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Marauders Need Work Seriously


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Anyone who says otherwise is simply a fool. Players should not need to wait until lvl 50 to be able to play their characters. This has absolutely nothing to do with ability. This class is by far the most seriously underskilled class in the game.


I have 3 other characters lvl 50 assassin, 33 operative, and 22 mercenary which I can all play reasonable. Assassin was hurting until he got champion gear and now he is ok. Other 2 classes are great. Marauder whom I now have at 33 has been the easier to lvl PVE and by far the worst to play in PVP.


Too easy to CC and repetative CC is ridiculous. Melee should not be stunned entire fight until dead. Knocked around like a rag doll is simply ridiculous. How the hell are you one bad *** MFer and get kicked around by a punch of punks and call yourself a warrior?


Damage abilities too slow to produce dmg in above situations. Really if Marauders are this easy to kill then they need to be able to produce tons more dmg in shorter period of time. Way to many combination skills that need to occur in sequence for any reasonably good player to be able to do. Buff abilities like predation take way too long to manifest in PVP. Yah predation is ready when I am at about 5% health. Ridiculous.


Marauders need a fix now not many patches from now. Give Marauders heavy armor, less ability to be CC, and less combination of skills required to produce results other wise this is a worthless class.


On a personal note anyone who says learn to play can shove it up their ***. I know how to play and have been kicking *** since October 1997 so my MMO history probably predates anyone here. So stick it :p

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Take a breath dude. Marauders are fine. PvP wasn't great till after 40, but it wasn't impossible either. It sounds to me like you have one or more problems. Your spec may not be suited to your play style, your play style may not be suited to the marauder class, or your gear is just terrible. This is all assuming you don't suck as a player, which I'll give you the benefit of the doubt on.
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This is a joke right? The only reason people focus Maras is because if you leave us alone we will wreck everything in sight?


Easily CC'd? Force Camo says hello.


Easy to kill? Cloak of Pain/Saber Ward and at higher level 99% damage reduction ability. Plus Predation which speeds you up 80% and gives 10% reduction to you and your party.


Plus the best buff in the game +15% damage and healing to everyone.


Sounds like you are playing as Carnage and crying that it's not working.


Honestly, PvP that isn't at level cap is going to suck for all classes, especially one that scales so well with gear. Maras at 50 with champ/BM gear are stupid good.


I really don't like going on a tirade about it, but there's so many bad maras that ***** and moan when it's a great class, and it has a high skill cap. It's not for everyone.

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since October 1997 so my MMO history probably predates anyone here. So stick it :p


Heh I agree with everything you said, bad class is bad but...



My first MMO was Kobra mud, and I was playng that in 1988, and NWN in '93. Kobra Mud was actually a text based star wars mmo.

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Players should not need to wait until lvl 50 to be able to play their characters.


lvl 50 assassin...which I can all play reasonable.


Assassin was hurting until he got champion gear




I know how to play


This has absolutely nothing to do with ability


You sure?


Yah predation is ready when I am at about 5% health.


Damage abilities too slow to produce dmg in above situations.


other wise this is a worthless class.


Too easy to CC and repetative CC is ridiculous. Melee should not be stunned entire fight until dead.


Way to many combination skills


Yeah, I don't think you do.


have been kicking *** since October 1997


Even if you started as very young kid(say, 13?), that makes you a reasonable age. And yet you're still making immature comments like


On a personal note anyone who says learn to play can shove it up their ***.


?(not to present myself otherwise, but I'm not the one claiming to be at least mid 20s) You'd think after 15 years of MMOs you'd have grown up by now. Regardless, if you've been playing that long, you should be smart enough to know that it means next to nothing.

Edited by Sayc
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Since when has a long history of playing mmo's made one beyond reproach when it comes to talking about skill? I've been playing mmo's for about 12 years now, but it would be arrogant of me to assume I knew it all when stepping into a new game.


Sure, the class archtypes are all there, but the abilities will be different. If you're playing your warrior exactly like you played your warrior in every other mmo, no wonder you're having trouble.


Learn some new tricks old dog.

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Take a breath dude. Marauders are fine. PvP wasn't great till after 40, but it wasn't impossible either. It sounds to me like you have one or more problems. Your spec may not be suited to your play style, your play style may not be suited to the marauder class, or your gear is just terrible. This is all assuming you don't suck as a player, which I'll give you the benefit of the doubt on.


Look why u are saying u say after lvl 40 its going to be ok



Hear what the op says hes talking about the class before lvl 40 and he don't Think its right that hé need to wait to 40 to have fun


Take 2 class assin vs marauders assin in. Pve gear or pvp vs marauder champ gear if the assin gets the jump on you and you All defence are on cooldowns u dead , and with you cooldowns up you have a small chance why the bost damge is so High from assin


I duel a really good assin and won 1 and lost 2

And i get 400k and 9 medels in WZ



Back to the topic the OP says this clas's sucks until hes 50 where the others class don't suck in pvp


Let tell u this my friend at 50 its not doing to be better When it comes to you geting knockback or cc or knock around like football


But you kill alot more players but A's soon you go vs premmade or really good players be rdy to be stuned to death and nr 1 reason why THE damn reslove bar don't work


I have 10 screen shots max bar and still stuned to death


So now i am only doing my 3 Wins and 30 lame *** kills and log off and wait for a raid

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Look why u are saying u say after lvl 40 its going to be ok



Hear what the op says hes talking about the class before lvl 40 and he don't Think its right that hé need to wait to 40 to have fun


Take 2 class assin vs marauders assin in. Pve gear or pvp vs marauder champ gear if the assin gets the jump on you and you All defence are on cooldowns u dead , and with you cooldowns up you have a small chance why the bost damge is so High from assin


I duel a really good assin and won 1 and lost 2

And i get 400k and 9 medels in WZ



Back to the topic the OP says this clas's sucks until hes 50 where the others class don't suck in pvp


Let tell u this my friend at 50 its not doing to be better When it comes to you geting knockback or cc or knock around like football


But you kill alot more players but A's soon you go vs premmade or really good players be rdy to be stuned to death and nr 1 reason why THE damn reslove bar don't work


I have 10 screen shots max bar and still stuned to death


So now i am only doing my 3 Wins and 30 lame *** kills and log off and wait for a raid


Please tell me english is not your first language.

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I said the pvp wasn't great till after 40, but I also said it wasn't impossible. Try reading what I wrote.


edit: I'm not going to even address the rest of that letter soup until you clean it up, trying to read that is making my eyes hurt.

Edited by AGoldCrayon
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Anyone who says otherwise is simply a fool. Players should not need to wait until lvl 50 to be able to play their characters. This has absolutely nothing to do with ability. This class is by far the most seriously underskilled class in the game.


I have 3 other characters lvl 50 assassin, 33 operative, and 22 mercenary which I can all play reasonable. Assassin was hurting until he got champion gear and now he is ok. Other 2 classes are great. Marauder whom I now have at 33 has been the easier to lvl PVE and by far the worst to play in PVP.


Too easy to CC and repetative CC is ridiculous. Melee should not be stunned entire fight until dead. Knocked around like a rag doll is simply ridiculous. How the hell are you one bad *** MFer and get kicked around by a punch of punks and call yourself a warrior?


Damage abilities too slow to produce dmg in above situations. Really if Marauders are this easy to kill then they need to be able to produce tons more dmg in shorter period of time. Way to many combination skills that need to occur in sequence for any reasonably good player to be able to do. Buff abilities like predation take way too long to manifest in PVP. Yah predation is ready when I am at about 5% health. Ridiculous.


Marauders need a fix now not many patches from now. Give Marauders heavy armor, less ability to be CC, and less combination of skills required to produce results other wise this is a worthless class.


On a personal note anyone who says learn to play can shove it up their ***. I know how to play and have been kicking *** since October 1997 so my MMO history probably predates anyone here. So stick it :p


anyone who says otherwise is a fool? harsh words comming from someone who is failing when so many are rocking... you wana bash on people who are better than you because after 15 years of mmo's you cant learn a class? lmao if teh other classes suit you more cus they are a 2 button mash machine, by all means play another.... meanwhile ill be eating your char for lunch withmy anni mara have a nice day

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This is a joke right? The only reason people focus Maras is because if you leave us alone we will wreck everything in sight?


Easily CC'd? Force Camo says hello.


I still get cc inside it


Easy to kill? Cloak of Pain/Saber Ward and at higher level 99% damage reduction ability. Plus Predation which speeds you up 80% and gives 10% reduction to you and your party.


Hello cooldowns zzzzzz 99% damge reduction sucks *** it cost 50% Heath A's soon u use it assins vanish wait 5 sec its of and open on you again and i dead Ofc it have help mé and its done its job , but its lame


Plus the best buff in the game +15% damage and healing to everyone.



So it heal for 200-300 When i get hit for 4000-6000


Sounds like you are playing as Carnage and crying that it's not working.


Honestly, PvP that isn't at level cap is going to suck for all classes, especially one that scales so well with gear. Maras at 50 with champ/BM gear are stupid good.


I really don't like going on a tirade about it, but there's so many bad maras that ***** and moan when it's a great class, and it has a high skill cap.



It'i dó fine in pvp but only 1 spec to go after All the other tress suck *** i i kill carange marauders and rage so fast



s not for everyone.



The class have problems out there and its sad

Edited by Aztian
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Anni really is the only way to go right now, Rage tree is way to predictable but if you just want to have fun and put up big numbers on a group go for it.


It truly comes down how you want to play, if you want to be competitive go anni if you want to have fun do *** you want to.


A good mara will have 25+ hot keys

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I really don't like going on a tirade about it, but there's so many bad maras that ***** and moan when it's a great class, and it has a high skill cap. It's not for everyone.


High skill cap where? Dude, you're delusional. Each spec revolves around 5 skills at best, the rest is situational filler.

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Take a breath dude. Marauders are fine. PvP wasn't great till after 40, but it wasn't impossible either. It sounds to me like you have one or more problems. Your spec may not be suited to your play style, your play style may not be suited to the marauder class, or your gear is just terrible. This is all assuming you don't suck as a player, which I'll give you the benefit of the doubt on.


Are you kidding look at my other post. The mobs of normal play and level of equal kick my butt. Its stupid. They are so under powered. My other level toon kill higher level mobs just fine. So there is a big problem here.

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I like that Marauders are slightly difficult in comparison to every other class. With that said I still want a grip. We need one to be PvP viable in rated WZs and beyond. At this point when 1.2 hits and I'm forming a rated WZ team you can bet I won't be taking any other Marauders. We shine when there's a large skill gap between us and our opponents but when against equally skilled opponents our viability falls apart. Powertechs pretty much bring everything we bring to the table plus grips, stuns, etc.. Edited by Tumri
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Anni really is the only way to go right now, Rage tree is way to predictable but if you just want to have fun and put up big numbers on a group go for it.


It truly comes down how you want to play, if you want to be competitive go anni if you want to have fun do *** you want to.


A good mara will have 25+ hot keys


I actually tried anni the other day, couldn't stand it, it just doesn't fit my play style. Rage might be predictable, but I have yet to find anyone that can consistently counter it. I felt so damn squishy as annihilate, and while my single target dps was good, I just feel more comfortable with rage. When jumping on a healer, I felt like it was a race against time to finish it off before I was eaten alive. As rage, when I jump on a healer, I am hoping to get as many people on me as I can just so I can take them down with the healer.


The biggest issue I think I had was that when dealing with CC's and stuns, its a race to reapply your bleeds and annihilator stacks before your rotation is thrown off. As rage, shockwave and crit buffs last long enough that I'm never thrown off far enough where I can't recover. That, and lacking the predation 100% uptime was something I couldn't get used to.





Are you kidding look at my other post. The mobs of normal play and level of equal kick my butt. Its stupid. They are so under powered. My other level toon kill higher level mobs just fine. So there is a big problem here.


a) you are doing it wrong. b) we're talking about pvp here.

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I'm sorry, but I may have to agree with the OP. First and foremost, you people who say "Oh Marauders are great, they're fine, stop whining etc etc" well I don't think you've played all classes at 50, pvp-wise.


I have a guild dedicated to PvP and PvE in Mandalore, and I was having fun with my operative. Maxed it out to 50, did PvP, got full champ set (except for 1 relic and implant). Now since me and my guildies are all friends IRL, we thought that maybe we can exchange accounts and just try PvP for like a week or 2. So we did, and ****, I got the Marauder of a friend of mine and I gotta say, it's *********** ****. He taught me the rotation of all 3 skill trees, and I liked Carnage the best. Only skill I loved was Gore. That's it. Maras have no CC at all, no stuns, etc. Heck my operative killed a juggernaut in 1 combo (though I don't know if he got champ set).


All of you who think that Marauders dont need any buff, fine by me, suit yourself being the weakest of all. You're all just egoistic that you think you can make marauders strong because of "skill". ********.

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Until you're almost 50 you have to be prepared to get your *** consistently handed to you in WZ's. The class is buggered and if you want to wreck people straight out the box, roll a sorc. By lvl 16 you get every skill you will ever require to dominate the wz's.



Marauders are assassins without stealth and the utility.

Edited by SwigMcJigger
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