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Anyone else feel MAJOR fixes are not coming fast enough?


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I think back to my (brief) time in Rift, and how the devs really seemed on the ball in at least addressing the community's concerns.


I don't feel the devs here really care much about the community's concerns. I'm sure they do, but I don't really see the evidence that they do.


My personal main conerns are low pop servers (as someone who has a 50 and a 30 on a low pop server that seems to be getting smaller), the 2006-era UI, lack of dual specs and lack of any sort of useful LFG tools. Oh, and perhaps the worst PvP system I've ever seen in an MMO.


Not high on my list are bug fixes, because bugs happen. Of course I want them fixed, but I'd actually like the core game to be better (ability delay and the awful "new" cooldown graphic that STILL has me not knowing if my 1 minute CDs are up yet).


I've rerolled both classes on a very populated server, and I have to say that the experience is a crap-ton better. But I also realized that I'm annoyed enough with various parts of the game that I really, REALLY don't want to redo what I've already done.


I also don't want to play on a low pop server (and while low, The Razor is far from the lowest).


What I really wanted was to play an MMO with loads of other people. Unfortunately that "Very Heavy" server I picked on launch day turned out to be a dud. I guess that would be bearable if there were any light at the end of the tunnel with regards to merges/free transfers off low servers, but not a word from a dev (at least on these forums).


I would have liked to have experienced PvP on Ilum in a scale a little bit larger than the 5v3 I've seen, but I've only got to grind 35 more levels on my new server to get to that point. I don't think I'll make it before that 1st paid month is over.


Maybe you should take the time to read the Patch notes for the PTR, the Dev Tracker and Blogs. They are fixing things....


And we don't need an LFG Tool...a Channel maybe but not a queue tool.


Dual spec isn't a must either...

Edited by Sireene
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Technically it's been much longer than 2 months if you include the beta period; however apparently the beta testers were complete morons because they kept telling QQers to shut up since "it's just a beta" and things would get miraculously fixed at retail.


So yea I don't really care if it's only been 2 months since retail. All this crap should have been fixed before release but instead they decided to push an unfinished product out before Christmas. Now you expect people to cut the devs some slack? F-that. I want this s#1t fixed right freakin now. Yea that includes faction balance, framerate issues, and ability delay (including animation delay). All of it. NAOW.

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I don't feel the devs here really care much about the community's concerns. I'm sure they do, but I don't really see the evidence that they do.


Not paying attention to the developer blogs and tracker and what they've already done in patches, eh? That's ok...neither are 99% of the rest of the people bellyaching like toddlers whose ice cream got taken.

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They know that any hope at success for that game is long gone. They tell us that they care so they can squeeze out as much money as possible before the game flops entirely.


Are you saying that it's the same case here? Because at this rate nothing is getting done and it's starting to feel like Bioware has the same mentality.


Seriously? They're fixing things every week...

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Technically it's been much longer than 2 months if you include the beta period; however apparently the beta testers were complete morons because they kept telling QQers to shut up since "it's just a beta" and things would get miraculously fixed at retail.


So yea I don't really care if it's only been 2 months since retail. All this crap should have been fixed before release but instead they decided to push an unfinished product out before Christmas. Now you expect people to cut the devs some slack? F-that. I want this s#1t fixed right freakin now. Yea that includes faction balance, framerate issues, and ability delay (including animation delay). All of it. NAOW.


You must be new to MMOs....This is par for the course and the game isn't broken and unfinished...Its got bugs but they don't make it unplayable at this point and every patch makes the game even better..


Also about ability Delay


asses and Combat



Improved response time for ability activation requests in low-framerate situations.

Implemented further improvements to ability responsiveness and client-side anticipation of ability executions.

The activation bar now appears at the correct time (when the activation of an ability begins) and disappears when activation is complete.

If Sprint was active when a player died, it now remains active when the player is revived.

Abilities on cooldown are now more easily distinguished from abilities that can be used.


EDIT: Sorry, double post.

Edited by Mormack
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A. It's not been 2 months.


B. Read other parts of the forums and website, etc., than just the forums QQ ragequit festival. You'll see that BW has stated several times that they are workin on fixes to a LOT of the comlpaints that likely fall into the very vague and purposefully designed to create more disappointment and rage QQing description of "major."


Why does it matter what they tell us they're working on if nothing gets done? They also said that the warzone bug was fixed last patch. But it wasn't, and they pulled a sneaky trick and outright removed it from the patch notes without a word.

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Each and every patch has contained bug fixes and continued optimization for specific issues as those issues are duplicated and fixed. If the game is unplayable for you, then un-sub and come back later to see if they fixed your specific issue.


I personally think they are making progress. I have not run into any issues that would cause me to un-sub, but this is the kind of thing that each person must decide for themselves.

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Seriously? They're fixing things every week...


Seriously? Half the things in the last patch had to be removed from the notes because they were NEVER fixed (some are still in the notes AND not fixed - such as the new GCD animation bug)

Edited by Esaru
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Seriously? Half the things in the last patch had to be removed because they were NEVER fixed (some are still in the notes AND not fixed - such as the new GCD animation bug)

While I realize that this is the internet and people will pull 'facts' from the darkest of places, this is patently incorrect as well as being completely misleading.

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While I realize that this is the internet and people will pull 'facts' from the darkest of places, this is patently incorrect as well as being completely misleading.


LOL how do you figure? I don't have time to pull up the patch notes now but not only is the GCD bug still there, the WZ bug is still there (and it WAS in the notes, whether you specifically saw it before they pulled it out or not).


Nothing misleading or 'patently incorrect' (lol) about it. You're just being willfully ignorant

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LOL how do you figure? I don't have time to pull up the patch notes now but not only is the GCD bug still there, the WZ bug is still there (and it WAS in the notes, whether you specifically saw it before they pulled it out or not).


Nothing misleading or 'patently incorrect' (lol) about it. You're just being willfully ignorant


Well if they pulled it out, they obviously didn't fix and didn't want to advertise that they did....Sounds pretty responsible and like they're working on it...


Also read over 1.1.2 and see all the bugs they are fixing there.

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Well if they pulled it out, they obviously didn't fix and didn't want to advertise that they did....Sounds pretty responsible and like they're working on it...


Also read over 1.1.2 and see all the bugs they are fixing there.


And what about the plethora of other 'fixes' that are not fixed?



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all you people that disagree, your full of **** and need to hop up off of biowares dick, its completly and totally OBVIOUS that this game has ALOT of work left, and he is right, not much has changed since launch, woohoo they can fix things that cause people to freeze, they are attempting to balance classes.... what.. else have they done? NOTHING, they fix things that are preventing people from playing the game.. they dont fix anything else, your blind if you dont see this, im tierd of hearing about *in the next x-pack*... why so we can spent another 60 bucks on an mmo that still gunna have a ton of problems and need fixes that arnt coming til the next x-pack after that? **** every patch more things go wrong than what were wrong to begin with, bioware is doing a horrible job at this and should never have made an mmo for the computer... scratch that, its more like a single-player game with the occacional 3 people you see in each zone you go to level in, open your eyes and youll see what bioware truly is... FAIL


inb4 ban


But anyway, I don't see this. I see my experience getting better and smoother every patch.




And what about the plethora of other 'fixes' that are not fixed?






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LOL how do you figure? I don't have time to pull up the patch notes now but not only is the GCD bug still there, the WZ bug is still there (and it WAS in the notes, whether you specifically saw it before they pulled it out or not).


Nothing misleading or 'patently incorrect' (lol) about it. You're just being willfully ignorant

1.1.1 had over 40 individual fixes in it. The very last patch was a server side one to help with freezes.


At no time has BW said that the fixes would alleviate everyone's issues, what they have said is that it should help the issue. It certainly did for me. 1.1.2 also has additional fixes in it as regards the GCD. As far as warzone bugs, you'll need to take the time to be much more specific, or else I'll stand by what I said.


The fact that 1.1.1 had over 40 items listed means that even if they removed one from the list, that would be 2.5% bug fix 'retraction', which is much less than 'half'.

Edited by Calimwulf
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Not paying attention to the developer blogs and tracker and what they've already done in patches, eh? That's ok...neither are 99% of the rest of the people bellyaching like toddlers whose ice cream got taken.


Actually, yes, I do pay attention to that stuff.


The last patch - notes said the warfront quest bug fixed.


Within 30 minutes of the servers coming up people started reporting it NOT fixed (since it wasn't).


It took them 36 hours to reply that "the note was a mistake".


Oh, and the performance blog they took over a week to "formulate"? Basic settings tweaks that anyone with the ability to open the performance settings tab already knew, and boiled down to "your CPU isn't good enough to handle this game", when my own CPU NEVER gets to 100% usage while playing, my RAM never goes full 100% full, and my graphics card doesn't either.


Oh, and for you who say there's no need for an LFG tool or dual specs - play on a dead server, where you could (as of a week ago) be online and there be exactly ONE level 50 healer online. But meh, no need, right?

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as a programmer i can tell you its not easy to fix a bug even if you have many ppl looking into the problem.But the truth is that bioware is not cut out for mmo and the proof is the 1st mmo that lunched.We all know what that is.They think that making rage ppl on forum happy will make the game better.They do develop patches faster than any mmo i seen but they do wrong patches.These patches fix nothing and will continue like this until it goes f2p trust me i will be here to see it.
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Why does it matter what they tell us they're working on if nothing gets done? They also said that the warzone bug was fixed last patch. But it wasn't, and they pulled a sneaky trick and outright removed it from the patch notes without a word.


Again, read patch notes. Within a month they've addressed and begun addressing a whole slew of issues people have raised...mostly rudely.

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as a programmer i can tell you its not easy to fix a bug even if you have many ppl looking into the problem.But the truth is that bioware is not cut out for mmo and the proof is the 1st mmo that lunched.We all know what that is.They think that making rage ppl on forum happy will make the game better.They do develop patches faster than any mmo i seen but they do wrong patches.These patches fix nothing and will continue like this until it goes f2p trust me i will be here to see it.


Hey man, I need to put lottery numbers in, can I borrow your crystal ball?

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2 months out in a game with a large number of bugs should see a large number of massive bug fixes, not the minor stuff we are seeing.



And I feel that I should be able to do what I like for the rest of my life, and never have to work again. I should also get whatever I want, whenever I want. I shouldn't have to deal with the discourtesy of other people, while also being able to be as discourteous as I like whenever it is most convenient for me. Other people should not disagree with me, ever.


But wait, this is real life, friend. You can say how it "should" be all you like. You may even be right at times. That doesn't mean it's feasible.

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What I find most funny about this thread, is that the only MAJOR bug seems to be the warzone related, that the win doesn't count towards the daily...


Hey, people, that's not a major bug, that's a minor nuisance. It doesn't stop you playing in ANY way whatsoever. It's annoying, sure, but again, it doesn't PREVENT you from doing ANYTHING. Unlike MANY things that have been fixed.

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Hey man, I need to put lottery numbers in, can I borrow your crystal ball?


Funny but i was a player of the first mmo bioware made and i must tell you this game is like that 100% so yea sorry to disapoint you but what i say its true.

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