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Romance--show of hands?


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First I need to say that I have so many alts my alts have alts ....



-Did you bother with the romance options at all? Who, and why?

Most of my characters are inclined to find a romantic partner. My male JK from beta fell for the twi`lik matron (all you get is a kiss) and stayed loyal to her even tho he never saw her again.

My first Bounty Hunter was created with a Mako romance in mind, but after getting there, she was more like a little sister. Re-roll as female BH and the two are best friends.

Female gunslinger is married to Corso.

My IA was going to be a playboy spy type but eventually fell for Kaliyo. It is one big blood-bath orgy for them. (He turned out to be a psycotic sociopath with a blood lust not even Kaliyo can not match )

Male Sage is married to Nadia.

Male Scoundral is tied to no one, but finds plenty of romance. One in every port.

And the list goes on.


-Did you avoid the romance options? Why?

Female JK playing strictly to the code.

Male BH playing as big brother to Mako.

Male Sorc never made it past level 20 but was going to play single


-Did you wish you could romance somebody (any NPC or companion) but were unable?

Too many to name. One that you see come up a lot is for a female Sage, many would prefer Zenith. I would too. And it may sound weird but I would like to swap the partners for the SW; Quinn for male and Vette for female.

Edited by Dominoris
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-Did you bother with the romance options at all? Who, and why?


I haven't had any romance options yet. I use mainly only Kaliyo, and we all know she won't do anything with my female IA. Although I must admit I'm not sure if I would flirt with her even if I could. She's really not my type of girl, I'd rather wait for someone I'd care about - well, as much as you care for a game character :p


-Did you avoid the romance options? Why?


Not avoid, not choose (see above) but if I'd had anything with Vector, I'd choose not to do anything with him. I'm a lesbian in real life and could not bring myself to romance anything manly, even if it was a woman. I don't want to play male characters ever, so that's not an option. I also couldn't play a gay (male) character if that was an option.


-Did you wish you could romance somebody (any NPC or companion) but were unable?


Not yet, I think most of them are quite horrible, so in that sense I'm relieved I'm not missing out on a possible romance of the decade.


More than that I'm pissed I can't flirt with women! Flirting is fun fun fun, and if I'd be going out with a companion, I fear I'd feel forced to bring that companion along everywhere - flirting is more liberating. But if there was someone I'd really like to call a Companion, I'd most likely be really sad at the moment.

Edited by Couac
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-Did you bother with the romance options at all? Who, and why?


-Did you avoid the romance options? Why?


-Did you wish you could romance somebody (any NPC or companion) but were unable?


1.) No. Even if he and I weren't gay, Mako is a terrible match for my Mercenary. I play him as a very egocentric sociopath, and... yeah. For a girl raised on the streets of Nar Shaddaa, she really needs to get over that whole naivete thing. If she really disapproves so much, I don't understand why she doesn't just leave!


2.) Yes, because... well, see above.


3.) Torian, for sure. His hero worship would totally play into my Merc's narcissism, plus he's just kind of adorable. Even without SGRA, it's sort of easy to pretend since the two have a rad bromance going on.


As far as other NPCs, fellow Grand Champion Bloodworthy would be cool. So few peers in the galaxy who aren't PCs!

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So far only played a sith Inquisitor to 50 she was a female (I am a male player), mostly light side.


She romanced Androkinos and eventually married him. She is an ex-slave who did rise to power as a Sith but on every possible occasion killed the sith as she has never forgiven them for her slavery. This rebel attitude matched well with andro the Pirate.



I loved the fact that after the "marriage" Andros breached the subject of kids. Also found it funny that he would send me companion gifts in the mail. made me wonder who was who's companion


My other alts are


A male Smuggler level 22. He is getting interested in Risha but it is still too early to say where it will lead. This character will basically flirt with every female he can so...


An Agent level 15. He basically just got Kaliyo so far it is a professional relationship


on the subject of Same sex relationship: I am waiting before playing my bounty hunter because she will lean that way. So until they introduce that aspect I will wait.


In general I appreciate the possiblity to flirt and have relashionships as the make to me the characters more alive.


I also like the fact that the voice actors have played the NPC well enough for you to have an actuall feeling for the companions (within the context of the game)



On a funny note a team mate playing his trooper first reaction on meeting Elara was: "Hugh ! what a (expletive)!" when we informed him in OOC that this could be a future romance he said "NEVER!" :)


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Haven't yet, no. My main is the only character who's gotten far enough, and she's a) Jedi enough that she just overlooks opportunities for love when they come, and b) got a hopeless crush on Master Satele anyway, so she's probably forever alone. I imagine she has the odd one night stand with an off-duty Republic soldier or snarky Twi'lek dancer girl here and there between fighting Sith just to blow off steam, though. The Code forbids attachment, not sensible self-care. :i_cool:


My smuggler is rather less inhibited and is sort of stalled out on the Esseles until SGRA or at the very least, s/s flirts get implemented. Though given that the companion relationships all seem to head toward a pretty strong commitment, I'm not sure she'd go for one anyway, even if she had an option she'd be willing to touch with a ten-foot pole (alas for poor, stupid, chauvinist Corso).

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So far I'm playing only with my main, a male Sith Warrior. Initially - meaning in the months before the release of the game - I thought I'd make him romance Vette, but now that I've actually played with her and got to "know" her, it wouldn't feel right for my character; if anything, he'd have more of a mentorly-kind of bond with her, not unlike a protective big brother or something. I'm considering having him pair with Jaesa when I get her, but we'll see where that goes.


By the way, I think Quinn is gay. I know that he's not, and is infact a romancable option for female Warriors, but I just can't help it :D

Maybe it's the accent and the voice :D

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-Did you bother with the romance options at all? Who, and why?


Absolutely. I'm a sucker for romance. Though when I say that I mean I'm a sucker for the dynamic it creates between two people/characters, not strictly a mushy white-picket fence idealized romance (although I don't inherently have anything against that sort of thing). It can be chaotic and fraught with tension and disaster and as long as it still involves an entanglement between two people who are attracted to each other in some way, I'm all over it.


I've only played one character so far, and that's a female Sith Warrior. Quinn is the only real option (as you can only have a one night stand with Pierce) but he's who I would have picked anyway. I think Bioware has a knack for making male characters that appeal to me, particularly personality-wise. (How you doin', Alistair?) Anyway, I liked the whole Quinn thing because he appeals to me on a pretty base level. I find serious people with intelligence and power attractive.


The thing that appealed to me the most though, like I said right at the beginning, is the dynamic between the two. He's exceptionally reluctant due to his idea of what military relationships should be, and the way he reacts to/tries to deflect romantic advances is hilarious. (His behavior when he finally submits is equally hilarious--particularly the mail he sends.) That coupled with the fact that a Sith really shouldn't be romantically entangled in the first place (because it gets in the way of self-preservation; the person you love can be used to exploit weakness in you) made the idea wholly appealing. He wants to resist and she should resist, but ultimately neither of them do.



I also actually like the whole betrayal storyline and how it could potentially relate to the idea of a romantic relationship. I know some female Sith Warriors took great offense to the fact that their only true romantic option temporarily betrays them, but I honestly prefer it. There need to be obstacles or it just isn't interesting to me. I hope that if/when Bioware adds more companion conversations the topic of betrayal is revisited.


-Did you avoid the romance options? Why?


I haven't experienced any more of them than I mentioned above, but I wouldn't avoid the romance options as a whole. I may avoid a particular romantic option because I don't find it interesting or because it conflicts with an existing romance. Other than that, anything goes really.


-Did you wish you could romance somebody (any NPC or companion) but were unable?


Well, not really, but again that stems from the fact that I've only ever played my Sith Warrior. In general, I would like to see some same sex options become available. I think I would probably still gravitate toward pursuing the heterosexual ones simply because I'm a female in real life who likes playing a female character, and I'm interested in men in real life so I'm generally interested in my character pursuing men. So, I may pursue same sex options should they become available, or I may not. It really depends on the characters. But I wholeheartedly believe that the option should exist.

Edited by Kiralai
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both knight and consular (males) and I've chosen to romance my padawan on each.


The reasons were two fold:

1) curious how they wrote it.

(liked Kiras, not so impressed with Nadia)

2) Abolutely *super* rep gain. and by super I don't mean 20. Try more like in the hundreds. Some of Nadia's convo gains were over *800* ..


So far as is written it has no game effect other than to modify what conversation options you get with that single companion.


(for example, Theran doesn't freak out that you are bumpin the padawan or anything).

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I havent played a BH past 30, [act 2 I suppose?] so..ye..what's up with Mako? I was sorta aiming towards a romance but hell..it just feels queer..I mean..she's like a child/litte sister anyway..Does BH's get any other romance-option's?..Ah well..Right now I just want more Andronikos Content for my SI please! it's been too calm on the ship for sure haha ;)


So and on my IA I'm pursuing Kaliyo for sure, and I'm pretty much aiming to top her own sociopathic mentality..so yeah..watch out folks! ;)




SI: Reyeja.IA:Rehl'anoe.BH:Qaijarch.

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Did you bother with the romance options at all? Who, and why?


Oh yea! This is my first Bioware game and I had no idea there were such interactions with NPCs. I had not played any RP games and was mostly MMO but the romance and companion interactions inspired me to buiy Dragon Age and Mass effect. :D Turns out I'm an RP'er at heart and didn't realize it :o


My first romance in this game was Doc. I found him really entertaining with his off the chart flirts! Although, I actually got pretty upset at first in the romance when he was still had that "player" attitude. But the romance evolved with the JK and he got really sweet.


Corso was the second and is currently the favorite. Nuts over the character...and I mean on a very unhealthy level! :p I just eat up the sweetness and the knight in shining armor persona! I especially loves how he gets so jealous when my smuggler flirts with other NPCs.


I'm currently leveling an Imperial Agent and about halfway through Vector's romance. It is very different from either of the two above, but I am pleasantly surprised. Like most people, I was agitated with the bugman thing, but after experiencing his quests myself I do find that he is very intriguing and hypnotic. Course, it's easier to consider him as an 'alien' rather than a joiner. Plus our parts match up so that's good enough!


I also have a level 27ish tropper female and do intend to romance Aric. Any courting missions have yet to open up with him but I do like him as a character and the interactions he has with my tropper have a slight hint of sexual tension. He did get jealous when she flirted with Jonas and got super flustered when she called him on it. I'm looking foward to more!



Did you avoid the romance options? Why?


On my smuggler I have flirted with every avaiable NPC...mostly to get Corso riled up :o but had not faded to black with any of them. I was simply to attached to Corso that I couldn't go to far with any of the NPC options for the smuggler. I thought Darmas came off as pretty sleazy so favored Corso over him when the conversation came up. Lenn Terann was a big wussy and made me want to peel my face off. I prefer the rugged types, not men with soft hands! :p


Did you wish you could romance somebody (any NPC or companion) but were unable?


My tropper got to flirt several times with Jonas Balker, but I wish he was the equivalent to Sergeant Jaxo for the males. I tried to peek ahead but seems as though it ended with Jorgan's companion mission.


On my agent, I wish there was more seduction with NPCs. Not fair that guys get so much more options! Seducing Darth Jadus...that would have been a hoot!

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  • 3 weeks later...
Did you bother with the romance options at all? Who, and why?


Oh yea! This is my first Bioware game and I had no idea there were such interactions with NPCs. I had not played any RP games and was mostly MMO but the romance and companion interactions inspired me to buiy Dragon Age and Mass effect. :D Turns out I'm an RP'er at heart and didn't realize it :o


My first romance in this game was Doc. I found him really entertaining with his off the chart flirts! Although, I actually got pretty upset at first in the romance when he was still had that "player" attitude. But the romance evolved with the JK and he got really sweet.


Corso was the second and is currently the favorite. Nuts over the character...and I mean on a very unhealthy level! :p I just eat up the sweetness and the knight in shining armor persona! I especially loves how he gets so jealous when my smuggler flirts with other NPCs.


I'm currently leveling an Imperial Agent and about halfway through Vector's romance. It is very different from either of the two above, but I am pleasantly surprised. Like most people, I was agitated with the bugman thing, but after experiencing his quests myself I do find that he is very intriguing and hypnotic. Course, it's easier to consider him as an 'alien' rather than a joiner. Plus our parts match up so that's good enough!


I also have a level 27ish tropper female and do intend to romance Aric. Any courting missions have yet to open up with him but I do like him as a character and the interactions he has with my tropper have a slight hint of sexual tension. He did get jealous when she flirted with Jonas and got super flustered when she called him on it. I'm looking foward to more!



Did you avoid the romance options? Why?


On my smuggler I have flirted with every avaiable NPC...mostly to get Corso riled up :o but had not faded to black with any of them. I was simply to attached to Corso that I couldn't go to far with any of the NPC options for the smuggler. I thought Darmas came off as pretty sleazy so favored Corso over him when the conversation came up. Lenn Terann was a big wussy and made me want to peel my face off. I prefer the rugged types, not men with soft hands! :p


Did you wish you could romance somebody (any NPC or companion) but were unable?


My tropper got to flirt several times with Jonas Balker, but I wish he was the equivalent to Sergeant Jaxo for the males. I tried to peek ahead but seems as though it ended with Jorgan's companion mission.


On my agent, I wish there was more seduction with NPCs. Not fair that guys get so much more options! Seducing Darth Jadus...that would have been a hoot!


I cannot speak for the Mass Effect ones yet as I am still working on those. But it sounds like you will love Dragon Age. While, I am male and romanced Leliana and Morrigan in two seperate playthroughs. I would suggest you do the Alistair romance and then maybe Zevran on another playthrough. (Just keep in mind you have to let Zevran live). I think you will like them a lot.


Dragon Age Origins is long though, so you may want to play this game and that game in bits and pieces. Not enough time in the day. Very good game Dragon Age Origins, although the combat can get tough if you go to say Ostagar too early as compared to the Circle Tower or RedCliffe.


Dragon Age II.....bleh. Although you may like it for the conversations if not the other issues it has.....

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Female player, playing female JK. I was really looking forward to this aspect of the game. Bioware games are some of the few I've ever been able to play as a female character, have a romance with an enjoyable male character, and have fun playing the game. I am however disappointed with the romance for the female JK.


The only romance option I have is Doc. Doc, as a character, I find funny. As a LI I find him lacking. I just can't see my Knight (that grew up in the order, and is mostly light side) having any interest in him. He seems more interested in her anatomy, than her personality.



My JK tells him very diplomatically that they can't be a couple. He gets all mad and asks why did you bring me aboard then. I remember sitting there staring at the screen, thinking wait a second you asked to come with me on this venture. I have never flirted with you, why would you think I have ANY interest in you on anything other than a professional level.


I then told him that most women think he should take a trip into the nearest sun. (or something like that)


Since that point he (so far) has stopped hitting on my JK and I find him much more tolerable.



I've only found 1 flirt option, end of the bonus series on Alderaan. I loved the flirt line my Jedi says, and I can totally see my JK saying that. I just didn't really like who the flirt was directed to. While I did not expect, nor want, her to flirt with everything that moves. I'd like to be able to flirt a bit more often, or with better people. Seriously, male JKs can get busy before getting off Tython, I just would like to flirt a bit more often.


Seconding above poster. I'd love for there to be an option for a Praven romance. That character was awesome. My JK would have flirted with him at just about every chance, had that been an option. Sadly it wasn't.


Hoping for better luck with my Trooper and Smuggler. Jorgen and Corso seem like much better LIs than Doc. Haven't gotten that far with those yet. My Jedi is my main.


I just wished you could romance Scourge :p


I cannot speak for the Mass Effect ones yet as I am still working on those. But it sounds like you will love Dragon Age. While, I am male and romanced Leliana and Morrigan in two seperate playthroughs. I would suggest you do the Alistair romance and then maybe Zevran on another playthrough. (Just keep in mind you have to let Zevran live). I think you will like them a lot.
aye more importantly you as a female toon could romance leliana as well. And as a male one you still could romance Zevran. Edited by Spartanik
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But as a female BH I only have the option of Torian and IMO (like Skadge said) he's a Bellyaching Dandy! Bio wont let me apparently, I've read in forums, I can't romance Gault, who's the only one I'd choose, or Skadge or Blizz if it meant ignoring "the Bellyaching Dandy" (I laughed a lot when he said it, I must say) Bio wrote that dialog into the storyline so they must have thought that about him too and then still made him the only one available xD Edited by Shokii
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-Did you wish you could romance somebody (any NPC or companion) but were unable?

Yes! My Sith Inquisitor is pining for Talos Drellik! *Le Sigh*



My male twi'lek inquisitor is ALSO pining for Talos. They are soulmates, dammit. Ashara was alright, but she sounds 12 years old, which bugs me a little. I can't see me ever romancing Andronikus, he's just not that interesting.




I've played a bunch of different characters of both genders, the only character I didn't go after any of the options is my male IA. Kaliyo and he don't see eye to eye (my IA is very by the book, pretty fond of the Empire, etc) so while they're decent friends who agree to disagree a lot of the time, it didn't seem like a good fit romantically, and Temple is too blindly loyal to the Empire and also WAY TOO YOUNG SEEMING, so she's out too. It also seemed like a weird abuse of a teacher/student relationship (which is why if I ever play a dude consular, he will NOT be going after Nadia). He'd make out with Vector if Vector showed any interest, though, I tell you what.


I sort of wish my female smuggler could dump Corso Riggs as hard as she possibly can, though. I HATE his white knighting stupidity. I'd be able to deal with it if he'd knock it off after my smuggler asked him to, but for all his blabbering about "respect," he apparently doesn't respect her enough to stop calling her a lady or treating her like some delicate flower of womanhood even though she asked him to.


I love Doc, on the other hand. He's funny and a total scoundrel, but when my JK told him to stop calling her stupid pet names, he DID. That romance irritated me, though, because you get dark side points left and right. Meanwhile my female consular slept with Tharan AND Lt. Boyfriend with absolutely no dark side points at all. I could've married Iresso (I didn't, though, TEH ORDER WOULDN'T APPROVE) without any DS points too. What the heck, I ask you!


That reminds me. Tharan and my lady consular had something resembling chemistry. She had ZERO chemistry with Lt. Boyfriend. I am annoyed I couldn't persue Tharan for real. Lt. Boyfriend deserves a lady who is into him. Maybe I should introduce him to my female trooper. :rolleyes:



Yes, I could go on and on about this silly subject. Don't judge me!

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My male twi'lek inquisitor is ALSO pining for Talos. They are soulmates, dammit. Ashara was alright, but she sounds 12 years old, which bugs me a little. I can't see me ever romancing Andronikus, he's just not that interesting.




I've played a bunch of different characters of both genders, the only character I didn't go after any of the options is my male IA. Kaliyo and he don't see eye to eye (my IA is very by the book, pretty fond of the Empire, etc) so while they're decent friends who agree to disagree a lot of the time, it didn't seem like a good fit romantically, and Temple is too blindly loyal to the Empire and also WAY TOO YOUNG SEEMING, so she's out too. It also seemed like a weird abuse of a teacher/student relationship (which is why if I ever play a dude consular, he will NOT be going after Nadia). He'd make out with Vector if Vector showed any interest, though, I tell you what.


I sort of wish my female smuggler could dump Corso Riggs as hard as she possibly can, though. I HATE his white knighting stupidity. I'd be able to deal with it if he'd knock it off after my smuggler asked him to, but for all his blabbering about "respect," he apparently doesn't respect her enough to stop calling her a lady or treating her like some delicate flower of womanhood even though she asked him to.


I love Doc, on the other hand. He's funny and a total scoundrel, but when my JK told him to stop calling her stupid pet names, he DID. That romance irritated me, though, because you get dark side points left and right. Meanwhile my female consular slept with Tharan AND Lt. Boyfriend with absolutely no dark side points at all. I could've married Iresso (I didn't, though, TEH ORDER WOULDN'T APPROVE) without any DS points too. What the heck, I ask you!


That reminds me. Tharan and my lady consular had something resembling chemistry. She had ZERO chemistry with Lt. Boyfriend. I am annoyed I couldn't persue Tharan for real. Lt. Boyfriend deserves a lady who is into him. Maybe I should introduce him to my female trooper. :rolleyes:



Yes, I could go on and on about this silly subject. Don't judge me!


Do you get DS points for every romance as an Inquisitor though? Why do you even get DS points in the first place lol.

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I cannot speak for the Mass Effect ones yet as I am still working on those. But it sounds like you will love Dragon Age. While, I am male and romanced Leliana and Morrigan in two seperate playthroughs. I would suggest you do the Alistair romance and then maybe Zevran on another playthrough. (Just keep in mind you have to let Zevran live). I think you will like them a lot.


Dragon Age Origins is long though, so you may want to play this game and that game in bits and pieces. Not enough time in the day. Very good game Dragon Age Origins, although the combat can get tough if you go to say Ostagar too early as compared to the Circle Tower or RedCliffe.


Dragon Age II.....bleh. Although you may like it for the conversations if not the other issues it has.....


You know I always figured TOR could do a better job of 'finding' RPers than DA II. I also thing Dragon Age: Origins is a really good choice.

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Do you get DS points for every romance as an Inquisitor though? Why do you even get DS points in the first place lol.



My manquisitor is a light side type dude, and he got no dark side points for macking on Ashara (although he did get DS points for one of his flings). I was more irritated by Doc's romance resulting in a bunch of dark side points when I know romancing Kira only has one DS potential [flirt] (marrying her results in NONE, which blows my mind), and the female consular has zero DS points from any of her romantic adventures. For all I know the male consular's romance also results in a giant pile of dark side points, but I suspect it doesn't.

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My manquisitor is a light side type dude, and he got no dark side points for macking on Ashara (although he did get DS points for one of his flings). I was more irritated by Doc's romance resulting in a bunch of dark side points when I know romancing Kira only has one DS potential [flirt] (marrying her results in NONE, which blows my mind), and the female consular has zero DS points from any of her romantic adventures. For all I know the male consular's romance also results in a giant pile of dark side points, but I suspect it doesn't.


I was wondering that since you get DS points when trying to make a move on that girl on Nar Shaddaa... the one who helps you with your cult... still don't understand why. :confused:

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I have a question about romances.


If I may ask.


My bounty hunter is at Dark Side one, will I have to get to Light Side one in order for Mako to let me court her?


How does that LS/DS stuff work in regards to the romances? Did I lose my chance with Mako because I'm DS1 now? I'm only level 17 can I fix it?

Edited by JediElf
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I have a question about romances.


If I may ask.


My bounty hunter is at Dark Side one, will I have to get to Light Side one in order for Mako to let me court her?


How does that LS/DS stuff work in regards to the romances? Did I lose my chance with Mako because I'm DS1 now? I'm only level 17 can I fix it?



There's a couple instances, where your moral alignment can make a difference in terms of romance. A LS warrior, for instance, can not romance a DS Jaesa. Too, a DS inquisitor will not really be able to romance Ashara. But beyond those instances, romancing any character isn't going to be dependent on your alignment.


A DS bounty hunter can certainly romance Mako, although she may disagree with a great many of your choices, so take that into consideration as your building your relationship with her. My slightly-DS-leaning Hunter, on one playthrough, had to use gifts to smooth over those instances, as I recall.


My characters are normally female, though. My final Hunter was a LS female, and Torian adored her. My final Warrior, though, was a DS female, and Quinn fell for her very easily. It's only important to consider your companion is "their own person" and won't neccessarily like you "just because they're drawn that way", iow. I charted my characters with their eventual relationships in mind. You don't HAVE to, though, and there are tools you can use to work around any dissatisfaction they may be feeling with your character. That's basically the challenge of that aspect of the game, shrug.

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As a female Imperial Agent, I only get one romance option, Vector Hyllus. People have dubbed him Bugman, since he's a Joiner, and there are two distinct camps who either love or hate him as the only option. I wanted to see for myself (though I've found that despite having over 8,000 affection, I can't talk to him anymore and I've no idea why).


Wished id made a female just for vector, hes the coolest companion ever

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I wasn't going to bother with romance with my smuggler as I wanted to wait in case Risha was romanceable by female characters... but then I kind of fell for Corso. He just worked with what I'd put together for my character. Haven't bothered with anyone else yet though, almost romanced Torian by accident (he wouldn't leave my BH alone) but I don't like him and want Mako to get him. Corso's the only male character so far I've wanted to romance anyway, and I am still cruelly denied Kira :(
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my biggest dissapointment with all the story in this game is that its not a choose your own adventure in the slightest. Its a prewritten story, you just play along watching it unfold. The only choices you have is the occasional choice to not do something. Romances are a case in point, there is no choice of persuing a romance with a particular character, you either take the one given to you, or abstain.

So far I have tried three of the republic classes and found all the romance options to be wholly unappealing. Doc is a slimy jerk, Corso is a dumb hic, Aric is just generic personality-less army guy and a catboy to boot (sorry not into furries. /barf).

Options please, preferably someone at least remotely likeable.

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