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Do You Like SWTOR In It's Current State? YES/NO


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The SWTOR isn't perfect, but even in its current state its better than other MMOs I've played that have been out longer. The game play is smooth and satisfying and the story even in the side missions keeps me interested.


At the moment though the one thing I'd like to see is more customization options. Not just in the UI, but to the appearance of my ship, my character, and companions. I'm sure this is something Bioware has in mind. I just wanted to throw my wishes on the giant pile.

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Certainly room for improvement, but I'm having way too much fun as it is right now.


I am rather curious just how many of the negatives are due to PvP problems - that's not my thing and so it could be completely broken and I wouldn't notice.

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This is what I received.




Jett, Drewser, I'm not trying to deceive you guys, or anyone at all. I WILL admit that I'm in a bad mood because my sage isn't so playable because of the UI changes, so I wasn't quite so nice as I could have been to either of you or on other areas of the forum. For this I apologize. If it helps you to know, I haven't slept for nearly 35 hours because I'm not feeling well, which compounds my bad mood. I wish you both well, and I hope that SWTOR will be helped along as a result of this thread which was the intent of it all. Else I would not have spent 15 hours on it.


Lets go back to the more pleasant state this thread was in a few pages back. Continue on simply posting opinions and yes/no answers. Thank you.


So you got a canned response from a mod likely about a question you asked since it started with "yes, indeed".


Bioware sent out emails about how they want feedback. This is not it.


Stop trying to spin it like you are doing some major project to "help" the game.


If you were, you would not refer to the Devs as monkeys.

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The SWTOR isn't perfect, but even in its current state its better than other MMOs I've played that have been out longer. The game play is smooth and satisfying and the story even in the side missions keeps me interested.


At the moment though the one thing I'd like to see is more customization options. Not just in the UI, but to the appearance of my ship, my character, and companions. I'm sure this is something Bioware has in mind. I just wanted to throw my wishes on the giant pile.


Starwars Galaxies!


I miss player owned towns and massive planets to explore :(

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No - finishing Feb sub, then no re-sub . . . have tried JS (50), JG (41), TR(50), BH (28), SM(40)...little bit on SI(25)...PVE and FP and Heroics and PVP Ilum...


Engine is bad, Coding bad - would return if online chatter said BW changed engine & coding - even my 12GRAM-i7CPU-GTX560TI-30"Mon's suffer the core coding prob's of this game...


LOVE STAR WARS! Don't hate this SWTOR, but don't like it enough to try any harder to find reasons to stay...good luck to all though :)

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Yes, seems way too easy to get the best stuff. I mean games been around for a few months, and people have the best things already. I don't like that the first month of play costs 60 dollars. Also, I am lvl 32 now and I still haven't seen a republic, maybe I need to be on the other side.
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Yes but,

That could change, i can give Bioware a break since it is new but I would like to see some changes. I am only Level 25 so my experiences are limited but there seems to be alot of city planets up till now. I understand that this is starwars so that kinda goes with the territory but I would like to see more outdoor environments. Something about trees, mountains, and water seems to make me feel better when playing the game. The jaz/**** music in every cantina seems to be cheesy too(there has to be a drummer or guitar player somewhere in the universe). There are other improvements that have more to do with gameplay i would like to see but that is for another thread.

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Yeah, I do.


I feel that most who don't like it were either expecting too much, or plain have lost the feel for doing quests, or what we can translate otherwise into 'a grind', there's appeal and then those who aren't interested and that's fine.


The game has not delivered on all aspects. The spread out population thing needs to be tended to, or else players, and their friends will quit. Like a domino effect for some groups. I lost 4 friends at launch and then the server died. Now I'm on a heavy and it's way better.


Support seems horrible, game seems to have a solid core, just needs more patching and a few more player concerns answered to be a fair competitor imo.

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No. :(


The lack of certain graphics options and FPS instability is frustrating me.


My issues in no particular order:


1. Wildly fluctuating frame rates that either cause, or aid, so-called "hitching" in the system. "Smooth" isn't a word that comes to mind often, even with 40-70 FPS, my common range. I've watched my FPS run the gamut from 14-110 and back down while standing with my nose in a blank corner.


2. No option to turn off/reduce foggy details. I'm seeing a hard thirty-plus (30+) point drop in FPS when fog-like details are introduced to areas.


3. No option to adjust detail at distance nor general viewing distance. Same issue as for foggy stuff.


Aside from that I'm fairly happy with the game as it is now, it's not my ideal but still enjoyable. I would, however, prefer a smooth play experience over what amounts to superfluous fluff detail that results in frustration. I don't need to play a movie. A game would be fine. ;)


I do not consider the above to be "minor bugs." In my opinion minor bugs are missing eyes in cut-scenes, typos, conversation choices being un-clickable, missing lightsaber beams and the like.

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There is no end game. No sandbox elements. after you reach level 50 game over.


(on the plus side getting up to level 50 was done very well, story and voice overs. But the planets are totally linear and no persistant PVP or social game).


- Player houses/cities

- Real world PVP (taking over planets, building bases, fighting over more then a battle ground that a victory does nothing).

- Real open space on planets with exploration.

- Crafting that is not cookie cutter where all crafters are = all items made are the same.


There are more but this is enough to start with.

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Yes for the class quest as you level. When I'm done with my jedi knight class quest I will head back to Wow for the end game there. Or Diablo 3 if it is out. cross finges. :)


This is a wonderful answer. I guess he would have to count it as a yes but you are saying once you get to level 50 you are going back to wow since there will be nothing else for you to do?

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Yes! I like it a lot.


This game represents something I've wanted out of an online RPG for a long time - an essentially single player, story driven experience that I can share with friends and relatives.


It would seem I'm one of the few, but I like space combat as an alternative to mob-grinding for extra EXP and credits.


I like and care more about my characters and what happens to them then I ever have before in an MMO. I identify with them and think about who they are, where they come from, and what their motivations are, and this is thanks to the stories Bioware has set up for us.


I'd like to see more ways in which I can connect with my characters, through deeper customization and more vanity options, but that is really my only gripe.

Edited by Dan_McMan
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That doesnt mean there aren't things I'd like to see happen.


- Greater customization for your UI. Smaller icon boxes which will then fit more boxes on a single line .. lots of hotkeys just for regular fights.


- Inclusion of Macros. A logical string of commands that occurs every fight takes up 4-6 or so hotkey slots. One button mashing saves a ton of space.


- distance viewing/fps buff. I have a pretty good system to be sure, but sometimes in some areas it's like i'm playing on a far inferior system. Lowering distance views and only rendering what i'm looking at could be a big help. I can see things in process of rendering far in the distance I'm not even going in that direction nor will I (impassable/quest line doesnt take me there/whatever).

This one is a biggie.


- Individualized flashpoint conversations. This one may be hard to figure out, but essentially what I'm after is right now each conversation held in a flashpoint we're waiting on the slowest person. Conversation waits for the lowest common denominator. That person may not have been there, or immerse themselves in the the conversation and hang on every word. That's their right and privilege so be it. At the same time, if I've done that flashpoint many times or just dont want to read / listen to every scene, I can spacebar to my hearts content and then watch the "..." scroll while one of the other three is reading. Or getting a drink while it times down. Or getting the door and talking to their neighbour. I'm beholden to the lowest common denominator in a flashpoint and i think it should be the opposite. If you want to read, fine. Get the door. Go to the bathroom. Just catch up when you're back. Not hold up the group.


- GCH is apparently Gungan run. Search options were very hastily done it seem. Take note of some other Global Auction options in other games and mimic or better those options.


- Space may be revisited later on, I get that. But for those of us who like space combat and or spending time in space, things could be done differently there. For instance you're not piloting your craft much. Not flying to point A to then take on Badguy X.


- It occurred to me last night how spoiled I was in (a certain other game) where there was very little "zoning". You zone in this game a real LOT, and upcoming game improvements should definitely include more seemless gameplay. Just running to your ship can be upwards of 5 zonings depending on the spaceport.


all in all the game play is great, the storylines (ok Tython is rather icky) are very well put together and the immersion is good (though zoning puts a hurtin' on it) . So it gets a yes from me, with hope for the future.

Edited by MasonFX
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Absolutely yes.


... I just love my characters, and while sometimes there are a few bugs (due to my own internet connection, I think) it isn't enough to make my gameplay experience suffer. The Old Republic is my first ever MMO, and it's setting a standard for me.


I'm so excited for whatever future content they have in store for us. :)

Edited by RepublicGurl
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For short term yes I still like it, even in its current state, but that probably won't last very long.


The reason is mainly personal and not BW's fault.

I've just stopped raiding after having done so fulltime (almost never less than 4 raid nights per week) in another game for 3+ years.

Because I'm getting sick 'n' tired of themepark end-game neverending gear progression cycles that are typically: beat the raid (fun part) then grind until you got your full set of current top end gear (carrot on a stick), then repeat for guildies until you really can't stomache doing the same stuffs over n over anymore, then wait for new raid and repeat the cycle.

So that part of the game doesn't appeal at all to me and is typically all there is to do at end-game.


Luckily I didn't have high expectations of the game, the demos at gameshows of the past few years were rather underwhelming for me, but I got carried away by the story in that last part of the beta where everybody received a key.

So I decided to pick it up anyways and play it like a single player game with a bit of PvP on the side when in the mood for it.

Now I've just hit 50 the other night and am still doing questslines I skipped because I outleveled them allready, but once my hunger for story is satisfied I'll probably be out of here unless they release new story and other solo friendly content and improve the PvP so that I'll maybe have a reason to stay here after GW2 releases.

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i have to say




in its present form.




1. playable races - really no Wookie's? or at least Rodian's? Ewoks? race makes no difference your just a different color.


2. Crafting - epic fail rlly. I feel really sorry, almost, for the poor schlums that decided to lvl anything but biochem or cybertech, just remove the others, they arnt needed i guess. As far back as Gemstone 3, (google it, awesome mud, still around) I could spend hours just opening boxes, and have fun doing it, mebbe its a character flaw but still valid for me.


3. Starting areas - Amazing fun the first few time's.......... after that i cringe at grinding out another alt.


4. PvP - The game breaker for me. I made my first mistake rolling republic think que times would be quicker for PvP since there are less of us and we could get more WZ's then other faction, gear quicker becuase of more matches. Well turns out you dont need 2 factions to PvP when you can just play huttball.


5. easy - extremely easy leveling experience. I know this game is crafted for the casual gamer and i knew that coming in so not a huge deal, but man 1- 50 in 3 gaming days, 72 hours played, is considered taking your time.


5. Pet class's - never have been and never will be, but the bright side is i can work on my biochem/cybertech crewskills and send my companions off because of (see reason 5)



other than that im really enjoying the game!!!11 :p


PvE questing is where this game shines, and is really all it does 'well'

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Yea, and No.


I do enjoy the game's PVE combat (not really a PvP kind of person), the voice acting and story lines are at least good - in some cases great.




I honestly see very little reason this is a "MMO". It could just as easily be a multi-player or single player game. I was excited to bring over some guildies from another game, but honestly there is no real benfits to being in a guild.


Also I HATE the find a party system... it's mostly just general chat shouts. I really wish there was a more advanced social system in the game, and....


I wish a guild could have both Empire and Republic characters. Unless they do something to make guilds much more meaningful, there is no real reason for them to not be able to be in the same guild.

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