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Just accept the invite if you're on the same quest.


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Nah. I'm a reasonable person; I really don't need the elitist guide on internet behavior.


I don't even contract "you" to 'u;' that should really say it all.


Rofl. We weren't going to group in the first place. You're not willing to trust strangers in-game; you've made it clear.


Some games have gone so far as to provide tool tips to ettiquette e.g my earlier post stated:


"The only thing I miss from WoW is the "It's polite to speak to someone before inviting them to a group" tool tip on the loading screens.... the good ol' days eh?"


As for the strangers remark, they are no longer strangers once they say hello so yeah your right.

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In theory you have a point, in practice however... I'm not sure. Would still prefer to get a whisper, cause I'm not always paying attention to names and what's going on, and some people just throw random invites regardless where you are or what they want. Together with some bad experience, it all depends on which mood you catch me in.
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There are 11 belsavis dailies. One method of getting Rakata Earpieces and Implants is to complete all the dailies as much as possible. You do the same 11 quests every day. It takes a week or two of dailies to get 1/3 of the Rakata items.


The trick is to do them as fast as possible. If you take your time on each one, you will find that the majority of a casual session is spend soloing dailies. But some people like that, and thats fine.


But for alot of people, the idea is to get these over with asap. There are a few of the quests where you stand in a tiny little dungeon with no other intent except to kill 2-hitter trash mobs and hope for 1 of the 5 quest items you need.


In these cases, players are competing against each other. You are in a tiny area, fighting over the same mobs.


If you prefer to play with the more efficient "speed method" for these belsavis dailies, there are a few cases where joining a blind group can benefit you. Thats the only point here.


The other 95% of the time in the game, blind invites can easily be a waste of time / headache. But not in these handful of special cases.

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I typically invite when they're out of combat. But I'm not going to whisper them first when it's blatantly obvious why I'm sending out the invite. And I don't spam anything.


Why would i want to group with you? Just because you're on the same part doesn't mean i want to play with you, especially if you didn't ask. If i see others competing with the same stuff then me, i move on and come back later. Or it takes an extra 2-3 mins for me to wait until you're done.

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Ever stop to think the guy who blind invited you doesn't even speak English? Are you going to hate on him for that? Not that you'll ever find out; you just assume he's netscum and ignore him.


Not to hijack the argument, but how would a group function without common understanding to begin with? Regardless of situation.

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Trolling isn't breaking a rule? I thought BW frowned upon the incendiary one-liners that add nothing to the discussion.


It depends on what you define as adding to a discussion?

For me it added a bit of comedy to smooth of the rough edges from the elitist few comments out there. Just made me laugh :D

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There are 11 belsavis dailies. One method of getting Rakata Earpieces and Implants is to complete all the dailies as much as possible. You do the same 11 quests every day. It takes a week or two of dailies to get 1/3 of the Rakata items.


The trick is to do them as fast as possible. If you take your time on each one, you will find that the majority of a casual session is spend soloing dailies. But some people like that, and thats fine.


But for alot of people, the idea is to get these over with asap. There are a few of the quests where you stand in a tiny little dungeon with no other intent except to kill 2-hitter trash mobs and hope for 1 of the 5 quest items you need.


In these cases, players are competing against each other. You are in a tiny area, fighting over the same mobs.


If you prefer to play with the more efficient "speed method" for these belsavis dailies, there are a few cases where joining a blind group can benefit you. Thats the only point here.


The other 95% of the time in the game, blind invites can easily be a waste of time / headache. But not in these handful of special cases.


I think we get that. But some of us like it slow and easy. You're probably doing these at a fast pace which seems like a job. It's not my style of play, not anymore. But it almost sounds like you're offended because we don't group with you..



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No way to know unless I invite or ask.


I've met plenty of great people through local blind invites at a quest location.


I think you're missing out, because you assume the worst of people.


Incidentally, for having had a discussion in this thread, would I pass whatever threshold you maintain? Am I "human" enough for you to socialize with? Because that's basically the context of the argument, which is sad.



You're probably right. I am missing out, I'm sure. Yes, you are human enough for me to socialize with, regardless of this thread and any interactions therein.


Had you, in the hypothetical context of meeting on some planet in-game and at the same locale, private messaged me with a help request, I would respond favorably to such a request. Had you, in the same hypothetical situation, ran up behind me and blind invited me with or without a clear objective, it would have been immediately dismissed. A second invite would be met with a typed-in-general-chat "No, thank you." and a third would get you on ignore.


If that's wrong, then I'm wrong. I'm ok with being wrong.

Edited by JHRayne
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Originally Posted by Ansultares

Ever stop to think the guy who blind invited you doesn't even speak English? Are you going to hate on him for that? Not that you'll ever find out; you just assume he's netscum and ignore him.


Yep, that is exactly what I do with blind invites, especially if they don't speak English.

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I think we get that. But some of us like it slow and easy. You're probably doing these at a fast pace which seems like a job. It's not my style of play, not anymore. But it almost sounds like you're offended because we don't group with you..




It has nothing to do with weather you group with me or not.


Its more along the lines of, you can't understand how a blind invite could ever not be considered rude.


I'm just trying to say that in very few rare circumstances, a blind invite has obvious intent and does not require explanation.


I'm not saying you shouldn't auto-reject blind invites, I'm just saying that sometimes the intent is clear without speaking.

Edited by DarthBloodloss
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I have group invite accept turned off, i dont accept invites because all it is, is farmers an young ones wanting a free ride, they blast through quest grab all items for themselves in collection quests an leave. Do it yourself far as I am concerned.
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It has nothing to do with weather you group with me or not.


Its more along the lines of, you can't understand how a blind invite could ever not be considered rude.


I'm just trying to say that in very few rare circumstances, a blind invite has obvious intent and does not require explanation.


Try making a date with that attitude and see how it goes...


Im a guy.... you're a girl.... it's obvious what needs to happen.

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It has nothing to do with weather you group with me or not.


Its more along the lines of, you can't understand how a blind invite could ever not be considered rude.


I'm just trying to say that in very few rare circumstances, a blind invite has obvious intent and does not require explanation.


I'm not saying you shouldn't auto-reject blind invites, I'm just saying that sometimes the intent is clear without speaking.



It usually comes from personal experience. Some good, some not so good. But for whatever reason, I feel like soloing this game. I've had loads of fun.

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I suppose it would be better defined as in the stone age where men just walked up to a girl and dragged her away. Your example involved talking to someone where as the whole point of this thread is the silent treatment :p


lol @ cavemen... I thought about it, but that would require the caveman knocking the cavewoman on the head, and then waiting for a response.


But still, to them that doesn't seem rude at all.


EDIT: I guess a better example is setting up the date first without asking.

Edited by itekazzawrrlic
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lol @ cavemen... I thought about it, but that would require the caveman knocking the cavewoman on the head, and then waiting for a response.


But still, to them that doesn't seem rude at all.


EDIT: I guess a better example is setting up the date first without asking.


So if I send you a blind invite with the intent of allowing you to get credit for a mob im about to kill - thats rude?


I'm being rude when my intent was to help your progression, and I required nothing in return and didn't benefit from it in any way?

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lol @ cavemen... I thought about it, but that would require the caveman knocking the cavewoman on the head, and then waiting for a response.


But still, to them that doesn't seem rude at all.


EDIT: I guess a better example is setting up the date first without asking.


or or..... tofu and boot polish flavoured lighsaber lolly pops... wait no that doesn't work... erm..



I think the main point is that this thread proved along time ago the following:


1) No /w = Rude to most people in most circumstances

2) No /w = ok to some people in some circumstance


maybe this needs to stop now??

Edited by Archangelsaske
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So if I send you a blind invite with the intent of allowing you to get credit for a mob im about to kill - thats rude?


I'm being rude when my intent was to help your progression, and I required nothing in return and didn't benefit from it in any way?


Darth, I know what you're saying. And that's ok. But you're just going to have to make peace with the idea that some people don't want your help. Even if it benefits you both, or doesn't benefit anyone...it doesn't matter. Some people just are going to want to do their own thing in their own good time, dailies or not, regardless if you're there pwning everything and gogogogogo gettin' 'er done.


It's human interaction, and, as such, is quirky as hell....and it's not always going to be the way you'd like. I turn down blind invites. That's my style. You have yours. And they are both ok. It's the hostility that arises from the difference in opinion that isn't ok. Live and let live, etc. and so forth.....

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