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Thinking about coming back


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Been gone since just after New Year, was wondering how the games doing, how it has improved if at all and has that damn ability lag been fixed?

Any new issues? Have they taken any of our beta advice and bug reports seriously?

Are they still catering to the pvp kids? Do a lot of the boss fights still put multiple users against one boss? Cuz that isht is Heroic!.....

Lastly what is the state of SWTOR? from Server balance to End Game with a side of any nerfs/buffs?


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How is it you are able to post if you didn't already come back? Or am I wrong in the assumption that only paying players can post on these forums?


Could be one of the people with issues with the installer/patches or have wiped it off their computer and not installed yet with a remaining sub.

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I got an email the otherday saying Khem Val Misses me and he wants me to come back.

It made think hey, maybe they are going to make better this franchsie we all like so much. So i figured before I got my hopes up or was disappointed i'd consult the community. Oops.

I been testing Hunter Blade. It's like Monster Hunter with a lot more features. They call me Asuma in there.

Edited by Jiraiya_Goketsu
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OP it is a little better. But still think 2 more months to iron out some more bugs and get more content.


Overall the game is on target with content for a game only a few months old.

Edited by Romiz
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I got an email the otherday saying Khem Val Misses me and he wants me to come back.

It made think hey, maybe they are going to make better this franchsie we all like so much. So i figured before I got my hopes up or was disappointed i'd consult the community. Oops.

I been testing Hunter Blade. It's like Monster Hunter with a lot more features. They call me Asuma in there.


you ask the forums where the least amount of people who like this game visit?


It's like going to New England and asking if they prefer the giants...

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Despite the obvious fact that you quit less than a month ago and are asking about the state of the game as though it's been a year.


They have actually implemented about 10 patches since then and two of them contained a few ability delay fixes.


Some of the issues have been noted for almost 6 mos. Granted it jdid ust released to the public. Thank you for some good info though!

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The mods are on the loose. They are deleting threads left after right that say something bad about the game and just trying to herd up all the people who dont like the game into one thread.


Try hard to not sound biased...


They are deleting EVERYTHING that isn't within their approved criteria, not just the negative ones.


If your logic was true, this would actually be a good place to visit.


But its not, is it?

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The mods are on the loose. They are deleting threads left after right that say something bad about the game and just trying to herd up all the people who dont like the game into one thread.


That is called proper moderation hate to tell you. Blizzard is the very worst for removing threads that are about other MMOs or against them. And they also give bans for talking about them.


Bioware is not doing the bans so feel happy.

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Hello there, Jiraiya_Goketsu! Welcome back.


We do have some great tools available for everyone to easily track the latest words from our development team. The first is our Developer Tracker, which lists the latest posts from developers, as well as our Community Managers and Coordinators.


Secondly, we have our new Community Blog that hosts not only patch notes, but in-depth posts from developers as well.


While we are closing this thread, we highly encourage anyone who would like to add on to the bug and suggestion lists to please do so in either (or both!) of the following threads:



Thank you!

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