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Do You Like SWTOR In It's Current State? YES/NO


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The number of bugs in the game is astounding. Add to that awful customer service, stuff that is STILL missing from the game that should have been in at launch, zone design that gets progressively worse as you get further into the game....the list just goes on and on. I paid for a 3 month subs - if the next patch doesnt blow me away then it wont see a renewal.

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667 for NO

648 for YES




Click HERE to view results in pie-chart form.




To the two people who gave my thread a 0/5 rating recently: I hope you realize I have spent about 18 hours on this thread ensuring it is the best quality possible. I have taken time and effort out of my own schedule to ensure this thread is unbiased, counted votes with the utmost accuracy (3x each standard, sometimes up to 5 times per yes, no, undecided), and have worked hard to bring you a thread that everyone can participate in no matter their opinion. Instead of rating my thread poorly, perhaps you can tell me exactly what I am missing or not doing correctly in your mind so I can work on it?


Everyone else: As always, votes were counted three times to ensure accuracy, and those who vote twice are tossed out so poll remains accurate. Thank you. Continue on. :)

Edited by StrikeOfLight
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Yes I do like SWTOR in its current state, but there will always be room for improvement.


On a side note, the forums do not accurately depict the entire player base, just the portion of the player base that visits the forums. Just sayin'. I still think this poll is a good idea. :)

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Piechart updated.


Tally updated.


Main thread edited to look better.


Total number of voters as of this post: 1414 (minus the 21 people attempting to skew poll, who's votes were thrown out.)



I have worked very very hard on this thread and have poured over 18 hours of time and effort into it. If you could, please give this thread a favorable rating by rating this thread before you submit a reply to it. You can do so by scrolling down to additional options before submitting a reply and selecting what rating you see fit to give. For every 5/5 star rating I get, I will personally cheer for you IRL! :D


Thank you, carry on, and continue the good work!


~The ThreadMaster

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Yes I do like SWTOR in its current state, but there will always be room for improvement.


On a side note, the forums do not accurately depict the entire player base, just the portion of the player base that visits the forums. Just sayin'. I still think this poll is a good idea. :)


I know. I thought it would be an interesting read for many people, so I made the poll myself. :)


*nudge* Can I haz favorable ratingz? I is sad becuz trolls eated mah cookie! (They gave me a 0/5 and wrecked my perfect 6-vote 5/5 star rating) Hehe. :p

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I would like it known that I am now, as of today, within the UNDECIDED group.


I have found that playing something other than Sage recently has made me enjoy the game a bit more, although it still has flaws.


I am no longer within the "NO" group. When I was, I was not biased in counting anyways.

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I would like it known that I am now, as of today, within the UNDECIDED group.


I have found that playing something other than Sage recently has made me enjoy the game a bit more, although it still has flaws.


I am no longer within the "NO" group. When I was, I was not biased in counting anyways.


My favorite class is the trooper.

My wife plays a sage and is loving it.

I'm leveling a Jedi Knight (dual wield lightsabers ftw!)

And I'm leveling a Smuggler for healing. (Playing him as a credit oriented character...very entertaining. :))


What was your first character?




I like the game now, and can't wait to see how it evolves.

The beauty of MMOs is they are ever growing.

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I would say yes.


My only real gripe is that I've personally kind of burned myself out by leveling too many things too quickly (sitting a good distance into Legacy 22 right now with no level 50s to show for it, so you could call me an altoholic), but I've enjoyed my time with the game through now despite all the repetition. Unfortunately I'm on a server that is light pop even at peak hours, but that was more of a personal blunder than anything. Hopefully Bioware listens to constructive community feedback and makes necessary updates with regularity.


Nice thread, and nice work!

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It's an okay game, that's all. In my opinion it's on a par with most of the other MMOs released in the last few years (AoC, LotRO, Rift, Aion) but no better.


Best bits: It's Star Wars! The story aspect is superb.


Worst bits: Maintenance times and it's SOOOO damn linear!

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I know. I thought it would be an interesting read for many people, so I made the poll myself. :)


*nudge* Can I haz favorable ratingz? I is sad becuz trolls eated mah cookie! (They gave me a 0/5 and wrecked my perfect 6-vote 5/5 star rating) Hehe. :p


Sure, this thread deserves a good rating. After seeing all the people who apparently can't criticize without trolling throughout the forums, its nice to see someone who knows what constructive criticism really is.

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Sure, this thread deserves a good rating. After seeing all the people who apparently can't criticize without trolling throughout the forums, its nice to see someone who knows what constructive criticism really is.


Thank you, sir. I made this thread with the sole intention of making a CONSTRUCTIVE place for people to give opinions and view the opinions of others. It is, I assume, why the developers are supposedly browsing this thread, which was another goal of mine. I wanted the developers to see true, raw, unbiased feedback w/o any trolling and with numbers/statistics to look at as a bonus.


Much appreciated.

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We are ten pages away from thread #3 being created when this thread reaches the posting limit. Those 10 pages will go by in a matter of hours.


Does anyone have any suggestions for thread #3? If so, post them and I will take them under consideration. :D

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I have enjoyed the game, but I am running out of content and fun/interesting/challenging things to do.. This is sad because I really like the star wars theme and would much like this game to be entertaining even @ lvl 50 and for many years to come. The frustration comes when I see limited options at current patch releases. 1x ops every 3 month will not keep me or my guild busy for long. Nor will the limited selection of items available.


Current rates of new content is very low... they added 4 more bosses to karaggas, but they should have been there from the beginning. It was more of a delayed content than new content.


I really want to continue playing this game.... But I also like doing things that does not involve creating alts over and over, grinding the 90% of the same quests over and over with exception of class quest which is the only part that actually offer anything new by rolling alts.

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With apologies for not having read every other post in the thread (just became aware of it, and honestly I don't have the time to do so), my response to the original question:


With regret, I must answer no.


The root problem is that this is not actually an MMO -- not yet, though it could become one. It is a group of single-player games with chat rooms and very limited multiplayer tacked on as an afterthought.


The single-player games are very, very good, or would be if this had been marketed as such. But in an MMO, entirely and inescapably linear gameplay is not a good thing.


The problem is that the game provides very few reasons to do anything with other people, and there are no opportunities for inventing reasons. Having finished the Jedi Knight single-player game, with only twice having been forced to call on friends because I couldn't finish a mission (which I must say was a shock after being stuck in single-player mode so long), I find myself with the following to do at level 50: crafting, space missions, PvP, flashpoints, operations, and dailies.


The problem is that, except for crafting (which is just a few mouse clicks, nothing particularly interesting there), all of these involve endlessly repeating the same linear missions. Once I've completed each mission, there's nothing new to do. Nothing interesting or exciting, just repetition of what I've already done. And there's not much reason to do that, since all I have to work toward is being able to repeat the missions with slightly greater ease because of acquiring better gear and memorizing the missions.


I have nothing to explore, nowhere to go, nothing new to do, and no way to think outside the "box" of game mechanics to create new things for me and my friends to do, because the game mechanics are entirely restrictive. Trying to think of things to do with our guild, a friend mentioned scavenger hunts. As I was already being fairly negative about the prospects of an MMO guild in a single-player game, I didn't have the heart to tell him that we can't even do that much. Everything drops the same loot, so you can't tell people to collect a Wampa tooth and a Krayt dragon claw and a Nexu gallstone or whatever.


I feel very much as if the game is over now, so no matter how much I enjoyed the single-player Jedi Knight story, I cannot say that I like SWTOR as an MMO.

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I sympathize with those who say they ran out of content to play.


It is my fondest hopes that they add in more material to have fun with once they correct the game breaking bugs.


For me, I feel they need to focus on these things in this exact order:


#1. Hammer out the major bugs and banhammer the cheaters/hackers.

#2. Add new warzones and fix Illum.

#3. Add new content, including items, open world PVP, operations, and other such things for LEVEL 50s to enjoy.

#4. Add in content that allows more diversity for the player. Things to make me feel not so cookie-cutterish.

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I have two 50s and a bunch of alts, but no motivation to continue leveling aside from the different class stories, which is just not enough for me to use as fuel anymore.


I will start playing again once the Legacy System actually does something. Until then, I can't bring myself to log on.

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As a BioWare RPG, the morality choices aren't terribly interesting or plot altering, and the extremely linear story has its pacing shot to hell by preponderance of boring MMO sidequests. As an MMO, the game does nothing to break the WoW mold, and in many ways exacerbates the problems of WoW-type games with their other decisions (extreme skill bloat and lack of hotbar customization chief among them). Not to mention the fact that they seem determined to push out new content rather than giving enough attention to make sure current and older content is bug-free, polished, and balanced, which makes the game feel extremely shoddy at the end-game.

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