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Do You Like SWTOR In It's Current State? YES/NO


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I wasn't in the beta but I already watched videos about the opportunities the game (no ranked PvP matches, no LFG or similar feature, no dual-spec, clunky AH, etc) but I still went ahead and got it. I know they'll have these up eventually.


The delivery of the story (voice feature) and the theme itself are still selling points to me. I do every little bit the game has to offer while leveling - warzones, space combat, socials, crafting, FPs, etc. I'm not the type rush all the way to 50 anyways.


Before we hit the 6th month, I sincerely hope they have more MMO basics incorporated (like the stuff mentioned above). If it can't be exactly those things, maybe they can replace it with some things that are equally appealing.

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i quit once but friends were playing it so i re subbed.


i think the game suffers under alot of design flaws, i noticed they're finally fixing some of those.


UI modification is an absolute must. i want to be able to have some windows open scale them. adjust the alpha's. i saw that is getting a fix


lack of a soft grouping system. if i'm about to attack the final stage of a bonus mission and someone who lagged me throughout said bonus mission sprints past while i'm healing from a trash mob to engage the final guy.....its infuriating. why can't it tag everyone in who gets a slot on the threat table? who cares if some guy just does 2% dmage and walks off to get credit. at least i didn't have to wait 10 minutes for a boss to respawn because he didn't fight the mobs.


i'll mention rift only because they NAILED this. if you get close to someone doing something like a boss. a message pops up asking if you'd like to join the public group. people can set their group pref's to not allow public, so everyone has complete control over this. if large groups get close you can merge into a raid. its simple, organic and encorages teamwork instead of mission sniping.


the current system in tor means that little cloaked punk has to blow past me or he waits ten minutes. its survival of the fittest and only serves to annoy. if i had engaged he couldn't just join me. he has to click a few buttons to request i allow him to join. and i would have been busy. my LFG flag was on. and thats as close as you get to simple grouping in ToR. i'm unaware if joining a group already engaged against a boss would have counted for the new joiner either.


it could just be me, but healing is hard work. i dont feel confident healing a team and i certainly dont think there is enough healing abilities. i'm at lvl43 so far after nearly a month off. you can focus on one person, as a trooper i might add, and generally keep them topped off. but the classes are really sloppily defined due to the companion system and dual-ish roles. i fully understand a dedicated healer is useless in a fight...but i'm not. i have almost every skill i can spend in the healing tree. and i dont think much of my squad heals at all. kolto bomb is essentially the only AoE heal and its A is very limited.


i think DPS tank and heal are very sloppily defined. pretty much everyone is dps but some people are extra dps. tank seems to be an equipment thing rather than a class. maybe this gets better at 50. but from what i read people are leaving at 50 from lack of content. so i'm not holding my breath.


at this stage, i'm probably going to hit 50 then re roll when the aussie servers launch. look for a guild and try the game again. hopefully that UI change will have been rolled out by then

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Yes I love the storys and all the references to star wars stuff that most people wouldnt have gotten. I think PvP needs some work and maybe some different worlds for the same level so you dont have to go through the same worlds over and over.

Companions are awesome I wish they all had a bigger story cause i really enjoy it.



-STORY i cannot stress this enough this is what will make this game famous keep up the good story and ill keep paying.

-Companions they are interesting you get a decent amount and for those that wana they can have romances (except gay/lesbian)

-good animations for the attacks and great voice acting



PvP timers and the fact that its always huttball, you neeed to be able to cross server for pvp or choose what you feel like playing im not liking huttball all the time. Also i dont understand the spawn system because there had been so many time i can die and just run out with full hp and kill like 3 ppl, you should have a set time you are dead for so it becomes more of a should i take the risk then ill spawn in a sec and kill him then.


Those space stations above the planets are kinda a waste of my time and i cant speeder in there.


Its hard to find groups for things such as flashpoints im not sure how u would address this but it can be frustrating from time to time.


level 50 gear seems to be very limited It needs to be expanded so you can look however you want (like orange gear) as of right now it seems you can only really get rakata and champion/centurion. There needs to be some super legondary items that are really hard to get otherwise it seems to easy to get good. My main concern is that we need more gear so if you want gear focusing on this you can get it or if you want it to be original/hard to get. It said not to compare to WoW but one of the thrills i hard in that game was getting really hard to get gear (like an achievment) and having everyone jelous or people stoping to inspect me.:rolleyes:


Neeeds different/more space missions to choose from they gets sooooo repetitive

Edited by -jarjar-
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Yes for me

I would love to start at one end of like Hoth and if i keep walking I end up at the start again

I would like A day and night timer Tattoien was never daylight 24/7 even in the movie's

And if you do the math there is 32 dif ways to play 8 rep 8 imp after take the 8 rep and 8 imp

and play all 8 like thay was the other. so you can play a realy evil jedi or a sweet nice BH doing so with that one now.

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i think thats largely the problem with the end game content. bioware assumed we all wanted to play 1-50 8 times to experience their story. so they figured they had p[lenty of time for catch-up


sadly alot of us are only mildly interested in the story. to be honest i wish this had been a mass effect MMO. they could have done so much more with that IP as an MMO. i have to be content playing as a femshep who tolerates the starwars cosplaying biotics running about.

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i'm going to go with NO.


Today's standard mmo, WoW holds the monopoly after so many years still being the most advanced mmo, even though its old as hell for todays time.



Swotr is released way to early, the lvling system and the storymode is nice, being a story driven game and all, the issue with this though is the story will end at a certain point and as stated, there currently is no endgame, unless you apreciate killing world bosses or randomly find groups for an instance.


and by wow being more advanced i mean-


Why is there no such thing as an LFG queue? today days standards you must have these things, its not about WoW was like this back in the day!, you know why? cuz back in the day all mmo's ware that rocky, its no excuse for not making that is less advanced then that.


i'm very dissapointed about most of these things, the crew skill and storyline is good


however i feel that the instance/to many skills to use/Targeting system (some people might notice this when they tab for next target)/ endgame(wich currently is pvp) is all a very big let down, if swotr improves this and make it seem less slacky, they probaly get more yes votes.


(apologies for grammar)

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Yes (mostly yes)


and No...


The good:


There are some brilliant and fantastic things about the game. A lot of that brilliance is in leveling and storyline. Voice acting and some directing in cutscenes could be better though, but it's minor for now.


Another great thing about the game is the minor stuff that separate it from other games and make it uniquely Bioware like the MMO-plateforming for datacrons. I wish they would add more random stuff like that in the game. Perhaps not in set areas, but hard to reach/accomplish things that add a little bit more to the game than just leveling.


Easily accessible. This game is pretty easy to play for some one who's not all that hardcore and I like that I can recommend it to friends who have never played an MMO before. There are some basic UI functions that need adjusting, but for the most part, it's pretty easy to pick up and go for the average player.


The bad:


End game. Once you reach 50 you have the choice of doing OPS/Hardmodes or PVP or both.... The game itself kind of ends and there's nothing to do but that. PVP is a massive grind and is not enjoyable after awhile. I haven't done much OPS, but seemed a lot like other MMOs.


Some people have already brought up giving other things to do for level 50s. One of those being a Guild ship and or the ability to decorate our own ships. One of my favorite things to do in FFXI was collecting items for my moghouse, something I was really hoping I could do with my ship in SWTOR, but sadly am unable too.


Another thing that would be nice and I'm sure is incoming is world events and holiday events. They add a fun way to collect gear and items that are only available for a limited amount of time and add something to do for collectors like myself. Currently, there's no reason to collect anything in game or anything to really collect in game aside from gear (I know while on Hoth, the only thing I could think about was how awesome it would be to have a Tantan mount).


PVP. My close friend who was one of the first on our server to BM and made quite a name for himself in PVP basically quit the game right when I hit 50 because of things like ability delay and the bugs that are more often than not apparent in competitive pvp. I didn't think I would notice myself since I'm pretty casual and don't really give a care about pvp, but I have surprisingly noticed. Things like animation delays giving advantages to the opposing side (my rock floating in mid-air next to me because my target vanished while on imp side not having that issue since they don't need animation and travel time for lightning bolt is one example. The turrets seemingly firing faster in Civil War for imp side is another...) There was a post made about ability delays and animations well documented some where in the general discussion forums that points out these flaws. Wish I could find it again.


Ilum. Would be a great concept except that the engine does not support it. We had a maybe 40 versus 40 group in the middle of Ilum and could not do a thing except take about 5 steps before the game lagged and next I knew I was either dead or the ability I was trying to activate did nothing.


Game chugging. Along with Ilum being buggy and chuggy as it is, I've also experienced this in OPS, which is a huge issue. The server would at times lag us significantly so it made timing and boss fights annoying (though still not too difficult).


Lastly, this is just a suggestion and maybe it is just a pipe dream of mine since the days of FFXI, but it would be awesome if they could introduce skills and abilities that actually work off other class abilities. Don't really have to coordinate too much in SWTOR and it's something I wished they would add into WoW too, but oh well... maybe it's too difficult for the modern MMO audience who prefer the more act-on-your-own MMO play style, but I remember a time when really good players worked as a tight knit group and were able to pull off things called skill chains which led to damage bonuses or debuffs. I think it added to the sense of accomplishment as a team rather than an individual who was more concerned about how much DPS they were doing and not about whether they were being a more affective asset to the group...


The reason I would say "yes" is because it's fun leveling and I don't get bored too often while leveling, and I know that the current issues will change with time. I'm not one to quit on a game because of bugs or issues I know will be fixed within a year. I've played FFXIV from beta and on release and that was bad. SWTOR is nothing compared to that, so while a lot of the complaints are viable, they are not enough to make the entire game bad for me.

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With 3 days left i simply am going to say:




Reason for me is simply the poor PvP experience im getting, the extreme FPS drops there are making it hardly playable let alone fun to play this game. Add to this that we are more playing a beta of a co-op RPG then a released MMORPG doesnt make it much better.


After having read most of the FPS post and trying alot of stuff out. Which finally fixed my FPS issues in WZ's by doing the RAM-drive trick.

I need to say im dissapointed, we have been doing directx 9.c installs to improve it slightly we have done the RAM-drive trick because BW didnt utilise certain features available from the HERO-engine. We needed to edit the .ini files because the ingame Graphic settings dont reflect the ini settings properly and hardly offer as much customization options.


In all bioware should have never released this game back in december, the fact that EA rushed there released is clearly noticed in various parts of the game. Biggest problem is lack of communication and the lack of lissening to the community which was obvious with the whole ILUM mess (something indicated on the PTR forums ages before the release of the patch). The fact that for the WZ/Ilum problem we found the fix which is the game is way to heavily I/O bound causing incredible fps/lack issues. And bioware simply refused to respond makes me sad. :(


And a few funny quotes to lift my spirit :)


If at first you don't succeed; call it version 1.0

My software never has bugs. It just develops random features

The code that is the hardest to debug is the code that you know cannot possibly be wrong.

"Hey, it compiles! Ship it!"
Edited by Aenoria
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I do right now.


Though there is not that much to do on my main character at the moment, i do have to say that this is the first game where i actually enjoy LEVELING up an alt.

This has not happened for me in the past


I am eagerly waiting to see what the Devs have in store for us over a period of the next couple of month's, call it hope if you will.

Edited by XionoraSoulfire
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I guess I will end up in the unclear vote section.


I'm not really sure to be honest, I find myself sometimes really enjoying the game, but then other times I find myself really hating it.


SWTOR is a great MMORPG that has consumed a lot of my time, but the game has some huge flaws and end-game content is becoming repetitive.


I read this quote somewhere; something is only repetitive if it becomes boring.


A lot of games can get away with being repetitive, look at any FPS out there like Call of Duty, they are built on the idea of repetition but people play them for years still having fun. The problem with SWTOR is just that; the fun factor. Something is missing and needs attention.


I can't exactly say what needs to be done, but I really think if something isn't done soon, SWTOR is going to become repetitive to a lot more people, and that will not be a good thing.

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I do like the game at its current state.

Yes, there are still quite a few bugs in the game but you can look pass them and really enjoy the game still.


Next to that I think Bioware needs to 'fill' up the content some more for level 50.

Once you're fully Columi-geared you mostly got nothing to do until the guild starts doing an Ops again.


I don't PvP, but sometimes I join in a wz just for the fun of it.


Running dailies and like finishing all WEEKLY quest within a few days.


Despite all that the game is still addictive and fun to play. Whenever I got nothing to do on my 50 I just casual-play on my alt character and taking it slowly on leveling, just to enjoy the story.

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Mixed feelings at the moment. If I had a gun to my head I would vote NO currently.




The game feels very unpolished. Like they had a bunch of cool ideas and then rushed it out the door before ever really finishing any of them. Examples of this can be seen in most aspects of the game from leveling, to space combat and everything in between.


I also don't think that these companies pay any attention to what other games have added over the years. It boggles my mind that games launch without simple features that you KNOW people are going to demand at launch and yet they seemingly choose to leave these features out and patch them in a couple of months down the road - like they foresee they will have a lack of content to add to the game and are using these features to pad the patches out and drag people back that might have cancelled, because these features weren't in the first place.


Lastly - I think the staggered launch was a horrendously bad idea - giving birth to massive server population imbalances, which has led to a whole host of other issues that are going to have far reaching consequences.






P.s. the customer service is some of the worst I have ever seen in my entire online gaming career - (15+ years)

Edited by drksidejunkie
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Seems like a loaded question.. If I say yes.. then it implies I think TOR should keep going in the direction it has been..

If I say no, then it begs the question.. why am I still playing?


So I guess OP is going to force me to be a douche and not give a clear answer.


I like the game in its current state, but there are a lot of things that need to be improved/fixed (and soon) for me to keep liking it.

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Unclear atm, and this is because I am a great PvP fan and pvp in swtor is just sometimes annoying. Pvp players will know what i mean(delays etc).

My vote is "unclear" since it is a new game and I believe the pvp will get better after few months. Once pvp system will be different my vote will be YES.

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