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Do You Like SWTOR In It's Current State? YES/NO


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Observation about statistics:


It appears that the NO votes have risen 5%, are almost tied with YES votes, and NO votes will soon overtake YES votes at this pace.


Carry on.


Unless the trend changes which its about to. Yes the game is fun. I enjoy it immenesly. Also I'd be very suspect about the numbers counted and added in this thread. Me thinks something doesn't add up.

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Unless the trend changes which its about to. Yes the game is fun. I enjoy it immenesly. Also I'd be very suspect about the numbers counted and added in this thread. Me thinks something doesn't add up.


And OP also shot JFK...


So the NO'ers are catching up and a Yes-sayer is all of a sudden "suspecting foul play".

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Unless the trend changes which its about to. Yes the game is fun. I enjoy it immenesly. Also I'd be very suspect about the numbers counted and added in this thread. Me thinks something doesn't add up.


And why do you think that, sir?


I have spent literally 8 hours on counting votes, counting them absolutely to the height of my ability, and I am struggling HARD to make sure people don't skew this poll.


Sir, I want this tally to MEAN something to people. It can only MEAN something if it is reasonably ACCURATE. Whatever people vote, be it yes or no or undecided, I am going to make DAMN certain to do my best to tally and represent the numbers as accurately as I can.


I triple-count everything, and sometimes more. If I mess up, I start over and count again until I am certain the tally is as accurate as I can HUMANLY make it. If a vote isn't clear or I can't understand what side someone is leaning to with reasonable certainty, I mark them as part of the Undecided group. I also have to deal with the jerks who are trying to skew this poll by voting multiple times, which is a royal pain in the butt. (I have caught quite a few at this point, and I am throwing out their votes every time.)


Why do I do all of this this? For YOUR viewing pleasure, and also so the Developers can have an excellent reflection on what people on their own website think about their game, and so the Developers can view comments and compliments on their game so they hopefully make it better.


Cliffs: You should be damn happy I even invest time in this thread like I do. I've tended the previous old thread and this thread for more than 13 total combined hours, sometimes in the wee hours of the morning and the late hours of the night, JUST to update it within a decent number of pages and to stamp out minor troll-flareups.


Your tally is as accurate as I can humanly make it. Bottom line.

Edited by StrikeOfLight
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And why do you think that, sir?


I have spent literally 8 hours on counting votes, counting them absolutely to the height of my ability, and I am struggling HARD to make sure people don't skew this poll.


Sir, I want this tally to MEAN something to people. Whatever people vote, be it yes or no or undecided, I am going to make DAMN certain to do my best to tally and represent the numbers as accurately as I can.


I triple-count everything, and sometimes more. If I mess up, I start over and count again until I am certain the tally is as accurate as I can HUMANLY make it. If a vote isn't clear or I can't understand what side someone is leaning to with reasonable certainty, I mark them as part of the Undecided group.


Why do I do this? For YOUR viewing pleasure, and also so the Developers can have an excellent reflection on what people on their own website think about their game, and so the Developers can view comments and compliments on their game so they hopefully make it better.


Cliffs: You should be damn happy I even invest time in this thread like I do. I've tended the previous old thread and this thread for more than 13 total combined hours, sometimes in the wee hours of the morning and the late hours of the night, JUST to update it within a decent number of pages.


Your tally is as accurate as I can humanly make it. Bottom line.


Miscounts happen. Your not doing anything for my pleasure incidentally and I'm sure the developers have a much better REFLECTION on peopels thoughts and opinions on the game given they have the sub numbers and routinely ask people via email why they left or what they want in the game. This thread is pointless, why you've spent 13 hours miscounting what amounts to a giant troll fest is beyond me. Guess you have to wait for guild wars 2 or tera or mop.

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Miscounts happen. Your not doing anything for my pleasure incidentally and I'm sure the developers have a much better REFLECTION on peopels thoughts and opinions on the game given they have the sub numbers and routinely ask people via email why they left or what they want in the game. This thread is pointless, why you've spent 13 hours miscounting what amounts to a giant troll fest is beyond me. Guess you have to wait for guild wars 2 or tera or mop.


Go count yourself or go away.

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Miscounts happen. Your not doing anything for my pleasure incidentally and I'm sure the developers have a much better REFLECTION on peopels thoughts and opinions on the game given they have the sub numbers and routinely ask people via email why they left or what they want in the game. This thread is pointless, why you've spent 13 hours miscounting what amounts to a giant troll fest is beyond me. Guess you have to wait for guild wars 2 or tera or mop.


You have your opinion, and I have mine. They do not match. Everyone else in this thread has an opinion and I welcome everyone to voice it on the subject however they choose as long as they respect others.


I have said what I said, and have done everything in this thread in clear conscious and of best effort I can, and I am proud of what I have accomplished here thusfar. I will waste no more time cluttering up this thread with a disagreement between you and myself.


Have a good day, sir.

Edited by StrikeOfLight
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Yes. I love the environments, the combat system, the stories, the voice acting, the flashpoints, and Huttball. I also like that this game's grind is much less tedious than I'm used to. I do have some complaints, though: glitches with the graphics (characters' eyes dissapearing or turning metallic), slow travel time, and the crafting and market system.



Overall, I'm very satisfied with the game and look forward to any and all expansions and improvements. Keep up the good work, Bioware.

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This game is largely a single player/small group game. I, and my guildies, love to PvP. The game has no lasting OR rewarding PvP. Only being able to group with 4 people to warzone isn't enjoyable when there's 16 people that want to PvP together, and ilum is terrible in it's current form so it's not worth us going out there either. Lets make the PvE-ers only have a group of 4 and get randomed in with other people for Operations, how long would that fly?


The RNG bag system is terrible. A CHANCE to get gear, not gaining gear in a tiered reward system based on your performance. Getting gear based on LUCK, is quite honestly the dumbest system I can think of for a PvP reward system. As one forum post requested some time ago, let's make Bioware employe paychecks go to a bag-like system. 1 in 4 chance you get paid for your work. Or, even better, a 1 in 10 chance you get a photocopy of an old paycheck.


Not being able to choose what warzone to queue for is bad, and ilum is just a /rollfacewhoeverhaspopwinsclusterf...as it stands people go to ilum for their daily/weekly then leave, there's no REASON to stay there, no bonuses for the faction, no rewards (Comeon, valor? at a certain point you don't need valor anymore, so what's the point?), and no competition.


I suppose that's the main reason for my No. There's no competative guild based PvP in this game. It was WELL worth the money for the singleplayer story. Not worth my $15 every month because of how bad the PvP in the game turned out to be. I knew that going into the game, enjoyed the bioware game for what it was.


As it stands for PvP, I won't be subscribing for very long. The "PvP stuff coming Soon™" got old years and many MMOs ago, and won't change my, and a number of people I know, mind. I don't buy into DEV speak for "Someday we'll change things."

Edited by Melvach
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NO from me.


Unsubbed before I've even made it to the end of my included game time. The 40 quid I've already handed to bioware is more than enough frankly and I see no sane reason why I would cough up another tenner in a weeks time in order to continue playing what is ultimately a fairly shallow single player RPG with all the worst bits of an MMO bolted onto it.


The UI is awful.

The PvP is terrible.

The skill trees are shallow and derivative. There is literally NO scope for a unique skill build.

The endgame.....pffft.

Faction imbalances,class imbalances, a terrible engine, stupid *********** animations making me wait till I can do stuff, retarded companions that you HAVE to use (always hated pets in MMO's), the list goes on.


And oh yeah, EA are involved so no surprises that customer service is non-existent.


Everyone seems to bend over backwards to defend Biofail on the stuff thats missing. "Oh but WoW didnt have it at release". Well its got it now and so does everyother MMO that comes out.


Except this one. Seriously, have BW actually played an MMO? In the 5 years it was in development did noone at Bioware think to play one of the other MMO's and think to himself "We should include all these things that years of experience taught these other MMO's were really good ideas".


Of course they didn't, they were too busy recording 5000 different ways for my character to say "Yes, i'll go and complete this mundane task for you".


I'm actually so let down by this game that I hope it fails hard and take Bioware and *********** EA down the tubes with it.



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I was the biggest SWTOR fanboy you'll ever meet for two years before launch. This game has been a huge disappointment. I feel like I'm playing the same MMO I've been playing for years, but with a poorly developed Star Wars skin and less polish.


The stories are bad. The gameplay is old. I really wish I could have liked this game.



I can see from your join date. What a bummer huh?

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In it's current state? No, but I love the game.. MMOs never sit in their current state for more than a few weeks so I feel the survey question is a bit misleading.


The game absolutely needs a lot of work, but overall I like it. I have 2 lvl 50s and working on #3 now. I still sit at work waiting to get home and play. To me, that means I'm entertained, which is what I paid for.

Edited by aarka
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NO from me.


Unsubbed before I've even made it to the end of my included game time. The 40 quid I've already handed to bioware is more than enough frankly and I see no sane reason why I would cough up another tenner in a weeks time in order to continue playing what is ultimately a fairly shallow single player RPG with all the worst bits of an MMO bolted onto it.


The UI is awful.

The PvP is terrible.

The skill trees are shallow and derivative. There is literally NO scope for a unique skill build.

The endgame.....pffft.

Faction imbalances,class imbalances, a terrible engine, stupid *********** animations making me wait till I can do stuff, retarded companions that you HAVE to use (always hated pets in MMO's), the list goes on.


And oh yeah, EA are involved so no surprises that customer service is non-existent.


Everyone seems to bend over backwards to defend Biofail on the stuff thats missing. "Oh but WoW didnt have it at release". Well its got it now and so does everyother MMO that comes out.


Except this one. Seriously, have BW actually played an MMO? In the 5 years it was in development did noone at Bioware think to play one of the other MMO's and think to himself "We should include all these things that years of experience taught these other MMO's were really good ideas".


Of course they didn't, they were too busy recording 5000 different ways for my character to say "Yes, i'll go and complete this mundane task for you".


I'm actually so let down by this game that I hope it fails hard and take Bioware and *********** EA down the tubes with it.




The highlighted was a big problem for me, too.

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Ultimately, the answer for me has to be No.


I dislike repeating content, have no real desire to roll multiple alts on various factions, and am getting tired of pvp at 50. The game isnt bad, but with its super fast leveling system, and the fact that most of the content on each side is repetitive, with a lack of things to do at 50, there is really no point to continue with a subscription.


While the class stories are unique, after you hit a planet once, pretty much everything on that planet is identical in terms of quest and non class stories for every future character of the same faction. so once you run one rebel or one empire character through, the game becomes extremely repetitive.


repeating instance content is fine, when the mechanics change, and new fights are added. sadly the only real changes in HM flashpoints and operations are enrage timers, or minor mechanics changes, with the same boss fights over and over. Additionally, most everything about the Hm flashpoints is easy, no real sense of challenge and no feeling of success.


Overall, SWTOR really needs to think about the direction its going, because the time it takes to level is easily the shortest in any recent MMO, yet you hit 50 and come to a grinding halt after a few weeks due to lack of content. with the cash influx, i expect they will be pumping out content, so i might check back in 6-12 months and see how things are.

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The way the combat works through the animations, class rotations, npc setup and randomization, and the feedback from the UI is not satisfying to me. This is the biggest issue, because if it was enjoyable then the rest does not really matter.


The story elements that are satisfying are stuck in between very long sessions of the combat which is not. Often I find myself enjoying the story, then after the cut scene ends I am faced with hours of mindless kill quests and loot quests. It simply takes too long between the story points of value to make the story as a whole work for me. It is like watching a movie, and between every key moment in the story there is a 2 hour long action sequence, but a rather boring one.


Which makes me find this game design very odd. They hurt their story content sticking to such rigid MMO quests and time sinks, yet they don't do any of the real MMO stuff very well, the combat system, the markets, the class designs, the talent system, the training system, the raid setup, the pvp setup. It all is very old style take forever grind away MMO stuff, yet is matched to a story system that needs to have good pacing; and I find after the starting zone the pacing is awful.

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There's so much content at low levels, the levelling game is the most enjoyable I've ever had.


The graphics look very nice, I love how hair and capes move, the animations look realistic.


Class balance feels amazing- I have one of every AC at low levels, and feel pretty effective at all of them except guardian/juggernaut.


Low level pvp is a blast- high level is too after the pvp no gear hump, which isn't too hard to pass really.


I enjoy space combat as a passtime.


I'm very satisfied, and am glad they have more content always coming- I hope some of it's solo content and not just more FP/Ops though.

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This game is largely a single player/small group game. I, and my guildies, love to PvP. The game has no lasting OR rewarding PvP. Only being able to group with 4 people to warzone isn't enjoyable when there's 16 people that want to PvP together, and ilum is terrible in it's current form so it's not worth us going out there either. Lets make the PvE-ers only have a group of 4 and get randomed in with other people for Operations, how long would that fly?


The RNG bag system is terrible. A CHANCE to get gear, not gaining gear in a tiered reward system based on your performance. Getting gear based on LUCK, is quite honestly the dumbest system I can think of for a PvP reward system. As one forum post requested some time ago, let's make Bioware employe paychecks go to a bag-like system. 1 in 4 chance you get paid for your work. Or, even better, a 1 in 10 chance you get a photocopy of an old paycheck.


Not being able to choose what warzone to queue for is bad, and ilum is just a /rollfacewhoeverhaspopwinsclusterf...as it stands people go to ilum for their daily/weekly then leave, there's no REASON to stay there, no bonuses for the faction, no rewards (Comeon, valor? at a certain point you don't need valor anymore, so what's the point?), and no competition.


I suppose that's the main reason for my No. There's no competative guild based PvP in this game. It was WELL worth the money for the singleplayer story. Not worth my $15 every month because of how bad the PvP in the game turned out to be. I knew that going into the game, enjoyed the bioware game for what it was.


As it stands for PvP, I won't be subscribing for very long. The "PvP stuff coming Soon™" got old years and many MMOs ago, and won't change my, and a number of people I know, mind. I don't buy into DEV speak for "Someday we'll change things."


Do you know me?

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