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Warzone Tricks, Hints, and Tips


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Similar to consulars/inquisitors speeding across the gap in the second area of voidstar, Knights/Warriors can leap to a target across, though only if they're standing in the middle area, or else the force fields will prevent you from being able to target them. Edited by Khadroth
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here are images showing what I was talking about.


Here is me hiding on Alderaan. I can see any incoming enemies, but they can't really see me until they're right there. http://i108.photobucket.com/albums/n28/TasmanS/hidingonAlderaan.jpg


Here is me capping the bridge on Voidstar. You can see a teammate of mine doing the same, but he/she is far more exposed and more likely to be knocked off the cap.




Hope these help.

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Hello hello.

Every advanced class except power techs and operatives (sorry you two) get a knock back, and every advanced class can knock opponents off the bridge in the second area.

Marauders dont have knockback. Juggs have, probably.

Both Marauders and Juggs can Force Charge so replace Juggs with Sith Warriors.

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Thanks guys for the updates and thanks to the admins for getting this stickied, much easier for newer players to reference the material.


I will try to update as much as I can from the new posts tonight, I am leaving town this weekend so will make more updates next week.

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here are images showing what I was talking about.


Here is me hiding on Alderaan. I can see any incoming enemies, but they can't really see me until they're right there. http://i108.photobucket.com/albums/n28/TasmanS/hidingonAlderaan.jpg


Here is me capping the bridge on Voidstar. You can see a teammate of mine doing the same, but he/she is far more exposed and more likely to be knocked off the cap.




Hope these help.


Thanks so much for pictures, I've added these.

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I don't get how you jump the gap in the second area of Voidstar... first there are the red walls that prevent you from going through, second I've never even come close to jumping that far with force sprint on. Enlighten me please.


I've only successfully done it twice. Basically if you spawn as an attack and just go straight, there is an extended area between the gap. If you time it perfectly you can force speed then jump and make it to the other end. I mostly die when trying to do this but have done it successfully a couple times.


I'll try to find a video of it.


Found a video:




Will add it to front page.

Edited by Delavager
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What about the bit about running ahead of the damn ball carrier.


Pas to me im at full health!

Why the hell aren't you in front of me? if you are behind me i'm passing backwards which is better than dying and giving up the ball but still losing ground.


It happens all the time.

Get the ball look ahead for someone to pass to and there is no one there.

meanwhile the enemy is passing from the ramps to the end zone because they do have some one there.


This is in the 101 guide although it does not have emphasis it should i have i think.

Teams that pass ahead win.


But there is good information here.

Edited by CrunchyGremlin
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since we are talking about throwing away the ball you might also mention the bit about cloaking the ball away.


this is same as passing nowhere but generally easier/faster.


Its also good to mention that having force speed and cloak near the same keys is inadvisable.


I have at least once went for speed and fat fingered cloak at the end zone.


Very very embarrassing.

Edited by CrunchyGremlin
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add all the tips and tricks you want..pvp here makes no sense..kind of pointless when 99% of all pvp or "WARZONES" as they have dubbed them here.. Are same faction fights..


I dont know of any warzone where one set of troops sat fighting one another. Sith masters didnt fight each other unless it was to advance in the ranks of the sith!


until there is some kind of faction sperator put into place as well as brackets for levels pvp in tor is pointless.


Maybe some arena?


I refuse to attack my own faction so when its imp v imp im in a corner somewhere avoiding everyone else!


Kind of a pain in the butt.. i try to get excited... However you do not see Horde v Horde..


Inner faction fighting is pointles its not war its a training ground may as well rename the entire thing to clarify it... Enter training grounds as solo or 4 player <--what a joke team.


You should as a guild be able to run a team in pvp instead of random players..

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add all the tips and tricks you want..pvp here makes no sense..kind of pointless when 99% of all pvp or "WARZONES" as they have dubbed them here.. Are same faction fights..



I applaud your devotion to RP.

Or you can come play republic where republic vs republic is very rare.


I tell you that my feeling is that republic hutball enemies are harder than empire enemies.

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One thing that I did not see mention are in Huttball, if you are a Vanguard/Powertech or Shadow/Assassin and you are standing on the respawn ledge, you can pull the ball carrier up to the ledge instantly killing them and causing the ball to respawn in the middle.
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One thing that I did not see mention are in Huttball, if you are a Vanguard/Powertech or Shadow/Assassin and you are standing on the respawn ledge, you can pull the ball carrier up to the ledge instantly killing them and causing the ball to respawn in the middle.


Not anymore :) they fixed it in last patch from what I know.

Edited by LordMarvelpl
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Here is a tip for Civil War.


Suppose your team is trying to take enemy's turret. You came to help and see the fighting is going on pretty far from the turret with no defenders close to the gun itself.

Go to the gun and try to take it. There is a chance that enemy is so busy trying to kill your team that they will not notice what you are doing.

Edited by Gelious
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Add something more to CW please...


left gun is closest to the nose of the republic ship which, correct me if I am wrong is, west and grass.


And a general tip about the minimap being that the top of the mini map can be said to be north. So you can quickly get your bearings by seeing which way you face on the minimap.

Edited by CrunchyGremlin
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