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Marauders and Force Camouflage


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You must never have raided before if you think that something after you changing targets when you Vanish is a revolutionary act of heresy.


You must have never done Soa

There is a difference between dropping boss/mob aggro and dropping aggro of lightening balls in Soa

You'll understand once you do it

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You must have never done Soa

There is a difference between dropping boss/mob aggro and dropping aggro of lightening balls in Soa

You'll understand once you do it


I have done it. The lightning balls lock on to you and, when you Camo, they go to someone else.


That's not a new concept. Should it announce who it targets to prevent mass casualties? Probably, but it's clear the encounter wasn't designed with vanishing in mind. Or, at least, the fight wasn't scripted well enough to announce the new target.

Edited by Kibaken
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I have done it. The lightning balls lock on to you and, when you Camo, they go to someone else.


That's not a new concept. Should it announce who it targets to prevent mass casualties? Probably, but it's clear the encounter wasn't designed with vanishing in mind. Or, at least, the fight wasn't scripted well enough to announce the new target.


So you do accept that it is a revolutionary act of heresy when you Vanish in that part of EV. Guess you must never have raided before.


You must never have raided before if you think that something after you changing targets when you Vanish is a revolutionary act of heresy.
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So you do accept that it is a revolutionary act of heresy when you Vanish in that part of EV. Guess you must never have raided before.


I'm stating that it's nothing new and am not in the least surprised that it acts the way it does. Hence the "revolutionary act of heresy." Similar things have happened in similar situations in the past, I don't know why people are surprised their aggro dump causes something to drop aggro on their target.


Designed to be the way it is or not I wouldn't have even considered blowing Camo just to negate any confusion, and if I wanted to test it I wouldn't have been surprised that it didn't work.


Reading comprehension on this forum is abysmal.

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You must never have raided before if you think that something after you changing targets when you Vanish is a revolutionary act of heresy.


Sorry, must have missed the "800 Raid hours required to post in forums" line when I signed up.

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Sorry, must have missed the "800 Raid hours required to post in forums" line when I signed up.


You really don't even need raid experience; it's simple logic.


Something is coming after me I'm going to use my aggro drop ability. Whether that be a boss or an add it's going to start attacking something else.


Should it actually drop aggro/should it give another raid warning is a different question, but being aware of the outcome is quite obvious with a bit of foresight.

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You really don't even need raid experience; it's simple logic.


Something is coming after me I'm going to use my aggro drop ability. Whether that be a boss or an add it's going to start attacking something else.


Should it actually drop aggro/should it give another raid warning is a different question, but being aware of the outcome is quite obvious with a bit of foresight.


Uhh...have you read the OP or just jumped in to derail? We're saying the exact same thing: Force Camo is too sitational and not always useful.

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I'm stating that it's nothing new and am not in the least surprised that it acts the way it does. Hence the "revolutionary act of heresy." Similar things have happened in similar situations in the past, I don't know why people are surprised their aggro dump causes something to drop aggro on their target.


Designed to be the way it is or not I wouldn't have even considered blowing Camo just to negate any confusion, and if I wanted to test it I wouldn't have been surprised that it didn't work.


Reading comprehension on this forum is abysmal.


indeed it is.


Camo is very useful as it drops threat by alot, we need that. In pvp, going invis for 4 seconds is plenty of time. If your not using the ability several times in a single run/instance/etc, your not utilizing the maximum potential your class is capable of. Of course its situational, just like 90% of a marauders abilties, its just not as situational as people think it is. It is very useful.


For that one fight that the aggro resets on, thats a flaw in the way the mechanics of that fight work, and im sure it will be corrected, that doesnt mean its the marauders fault, or force camo's, BW didnt think about that fight with Camo in mind. Ive seen it happen in other mmos countless times.

Edited by AcaciaDragon
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Uhh...have you read the OP or just jumped in to derail? We're saying the exact same thing: Force Camo is too sitational and not always useful.


Drifted through the thread and noticed the complaints about Camo on Soa and am simply giving my two cents about it.


It's main purpose is an aggro dump, which by nature is situational. Disregarding that, using it in for the sole purpose of the specced damage reduction without regarding the innate threat dump is silly.


That is simply the point I was trying to make. To make you feel better,



So i've been fifty for a month now and I'm really starting to wonder if something is wrong with force camouflage. Not that it doesn't work properly, it does i suppose... You don't always go invis when you need to right then but that may be a server lag issue and i've seen less of that lately.


As soon as you hit it you disappear to other people; the animation only plays for you.


The supposed utility seems lacking for this move since it has very limited uses, you have to spec into it in order for it to be anything other than just 4 seconds of invisibility/threat reset... And those skill points are in the two PvE trees for some reason, adding zero of that extra utility to the apparent "PvP" tree.


Annihilation and Carnage are both phenomenal for PvP as well as PvP; pigeon-holing them into PvP/PvE only specs is your first mistake.


For the PvE side it isn't a 4-second threat dump, it's a complete threat dump that happens to last 4 seconds. You don't get any threat back when it finishes. For PvP it's meant to break LoS and a forced target drop.


What i'm here to talk about is that 30% bonus movement speed. Do any of you actually feel faster while you're stealthed for that measly 4 seconds? Aside from it feeling like its way too short (no way to make it longer either) and the skills points being located in the wrong random trees... Most of all i really feel like i'm not moving fast enough for the short duration.


Yes, I do feel the difference; even as Carnage. You should be using it as a last-ditch o-**** button followed by Predation in order to get to a heal pick-up as soon as possible. Learning how to out-smart where your opponent thinks you're going to appear out of stealth is a trait that takes a while to perfect but is vital to fully utilizing Camo.


Can't truly use it to sneak up on somebody unless they didnt see you in the first place.


Isn't meant for that; we're not a stealth class.


Can't use it to get away unless you either have an escape really close or you have the skills pts to either remove movement impairing effects (which doesnt include immobilize for some reason) or to prevent all dmg taken for 4 seconds.


1) Use it when the root/snare breaks or LoS to help snares break off before using it. Annihilation and Carnage both suffer mobility wise while Rage gets another 10m Charge; You don't need any Camo utility.


Plus i really honestly think that they take 15% movement speed off because you're stealthed. Making that 30% movement speed actually 15%... I don't have frame rate or comparison evidence but i've had people with just sprint on moving faster than me while stealthed... maybe they had other buffs but this move just feels so lacking...


Sprint is 35%, Camo is 30%. They're moving faster than you because it gives a larger bonus.


So does anyone else think they should either A) make force camouflage last longer or B) increase the movement speed to make it worth being stealthed for only 4 sec on a 45 sec cd...


thoughts please :)


No. It has a purpose and it does it well; a threat dump in PvE and a target-dropping get-away ability for PvP. We are not a stealth class; getting it at all is extremely lucky and, in some instances, overpowered. I cannot tell you the amount of times I Camo as Undying Rage falls off and sneak to a health pick-up in order to come in to finish a kill.

Edited by Kibaken
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Kibaken, the only reason you initially jumped into the thread was to say, "Well duh!".


You've said it, so feel free to move along and allow us to continue our previous discussion. It's like you're getting angry at people for discussing Force Camo's mechanics during an encounter. At this point you are just arguing for the sake of arguing. We will endeavour to make your forum trolling experience more pleasurable from this point onwards.




But back on topic, Force Camo is godly. Annihilation's talent for it seems to be good for both PVP and PVE, whereas I can't think of many PVE encounters where Carnage's CC removal can be useful.

Edited by Angelfeeties
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Kibaken, the only reason you initially jumped into the thread was to say, "Well duh!".


You've said it, so feel free to move along and allow us to continue our previous discussion. It's like you're getting angry at people for discussing Force Camo's mechanics during an encounter. At this point you are just arguing for the sake of arguing. We will endeavour to make your forum trolling experience more pleasurable from this point onwards.




But back on topic, Force Camo is godly. Annihilation's talent for it seems to be good for both PVP and PVE, whereas I can't think of many PVE encounters where Carnage's CC removal can be useful.


Reading comprehension on this forum is abysmal.


indeed it still is.

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