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Strongest 1v1 classes in pvp


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who cares?

I know what you are thinking, I have heard it for 6 years playing WoW, "PvP isn't balanced around 1v1" well my little gnome buddy that is all I care about, I will not play a class that is weak 1v1, I don't care if this class is the KING of team play.


I will go thought months of making alts to find the strongest class in 1v1, only because 1v1 is everything IMO, it showcases personal player skill vs only being effective in comps or team play, it lets me play how I want and went I want rather then waiting for my team to log on so I can be effective.


The whole 1v1 isn't balanced, only group PvP matters is utter bull crap and only unskilled players use that argument, for me if all classes are balanced as close as one can get them to 1v1 then team vs team would be even more balanced, only lazy development will balance PvP around team play.

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I really have no idea how you actually get 1v1 in WZs unless you talk to an enemy and agree to meet up in an obscure spot in the middle of nowhere. 1on1 usually means 'I'm attacking this guy and he's attacking me'. I consistently lose to the top 2 geared Marauders by this definition since both of these marauders never go anywhere without a BM geared merc healer behind them. So yeah it'd be pretty weird to ever win in such a situation though I can definitely get the Marauder low enough to use Undying Rage before he gets healed back up.


The strongest practical 1on1 is probably the Merc/Commando healer (at least with some enough points to get interrupt immunity) because your enemy doesn't die, you'll eventually die.

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This argument is know as begging the question, a rather obvious fallacy that any first year college student should know. Are you saying that all good players are mentally challenged?


Or perhaps just ignorant in basic logic?



Evaluating problems and seeing imperfections, and offering constructive criticism is part of Critical Thinking, something that Science does on a regular basis. Perhaps anyone with a brain is a "bad"...lol


Following the rules without question is what good slaves do. Just because someone complains does not mean they are bad, they might simply have a head on their shoulders and want to see the game improved. Just because some peoples complaints are unjustified is irrelevant.


If your car broke down 2 weeks after you drove it off the lot, would you complain? If you would your a bad! If you disagree with me your a bad!


See we can all play the logical fallacy game.


you are trying to take it all and spin it in your own way, so ill spell it out for you....


the game is fine, fix the bugs and learn to play it.......it does not need to be changed


players need to change, they need to apply themselves to get better


until you know every single cooldown from every single class, and then apply those variables and create the solution with your given variables you will be bad. whenevrr you are on a battlefield you not only play your class but you play your opponents, you watch there resources, and what abilities they do, you then start your own timers so you know when there cooldowns are coming back around and you can then counter said cooldown. the quicker people master there own class, master every class, the better they will become.


and for the guy who said sents/mara have to sacrifice half there hp / use guarded by the force when they r losing are wrong....often times in 1v2 and 1v3's when i do find myself low on hp or getting low on hp ill often pop v. call, pop zen, then pop guarded by force at 10% hp, drop to 5%, then pop the rakata medpack on top of the zen heals and be back up to around 40% hp and have immuntiny to damage for about 4 more seconds while i dps

Edited by Vegathegreat
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I really have no idea how you actually get 1v1 in WZs unless you talk to an enemy and agree to meet up in an obscure spot in the middle of nowhere. 1on1 usually means 'I'm attacking this guy and he's attacking me'. I consistently lose to the top 2 geared Marauders by this definition since both of these marauders never go anywhere without a BM geared merc healer behind them. So yeah it'd be pretty weird to ever win in such a situation though I can definitely get the Marauder low enough to use Undying Rage before he gets healed back up.


The strongest practical 1on1 is probably the Merc/Commando healer (at least with some enough points to get interrupt immunity) because your enemy doesn't die, you'll eventually die.



I have 1v1's all the time in WZ, and allot of times I tend to bait players into a spot on the map where no one can see us so I can out play them, I hate cocky players that are all balls when they have support but are cowards when they are alone, if I lose to a player 1v1 I will show them respect but in groups 3v1 I pitty those players, those people are what I like to call "Pandas" lol joking but you get my drift.


Also you forget that out in the World 1v1 happens allot.

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I have 1v1's all the time in WZ, and allot of times I tend to bait players into a spot on the map where no one can see us so I can out play them, I hate cocky players that are all balls when they have support but are cowards when they are alone, if I lose to a player 1v1 I will show them respect but in groups 3v1 I pitty those players, those people are what I like to call "Pandas" lol joking but you get my drift.


Also you forget that out in the World 1v1 happens allot.


I will end this thread right here, the strongest class in 1v1 PvP comes down to a few key factors, I will name those factors and you can decide, because there is more then 1 of that type of class in this game (Thank God)


1. Control

2. A way to regain health in combat.

2. Survivability.

4. Controlled burst damage.

5. Glue or anti-glue meaning (A way to stay on or away from a target.)

6. Not really needed but a nice bonus perk (stealth)


There are a few classes that have those credentials so there is not "ONE" some stronger then others in certain situations.

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I know what you are thinking, I have heard it for 6 years playing WoW, "PvP isn't balanced around 1v1" well my little gnome buddy that is all I care about, I will not play a class that is weak 1v1, I don't care if this class is the KING of team play.


I will go thought months of making alts to find the strongest class in 1v1, only because 1v1 is everything IMO, it showcases personal player skill vs only being effective in comps or team play, it lets me play how I want and went I want rather then waiting for my team to log on so I can be effective.


The whole 1v1 isn't balanced, only group PvP matters is utter bull crap and only unskilled players use that argument, for me if all classes are balanced as close as one can get them to 1v1 then team vs team would be even more balanced, only lazy development will balance PvP around team play.


Hmmm, the contradiction is strong in this statement. I will let you figure out why :rolleyes:

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Hmmm, the contradiction is strong in this statement. I will let you figure out why :rolleyes:


I know what you are saying, but the reason is I want a class with all the tools I have named in the post above, nothing makes me want to cancel my account more then to spend months of my life to level, gear only to find out that that class is lacking in one of my key factors, I will test all classes to get the feel for what class has my list of what makes 1v1 the strongest and go from there.


I will play other classes but manly for PvE and the story.

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I play a watchman and I'm pretty tough to beat 1v1. As far as undying rage/gaurded goes, it only has a 1.15 cd, it's intended to be used often. It's great for huttball, don't know how many times I've popped it near full health, went through the flames and leaped into the endzone for a point. Skilled merc healers are typically the hardest to take down. Assassins, and Operatives are taken down to easily by starting your rotation with pacify. If a Sorc gets the drop on you early or when you're busy fighting someone they can be tough to take on, but if I get first hit on them I'm confident I'll take them out unless they get back up.
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I know what you are saying, but the reason is I want a class with all the tools I have named in the post above, nothing makes me want to cancel my account more then to spend months of my life to level, gear only to find out that that class is lacking in one of my key factors, I will test all classes to get the feel for what class has my list of what makes 1v1 the strongest and go from there.


I will play other classes but manly for PvE and the story.


I understand your personal reasons for wanting a strong 1v1 pvp class but I hope you are not suggesting that the someone playing the strongest 1v1 pvp class putting a beat down on someone playing the weakest 1v1 pvp class (for example) represents a 'showcase' of personal skill.

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I play a watchman and I'm pretty tough to beat 1v1. As far as undying rage/gaurded goes, it only has a 1.15 cd, it's intended to be used often. It's great for huttball, don't know how many times I've popped it near full health, went through the flames and leaped into the endzone for a point. Skilled merc healers are typically the hardest to take down. Assassins, and Operatives are taken down to easily by starting your rotation with pacify. If a Sorc gets the drop on you early or when you're busy fighting someone they can be tough to take on, but if I get first hit on them I'm confident I'll take them out unless they get back up.


Pacify? Is that the equivalent of Obfuscate? You realize Ops strong attacks are tech attacks which is not affected by it? Darkness assassins aren't affected by Obfuscate either.


It's not the CD of Undying Rage, it's that it's setup as a skill that makes absolutely no sense to use if you're winning, so using it implies you're losing in a so called 1on1 situation. Of course 1on1 really aren't 1on1s 99% of the time but I've never seen anyone use Undying Rage when they've the upper hand.

Edited by Astarica
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No one skill they use does 9k, the 9k rolls are actually 3 skills used back to back, which require a large amount of build up. If you know how they work you can kill them before they ever get the chance to use it since dps sins are mega fragile or you can simply pop your def CDs when he starts rolling and wait for his temp buffs to wear out.


1. I'm quite cognizant of how the spec works.


2. The Shock/Project DOES the damage. I don't really give a **** if they have to use 2 Voltaics to stack the buff. It's more or less irrelevant to my comment.


3. A Marauder cannot kill an assassin through 50% Evasion and Force Immunity within 3.0 seconds while they can stun you. If you think an Assassin can "DIE BEFORE THEY GET 3 GCDs OFF", you need to immediately exit the conversation because You Are Not Worthy.

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Another vote for Sent/Mara


Everything goes well till they decide to pop their CD's and they go all Hulk on you. Awesome class 1 v 1 and I very rarely win unless I outgear them, they're useless or I catch them in a WZ after their CD's blown.

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Are you talking about a duel in an empty field? Cos with some objects to los I can easly kill marader with my operative. Well, I don't fear them in empty field too tbh. Just let them use trink, then blind, heal and kill.


This actually brings up an interesting point. The object known as "Huttball catwalk" will greatly hinder any melee-based class's ability to fight, but most of these post sound as if this object doesn't exist even though pretty much everyone with even semi-decent ranged abilities can be found near one of those 99% of the time. On my alt Merc I usually lose to a Marauder in open ground, for example, but if I knocked you off the catwalk twice (Jet Boost + Rocket Punch), there's no way you'll be doing any damage to me while I rain down missiles on you.

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I understand your personal reasons for wanting a strong 1v1 pvp class but I hope you are not suggesting that the someone playing the strongest 1v1 pvp class putting a beat down on someone playing the weakest 1v1 pvp class (for example) represents a 'showcase' of personal skill.


No not at all, I fully understand that some classes are not suited for 1v1, I was just stating that I myself look for key factors in a class because I enjoy the fact that my class has the tools to be effective in a 1v1 fight, some people pick and play classes for the team aspect, what ever floats there boat really, personally for me I can't, I take great pride in 1v1 it really lets me test my personal skill vs other players.


When I get into a 1v1 fight with a class I for the most part know what classes are strong and which ones are weak, the ones that are weak I don't take pride in that if anything I get bothered by the fact that they are not up to par with the classes that are strong in 1v1 because like I said in a above post I strongly feel that if the game is balanced around 1v1 then team balance will follow.

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I roll shieldtech in tank pvp gear. There isnt a class other than maybe healers that im worried about. Those of you who say we are just as squishy as any other class are smoking crack. Maybe they were just bad but i steamrolled an assassin and marauder 1 v 2 in hutball today. No help from anyone and we all started with full health. Granted i popped my cds and pots... but nonetheless. I was #2 damage with 212k at the end so we cam pump it out too.
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What I find funny is two weeks ago everyone would have been screaming "Operatives, they're just too OP" and now you hear nothing.



Does nobody else find that pathetic, and a bit worrying?


No point. Bioware just nerfed them. Until the nerf bat does a full circle, no amount of whining will help.


Besides, I think it was a buff. I can stunlock way better than before, and win more often.

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I roll shieldtech in tank pvp gear. There isnt a class other than maybe healers that im worried about. Those of you who say we are just as squishy as any other class are smoking crack. Maybe they were just bad but i steamrolled an assassin and marauder 1 v 2 in hutball today. No help from anyone and we all started with full health. Granted i popped my cds and pots... but nonetheless. I was #2 damage with 212k at the end so we cam pump it out too.
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