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What do you do in Real Life SWTOR player? And what class did you pick?


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I'm a marine biologist (seriously) and I use mathematical/chemical/biological models to figure out how to manage and clean up hazardous waste sites.


Main - Trooper.


Why - Because they *look* awesome. I have no rational reason for this. I think I am M1-4X at heart.






PS - Did you see that Forex has his own twitter feed?




Most recent tweet:


"A new week brings all-new chances to destroy the degenerate hordes of the Empire! For the Republic!"


How can you not love this guy?!?

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I work in a corporate office for a major nerd-related retailer. Lol. My main is an Imperial Agent/Operative healer because I didn't want to be a Sith (like everyone and their dog, as it seemed during Early Access) and it's nice to both be able to heal/stay alive and to alternately snipe or eviscerate things as I choose.
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Who am I?


I'm a full times student working toward a BA in Sociology. I am looking at going to grad school, but it probably won't happen for another couple of years. But, what I really want to do is get published. I write as a hobby.


What class did I pick? [and] Why?


I have male and female toons in each class. Right now, I'm just playing through the story lines. I design my characters after potential characters for my books. I use the dialogue choices to help simulate how my book characters might react in certain situations. I've actually ended up changing some personalities in the process. I hope that makes sense. I'm not great at explaining things very well. :sul_embarrassed:

Edited by LadyNightArrow
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I'm a Produce Associate at a National Retail Chain.


I play a Sith Juggernaut and I'm not going to lie, I rolled it mainly to Force Choke the life out of every worthless, "can't find own rear with both hands, a road map, and a old Native American guide" NPC that has me do their work for them.


Good times.


Good times.

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Currently a student training to become a radiation therapist (work with cancer patients).


My main is a Gunslinger, cuz I like to sit back and blow stuff up. Also because in other mmo's I played a lot of healer or support so I wanted a change in pace.

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I'm just a stay at home mom now but the last five years I was in the Air Force working with the drones. Picked trooper cause I like breaking stuff and healing myself as needed. Plus I've always had a soft spot for troopers. Edited by SimplyKupo
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Currently I sell shoes at JCPenney. During the holidays I made a killing because it's a commission job, but now I make next to nothing, so I'm looking for a new job--preferably something more stable. Tomorrow I have an interview with State Farm.


I am also working on my master's degree in social work. I have a BA in psychology.


In game I play a BH merc with low-level Sith inquisitor and Jedi Knight alts.


I picked a BH because I love shooting things, especially with dual blasters. If I could, in real life I would be an assassin (not the class)

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Currently I sell shoes at JCPenney. During the holidays I made a killing because it's a commission job, but now I make next to nothing, so I'm looking for a new job--preferably something more stable. Tomorrow I have an interview with State Farm.


I am also working on my master's degree in social work. I have a BA in psychology.


In game I play a BH merc with low-level Sith inquisitor and Jedi Knight alts.


I picked a BH because I love shooting things, especially with dual blasters. If I could, in real life I would be an assassin (not the class)


Good luck with the interview!

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Technical records for 'a major telecommunications firm'


Altoholic, but my mains are Gunslinger and Sniper.

Because it sometimes seems like everyone wants to be a Force-user and glowstick-handler, but Han, Chewie, Leia, Tarkin, and Lando were the really interesting characters in the original trilogy! (My deepest beef with Eps 1-3 was that there were no compelling non-force major characters! Padme came close, but then went all weepy-preggers-girl; I would have 'lost the will to live' too with that scripting!)

Smuggler because it's good to be free and one's own man, but on the side of the good guys.

Agent because somebody has to keep the Empire together with all those idiot Sith running around like a bunch of spoiled, schizoid 12-year-olds. If they couldn't throw purple lightning, they'd all be spanked and sat in the corner with a bucket of prozac, and the galaxy would be a better place. :eek:

BH is right up there, though, especially as a light-sider.


I find my love of freedom and independence in TOR just might be related to issues I have about the dorks and egotists who run the comapny I work for IRL... ya think? :p

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