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I Just Want to be a Wookiee


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I'm not saying it has to be right now, I'm not saying they need to be able to be every class. . .I just want to play as a Wookiee. If you're worried I'll get tired of my character's voice acting, don't be, if I get sick of it I'll turn off the sound. Make it an unlockable thing in game, big quest line involving lvling multiple toons to 50, just toss it in.


Any other Wookiee enthusiasts out there?

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I'm not saying it has to be right now, I'm not saying they need to be able to be every class. . .I just want to play as a Wookiee. If you're worried I'll get tired of my character's voice acting, don't be, if I get sick of it I'll turn off the sound. Make it an unlockable thing in game, big quest line involving lvling multiple toons to 50, just toss it in.


Any other Wookiee enthusiasts out there?

Teach me how to wookie.
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I would never want to play any non-Basic (ie English) speaking race in this game. The thought of hearing my character grunt/growl/squeak/beep/fart/etc for 50 levels is enough to make me pull my hair out.


Playing a Wookie in SWG was fine since it was all text-based. Here, it would cause my eardrums to explode.

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UI sucks, PVE fights are bugged to hell, PVP is horribly balanced, opening the mailbox deletes everything in it, no combat log, no target of target, PVE fights are seriously bugged to hell, no dualspec, no damage meters, no competitive PVP, Voidstar NG is freaking retarded, no guildbanks, endgame is ridiculously lacking (mostly due to PVE being bugged to hell)...


All of this would have been forgivable if I could just play a Jawa, or hell, ANYTHING but a Human with <insert color> skin

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  • 2 months later...
UI sucks, PVE fights are bugged to hell, PVP is horribly balanced, opening the mailbox deletes everything in it, no combat log, no target of target, PVE fights are seriously bugged to hell, no dualspec, no damage meters, no competitive PVP, Voidstar NG is freaking retarded, no guildbanks, endgame is ridiculously lacking (mostly due to PVE being bugged to hell)...


All of this would have been forgivable if I could just play a Jawa, or hell, ANYTHING but a Human with <insert color> skin


This. Such blatant laziness went into the creation of the species.. I mean.. CYBORG? As a SPECIES? REALLY? That should've been a slider for Humans. And of course everything else is just a human ( with almost the same customization to boot) with a different color.

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I would never want to play any non-Basic (ie English) speaking race in this game. The thought of hearing my character grunt/growl/squeak/beep/fart/etc for 50 levels is enough to make me pull my hair out.


Playing a Wookie in SWG was fine since it was all text-based. Here, it would cause my eardrums to explode.


Yeah, I agree. Wouldn't work here at all.

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BioWare said you won't get any playable races that don't speak basic. no I'm not dredging through millions of posts/blogs/etc to find it.


not happening.

Pfff mmo devs have a long history of stating something wont happen only to back down a year or 2 later

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