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No one will remember if a game is late, only if it's great.


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People are still saying WoW has much better graphics?! Even on the highest settings (which BTW I am not able to unless I want to stay at 30 FPS. Well I was not able to the last time I played it, so updated drivers might work) this game is far better than WoW in terms of graphics.
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I'm willing to give up both those things in order to not have to read a piece of paper when I talk to an NPC.


I'm not completely sure what you mean on the wild life point. I can't remember any that weren't mobs back in WoW or AO.


And I think TOR's music is quite nice.


I think a few people might disagree with this. In fact, I'm finding more and more that the voice acting is detracting from having a really good game.


It completely limits our race selection to human/humanoid. We can't play a Wookie or Trandoshan or whatever we want because there's not enough voice acting to go around.


I would happily trade voice acting in every single quest for better looking environments, night and day cycles on every planet, weather effects, NPC's that do more than stand in the same spot 24/7, wildlife, trees that sway in the breeze... so much missing.


I'm still enjoying it, but it's very very sub par.

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Bioware gambled, and rushed SWTOR to launch way before it was polished. SWTOR could have been GREAT. They gambled and lost in my opinion. I realize many will point to sales figures and say 1.7 million subscribers say different. But lets be real. It was one of the most hyped, and long-awaited MMO's in history, and one of the biggest IP's ever. It's the hype and IP that drove the initial sales. But the majority of the seasoned MMO players out there who have played this game know it has not delivered. Many of them have gone back to their previous games.


BioWare and EA should have had the attitude of Blizzard. They should have listened to the beta-testers, and delayed SWTOR's launch until the product was truly ready.


Read this quote from Blizzard:


"While working on Diablo III we've been called out for messing around with systems too much, that the game is good as-is and we should just release it. I think that's a fair argument to make, but I also think it's incorrect. Our job isn't just to put out a game, it's to release the next Diablo game. No one will remember if the game is late, only if it's great. We trust in our ability to put out a great game, but we're not quite there yet."


-- Jay Wilson, Game Director: Diablo III



Sage wisdom if you ask me. Something EA seems to sorely lack IMO.



They could have waited another year and people like you would have still complained it was missing certain components.


No matter when they released it, you would find something wrong with it.


I am perfectly happy with the game as is, and so are 1.7M other people. I am really looking forward to what comes next but as for now I am happy.

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We can't play a Wookie or Trandoshan or whatever we want because there's not enough voice acting to go around.


What does that even mean? Are you angry that they didn't record voice scenes in advance for races that weren't playable in the game upon release?


I don't... I just... don't... huh?

Edited by DarthKong
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The game is not polished, end game completely sucks. PVP sucks. Gears look the same as everyone else. This game is on a downward spiral. SWTOR will follow the path of Star Wars Galaxies which is a mediocre game that went F2P.

I am sure fanboys dont want to hear it, but its a fact. If this game was not about Star Wars and about the usual fantasy type mmo then this game would have flopped so hard.


I was one of the people that bought into the hype, in fact i actually thought this was the best MMO while leveling my first character, then i hit lv 50 and everything changed. Diablo 3, Guild Wars 2 will absolutely murder this game.

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I think a few people might disagree with this. In fact, I'm finding more and more that the voice acting is detracting from having a really good game.


It completely limits our race selection to human/humanoid. We can't play a Wookie or Trandoshan or whatever we want because there's not enough voice acting to go around.


I would happily trade voice acting in every single quest for better looking environments, night and day cycles on every planet, weather effects, NPC's that do more than stand in the same spot 24/7, wildlife, trees that sway in the breeze... so much missing.


I'm still enjoying it, but it's very very sub par.


I know a lot of people that would disagree with you. I actually KNOW what is going on in this game. I know why I need to deactivate this droid or gather this device. When I played WoW, I tried reading quests for the first few levels but I gave up.


No it is not because I am a tl;dr type of person, it is because it did not bring you in to the characters. With this game, I can hear and see a person's emotions while they are saying stuff to me.


If WoW was as descriptive like a book, I would have read the quests, but it was not.

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EA has a terrible habit of pushing games out early! That's their modus operandi really. Meanwhile Blizzard and Valve, the two best and most highly respected PC game developers in the world, have the complete opposite strategy.


Half Life 1 came out in 1998

Half Life 2 came out in 2004


8 years later and nobody even asks where is HL3 because we know the wait will be worth it whenever they are ready.


Valve & Blizzard > EA

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Bioware gambled, and rushed SWTOR to launch way before it was polished. SWTOR could have been GREAT. They gambled and lost in my opinion. I realize many will point to sales figures and say 1.7 million subscribers say different. But lets be real. It was one of the most hyped, and long-awaited MMO's in history, and one of the biggest IP's ever. It's the hype and IP that drove the initial sales. But the majority of the seasoned MMO players out there who have played this game know it has not delivered. Many of them have gone back to their previous games.


-- Jay Wilson, Game Director: Diablo III



Sage wisdom if you ask me. Something EA seems to sorely lack IMO.


Unfortunately, I disagree.


WoW's launch month, GW's Launch Month and, Rift's Launch Month were nowhere as smooth as TOR's launch. And most would agree.


I say give it time, BW is working on it. I hardly doubt it will die but it won't increase unless that update in March really means something.

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The game is not polished, end game completely sucks. PVP sucks. Gears look the same as everyone else. This game is on a downward spiral. SWTOR will follow the path of Star Wars Galaxies which is a mediocre game that went F2P.

I am sure fanboys dont want to hear it, but its a fact. If this game was not about Star Wars and about the usual fantasy type mmo then this game would have flopped so hard.


I was one of the people that bought into the hype, in fact i actually thought this was the best MMO while leveling my first character, then i hit lv 50 and everything changed. Diablo 3, Guild Wars 2 will absolutely murder this game.


I don't think "facts" means what you think it means. I think the word you are looking for is opinion.

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The game is not polished, end game completely sucks. PVP sucks. Gears look the same as everyone else. This game is on a downward spiral. SWTOR will follow the path of Star Wars Galaxies which is a mediocre game that went F2P.

I am sure fanboys dont want to hear it, but its a fact. If this game was not about Star Wars and about the usual fantasy type mmo then this game would have flopped so hard.


I was one of the people that bought into the hype, in fact i actually thought this was the best MMO while leveling my first character, then i hit lv 50 and everything changed. Diablo 3, Guild Wars 2 will absolutely murder this game.


I much appreciate that they focused so much on the leveling experience. I have not enjoyed a game as much as this one in a LONG time. The majority of the players do not do hardcore PVP or raids. That is why the focus was directed towards the leveling portion of the game.

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I much appreciate that they focused so much on the leveling experience. I have not enjoyed a game as much as this one in a LONG time. The majority of the players do not do hardcore PVP or raids. That is why the focus was directed towards the leveling portion of the game.


Yes but long term that premise fails.


The long term viability of any MMO lies in the end game.


Sure, for a little while you can make some alts and check out other classes and what not.


But barring rapid expansions, you'll still get to the point where 95% of the players logged in are at the top level.

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Blizzard, Valve, and Bethesda are companies that always deliver. And they're not afraid to tell people to shove off and let them work.


That said, Bioware is up there with those three, in terms of how much I respect them as developers. There has yet to be a game by any of these 4 companies I have disliked and not enjoyed.


Bioware will get it's **** together and this game will eventually get to the point where it will be hardly recognizable from the SWTOR of release. Give it time, have faith. The only way they'll get there is if they have the subs to warrant it.

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Bioware gambled, and rushed SWTOR to launch way before it was polished. SWTOR could have been GREAT. They gambled and lost in my opinion. I realize many will point to sales figures and say 1.7 million subscribers say different. But lets be real. It was one of the most hyped, and long-awaited MMO's in history, and one of the biggest IP's ever. It's the hype and IP that drove the initial sales. But the majority of the seasoned MMO players out there who have played this game know it has not delivered. Many of them have gone back to their previous games.


BioWare and EA should have had the attitude of Blizzard. They should have listened to the beta-testers, and delayed SWTOR's launch until the product was truly ready.


Read this quote from Blizzard:


"While working on Diablo III we've been called out for messing around with systems too much, that the game is good as-is and we should just release it. I think that's a fair argument to make, but I also think it's incorrect. Our job isn't just to put out a game, it's to release the next Diablo game. No one will remember if the game is late, only if it's great. We trust in our ability to put out a great game, but we're not quite there yet."


-- Jay Wilson, Game Director: Diablo III



Sage wisdom if you ask me. Something EA seems to sorely lack IMO.


100% agree.


Also, it's funny how the 1.7 million subbers arguments is thrown around like it's some sort of great ahcivement.

Any idiot out there know, that if it hadn't been for the massive hype, let alone the franchise, this game would not have achived such a goal.


And surely, you got 1.7 million now, and overt the next few months it will probably grow. What people firmly believing in these 1.7 million subbers forget, is that this game is gonna get stomped to the ground once games like Tera Online and Guild Wars 2 is released.


Further, I have never ever in my life experienced a game claiming it was an MMO, when it is in fact just an old RPG model reused and then added a few - not many - just a few MMO aspects. That does not make a game an MMO.


I recently started playing Mass Effect again - out of pure boredom now that Swtor was such a disappointment to me, and oddly, I could recognize the system a little too much.

What BioWare did was just use their old Mass Effect model and then slap a Star Wars sticker on it and toss in a few Lightsabers and some Star Wars iconic aspects.

Excuse me, if you used an old model, what exactly did you spend all that cash on? I doubt that the $300.000.000 alone was used on fancy graphics and voice acting.


And for crying out loud. Releasing an MMO and then completely forget about known tools that every other MMOs got is not acceptable. Using the excuse "WoW didn't have that" is thin. I'm not an expert in sales and marketing, but even an idiot realizes, that if you want to compete with the heavy guys, you at least release a game that can do what they can, and then make new things to give them their final blow. Releasing something that lacks tools your competition has used for years, is a waste of money from your subbers.


I have asked myself over the past few days, if I really want to keep up a subscription. To me it seems a little pointless, that I sit around and each month pays my subscription and hope for them to add the things that already should have been there from the beginning.

It seems reckless to waste my hard earned money like that.


EA games is known for their quick strategy, and I'm still baffled why they were in such a hurry to throw this on the market. Sure money is an aspect to think of, but why not wait and then release it once the game can follow the competition? In the end, that alone would secure a steady player-base, maybe even steal more customers from the competition, but also make the money pile a lot bigger than it currently is.


This game had potential - yes, had.

Edited by TotalKitty
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Yes but long term that premise fails.


The long term viability of any MMO lies in the end game.


Sure, for a little while you can make some alts and check out other classes and what not.


But barring rapid expansions, you'll still get to the point where 95% of the players logged in are at the top level.


Yet WoW survived for 4 years without ever having a casual end game, where during vanilla it was less then 15% that actually tried Molten Core. That number didn't go up very much in Burning Crusade. Though it did go way up with Wrath.


Anyways the point is there is a large segment of players are not interested in end game, and have more fun leveling characters. Looks like to me that Bioware wanted to target this market.

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Blizzard, Valve, and Bethesda are companies that always deliver. And they're not afraid to tell people to shove off and let them work.


That said, Bioware is up there with those three, in terms of how much I respect them as developers. There has yet to be a game by any of these 4 companies I have disliked and not enjoyed.


Bioware will get it's **** together and this game will eventually get to the point where it will be hardly recognizable from the SWTOR of release. Give it time, have faith. The only way they'll get there is if they have the subs to warrant it.


Bethesda is known for release probably one of the most buggy and unfinished games ever.

Edited by Powerhowse
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Yes but long term that premise fails.


The long term viability of any MMO lies in the end game.


Sure, for a little while you can make some alts and check out other classes and what not.


But barring rapid expansions, you'll still get to the point where 95% of the players logged in are at the top level.


Not for me. I just hit 41. Since work has picked up again, I have not had as much time to play. I only get to play 10 hours a week maximum.

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They could have waited another year and people like you would have still complained it was missing certain components.


Heck, right now the D3 team is busy ripping out features in order to accelerate the release date.


No kidding, they've said that certain features aren't where they want them to be, so they're removing them for possible addition later!


That doesn't sound like "waiting til it's done" to me.

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Bethesda is known for release probably one of the most buggy and unfinished games ever.


And they're still the ****. I think it takes a very, very negative person to say that the last 3 Elder Scrolls were anything short of phenomenal.


Bethesda is proof that bugs don't necessarily break games.


And so is Missingno, but that's another matter entirely.

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And they're still the ****. I think it takes a very, very negative person to say that the last 3 Elder Scrolls were anything short of phenomenal.


Bethesda is proof that bugs don't necessarily break games.


And so is Missingno, but that's another matter entirely.


The only reason I can even play elder scrolls games is because of mod tools. If there was no mod tools I would have hated almost all of the elder scrolls games. They just get a pass on the bugs and gameplay decisions because of the scale of the game.


BW on the other hand gets no such pass because there are other games in the genre who provide similar content with less bugs after a few years of polish.

Edited by Powerhowse
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And they're still the ****. I think it takes a very, very negative person to say that the last 3 Elder Scrolls were anything short of phenomenal.


Bethesda is proof that bugs don't necessarily break games.


And so is Missingno, but that's another matter entirely.


Morrowind was not that good... I managed to play it about 3 hours before giving up. That is not to say I think Bethesda isn't a fantastic studio, but sometimes you just miss with a certain audience.

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