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Do You Like SWTOR In It's Current State? YES/NO


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No, game is a boring clone... Nothing new or innovative at all, unless you count the voice acting... Which doesn't really matter in end-game. Just comes to show how easily people can be duped into thinking they are playing a new game, but when you take off that "shiny" star wars shell it shows the same old bones that have been used in previous MMOs.
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No, game is a boring clone... Nothing new or innovative at all, unless you count the voice acting... Which doesn't really matter in end-game. Just comes to show how easily people can be duped into thinking they are playing a new game, but when you take off that "shiny" star wars shell it shows the same old bones that have been used in previous MMOs.


quoted for truth,


my vote is No also, same ol' garbage we've seen before.

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No, game is a boring clone... Nothing new or innovative at all, unless you count the voice acting... Which doesn't really matter in end-game. Just comes to show how easily people can be duped into thinking they are playing a new game, but when you take off that "shiny" star wars shell it shows the same old bones that have been used in previous MMOs.


QFT except bugs and terrible BORING raid boss mechanics!

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No, brief explanation:


- No large MMO experience to justify the monthly cost (no large world with everyone in it, no exploration options, no social hubs, dead capital cities, ugly fleet, ...)

- Unfinished product (space, many bugs, PvP, ...)

- The game feels like a single player game with group instances - exactly like Diablo or Guild Wars, yet you don't need to pay for that.

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No, game is a boring clone... Nothing new or innovative at all, unless you count the voice acting... Which doesn't really matter in end-game. Just comes to show how easily people can be duped into thinking they are playing a new game, but when you take off that "shiny" star wars shell it shows the same old bones that have been used in previous MMOs.




No- I wanted to like the game but everytime I log in I stare at my screen for a few minutes then log off again. I want to like it, but it feels like I've done this million times before.

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The game is fair. Crew members crafting for you is a plus, unfortunately there is nothing worthwhile to craft. Was having an ok time until the flashing UI gave me a migraine. Unsubbed because I was bored, will not come back because of the UI (Yes, theoretically they are going to fix it).
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Sub is over in 12 days and I will NOT be resubbing.



Have you noticed that the majority of Yes votes are from new MMO players and casual's who are just in it for the story? atleast BW is setting you up for your next MMO to be one of the greatest experiences after playing this singleplayer wannabe MMO.


Had great hopes and expectations smashed by devs who just don't get it.


Happy Trails,

See you in GW2/Diablo3


Yea I think they promised a new pillar (story), as a core selling point. Whats wrong with some of us being in it for the story?

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No. Between lack of a third faction, broken world pvp, extremely linear progression, minigame space combat, useless crew skills, extremely easy pve content, and pvp progression that falls back on the old skinner box gear treadmill, this game feels like a total wash in unrealized potential.
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No. Between lack of a third faction, broken world pvp, extremely linear progression, minigame space combat, useless crew skills, extremely easy pve content, and pvp progression that falls back on the old skinner box gear treadmill, this game feels like a total wash in unrealized potential.


another QFT!

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The choice system is completely irrelevant. None of my decisions mattered in the long run, and you get punished for mixing light with dark by losing access to relics at level 50.


Lack of Customization at all levels. Its the same 15 humanoid male faces, 4 body types, no depth or options in spec within trees.


PvP has so many problems. I enjoyed pvping from 10-49 (once it was made its own bracket). I'd do pretty well, but once I hit 50, I was running up against the same pre-made game after game. The server I'm on has such a small pop that there is no way around them. My commendations gathering grinds to a halt (getting a third of what I was getting at 49). I cannot get around this small player pool for pvping.


Some animations are just so terrible I don't know what to say. The shuttle landings in particular when you start the game lack any fluidity. Its too cartoonish and I lost an immersion factor pretty much instantly.


EDIT: I'm not overly impressed with the story line; theres really not that much story to the game, its just shrouded voiceover acting.

Edited by Jaigar
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It's still a no for me.


But I wanted to make a couple additional comments. I canceled my subscription after getting my trooper to 50 and just not enjoying it after the first few levels. The game play is... okay, but the clunky UI makes it hard to enjoy. It gets in the way a lot.

And the story for the trooper is pretty disappointing. Possibly because I was very much looking forward to it.


I will say that the Sith is better. Gameplay is not significantly different but they feel much better, for me at least, in every way aesthetically. They have a more enjoyable storyline, they have better looking equipment, better voice acting, etc. In my personal preference at least. But still not enough for me to stay.


What keeps me in an MMO is two things: community, and aesthetics. For me, the gameplay of the various MMOs are close enough that I don't care that much. It's also my opinion that a well-designed UI is one you don't notice. That is not the case here.

This game lacks in aesthetics for me: the worlds feel dead, the "coolness" items are pretty lame (e.g., speeders look like lawnmowers, not a lot of customizability in looks--none in voice, none in your ship looks or layout), no real ability to explore the world (i.e., very linear progression mission-wise), etc.

As far as community goes... we're TRYING to be connected, but there's no real tools. There's no guild bank, guild hall, no easy way to help a guild member or friend (i.e., no summoning stones, portals, quick access to your ship, etc...), there's no GOOD dungeon-finder or LFG tool.


The whole thing feels unfinished, and unpolished. It feels like a late-stage Beta, but still a Beta. I don't feel it's worth a subscription yet. I'll check in later to see if they've fixed things or not, I hope they do. I really want a good Star Wars MMO.


And yes, I realize this post was super long and most of you thought TLDR. No worries :)

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I have a VERY long list of reasons as to why i have unsubscribed. I guess this would be my feedback to Bioware.


- Character creation is extremely lacking. I was actually shocked at how limited it is.

- Not many races to play. You're either someone who is human or someone who looks alot like a human

- Single player railroad experience in an MMO.

- Questing on planets are split into sections, there is no real sense of freedom.

- Most planets are lifeless.

- Ambient music & environmental sound is lacking. When i can hear my own footsteps on Coruscant, which is supposed to be a breathing living city, then something is wrong. It ruins the immersion.

- Ability Delay

- Crafting needs an overhaul. Let me craft some of the stuff myself.

- Too many loading screens whilst trying to travel anywhere.. This also ruined the immersion for me.

- Ilum needs re-designing.

- Performance on Ilum is terrible, anything with 40+ people on screen it becomes a slideshow.

- Space combat. I don't even know what to say.

- The game looks & feels like it was made in 2007.

- UI needs work. Customizable would be great.

- No many options to change the way your character looks, in terms of gear.

- Various PvP exploits still around.


To be honest, i could go on. The only thing that i enjoyed from this game is the PvP warzones & the voiceovers.

Edited by SnakeBites
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No for now. If things dont change soon for me in this game ill end up canceling my sub.


Reached end game, not much to really do that is not the basic grind fest that is other mmos.



nice music.

decent dialogue

interesting gear choices

like the IA class



nothing new brought to mmos outside of dialogue choices.

very linear and limited in progression from 1-50 and end game.

way too many load screens.

no reason to really group up until end game.

UI could be better.

Tons of bugs in quests, combat, and FP.(these should of been really worked out before launch, or first priority)

Collectors edition in game bonuses.




one thing that will really drive me away is the incoming dungeon finder if implemented. Capitals no longer become social hubs, just Que boxes.

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