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Zen Watchman Crits - 6 Stacks Only?


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I think it is intended this way. Remember that those crits heal your party for 1% of their max health (so a total of 6% health gain). I frequently get 75k healer medal in a WZ if I pop it every time it's up. Edited by TheWhiskey
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Ah, nevermind. I think they ninja changed the tooltip to explicitly say it lasts 6 charges now. Before it wasn't like that.


I noticed this as well. Before (and I have no clue when may have been changed) I remember seeing crits roll off the top of my character for the entire duration of the stacks. Tons of them. So many it was silly.

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Yea only 6 times and the heal amount is meh at best. The whole centering / zen mechanic is stupid at it's very best. They need to take it back to the drawing board and do something else. Quite frankly, they need to take the whole damn class back to the drawing board and do something else. The whole thing just feels sloppy to me.
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Yea only 6 times and the heal amount is meh at best. The whole centering / zen mechanic is stupid at it's very best. They need to take it back to the drawing board and do something else. Quite frankly, they need to take the whole damn class back to the drawing board and do something else. The whole thing just feels sloppy to me.


Are you kidding me? A DPS class with self sustain that comes about FROM DOING DAMAGE is friggin awesome. You know that your flame crits actually do a LOT of damage as well right? Even if you don't like zen you can use transcendence which gives you a flat 10% damage reduction AND 50% speed boost, whats not to like?

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Are you kidding me? A DPS class with self sustain that comes about FROM DOING DAMAGE is friggin awesome. You know that your flame crits actually do a LOT of damage as well right? Even if you don't like zen you can use transcendence which gives you a flat 10% damage reduction AND 50% speed boost, whats not to like?

Well, I do like the watchman tree, but that's going a bit far!

6% extra health is not going to significantly sustain your health pool! Solo, it's not a great help.

In a party, it might make your stats look a bit better in a WZ, but it's healing that is pretty much uncontrolled and indiscriminate. And again, 6% isn't going to sustain anyone.


And I agree with the first guy, the Zen mechanic is a bit of a PITA, and our controls are fiddly enough already!


Edit: Actually, if the buffs were a lot better, but single target and worked like the guard mechanic, I think I'd like it a lot better.

Edited by MEHColeman
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Well, I do like the watchman tree, but that's going a bit far!

6% extra health is not going to significantly sustain your health pool! Solo, it's not a great help.

In a party, it might make your stats look a bit better in a WZ, but it's healing that is pretty much uncontrolled and indiscriminate. And again, 6% isn't going to sustain anyone.


And I agree with the first guy, the Zen mechanic is a bit of a PITA, and our controls are fiddly enough already!


Edit: Actually, if the buffs were a lot better, but single target and worked like the guard mechanic, I think I'd like it a lot better.


Just to point out that when you pop Zen you heal for 3% of your max health per tick as a watchman (When talented, which it should always be). Just building my burns on someone, hitting a merc slash and zen and then force stasis will simply ravage most people, all the while I am healing quite quickly and they can do nothing about it.


If you are at low health, you can pop Guarded by the Force, then Zen if its up followed by a medpack, and be at far more health than you were 5 seconds previously, while taking no damage to speak of. You can then always Camo and run or use another CD such as Rebuke to help keep you up long enough to be a real pain in Voidstar or Alderaan, while you hope the cavalry is on its way in.

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For the sentinel it's actually an 12% health gain if you got the Merciless Zeal talent. 6% is the party health gain from the zeal procs. Combined with Valorous call you get an additional 12% giving a grand total of 24% health regen in a fight along with a 12% health regen to party members.


It's nowhere near insignificant.

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Are you kidding me? A DPS class with self sustain that comes about FROM DOING DAMAGE is friggin awesome. You know that your flame crits actually do a LOT of damage as well right? Even if you don't like zen you can use transcendence which gives you a flat 10% damage reduction AND 50% speed boost, whats not to like?


First off transcendence does not reduce damage, it increases defense chance by 10%, so thats your parry and deflect. So basically your defense chance increases to 15% if you are at base chance with no stats to increase it. 15% chance to parry....ok thats soooooooo great! (sarcasim). The heal is very little in the overall aspect of the amount of damage you take. 2% is marginal at best.





Just to point out that when you pop Zen you heal for 3% of your max health per tick as a watchman (When talented, which it should always be). Just building my burns on someone, hitting a merc slash and zen and then force stasis will simply ravage most people, all the while I am healing quite quickly and they can do nothing about it.


If you are at low health, you can pop Guarded by the Force, then Zen if its up followed by a medpack, and be at far more health than you were 5 seconds previously, while taking no damage to speak of. You can then always Camo and run or use another CD such as Rebuke to help keep you up long enough to be a real pain in Voidstar or Alderaan, while you hope the cavalry is on its way in.



No you dont heal yourself for 3% per tick. If the tooltip is accurate, that extra 1% is only applied to your party members not yourself. I wish we had combat logs to actually check this stuff. I do aggree however that if you pop a bunch of cooldowns, statis, Zen, etc, you may be ever to save yourself from a nasty death.




For the sentinel it's actually an 12% health gain if you got the Merciless Zeal talent. 6% is the party health gain from the zeal procs. Combined with Valorous call you get an additional 12% giving a grand total of 24% health regen in a fight along with a 12% health regen to party members.


It's nowhere near insignificant.



If you take the whole amount healed as one lump heal then of course it would be significant. But that is just the thing, that 24% over the course of a long fight is rather insignificant. If you take into consideration the amount of damage you would receive over the period you would need to receive the total amout of heals, like I said, it's insignificant. Look at how many cooldowns and time you need to receive the full amount from the heal.



Back to my initial point. The whole system is clunky, sloppy, and just plain poorly implemented. It was something they thought off at the very last min and threw it into the sentinel class right before release.

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Actually, that 6% from Zen is applied to yourself. Have you never popped zen before picking up the talent that gives you that 2% for crits? Also, everyones math seems to be bad cause 3%*6 = 18%, not 12. So if you use zen, valorous call, and then use zen again, you can heal yourself for 36% of your health rather rapidly.
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Yea only 6 times and the heal amount is meh at best. The whole centering / zen mechanic is stupid at it's very best. They need to take it back to the drawing board and do something else. Quite frankly, they need to take the whole damn class back to the drawing board and do something else. The whole thing just feels sloppy to me.


Aaaaand that's why you're bad.


3 stacks of OS and a Cauterize +_ zen = 6k+ dmg. Oh look. Valorous Call. Do it again!


Nothing kills faster than double zen. 12 crits of dots and 36% hp back for a watchman. We effectively have 136% per every fight, enough to kill anyone.

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Sounds like a complainer wanting sentinals to heal themselves magically while fighting.


Sure its only 36% over the duration of the battle and not instant, but guess what. We are doing damage nonstop, we are not stopping to heal.


You should go back to Diablo 2 and play that. It has your lifesteal, which sounds like is what you want. To steal like 25% hp for every damage you do.

Edited by Hinscher
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been watchmen from day 1, never respeced at all, solod my whole class quest and am lvl 50.

and having the burn heals has saved me numerous times. especially once i got valorous call and was able to go zen, v call, zen. and when you stack enough crit and surge the burns do tremendous damage.

and in the last patch the watchmen tree actually got a buff.


if your having so much trouble playing it, maybe its a learn to play scenario? or maybe you should be a sage healer and stand at a distance and throw big rocks while your tank takes the damage?

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For the sentinel it's actually an 12% health gain if you got the Merciless Zeal talent. 6% is the party health gain from the zeal procs. Combined with Valorous call you get an additional 12% giving a grand total of 24% health regen in a fight along with a 12% health regen to party members.


It's nowhere near insignificant.


its 18%.... 12% from Zeal 6% from Zen

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