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So Why Did We Lose?


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So basically you were going for medals and not for the objectives, sucked in you failed. If you guys were that good you should have been co-ordinating in locking out the defense and planting bombs instead of pew pewing.


Serves you right imo, and why you fail at PVP not that the PVP game failed.


1. Very hard to burn them down fast enough or cc them long enough for an 8 second plant when they have 4 healers.


That being said, we still came away with less deaths.


2. Serves me right? For what? Saying your precious TOR's PvP is an absolutely piece of crap? Guess what? It is.


I can't even understand why you are saying we were farming medals when clearly my team has more objective points by far than the winning team: i.e. we were attempting bomb plants and defending bomb captures far more than them.

Edited by Darth_Eclipses
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1. Very hard to burn them down fast enough or cc them long enough for an 8 second plant when they have 4 healers.


That being said, we still came away with less deaths.


2. Serves me right? For what? Saying your precious TOR's PvP is an absolutely piece of crap? Guess what? It is.


I can't even understand why you are saying we were farming medals when clearly my team has more objective points by far than the winning team: i.e. we were attempting bomb plants and defending bomb captures far more than them.

The whine is strong with this one. I win 9 times out of 10 and the one I lose is somehow still a travesty.


You lost because whoever attacks last wins. If you get two doors, one door, no doors whatever on offense, switch to defense and they get the same, guess what happens? You lose.

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You lost because you did not complete your objective. But the opposing team did.


Voidstar is tricky because of this. If you are attacker in round 1 you MUST breach 1 door to win, even if the round 1 defenders fail to do anything in round 2 as attackers. They completed their objective in round 1.


Is it fair? Not really.

Is it bugged? Nope.


Round 1 defenders can literary not engage you in combat at all in round 2 as attackers and still win, as long as they stopped you from breaching a door in round 1.


This warzone is DESIGNED in favor of round 1 defenders.


You may not like the answer, but now you don't have to wonder.

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Your on the sith side..... this is Bioware's idea for an "Even game" so don't whine... I bet all but 2 on your team was battlemaster comapred to 1 on the repub. side..... you probably won like 6 others...



My pvp states with my lvl 50 trooper since becoming lvl 50 9 and 39



before 67 and 81


Let me guess: the amount of effort you put into doing anything other than stepping into 50 WZs in your level 40 greens:



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Because Voidstar is ****. BW would be better off replacing it with a warzone where you flip a giant coin, heads you win, tails you lose. At least it matches their pvp gear reward system. Edited by Abanoth
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Whoever is attacking at the end


that is incorrect...

Just finished a Voidstar seconds ago on Darth Bandon


Final Score 4 to 4 Republic had the most kills - heals etc


We defended First - attacked last - we lost.


So I think it might just be a Coin Flip...

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None of you has the correct answer and is just posting assumptions here instead of knowledge. This might be because every single one of you is a beginner who has played the game for barely 2 months.

I wager however that someone who developed the game for 5 years might know the answer - but he will most likely not post in this thread.


Anyways I do not have a screenshot, but yesterday I lost a match where no team managed to place a single bomb - and my team was defending first!


This is the opposite situation of the original poster proven by his screenshsot that he was on attack first and on defense last.


This shows that all the assumptions made here on how the tie breaker works when no team places a single bomb are all incorrect.


I put up another asumption here - that both teams get losses in that case. Might be wrong as well, but as I mentioned, only a dev knows the truth at this point.

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I had two idiot operatives who camped our ramp and killed my level 14 juggle over and over. Their team was up 2-0 and I realized they were not playing the game just camping spawn and ultimately me. They killed me a lot but after a while I just spent the entire match keeping these two imbeciles busy. I would watch others go up the ramp and protect them and kill these dummies but for the most part i ran them around. I could run them to the opposite side of the field from the ball and keep them out of the game.


I did this for 10 minutes as we came back to tie it up 2-2 as the rest of my team played 7-6.


As the final clock ticked down as we held the ball i let these baddies know how dumb they are that they lost. They told me they owned me and I said I won.


Then they got mad and claimed they got more rewards and the one guy said he got 75 valor. Lol I had more valor, experience, credits than either of them. Yet they both cost their teammates a lot.


So much bad play in objective based pvp. By the way I never told my teammates or asked for help as they were focused and had an advantage. I did my significant part and helped my team win.


I see too many people worried about kills and medals. If those are your primary objectives in these Warzones you are performing subpar.

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I had two idiot operatives who camped our ramp and killed my level 14 juggle over and over. Their team was up 2-0 and I realized they were not playing the game just camping spawn and ultimately me. They killed me a lot but after a while I just spent the entire match keeping these two imbeciles busy. I would watch others go up the ramp and protect them and kill these dummies but for the most part i ran them around. I could run them to the opposite side of the field from the ball and keep them out of the game.


I did this for 10 minutes as we came back to tie it up 2-2 as the rest of my team played 7-6.


As the final clock ticked down as we held the ball i let these baddies know how dumb they are that they lost. They told me they owned me and I said I won.


Then they got mad and claimed they got more rewards and the one guy said he got 75 valor. Lol I had more valor, experience, credits than either of them. Yet they both cost their teammates a lot.


So much bad play in objective based pvp. By the way I never told my teammates or asked for help as they were focused and had an advantage. I did my significant part and helped my team win.


I see too many people worried about kills and medals. If those are your primary objectives in these Warzones you are performing subpar.


I don't understand...how does this post relate AT ALL to my OP?

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Maybe you're being punished for wasting your supposedly superior skills on silly side battles instead of planting bombs. The other team held you to the same objective count while wasting less ammunition (as evidenced by their lower damage stats). I'd give them the win too.


Edit: In general, it makes sense for the team with fewer medals to get the win in a tie game (in order to equalize the rewards, given that the game was a tie).

Edited by Dzhokhar
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Maybe you're being punished for wasting your supposedly superior skills on silly side battles instead of planting bombs. The other team held you to the same objective count while wasting less ammunition (as evidenced by their lower damage stats). I'd give them the win too.


Edit: In general, it makes sense for the team with fewer medals to get the win in a tie game (in order to equalize the rewards, given that the game was a tie).


This is PvP, not the United Nations: the team that performs better should get the win hands down.


Secondly, their dmg was lower because they had 4 healers. Thirdly, even with 4 healers - all above 300k minimum, they STILL had more deaths.


Your explanation isn't plausible at all.

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Is it so hard to understand that maps have objectives that need to be completed in order to win and that turning the game into a team deathmatch won't fix that?


As for this one particular game... you sucked at bombing the first door. If you were slaughtering them as you claim, you were probably doing something derpy like not watching the door bomber by CC'ing incoming interrupts... or perhaps nobody on your team was smart enough to try because they were too busy chasing free kills.


Guess you'll have to coordinate a little better.

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Is it so hard to understand that maps have objectives that need to be completed in order to win and that turning the game into a team deathmatch won't fix that?


As for this one particular game... you sucked at bombing the first door. If you were slaughtering them as you claim, you were probably doing something derpy like not watching the door bomber by CC'ing incoming interrupts... or perhaps nobody on your team was smart enough to try because they were too busy chasing free kills.


Guess you'll have to coordinate a little better.


I'm going to ask the Biodrones to stop posting in this thread.


Your rabid defense of this game's obvious failings will not cause the slow bleed of PvPers until GW2 releases which of course will then become an open wound.


Not sure that you fail to understand that while YES we didn't successfully plant a bomb: but NEITHER DID THEY!


When it is a TIE for both sides, why is the win not given to the team who performed the best?


WHAT is the tie breaker?

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This is PvP, not the United Nations: the team that performs better should get the win hands down.


Secondly, their dmg was lower because they had 4 healers. Thirdly, even with 4 healers - all above 300k minimum, they STILL had more deaths.


Your explanation isn't plausible at all.


Well while their explanation may not be plausible, neither is your reasoning.


Numbers account for nothing in any form of PvP in this game. There is not a single instance of doing more DPS or healing or tanking = an automatic win.


Focusing on that was your teams first mistake.


Your second mistake is your team obviously avoided CC because from your numbers it looks like your all some form of a tank. People cry and whine that they want skill in PvP and here is a prime example of using little to no skill and getting the reward, a loss. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that you are good at PvP and can recognize the healers in a game. You knew there were 4 yet you tried to overpower them with DPS. You saw the results, a tie (and if your a premade ... well lol then you should get the loss)


Finally, in regards to a team that as you stated "performed better", you did not perform better. Whoever capped more doors "performed better" as THIS is the goal of the scenario.



Wondering why you didn't win is an easy answer. It's because you didn't know how to in that particular game. Had you perhaps altered strategies and coordinated better you might have.

Edited by Zintair
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Focusing on that was your teams first mistake.


Where did it say my team focused on that? We focused on trying to plant bombs on offensive and defend our doors on defense. Hence why we have more objective points.


Try to stay with the class.


The rest of your post is just theoretical, non-factual bullcrap and you should be ashamed for typing that up instead of giving a REAL reason as to why in a TIE a LOSS was handed out to the team that performed BETTER than the other - across the board.

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