with excuses to leave the office?


I'm not gonna fake being sick. i need something better. something believable. help, please!


Lol, I got in first wave Dec 13th... needless to say I had to go to work. The game isn't going anywhere, play it when you're done with real life.

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Suck on this one then.


Issue one:

Got my own company so the time I take off to play - less cash.

Both a plus and a minus IMO. I have more time to play, but if I do, I probably won't be able to afford the Epson TW-3200 homecinema-projector for myself as a christmas present.


So, choice one:

Be poor and play, having a blast but worrying about luxury stuff I don't need that I can't afford.


Work my *** off as usual 7 days a week, 12hours a day. Being able to buy technical thingies and whisky whenever I want to, but I'll have to settle for listening to livestreams of the game and watching my shiny access code. Perhaps I can leave the title screen up on the laptop to listen to the main theme.


Issue two:

6 months old daughter wreaking havoc on the livingroom floor, trying to blow the windows out.


Choice two:

Ignore the daughter and leave her to the wife. Swiftly ending up with me crawling the floor going "I'm sorry" for a few weeks. After having done the exact same thing with the BF3 release, I don't think this will be viable this time around.


Taking some load off my wife and taking care of the baby 6 hours a day. Changing fun gameplay and nerdy drooling for brown diapers, tiny screams of rage and messy clothes.


So. Yeah.

I don't like where this is heading.

Edited by Minatanae
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Lol, I got in first wave Dec 13th... needless to say I had to go to work. The game isn't going anywhere, play it when you're done with real life.


Oh Mr. Responsible always have to be such a downer. You are so correct though! =)

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We have quarterly reviews today otherwise I might have seriously considered bailing out early. Then there's a Flyers game tonight, so I won't be getting much playing in. Then tomorrow night we have a work holiday party (at a nice brazilian steak house, no way i'm skipping that), I won't be able to get some quality time in until Saturday morning. My main priority though is just getting in and reserving my 4 names.
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Lol, I got in first wave Dec 13th... needless to say I had to go to work. The game isn't going anywhere, play it when you're done with real life.


hehe, i know, man - just commiserating with folks i knew were gonna be in same boat!

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Got email stuck at work.


Luckily my neighbors Christmas tree caught their house on fire and they weren't home so the fire dept called me to see if I had a way to contact them.


Man how lucky can a guy get.


Off to go home and play, don't worry I will try to contact my neighbors and yes I am just kidding.

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I just got my email this morning and yeah stuck at work until 5pm.


Hrmm one sure way to get out of work. Go to the bathroom and stick your finger down your throat, throw up your breakfast or lunch and then go tell you boss you just puked your guts out.

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We have quarterly reviews today otherwise I might have seriously considered bailing out early. Then there's a Flyers game tonight, so I won't be getting much playing in. Then tomorrow night we have a work holiday party (at a nice brazilian steak house, no way i'm skipping that), I won't be able to get some quality time in until Saturday morning. My main priority though is just getting in and reserving my 4 names.


omg dude, you're like my clone. my quarterly stuff isn't for another couple weeks, and i have a poker game i have to go to tomorrow, so it's SO SIMILAR! lol!


and yea if you didn't notice my name -- i bleed orange & black.


GOD i hope giroux gets healthy soon. but looked GREAT against wash! habs goin down tonight!

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I just got my email this morning and yeah stuck at work until 5pm.


Hrmm one sure way to get out of work. Go to the bathroom and stick your finger down your throat, throw up your breakfast or lunch and then go tell you boss you just puked your guts out.


the only one i didn't wanna pull was the sick excuse.. only 3 more hours... i can make it...

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