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Do You Like SWTOR In It's Current State? YES/NO


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Overall? Yes. I enjoy it.


Do I think some things could be better? Yes.


The lack of some features, are hurting the game, but I'm willing to be paient and wait.

Combat logs, (which I understand are coming), Mod support, or UI support that fills the gaps in these mods, and give us some story/ companion story updates, and not just the typical "End Game" content patches. And you've won me over as best MMO period.

Edited by Irishbornhick
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I would recommend adding something along the lines of, "What would this game need for you to enjoy it in its current state?".


I've been spending a good 30 minutes looking though this and too many of them seem to be in a nutshell, "No, this games an unsalvageable failure.".


Excellent idea.

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I would recommend adding something along the lines of, "What would this game need for you to enjoy it in its current state?".


I've been spending a good 30 minutes looking though this and too many of them seem to be in a nutshell, "No, this games an unsalvageable failure.".


Many people, feel, in it's current state that it's almost beyond being saved, it's just THAT bad at the moment.


I'm going to quote something I saw in another thread:

Ops difficulties should be renamed: Free loot, Easy mode, Normal mode.


There's simply no reason to stick around for the more serious PvEers (and PvPers from what I've heard). Everything is a cake walk, the only reason good players would ever wipe would be because of bugs.


A lot, including myself, put challenge as the top priority, and this game has none.

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Thank you. Do you see anything I can improve on?


Perhaps when we end a sub cycle maybe a time line trend . though it would be a crap load of sifting. it might help bioware pin point where the burn off is . i suspect most of it is at endgame. those that didnt like it on the stater planets will never like it. Perosnally it shines in some area's and fails miserably in others. It shines where they pumped the game in devolpment and fails in the feature list the community asked about and questioned them on 2 years prior to release.


Though 1000 plus people is not a clear indication of how the game population feels it is an indication on how the Core community that followed the game feels and right now its 50/50 thats a tad ghigher then what i would have speculated. My intial thought were it would be a standard 30 % burn off by the first sub payment. It may be less in the first cycle but i suspect by 90 days there will be a massive burn off like 45 percent or more unless BW can add content , massively add to the guild system , LVLs , banks ,quests perhaps a major feature like guild starship or hall. Really make the legacy meaningful and have impact on your CHR , give classes different abilities unlocked in it. Give the hardcore PVP and PVE players what they need to feel acomplished. Do all of this while fixing bugs and the texture pac's . it will not see a resugence once it stablised and never reach it's lofty subscription numbers they projected. Alot of the MMO community expected much more then the strong single player story lines with a myriad of Online features. Personally i expected exatly what we got because i followed the game so closely. What i did not expect was the restricve feature set and the lack of depth in the end game.

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No, i do not like SWTOR in it's current state.


I think my feelings were best summarized by Dreossk in his thread



-Dead world


-Day/night cycle

-Dynamic weather

-Environment interaction, social activites & RP

-Interface & graphics

-Character (character creation/appearance tab)




In a nut shell this game is lacking fundamental features.



changed color of answer

Edited by shirtandtie
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I absolutely LOVE this game, but I can also say I haven't ever experienced a game with as many bugs and issues as I have with SWTOR. Trust me, I've played a ton of games/MMOs.


Bioware is an amazing company, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't losing a little faith in them.


Three big issues:


-PVP queue times at lvl 50

-Please enable cross server queues. Not playing at all is much worse than the possiblity of grouping with a few bad apples.


-No LFG for flashpoints

-Once again cross server is a big success in the other big name MMOs


-Bug, after bug, after bug, after bad fix (cough, Ilum, cough)


You have it in you Bioware, just use the......

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I want to say "Yes".

But I have to say "no".

PvE is awesome (I avoided raids - dont have the time anymore, dont know about them)

PvP is a cluster****. Wins not counting. And 11 vs 8 warzones, since a well known exploit exists (according to people since beta, dont know) which enables you to join a warzone with more than 8 people.


And well ... I spent a lot of time PvPing today. So my viewpoint is shifted towards PvP atm...

Edited by Zocat
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First, kudos to the graphic design team and story team. Now, criticism of the end game and pvp team.


a) end game pvp is monotonous, boring, very simple, pointless, and extremely unbalanced. Once you get to 50 and if you like to pvp, then this game is horribly boring.


b) game performance is very, very, very bad. The lag on Ilum is ridiculous. I feel like I've stepped back into 1999. Sure, the graphics are nice but there is nothing anyone can do to get decent performance on Ilum right now, even with the highest end machine.


c) this game has a lot of game breaking exploits the players are easily able to use to gain unfair advantages. An example is how a stealther can disarm a bomb in Voidstar without being detected.


d) this game promotes the grind. I had hoped for much more. when you get to 50 all there is left to do is grind for valor, grind for gear, grind the same content over and over and over again. The game is less than 2 months old and it is all about the grind. NO THANKS!


e) pvp is way, way, way, too short and bursty. Remember those huttball videos we saw last summer where fights lasted a good long time and seemed balanced? Very misleading. At 50 it's stun, stun, CC, knockback, dead. CC is way out of control in this game and although resolve is a good concept it is horribly implemented and completely undocumented.


If the March patch isn't a miracle then I'm gone.

Edited by Delphis
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I absolutely LOVE this game, but I can also say I haven't ever experienced a game with as many bugs and issues as I have with SWTOR. Trust me, I've played a ton of games/MMOs.


Bioware is an amazing company, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't losing a little faith in them.


Three big issues:


-PVP queue times at lvl 50

-Please enable cross server queues. Not playing at all is much worse than the possiblity of grouping with a few bad apples.


-No LFG for flashpoints

-Once again cross server is a big success in the other big name MMOs


-Bug, after bug, after bug, after bad fix (cough, Ilum, cough)


You have it in you Bioware, just use the......


Have you played many MMOs at launch?


It takes most MMO's 2-3 months to begin banging out bugs and glitches. And BW has begun taking glitches and bugs since the 2nd week.

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No, not its current state and as others have already stated once the voice over cut scenes wear off then more people will take notice of the glaring flaws in this game such as combat/skills etc.


In my opinion they should re-focus in polishing the combat and skill trees, correcting sound and animation so they sync well together. They have made little improvement but more is still needed. On the cosmetic side, armor designs are boring and I have to say this is quite surprising coming from Bioware, the armor designs just doesn't meet my expectations of them. Too many restrictions and not enough options to the player will harm this game in the long run.


Good Luck Bioware...


I must offer a slight disagreement with you about the combat - this game has some of my favorite combat and my personal favorite set of skills of any game I've ever played.


Yes - This game has left me highly impressed. There's much room for improvement, but overall this is my new mmo and is gonna stay that way it seems.

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I absolutely LOVE this game, but I can also say I haven't ever experienced a game with as many bugs and issues as I have with SWTOR. Trust me, I've played a ton of games/MMOs.



Seriously? There are bugs but i can't think of at least half a dozen mMo's with more bugs at launch including UO, WOW, EQ, etc.

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It would be a huge help to me in counting votes if some of you could color your vote like everyone started to do a few pages back. It was much easier to count and maintain accuracy, and looked very slick as well.




Yes, no, undecided


I would be grateful if everyone could lend me a hand in this small way. Thank you very much, everyone.


Continue on! :)

Edited by StrikeOfLight
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It would be a huge help to me in counting votes if some of you could color your vote like everyone started to do a few pages back. It was much easier to count and maintain accuracy, and looked very slick as well.




Yes, no, undecided


I would be grateful if everyone could lend me a hand in this small way. Thank you very much, everyone.


Continue on! :)


Edited my post for you :)

Tanks for your work!

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Yes, I really like SWTOR. I had originaly planed to play SWTOR only during three month, the time Tera would release, and now I'm planing to play both game.


I like SWTOR :


- For the story

- The immersion in the StarWars universe

- The companions and the fact that you really get attached to your characters

- I'm enjoying the gameplay of the classes I've been playing

- I love the colors and the atmosphere of the different planets

- I enjoy PVP (low lvl), in particuliar Hutball


My regret :


- SWTOR doesn't really feel like a MMORPG, but more like a MORPG. I don't find the mechanics and design of the game encouraging the sense of community.


i've not tried end game, so I can't speak about it. Many of my friends and guildies regret the lack of content.

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Stop fixing things that ain't broke. The UI pre-1.1.1 was awesome and I could work with it well. Since 1.1.1 it has become more and more distracting. All I need to know is when the cooldown ends. That's it. Having an ability hightlighted (i.e. available for use) while being unavailable to use (i.e. a CD bar that was hovering near the bottom in longer CD abilities) makes little sense. And 1.1.2... that flashing has me almost rage quitting the entire game.


Please implement server moves. I started early, using servers on the other side of the world for me as recommended by the developers (I live on the pacific coast, currently on a European server). Now all my friends are playing on North American servers with better latencies, and I cannot join them. Thus, I have not done a single flashpoint, and I routinely avoid heroic missions because... well... I'm all alone on that server with characters I spent a lot of time playing. I have long been in single-player RPG mode, waiting for server moves to be finalized, and heroic quests just remind me of what I am missing.


To all those who think that grinding at level 50 is the only thing to do... There are 8 classes, each with unique storylines and two prestige classes. And the stories are different for light/dark sith classes and light/dark jedi classes. That's a lot of replayability. Take your time, enjoy the stories, and have fun! :) With a UI that is comfortable to use, of course... :D


Effect persistence in the overall galaxy based on earlier character decisions would be REALLY COOL. Dunno how to implement on an MMO, this being my very first MMO ever.



Edited by Natev_Lebur
added comma.
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As many others have said, leveling up is fun, but level 50 is not so fun. I hate the way loot is set-up. 4 mans should not drop better/equal loot to 8 mans. Does not make sense. Also, tionese crystals and the crystal system in general is retarded and whoever did the math on the system failed. PvP is a joke and the game is wayyy too clunky with bad spell animations.


I feel like I shouldn't level alts because the Legacy system hasn't come out yet.


I have 48 days from a game card, but unless the Legacy patch and others until then significantly improve the game, I will not resubscribe. Also, hopefully D3 will be out anyways so who cares.

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I love Star Wars, and at this point that may be the games only selling point.

Frankly I think that most of the games features are 10 to 15 years out of date, no implementation of DirectX 10/11, No UI customization, No Macros or Addons, No VOIP communication, extremely limited sound and graphics preference settings. It's like the game was designed for console gaming and migrated to PC use. For what is displayed on my screen it hardly seems worth the 20 gig install, the ridiculously long loading screens and the pi-s poor performance on a decent system. I've seen free to play MMOs with much better graphics and features. Was too much perhaps sacrificed to allow room for voice over interaction?

Technical support is a complete travesty, no effort seems to be made to address problems. The developers seem to be stuck on the same rails as their space flight model, completely fixated on adding new content, whilst refusing to get distracted by finding solutions to game breaking bugs. Each patch seems to create more problems than they solve, with no solutions or even discussion of a solutions evident.

The game is buggy and seems incomplete, the implementation of patches almost seem like the efforts of a third party being forced to work on someone elses product with no reference for how things work, with their hit and miss method, missing more than it is hitting.

Love for the franchise will only carry this game so far, a game that frustrates more than it brings entertainment is destined for a quick dirty death.

I hope it doesn't come to that, I hope that the powers that be realize the the real power is the people paying for their product and start listening to them.

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