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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Do You Like SWTOR In It's Current State? YES/NO


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No I don't like TOR in it's current state.


I won't even explain anymore why since Bioware mods insist on deleting or locking everything that goes in depth.


In short: this game focussed too much on PvE and too little on PvP. And instead of fixing and optimizing the game they come with stuff like Kaon under Siege. Nice, but at this point not neccesarry at all.

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Your feedback, along with several other people, have convinced me to add the tally from the other thread.


This will take a moment.








Thanks its the best way IMO.


Also remember to take out for players to vote in this thread if they already voted. Hopefully everyone is honest to make your work easier.


Question when you say a friendly bioware employee are you saying a friend of yours or have you received a message from bioware (a stranger to you that works at the company)

Edited by Emeda
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I believe he is going to check vs multi votes as why he said it might take a while.


Is there a inforum poll that will account for 1 vote per account?


There was before the game launched because there were all kinds of polls but I can't seem to find it now.


I guess it got removed.

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Here's why:

- Bioware took out every last shred of gameplay, that says: "I am a Massively Multiplayer Game."




- Players cannot jump off the rails in this game. (literaly and figuratively speaking) And as Damion Shubert said....

Edited by Kaydenloss
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Yes, the pvp is amazingly fun, flash points are very enjoyable, the leveling experience is awesome, and the raids can be quite challenging. You can go ahead and count at least 6 of my friends for more that would say Yes for the above reasons.
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Thanks its the best way IMO.


Also remember to take out for players to vote in this thread if they already voted. Hopefully everyone is honest to make your work easier.


Question when you say a friendly bioware employee are you saying a friend of yours or have you received a message from bioware (a stranger to you that works at the company)


It will be incredibly hard, but I'll do it. I like a challenge. Just... rate my thread 5/5 or something for my effort. :p:D


I received a message from someone who works with Bioware, yes. I asked if they read my thread, and received a response assuring me that the chances are "very high, especially for your thread, to be passed up the chain of command at Bioware for developers to review and make changes to the game". Something along those lines. Tried to use the exact wording as I remember it.

Edited by StrikeOfLight
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It will be incredibly hard, but I'll do it. I like a challenge. Just... rate my thread 5/5 or something for my effort. :p:D


I received a message from someone who works with Bioware, yes. I asked if they read my thread, and received a response assuring me that the chances are "very high, especially for your thread, to be passed up the chain of command at Bioware for developers to review and make changes to the game". Something along those lines. Tried to use the exact wording as I remember it.



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Bad idea since that had people voting multiple times.


Is the "poll" feature broken because that would keep track and allow each account to vote once?


Yes, the poll feature is broken. Trust me, I wish it weren't. :p


I find myself counting and re-counting, checking accounts to see if they voted twice, and a whole myriad of other things to make absolutely CERTAIN that it is as accurate as I can make it. Of course, I am only human, but I trust the poll results are within a 1-3% margin of error.

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Yes, the pvp is amazingly fun, flash points are very enjoyable, the leveling experience is awesome, and the raids can be quite challenging. You can go ahead and count at least 6 of my friends for more that would say Yes for the above reasons.


PVP: PVP is the same crap over... and over... and over... No world PVP to speak of.

FPs: OMG stop with the CS in them. I think I broke my Space Bar. They're not even a challenge.

OPs: Beat every boss within 3 tries. HM and NM mode? No point. Same fight.

Leveling: Enjoyable the first time. A chore the 2nd time.

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Q: Do you like SWTOR in it's current state?


Why does it matter to you what others think about the game?



If you are having fun, play it. If not don't. But what is it about all these threads asking this same question over and over?

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Played UO, Wow, Everquest, and Played all of the major releases at launch. Was a guild officer, raid leader, raid tank in Wow. Raided end game in Everquest.


Over all, at this point, a very solid release (understanding the long term life of a MMORPG).


The issues I have concern with at this time.


1. Crafting RE, especially low level items and greens. I believe the RE percentage is balanced. The problem occurs when one hits a bad streak. What I do is work on mats for the next level. If I run into a train of fails when trying to equip my toon in blues for the next level, it is not so much the fail, but the setback in having to go back and re-farm, or buy the mats (especially when using alt crafting to help equip my toon). That part is very frustrating and is really the only true frustration I have with the game.


I understand that they are working on that. I'd like to see something along the lines of an increasing percentage chance at success with each try so as to prevent the type of painful fail strings we are seeing. I don't want this game to turn into a famers market, but a game where each crafter makes his wares, sells his wares so that he can purchase wares made from other vendors for skills he does not have.



2. Adjustable UI. Perhaps coming, but this is a biggie, especially for raiders. I would include in this the Map functions. The map is burdensome. Just small implementations such as maintaining the fade out permanently so when you get jumped by a mob, stop, you are not blacked out from the game by the returning map (I'd keep mine faded 100% of the time), or size adjustment etc. Currently, when faded, if my arrow is at the bottom of the map I can't see it through my button bars. Small things such as that.


3. Better sorting on both the GTN and our trade skill menu. Not huge, not greatly important, but in time.


4. Limited addons. I don't want to see a situation where dps meters, and boss mods rule the development of encounters, but enhance the gaming experience. I see personal damage meters as a must. I would like, because I trade skill alot, the type of enhancements that allow me to see items in stock on my other toons (like the addon "altaholics"). I would rather see them as an integral part of the game and not third party, but that may just be wishful thinking.


5. Understanding the limitations at release, further end game content beginning to filter in over the next few months.


6. Dual spec. So many advantages to this from having enough of spacific classes (such as tanks and healers), to being able to better manage raids from a casual rather then hard core perspective. Would like to see that accompanied by a wardrobe and button bar function for ease of changes.


Those are basically the biggest 6 for me at this point in time. Beyond that, I'm loving the game.

Edited by Blackardin
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Thats it guys keep unsubbing, all the overly opinionative drama queen nit pickers and socially inept try hards will all be gone by the end of the month at this rate. This MMO will turn out amazing and it also runs flawlessly. All the planets are very well done and some epic open world guild PvP is to be had.


oooh yeah!

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Thats it guys keep unsubbing, all the overly opinionative drama queen nit pickers and socially inept try hards will all be gone by the end of the month at this rate. This MMO will turn out amazing and it also runs flawlessly. All the planets are very well done and some epic open world guild PvP is to be had.


oooh yeah!



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Thats it guys keep unsubbing, all the overly opinionative drama queen nit pickers and socially inept try hards will all be gone by the end of the month at this rate. This MMO will turn out amazing and it also runs flawlessly. All the planets are very well done and some epic open world guild PvP is to be had.


oooh yeah!


Hello. Xeper, I understand what you are saying, but I would politely ask that we keep this thread down to yes or no answers, along with insights you might have about what you like or dislike about the game. In this way, this thread can stay free of thread-ruining fights and back-and-forth arguments.


Thank you. :)

Edited by StrikeOfLight
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Hello. Xeper, I understand what you are saying, but I would politely ask that we keep this thread down to yes or no answers, along with insights you might have about what you like or dislike about the game. In this way, this thread can stay free of thread-ruining fights and back-and-forth arguments.


Thank you. :)


I can see your fun-meter went down again :jawa_tongue:

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