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Its Time to admit Defeat


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Well friends, I tried, but to no avail. I had dreams of an amazing wondrous star wars galaxy i could lose myself in and feel like im really in the world, but i am let down. it would seem the devs are pushing the game into the opposite direction i want the game to go to, a more linear, almost single player expieriance. I had hoped for an awesome version of SWG, the best game ever (RIP) but this game is without doubt nothing alike. So heres where i stand. i believe it is time for me to accept this game isnt going to move to a more socail/communty aspect for a long time and remain a linear single player game for awhile HOWEVER i do have hope for the game, and in years/expansions to come, perhaps this game will blossom into the beautiful game of the century it should be.
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How on earth could you even for a second think that this would be anything like SWG? Do you not know Bioware? Have you not seen any gameplay material about the game or read about it?


Too bad you did not do your research, I hope you find a new game you'll like.


There's plenty of valid concerns about this game, but the fact that it's nothing like SWG is not one of them. Even though I liked SWG.

Edited by Luxidenstore
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oh yeah, the ever spanding multi player world of SWG. with a questing system so complex and dynamic , yet simple enough that all you had to do was grab a hand full of mssions from a terminal ..all day, every day . were the repetitive nature of these questiing terminals not only tested our patience , it also enriched or gaming experiance w/ miles and miles of the same terrain .


oh how far we have fallen ..

Edited by badseed
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I loved SWG (Pre-NGE) but have no illusions that this would be a SWG clone prettied up by Bioware. It is, as I expected, much like KOTOR which is fine by me.


That being said there are aspects of SWG that in a general sense would be nice to see. As I have echo'ed in other posts, I think some sort or player housing would be nice. Just a place where we can drop elite loot items to put on display and have other players be allowed to see it. Kind of braggin rights so to speak.


As far as MMO's go though, most hard cores realize that the game never really starts til 50. That being said, the grind is fantastic! Rather than being auto spawned on some newb planet and expected to run around and hit stuff with sticks till your leveled, your grind here follows a very nice story base that is diverse from class to class and makes the grind to 50 very barable, and actually pretty awesome. I look forward to re-rolling additional chars just for the story line to be honest.

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Don't want a linear game?


What were you thinking when...


1. It had The Old Republic in the name, sort of like KOTOR, a SINGLE player game...


2. it was story driven, and it's next-to-impossible to do those "you decide what to do" storybooks (love them btw) in an MMO setting


3. If you wanted SWG2, why did you think they were shutting down SWG?


Just a few points, I doubt you will honestly answer them, but I'd appreciate it if you did.

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Don't want a linear game?


What were you thinking when...


1. It had The Old Republic in the name, sort of like KOTOR, a SINGLE player game...


2. it was story driven, and it's next-to-impossible to do those "you decide what to do" storybooks (love them btw) in an MMO setting


3. If you wanted SWG2, why did you think they were shutting down SWG?


Just a few points, I doubt you will honestly answer them, but I'd appreciate it if you did.


ill answer this one cuz you said youd appreciate it ;)


Well to answer your first point, i loved KOTOR, and as far as signle player games go, kotor was fairly open. sure there were certian things you had to do, but you could switch the order up, go to the planet of your choosing so to speak, do the quest that you wanted to do. Sure, its set up a lot like SWTOR, but at least in kotor i can choose which planet to go to next, i dont have to go to the ONE planet in my lv range.


2. i totally agree with you on this point, although to be honest, they didnt really put much into the choose your own story thing. sure, you can choose what your toon says, and roll with party members to see who talks, but in the end mostly it only effects dialouge.


3. They shut down SWG the day SWTOR launched. yet they are completely differnt games! I wish they would have at least kept one server up or something, becuase theres not going to be a "SWG2" for a long, long time.


And to those who said i didnt do my research, i actually followed this game since before beta, and yes, i was aware it was going in a more Mass Effect direction, which i welcomed, being a huge ME fan myself. however, i still had hopes that they would make the community aspects of the MMO (not just single player game) more lively, becuase so far, the worlds seem dead and silent. instancing everything is not the way to go.

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ill answer this one cuz you said youd appreciate it ;)


Well to answer your first point, i loved KOTOR, and as far as signle player games go, kotor was fairly open. sure there were certian things you had to do, but you could switch the order up, go to the planet of your choosing so to speak, do the quest that you wanted to do. Sure, its set up a lot like SWTOR, but at least in kotor i can choose which planet to go to next, i dont have to go to the ONE planet in my lv range.


2. i totally agree with you on this point, although to be honest, they didnt really put much into the choose your own story thing. sure, you can choose what your toon says, and roll with party members to see who talks, but in the end mostly it only effects dialouge.


3. They shut down SWG the day SWTOR launched. yet they are completely differnt games! I wish they would have at least kept one server up or something, becuase theres not going to be a "SWG2" for a long, long time.


And to those who said i didnt do my research, i actually followed this game since before beta, and yes, i was aware it was going in a more Mass Effect direction, which i welcomed, being a huge ME fan myself. however, i still had hopes that they would make the community aspects of the MMO (not just single player game) more lively, becuase so far, the worlds seem dead and silent. instancing everything is not the way to go.


Just so you know there is an SWG emulator, but it's unfinished.


Keep in mind this game just came out a month ago, and the Dev team is slowly integrating many of the elements from the "Wall of crazy", which in 6 months will make this game even more expansive.


My money would be to bet on Bioware integrating a lot more to the game in the next year: a more expansive space system for exploration, more endgame content for non-Raiders, more endgame content for Raiders, more customization elements for players (outfits, UI, ship, companions), and maybe even some side projects such as Pazzak and Swoop Racing.

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i'm thinking swg will get fake server things like ultima and ragonark and those types did.


this game reminds me of knights but least with knighs most the loot was useable. i miss the mines you could disarm and reuse. and the pearls and such you could throw in lightsabers to do like so much droid damage and such. i like this game alot

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3. They shut down SWG the day SWTOR launched. yet they are completely differnt games! I wish they would have at least kept one server up or something, becuase theres not going to be a "SWG2" for a long, long time.


Sony announced the closure of SWG before Bioware announced the release date of TOR. Honestly they were probably losing more money then they were making, it went free to play the last 6 or so months of its existence. And like someone said, there is the EMU, it still needs alot of work but it is fun to play for that old pre-cu SWG experience.

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I fully agree with the first comment that this game is sort of a let down in the single player aspect and lack of role play with players simply running by and grinding their way to levels. This game would be alot more fun if people could actually get into their characters and have more options instead of simply Empire bad.. Republic Good or vice versa, we need more greyness honestly. For example, I would love to be a rouge sith warrior captain of a crew of misquients spreading chaos among player or Admin controlled cities or space.


While I do love the storyline aspect, we also need much more emphasis for RP and player choices with other players as villains (on NWN2 RP servers for example) for prolonged enjoyment of the game (this can be done through simply owning some buildings/ships/ ranks and hierarchies on a planet, as if you were a real person in a real world). I suspect they will try to do this soon, because frankly, there's only 8 classes, and once you go through all 8 to the highest level, the game is over and you won't wish to play any more unless you have the aspect of going beyond the character role, and into a living, breathing, world. If the Old Republic fails to do this, they will likely loose nearly everyone save the people that somehow get a kick out of slaughtering people at random in pvp areas, or the small groups that clutch onto rp. People aren't going to pay money for a single player game where you just happen to meet other players.


However, this is simply my opinion, that is all~ Signed, a good-aligned Sith Warrior

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Sony announced the closure of SWG before Bioware announced the release date of TOR. Honestly they were probably losing more money then they were making, it went free to play the last 6 or so months of its existence. And like someone said, there is the EMU, it still needs alot of work but it is fun to play for that old pre-cu SWG experience.


Lucas would only allow one Star Wars MMO to be in existence at once, which is why they had to shut down their servers, regardless of what Sony might have wanted to keep doing with SWG.

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I fully agree with the first comment that this game is sort of a let down in the single player aspect and lack of role play with players simply running by and grinding their way to levels. This game would be alot more fun if people could actually get into their characters and have more options instead of simply Empire bad.. Republic Good or vice versa, we need more greyness honestly. For example, I would love to be a rouge sith warrior captain of a crew of misquients spreading chaos among player or Admin controlled cities or space.


While I do love the storyline aspect, we also need much more emphasis for RP and player choices with other players as villains (on NWN2 RP servers for example) for prolonged enjoyment of the game (this can be done through simply owning some buildings/ships/ ranks and hierarchies on a planet, as if you were a real person in a real world). I suspect they will try to do this soon, because frankly, there's only 8 classes, and once you go through all 8 to the highest level, the game is over and you won't wish to play any more unless you have the aspect of going beyond the character role, and into a living, breathing, world. If the Old Republic fails to do this, they will likely loose nearly everyone save the people that somehow get a kick out of slaughtering people at random in pvp areas, or the small groups that clutch onto rp. People aren't going to pay money for a single player game where you just happen to meet other players.


However, this is simply my opinion, that is all~ Signed, a good-aligned Sith Warrior


Couldnt have said it better myself friend :) out of curiosity, do you still play the NWN2 rp servers? i just logged on the other day and its surprisingly active

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The thing that annoys me to no end is; people labeling SWTOR as a "single player experience"... I fail to see how it constitutes as a single player game? It draws the player into there own adventure based on the cinematic and voiced over cut-scenes, but aside from that, you literally do the same stuff you do in other games (dungeons, raids, pvp, etc). Moreover, I actually like the leveling experience in this game, as Its engaging due to the story and not a mindless grind-fest. Sounds to me, you expected a SWG 2.0... Regardless - to each their own.
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every other mmo ive played, WoW, SWG, NWN, EQ, Ultima, DnD + has way more player player interaction. you see thousands of players on your wow server just walking around, in swtor, youll be lucky to actually see 20 differnt toons on the fleet.. your always on your own in this game, whereas others, its all about the multiplayer expieriance.
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