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Do You Like SWTOR In It's Current State? YES/NO


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Q: Do you like SWTOR in it's current state?


~No talk about/comparison to WoW.


~No arguing/provoking others. You get your say, everyone else gets their say too.


~If someone annoys you, IGNORE THEM. You have your opinion, they have theirs.


~No fanboyism and/or hater banter.



Just a simple YES or NO answer with a brief description of why you feel that way. This should give a clear look at the current mood of this forum with regards to SWTOR in it's current state.




(click above to view pie chart)


Triple counted. Accuracy is top goal.

Last updated on: February 04, 2012 (Page 92)



NEWS: I have been told by a friendly Bioware employee that there is a high chance the Developers and others at Bioware are taking an interest in this thread. Keep up the good work, everyone.


Honestly, I do like it but not enough to justify a subscription.


- The lack of a cross server group finder makes offpeak grouping a nightmare.

- Class balance is appalling, even while leveling. Why can my Merc take his pick of companions and roll through mobs, while my Juggernaut either *must* have a healer or downtime after every fight?

- Companions are introduced way too late into the class story. Normal practice in good RPGs is to give you a choice early and introduce a few later.

- Crafting is meh.

- Endgame is meh.

- PvP is fun, but needs substantially more maps and an alternative to Huttball.

- Graphics, particularly textures on landscape and gear are abysmal.


Game has potential, but we are honestly playing a Beta right now. Running down the month now, may be back in the spring.


Edited by Frostbird
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Originally Posted by Pretronius



I believe story should be important in games like this and I like what I see so far. The bug fixes, the macros, the additional content and the rest will come.


Just give it a chance.

So to the people you ask to wait what are they supposed to do until that time? Play a game they dislike?

LOL At The WoW Quitters




That's up to them. You pays your money and makes your choices. They don't like the offerings?. Unsubscribe for a while. Then come back and evaluate. Beats griefing something that's been out for a couple of months.


Don't get me wrong. If the thing was a complete dog, I'd let you know what I thought of it. It's not in my view.

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Continue to post your votes and opinions, but please refrain from instigating arguments and trolling. This thread is one of the best on the forums for a reason, and it is because the vast majority of people who have posted in it have kept themselves mature and respectful of others. Please continue this trend for the benefit of everyone.


Thank you,

~The Thread Starter

Edited by StrikeOfLight
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Q: Do you like SWTOR in it's current state?


~No talk about/comparison to WoW.


~No arguing/provoking others. You get your say, everyone else gets their say too.


~If someone annoys you, IGNORE THEM. You have your opinion, they have theirs.


~No fanboyism and/or hater banter.



Just a simple YES or NO answer with a brief description of why you feel that way. This should give a clear look at the current mood of this forum with regards to SWTOR in it's current state.






(click above to view pie chart)


Triple counted. Accuracy is top goal.

Last updated on: February 04, 2012 (Page 92, FIRST THREAD)



NEWS: I have been told by a friendly Bioware employee that there is a high chance the Developers and others at Bioware are taking an interest in this thread. Keep up the good work, everyone.

a resounding YES

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I am at 50 with one character and slowly grinding another up because I cannot play my 50 character..


I have experimented with the skilltree to see how I can set up my 50 character best possible. And now it cost too much to reset the skills, and I am not happy with my current configuration. So to me, that character is not playable. For a full quarter of a months subscription!


So no, I am not happy with swtor right now; I find myself playing other games instead, asking myself why I should keep paying for a game I don't play.

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There are small bugs and performance issues, but no more than any other launch MMO that I have played (and a lot less than some).


There is plenty of pre-50 content (which is the most important to me when I start out in a game). However, it is the first launch MMO where I am likely to reach the maximum level before the first expansion, so I wouldn't mind if they work on post-50 content between "expansions" (should they go the expansion route).


I haven't found myself at any time in 45 levels standing around wishing I had something to do, or wondering how I would get some xp in order to unlock the next quest. With PVP warzones and flashpoints, there are always options for a little xp/loot if I don't feel like doing quests right now.


Instant PVP Warzones (where you can play them whenever you want without having to go anywhere) are a great way to get non-PVPers to try it out (of course, some Empire players may quibble with the word "instant").


There haven't been any large scale crashes/rollbacks. There aren't any game-breaking bugs, just annoying little UI issues for the most part. I assume that they are working on them -- with regular patching, we have already seen some of them fixed (and sometimes new bugs created :-)


Overall, a good launch. I'm not really inclined to play something else.

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Big fan of Star Wars Series but my answer is "NO".

Probably the worst faction / class balance in history and that makes the game really really boring for the Republic side.Not enough players to interact with , not enough people in warzones. I mean how is that even possible , (Starstorm One) is probably one of the most crowded server with Republic players in game but cant even fill a group for Warzones ?

I know these Republic / Empire thing should make players to think about but we are human , we got EGO !

If Empire is winning something %80 of the population go with the Empire. Thats the way it is and its not only in SWToR.

Same thing happened in the WoW , Rift , Aion etc. Some of the big guys go for the bad side and win something and all the others goes with them after.

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nope not atall in its current form cant even be assed to log into the game any more .


After having so much potential from the Ip alone and to go on and make an uninspired grind fest camoflaged by quality voice work is appalling.


At the end of the day i just cant be bothered saving my pennies to buy the same skill fro the forth time that just does 20 more damage,or wasting 100ks + on tradeskilling that does nothing.


Or even the worst of it all is spending 10 minutes flying to the next story quest watching a cutscene make a fake "choice" then kill someone for the millionth time then flying back for 10 minutes to get the next one gets old real fast.

My biggest problems ill list for you.


Stale world design -lifeless mazes ,frozen npcs, way to uch instancing hardly ever see another player.


Unbalanced classes/broken subclasses- this is the first game i think ive ever played where its not possible to do the asigned job ,the healers just dont feel like healers sages about the closest thing to one and the tanks dont feel like a tank or even work like one you never have much more life than another class and the "shield" mechanics at 20ish % chance of going offf is pointless yes it balances out late game but as most who get to 50 find its endless hutball or reroll.


Single player game with co-op- there just isnt any mmo feel to the game the community is probably the worst after the blizz game no one groups, no one talks in chat and on the off chance you do bump into another player they just steal the node/objective you were clearign too then fly off.


Im done with it maybe ill come back in few months when its gone F2P so EA can milk some more money for this unfinished mess.

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I would have said Yes up until about a week ago. I am currently the only person online in my guild, everyone else got bored with it and just quit playing.


So as of right now, my answer is No.


I'm not really sure why that is either, I really want to enjoy this game, but I find myself cringing at the thought of rolling another character and going through those questing areas again.


Ditto I'm outa here.....will look again at game in about 6 mos when they offer a free trial....m-a-y-b-e!!

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