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What's wrong with this game?


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I just started last week so a little late. I've played almost every major MMO that's come out since FFXI most of them at launch and by comparison this game is insanely awesome. Why all the "this game is gonna fail so hard" talk?


Ok... I get it there's no real "endgame" (so I've read) but I seriously doubt you get to 50 and literally have nothing to do as I see so many claiming. Please tell me why I'm wrong.

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Nothing that is either gamebreaking or not already being looked into. The human mind works on such a lvl that negative experiences always stand out. Thusly people feel the need to validate themselves but coming into forums like this one and complaining about X Y and Z. The game is fine now and has so much room to grow, I'm excited to see where it goes. Sky is the limit. Edited by TonyIommi
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I just started last week so a little late. I've played almost every major MMO that's come out since FFXI most of them at launch and by comparison this game is insanely awesome. Why all the "this game is gonna fail so hard" talk?


Ok... I get it there's no real "endgame" (so I've read) but I seriously doubt you get to 50 and literally have nothing to do as I see so many claiming. Please tell me why I'm wrong.


u r wrong,

the population in my server is just like eq2 while it just release in 1 more month,

and eq2 runs how many yrs?


once u get 50, then u will truly realize what other ppl said, before that, enjoy ur sub.

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If I have one BIG suggestion it would be way less running and way more funning. The level designers are sadists at least when it comes to getting around in the PvE game world.


If I have to run back through Coruscant to the commanding officer one more time on my Commando rather than get a holo mission, I will yell at my monitor in a completely impotent fashion about how much this game sucks... yell into Vent about it... then keep on playing... but I will still be irritated about the stupidity of all the running.

Edited by Straegen
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I just started last week so a little late. I've played almost every major MMO that's come out since FFXI most of them at launch and by comparison this game is insanely awesome. Why all the "this game is gonna fail so hard" talk?


Ok... I get it there's no real "endgame" (so I've read) but I seriously doubt you get to 50 and literally have nothing to do as I see so many claiming. Please tell me why I'm wrong.


It's true Radubadu, once you hit 50 there is nothing or very little to do.


As a single-player all you can really do is grind some very boring and tedious daily quests in Illum and Belsavus for credits and daily marks.


Or you can queue for warzones if you like PvP. But that's basically it.


It's very hard to like this game after you hit 50.... so take your time getting there, though it can be hard to do that considering how fast you level on this game.


Trust me, that "insanely awesome" opinion will change :)

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I just started last week so a little late. I've played almost every major MMO that's come out since FFXI most of them at launch and by comparison this game is insanely awesome. Why all the "this game is gonna fail so hard" talk?


Ok... I get it there's no real "endgame" (so I've read) but I seriously doubt you get to 50 and literally have nothing to do as I see so many claiming. Please tell me why I'm wrong.




people are getting tired of over structured mmo's

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It's true Radubadu, once you hit 50 there is nothing or very little to do.


As a single-player all you can really do is grind some very boring and tedious daily quests in Illum and Belsavus for credits and daily marks.


Or you can queue for warzones if you like PvP. But that's basically it.


It's very hard to like this game after you hit 50.... so take your time getting there, though it can be hard to do that considering how fast you level on this game.


Trust me, that "insanely awesome" opinion will change :)


Nope. Have 2 level 50s currently working on my third. Run dailies, heroic flashpoints, raids and pvp. Fun. Opinion not changed.

Edited by TonyIommi
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It's true Radubadu, once you hit 50 there is nothing or very little to do.


Aside from HMM, NMM and Ops yeah there's basically nothing to do. Just like WoW, ya know? I mean, once you hit level cap in WoW what is there to do?


Oh wait...


I swear some people wouldn't know the truth if it slapped them in the face. If you have "nothing to do" at 50 it's because you're too chicken **** to start running content.

Edited by Gankstah
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If I have one BIG suggestion it would be way less running and way more funning. The level designers are sadists at least when it comes to getting around in the PvE game world.


If I have to run back through Coruscant to the commanding officer one more time on my Commando rather than get a holo mission, I will yell at my monitor in a completely impotent fashion about how much this game sucks... yell into Vent about it... then keep on playing... but I will still be irritated about the stupidity of all the running.



Traveling = Time filling.

As much as it does sometimes get boring, I think instantly being able to pickup quests would make the game way too short story wise.

This kind of mechanic also does not encourage people to explore as you do not have to travel anywhere to do anything because it is all spoon fed to you, that in my opinion would be worse.

Edited by Disodium
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Nope. Have 2 level 50s currently working on my third. Run dailies, heroic flashpoints, raids and pvp. Fun. Opinion not changed.


You need to read what I actually type before you respond to it. You can't do Flashpoints and raids as a "single-player"....which is what my post said.


Considering this game doesn't have any LFG system flashpoints and raids can be difficult to set up unless you have enough friends online and they are in the mood to do them. So this game can't rely on those to keep players entertained after 50.


And considering you already have two level 50s and are already working on another - I think that proves my point and goes to show you got so bored you are rolling alts, which is what most people who want to stick with this game end up doing.


So in a way you make my point for me. Thanks :)

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You need to read what I actually type before you respond to it. You can't do Flashpoints and raids as a "single-player"....which is what my post said.

Find me a mainstream MMO that has single player end game content.


Don't worry...


I'll wait.

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You need to read what I actually type before you respond to it. You can't do Flashpoints and raids as a "single-player"....which is what my post said.


Considering this game doesn't have any LFG system flashpoints and raids can be difficult to set up unless you have enough friends online and they are in the mood to do them. So this game can't rely on those to keep players entertained after 50.


And considering you already have two level 50s and are already working on another - I think that proves my point and goes to show you got so bored you are rolling alts, which is what most people who want to stick with this game end up doing.


So in a way you make my point for me. Thanks :)


Raids are actually fairly easy to set up. Their difficulty is fairly accessible you just need to be a decent population server. I have ZERO trouble getting groups for anything I need to do. It's all in how you approach it. I didn't roll an alt because I was bored with my 50's. I rolled an alt for more story which I also enjoyed. It's all how you approach it. Nice try though :)

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Raids are actually fairly easy to set up. Their difficulty is fairly accessible you just need to be a decent population server. I have ZERO trouble getting groups for anything I need to do. It's all in how you approach it. I didn't roll an alt because I was bored with my 50's. I rolled an alt for more story which I also enjoyed. It's all how you approach it. Nice try though :)


just because you have quote "ZERO" trouble doens't mean everyone else does. And yes, you rolled alts exactly because you was bored. Nice try though :)

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Again I've had zero problems accessing content at 50. It takes some social skills and networking but that's not all that hard to do. Especially if you lvld with people you know or have an active guild/friends list. What can I do in warcraft or rift that isn't tied in some fashion to other people and is purely single player? Edited by Zoggel
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just because you have quote "ZERO" trouble doens't mean everyone else does. And yes, you rolled alts exactly because you was bored. Nice try though :)


No I didn't. I rolled them because I enjoyed the story. It's pretty sweet when random *******es on forums try and tell me the motivation for my actions. Good luck to you sir. I hope that telepathy your working on pays off at some point.

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Find me a mainstream MMO that has single player end game content.


Don't worry...


I'll wait.


You won't have to wait....so don't you worry any....


All other MMORPGs I played had a ton more solo-based endgame content than this game did. Final Fantasy 11 had a merit system, item upgrade system...Lord of the Rings Online had the legendary Item system, skirmishes, a housing system... not to mention deeds you could work on, reputation... ect


Never have I played an MMORPG that has so little to do at the end than this game does.

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No I didn't. I rolled them because I enjoyed the story. It's pretty sweet when random *******es on forums try and tell me the motivation for my actions. Good luck to you sir. I hope that telepathy your working on pays off at some point.


Yes you did.


Thanks for the good luck. I really do appreciate it :)

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some people are mad cause there is no dps meter or lfg tool therefore they say this game is not a mmo


Exactly. They expect every single little detail from their wowcrack addiction to have transferred over to this game as if it was made by the same company.

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Nothing is so wrong that prevents from trying it for a month or two and see if you can find yourself having fun!I could wright a couple of things that are wrong but this are from my perspective and what i would like my video game to be like!


Dont bother too much jump in and play,there are good points(thats why we are around)and bad points,its up to you to decide

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