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PvP Exloiting in Illum...The Truth


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Today I got to see both sides of it on same server where the video is from, Wounds in The Force



Sequence is something like this


1. About 10 Rep in Ilum. Quite a few asking Inv to Ops. There is actually no Ops. So I say why don't u start one. One of the guys starts it and we get about 6 people. We start roaming and kill some Imp stragglers


2. More Reps join maybe about 12 now and we have an experinced guy leading now. Not many Sith around.


3. We start encountering slightly larger Sith groups then ours. We get wiped 2 or 3 times but good fights. Then we organize more and we wipe them a couple of times. Kinda depends how te figth erupts and where we engage.


4. Our group grows larger, at this point maybe about 17 and some of them are very geared guys from Republic side. We encounter large Sith group a few times but fights seem to be going our way now. We hold the map. I am doing my weeklies and about 80 kills + from the time i stepped on Ilum. Then there is a lull, the Sith stop coming out. I leave to do wz and ask my guildmate if any of them showed up, he says he collecting armaments in the mid cause no enemy. Our group gets thinner.


5. After a few wz I head back to Ilum, we have average size group but the Imp group now is 2x ours. We get wiped and immediately the fight moves to bridge. I just stick around to help but rly we are feeding more of them


6. The Bridge ballet progresses & more Rep leave. I stick around for 30 mins so



Total Duration : About 3 hours. In the beggining it was actually quite fun.


Sounds about right, I play on the same server and everytime I do my daily it turns out like this. When republic starts getting destroyed, it automatically moves to the bridge. Otherwise, it's actually pretty fun.

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Think about it logically for a second: how would you punish these people? 3-day ban for dying in RvR? 7-day ban for not using their AoE skills when presented with multiple opponents? Perma-ban for afking near a red name?


you can't punish them, the ilum mechanics promote it. what we should have had though is ilum locked down on the January 18th and not reopened until a something proper was implemented - instead it has been allowed to fester for 3 weeks and counting.

Edited by Roak
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Reckless management of the PvP in most of these new games has been the ruination of many of them.


^ oddly enough have to agree here swtor was fun at first but after 50 and pvping all the time to grind out 60 valor, even putting the odd hardmode or doing raids is starting to put me off on swtor now i used to stand by it but i just dont see my self here personally after another month at best.


take it how you want thats my opinion even if you agree or disagree..


played in both beta weekends and since the 20th of December btw..

Edited by Urieaal
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I would love to know what the 'right' way is when if we steam roll them 40v15 they will just leave so we have to give them freebie kills and pick up random kills.


This is not kill trading btw this is empire trying not to push republic out of the zone, I'm on the server.

Edited by Nocorras
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This sadly is a failure in ilum pvp development..When 1 person can run up to the other sides bases and solo take it theres something wrong.


Theres no incentive to group other then valor. You dont need a raid to take a base b/c u cant really take a base or capture it i should say.


Even though the game has only been out a month there dragging thier feet on cross server pvp which is needed yesterday


The warzones cause problems with open world pvp b/c those people could be fighting in ilum.


Im giving this game 6 months for open world pvp. Believe me im going to give them a piece of mind if thier at comic con this year....


Like ive said all along whats going to happen when those people farming each other get thier gear and become bored and rage on here and leave? I have yet to see gabe or any gm answer that b/c i gaurantee thats what most of them will do. They didnt want to pvp in the first place they just want the gear.


I do like the bioware devs though but ive lost a huge amount of faith in them ilum is a piece of crap and why we cant turn off those stupid announcements that still cause me lag spikes i dont get. I mean seriously do i really need to know someone on my own team is at the southern base? or that theres a consular at the imp base? Those announcements are so annoying and trying to pvp with a lag spike every couple of minutes for an announcement i dont need to hear....

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Aaaand this is one reason Battlegrounds weren't there at launch with WoW.


They wanted to do it right.


When AV was released it was easily 10x better than Ilum is currently. Which is sad, real sad.


Even Rift had better PvP than ToR.

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I'm not sure I see the problem here. I'm not saying ilum is perfect at all, but the video doesn't show a design problem - it shows a player problem.


Our server is small and we rarely get big battles, but I have never seen this bridge thing before. We are either in the center with our fights or wandering around trying to pick our kills.


You can go back to WoW and look at their open world pvp and see many faults in it, but it still works if the people playing it actually play it the way its' supposed to be played.


People should stop beign afraid to die and just have fun and kill each other in an all out war.

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I'm not sure I see the problem here. I'm not saying ilum is perfect at all, but the video doesn't show a design problem - it shows a player problem.


No, they could easily put DR on valor and not give credit for kills after a certain point.


Kill trading relies on being able to quickly rinse/repeat.


Its not perfect, but its better than nothing, which is what they're currently doing.

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This kind of **** never happens on my server. We kill each other on sight, and ppl diss each other even for suggesting kill trades or noob **** like that. We might actually be the only server that can beat the gate camping imps with clever tactics even when we are outnumbered (which is always), after reading so many comments about the exploits and all.


Roll Rep on the Ravager - EU is what I can suggest yall..

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I haven't seen it either. It just seems like the republics only come out to play on certain nights and then we have gigantic parties with glowsticks and all. Suits me fine. tbh, I'm not in such a hurry I need to get all the gear right away so if I can do two or three daylies a week + the weekly, then I'm happy. All I wish is that we could have a friday night bonus mission for 300 kills or so. Because I have so much fun I keep on going for hours after I've done my weekly. :)
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This kind of **** never happens on my server. We kill each other on sight, and ppl diss each other even for suggesting kill trades or noob **** like that. We might actually be the only server that can beat the gate camping imps with clever tactics even when we are outnumbered (which is always), after reading so many comments about the exploits and all.


Roll Rep on the Ravager - EU is what I can suggest yall..


sounds good..looks like ive found my new server...rolling trooper there tomorrow

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Oh okay, so one thing is, of course, the overwhelming disbalance between republic and imperium. Another thing is, when you spoiled *********** keep coming up with **** like that, you'll ruin every game you gonna get your claws at, if it isn't totally restricted.
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I know how to fix this ,, the devs go play DAoC for a week or 2 . Take a good hard look at why a game going on like 12 years still has a 14.99/m sub fee. And do something like that for SWTOR .


Add is a 3rd faction, separatists, huts one of the many corps.

Give us space stations and worlds to fight over. That we have to raid to take. Use machines of war.

Then toss is a faction relic or something as a elite PvP goal . Give tje realm holding the other realms relic a power boost for pve and PvP .

Then for the topping add in a pve epic world that you can only go to if your faction owns most of the PvP planets. Make most of it dungeons. And if your there when it changes hands you can stay and fight .

Was called darkness falls in DAoC .


Take the best ideas DAoC had rework them into a SWTOR theam. Watch subs blow up.

Look in the end a 12ish year old game still has paying subs. I'm one of them. They must of did something right.

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the first time i went to ilum i was abused by about 20 people in general chat for killing a rep, apparently it was his turn to kill all of them, i mean, i had no idea how it worked, i saw a rep, so i attacked him /shrug


i just logged out and started a new 1-49, i'm keeping away from 50.


This pretty much sums the game up right now, No reason to be 50 unless you are pveing. Also the people in the 10-49 bracket are amazingly better in both intelligence and skill compared to the 50 bracket with all the "We had to grind low lvs for are gear we pro you bad l2p battle masters"

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