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Sage/Sorc needs a nerf!!


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Potions have a cooldown. Abilities that recovered significant amounts of mana in other MMOs typically have long cooldowns.


Not something that's spammable. Again, they're so overpowered they can't even see a problem with stuff like this and just assume that's the way it is for everyone.


funny thing is our recovery ability DOESN'T recover a significant amount of mana, and neither does this game have "mana pots."


Our force recovery from consumption + regular regeneration after the GCD gives us enough force to cast ONE SINGLE dark infusion (the long heal). Things are very different in a PvP situation since heal is not constantly necessary because damage is not constantly done. Whenever he gets away and gains distance, there is really no need and no opportunity to spam force-intensive big heals (which will deplete our force in ~15 seconds if spammed). A good sorcerer that knows how to abuse the terrain and utilize their abilities will have plenty of time to use GCD to recover force or just let force slowly regenerate while running.


In PvE, this is very different. But i'm not going to go into it.


You're justification for consumption ("unlimited force") and/or our utilities is the fact that YOU cannot kill a geared healing sorcerer. Because YOU cannot kill him, he is overpowered. Even though he in return cannot kill you either.


People seem to be stuck in this mindset that in a 1v1 fight, DPS should always beat a healer. People then assign a duration as to which the kill should take for the healing class to be "balanced." 20 seconds? 30 seconds? 2 minutes? After what they think is reasonable under the circumstances and when frustration begins to set in, they throw out the word - "unkillable" and "overpowered."


If a good marauder cannot "eventually" kill a healing sorcerer of similar gear/skill, that marauder is probably doing something wrong.


^ See how i just made a categorical statement? Yeah.

Edited by Acyu
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on my server we all gang BH and Inq and always come out on top. Its obvious whos OP in pvp. and we all know it, the others on here just making excuses. Its like the dev team favors certain classes- maybe they are all inq too, dont see any nerf coming soon. :D
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Don't give me that crap. I used EVERY tool at my disposal and every interrupt I could.


The Sorc also used every CC and escape tool at his disposal. You can't stop them.


Correction, YOU cannot stop them. Just using your full aresnal doesn't mean you use it well. :rolleyes:

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on my server we all gang BH and Inq and always come out on top. Its obvious whos OP in pvp. and we all know it, the others on here just making excuses. Its like the dev team favors certain classes- maybe they are all inq too, dont see any nerf coming soon. :D


You're right. We wont

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According to server stats on release sorcs/sages had highest population on release, followed by knights and then the others...


You say they need to be looked at because of total damage, however again, they have little to no way to survive one on one, only in group combat.


And at the start of WoW Paladin was the most played class on alliance side while being one of the weakest in PvP only being able to kill something with a 5 minute CD.

So what does your post prove? Nothing in terms of PvP balance, that is fore sure.

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Correction, YOU cannot stop them. Just using your full aresnal doesn't mean you use it well. :rolleyes:


I know how to play my class. They simply have too many tools at their disposal, and are not as squishy as everyone would like you to believe.


And at the start of WoW Paladin was the most played class on alliance side while being one of the weakest in PvP only being able to kill something with a 5 minute CD.

So what does your post prove? Nothing in terms of PvP balance, that is fore sure.


The most played class was Rogue. On both sides.

Edited by EternalFinality
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Playing as vanguard (tank) in 1v1 I dont seem to have a problem with Sorc ... Interrupt / gut / high impact when its up and repeat ... if you were to add me versus 4x sorc then yeah its death!


At the end of the day its simple! Make sure your grouped then you have a fighting chance!

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Coz they outgear you. If you can't beat a sage or a sorc in similar gear then you need to learn to. It's not difficult, and if you need to come to the forums and ask for a class nerf then you are more than likely lacking in gear, skill or experience or all three .


I play a sorc as my main (lvl50 , 65 valor) and doing that would just "OP" us even more. We would be able to get all 18 medals and them people would cry about us even more. I have played all classes to at least lvl 30. All i have to say is that there is no OP class. Just read the forums "BH is op, OP is op, SNIPER is op (can hit 5k at lvl 16), JUGG are ops they have too many stuns, Mara are op they can do insane dps and disapper, POwertech are op and etc

just learn how to play your class and don't whine. FInd some buddies make a premade and learn tactics about each situation.


What they have to fix is the Open pvp and the stupid bugs that this games , and not nerf classes that dont need nerfing.

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And this doesn't take into account that all of their damage bypasses almost all types of armor and defenses.



Wrong. It doesnt bypass at all. The only things that bypass armour are affliction (18sec DOT for like 100-200 a tick) crushing darkness (will hit for about 1000-2000 over 6 seconds and has a 15 second cooldown) death field (have to spec into it, click and place aoe will hit three people, 15 second cooldown) creeping terror (31pts talent 1000-2000 over 18seconds) and thundering blast (another 31pts talents) The most anyone can have is 4.


So no where near every spell..... Now lets think, you have this really easy to research infomation very very wrong (which damage type bypass armour is in everyones tooltip) could everything else in your post be based on assumption and incorrect information. Oh it is no need to actually go over all your wrong points.

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People cry about sorcs because they are the most played class. Also they share the same class as the 2nd most played class in the game, the assassin. When people link ss's of 7 inquisitors, 1/2 of them are assassins (protip: sorcs don't protect)


If you look at the forums, or more important the metrics, you would know that the game is pretty well balanced atm. There are a few classes that some of my guildies think are slightly over tweaked *cough* sentinel *cough* but that is purely subjective and irrelevant.


Everyone has a good role in group pvp (which the game is balanced for) and your gameplay dynamically changes depending on your setup. Currently I'm fond of our two sentinel, tank, healer setup. The melee pain train is very strong with this group.


If you are pugging and have no healer, ranged classes are incredible OP because everyone has the 'I need to survive mentality' and don't trust their team mates. You see that are melee too scared to attack a healer and sit out of a fight making it 3v4 instead of 4v4. You can't balance pvp around this. So go make some friends, and play your class to it's potential.

Edited by Orangerascal
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Just my 2 cents.


I play a Sniper, arguably one of the squishiest classes of the game. I have no trouble taking down a sorc; if they're an average player.

Laze > Snipe > Ambush > Explosive Probe > Interrogation Probe > Takedown.


That being said anybody with a little PvP sense and class knowledge just Force lifts/force speed followed by heal + bubble. Which leaves most my 'hard hitting' abilities on CD, and the sorc up to reasonable hp.


All the sorc has to do it DoT and play the LoS game behind a pillar because I have to be stationary for 1.5 sec to do any decent damage.


This on top of the continuous lightning + ability to 'hybrid' spec, it calls for a nerf imo.

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Just my 2 cents.


I play a Sniper, arguably one of the squishiest classes of the game. I have no trouble taking down a sorc; if they're an average player.

Laze > Snipe > Ambush > Explosive Probe > Interrogation Probe > Takedown.


So you state you have to no problems killing sorcs


That being said anybody with a little PvP sense and class knowledge just Force lifts/force speed followed by heal + bubble. Which leaves most my 'hard hitting' abilities on CD, and the sorc up to reasonable hp.


So you're complaning against someone who has all their cooldowns up, and you don't use your 'break free' ability ? You can have the better mez tool in the form of flash bang which I will gladly trade force list for. Lastly you can reposition. If you're one of those snipers just hits cover once and turrets, then you will lose.


All the sorc has to do it DoT and play the LoS game behind a pillar because I have to be stationary for 1.5 sec to do any decent damage.


This on top of the continuous lightning + ability to 'hybrid' spec, it calls for a nerf imo.


Do you wonder why the sorc needs to LOS you? ... because in a ranged vs ranged fight your dps >> his dps.


You're a turret, while the sorc is LOSing and not dpsing, you still are. It's not a 1v1 game it's a group game. Your job is to prevent sorcs from doing theirs and provide suppression fire on healers/rdps or dps the melee clump.

Edited by Orangerascal
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i'm sry my friend but you propably don't have the same gear as they do.

i play a sage and trust me i have the same issue with troopers, tanks and imperial agents that have higher gear than me. they do 5k dmg on character so i'm dead in 2-3 spells. btw the highest dmg i can deal atm using champions saber is 2300-3000dmg, not to mention the reason playing casters is because they always have high dmg burst and die pretty fast, but they also need to have casts that keep the enemy far.

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Sages/Sorcs are ridiculously overpowered. Too much mitigation and healing for the damage they do. Where's the glass in glass cannon?


My Dirty Fighting Scoundrel has 0 chance of beating them equally geared. He'll end up in close to full hitpoints when I go down. There's a big issue with Dirty Fighting Smugglers that needs to be addressed and OP Sages and Sorcs just make it worse.


Actually the whole Consular/Inquisitor class is OP.


It no wonder 50+% of every warzone I'm in is made up of them. The numbers speak for themselves.

Edited by TrikkiOne
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And this doesn't take into account that all of their damage bypasses almost all types of armor and defenses.


your whole post is so damn wrong...

i think the most obvious proof four your lack of knowledge about sorcs/sages is the above. all our spells are mitigated by armor except the weak long time dot weakend mind, the skillable spell "force in balance" and the two 31 skilalble spells. except for the dot all have quite a long cd and are not spamed.


i don't think it would make any sense going deeper into details why the rest of your post is simply wrong and absurd.

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ima sorc and you kno who I focus FIRST? other sorcs because they die the FASTEST


true story. i play sentinel and sage and especially with sentinal it is fun going for sorcs. run to them, slow them and when you get the push back jump back. and being watchman they basically are melting in seconds while they can't cast much due to short kick cd.


when i play sage i am looking paranoid around me to see incoming marauders to have a chance of escaping or hurting them long enough before they come over me. for this it is vital to get a tactically good position on the map.

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I have no troubles killing any of the Inquisitors on my Vanguard (ok its only level 34 so sub 49 bracket), but I drop every sorc I see. Hammer Shot, Explosive Round until I get in range, then cycle my abilities to DPS them, they try to heal/WW me I interupt, they try again I cryo grenade to interupt/cc, they try to run I harpoon them right back to me. With 25% damage reduction, 8 sec CC immunity, purge, a 4 second interupt/lockout with a 5 sec rut..... Yeah, Sorc's are dropping easy. My main is a sorc, so I know what abilities to interupt. Then again, I also have 50%+ Absorb, so they hit me for very little damage.


Deffinate learn to place issues, learn to gear issues too I guess.

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The massive population of sorc/sages are like an unstoppable lobby machine now. They have well known talking points like "if you cannot kill me 1v1 you need to l2p your class" and all the other nonsense they write. They are the largest player base and so can lobby for their class and theory craft about how easily they can be beaten to try and protect their overpowered status.


Just give up the fight and play a sorc/sage guys. If you do not want to join the ranks of the overpowered deal with it.


Operatives were a minority class so they were able to get nerfed but the larger population of sorc/sage class obviously have a larger community to BS in threads, troll l2p, and basically campaign to keep their class OP.

Edited by mandrillagon
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