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"Going back" made me nauseous.


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Have any of you even hit end game? Talk to me when you've cleared all content first week of attempting it. There is absolutely nothing in place to keep people around, aside from re-rolling. That's what was great about WoW. No matter what you wanted to do, re-roll, raid, pvp, it did it and it did it well.


Please give me some examples?

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lol, than clearly you can't see squat. TOR is not even close to being the best in its own genre, and I'm not sure that genre is the MMO genre since so many mmo features are lacking. World of Panda's as you called it is still going strong and they've seen crap like TOR assume they will kill it only to once again turn out to be a niche mmo that might go F2P in a few months. Don't insult WoW or Diablo 3 by comparing them to this.


I keep seeing people say, "its not a MMO; features are missing." Exactly what features are missing? I don't count third party addons as a feature, so enlighten me, what exactly defines an MMO, since even companies/developers can't define it.

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No tantrum here, dude... I was laughing to myself while I was adding him to my already pages-long ignore list. Go stick your head in the sand next to him. :)


I used to use the ignore feature here but then when I came to this forum there weren't any posts. I thought the forum was broken.

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Have any of you even hit end game? Talk to me when you've cleared all content first week of attempting it. There is absolutely nothing in place to keep people around, aside from re-rolling. That's what was great about WoW. No matter what you wanted to do, re-roll, raid, pvp, it did it and it did it well.


Going to guess you didn't start playing WoW til LK if you are talking about doing reroll well.

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Have any of you even hit end game? Talk to me when you've cleared all content first week of attempting it. There is absolutely nothing in place to keep people around, aside from re-rolling. That's what was great about WoW. No matter what you wanted to do, re-roll, raid, pvp, it did it and it did it well.


On my WoW main, I would raid about 6-8 hours a week and that was it, I didn't do anything else that week. Maybe one hour of arena, tops, but that would be a fleeting thing because I hate arena.


Otherwise, I was leveling alts. That's what I like to do.


I'm happy with ToR.

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Have any of you even hit end game? Talk to me when you've cleared all content first week of attempting it. There is absolutely nothing in place to keep people around, aside from re-rolling. That's what was great about WoW. No matter what you wanted to do, re-roll, raid, pvp, it did it and it did it well.


Well it's still a matter of opinion. I'm not saying WOW is a bad game but it didn't do it for me. Got to endgame, played around in it a bit, didn't like it and quit after three months. Rift which has the same sort of endgame content for whatever reason stuck and I'm still there after 8 months.


I'll see about this game in a month or so.

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Personally I've mostly enjoyed my time playing here, but I have to admit that it's starting to wear a bit thin. I'm a 7 year vet player of City of Heroes and for the last month this game has been a nice change of pace. Still, last night I played CoH with some friends and it brought home to me the weaknesses of this game; in my opinion CoH is certainly the more mature, better developed game.


To date I've reached level 43 with my Trooper and 35 with my Smuggler and I'm starting to burn out on the constant slooooow travel from place to place while dodging mobs along the way. I see a lot of potential here, but I'm considering unsubscribing here for a few months and maybe coming back when the rougher edges have been smoothed down and the missing elements (functional UI, better keybind/macro support and an end to 5 minute loading screens) are in place.


I haven't totally made up my mind yet, for that matter my sub here is paid through next month anyway, but I'm leaning strongly toward cancelling at least for a few months.

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Glad to see you back, I'm sure other players who went back felt the same way. I also appreciate how you didn't mention which MMO you went back to, though it's a shame other's felt the need to bring it up and start comparing.


The fact is, the miserable people who didn't enjoy the game should stop discouraging those of us that do. Constructive criticism is acceptable, the keyword being constructive. Blind screams of "this sucks because of X" with out any proof, testing or intelligence will not be taken seriously. Atleast not by me, and hopefully Bioware. Not to mention comparing one MMO to another is a waste of breath - I would hope that TOR wants to offer itself as a unique MMORPG experience, and they won't succeed in that if they follow in the shadow of their competitors. They should take the ideas of its competitors and do it better, in addition to keeping it's unique charm. Tricky, tricky.


Also, this game will not go F2P in a few months. That's absurd to think that Bioware/EA will throw in the towel that easily and that early, especially when they're celebrating TOR's subscription success thus far. I'm sure the last thing on the company's mind is "Okay, how do we ruin SWTOR?" - In fact, they're working on large content patches the last I heard.



One more thing. Since patches and expansions are wonderful tools, don't think that the game you're playing at the moment will be forever set in stone. MMO's are always changing.

Edited by Valeena
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I agree with the other mmo's being empty part. Whens the last time you saw even 30-100 people in a zone in wow beyond the first week or 2 of an expansion. Wow leveling is much much much more "solo" than swtor. They dont really have many "heroic" quests , group quests in swtor are actually quite vast.


"this game is dying the planets feel empty" i have this to say about that comment. If thats the case then wow must be dying pretty 2 weeks after every expansion comes out because you rarely see 50 people in a zone, even zones where people need to farm matts.


Alot of mmo's are the same in that regard, not everyone can be on the server at the exact same time and not everyone is at the same level (for their alts and such) a few weeks into launch.


SWtor servers seem pretty healthy to me anwyways, yesterday at 4 PST, 3 very heavy servers 57 Heavy servers , 9 light servers, and the rest where standard.


I think most of the people complaining about their server being empty are the people on those few light servers or the people who play during off hours. I guess some of the low end standard servers probably feel a bit undercrowded as well, thing is those servers make up a minority of the servers, you log on to wow right now and you would be in the exact same boat there would be quite a few light and standard servers that if you decided to join, would feel empty.


I'm not sure how this is an argument. If you're on a dead server in swtor, you have no other option than to reroll on another server. With no lfg/any sort of functional group finder (the current one is abysmal). On Darth bandon this weekend the most I saw were 140 people on the imperial fleet at once. While leveling my marauder, I've done 3 heroic quests while requesting to do them the instant I land til the moment I leave because there are 20 people on each planet.


In the other game, if I dont have enough guildies on, or in an empty zone, I click a single button and that 100 people becomes 1000 from cross server from potential people to play with.


So sure, both games seem equally empty, but at least in the other game I can rectify that with a single button rather than having to server hop forever.


/inb4 go back to pandas hurrdurrderpyderpderp

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Have any of you even hit end game? Talk to me when you've cleared all content first week of attempting it. There is absolutely nothing in place to keep people around, aside from re-rolling. That's what was great about WoW. No matter what you wanted to do, re-roll, raid, pvp, it did it and it did it well.
i read pretty much the same things on the wow forums about eq when wow was first launched. yup, wow still has this game beat, let's see where they are in a few more months after a few more patches.
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i read pretty much the same things on the wow forums about eq when wow was first launched. yup, wow still has this game beat, let's see where they are in a few more months after a few more patches.


Meh, I like this game better.

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I suspect this game will do well enough in its own right, at the very least. Now, keep in mind this is entirely my own opinion and perspective, so take it with a grain of salt.


Right now, purely fantasy-based MMOs have grown stale for me, and I suspect that it has for others as well. When Rift came out, it was honestly one of the more amazing games I'd seen in regards to graphics, the quests were fairly enjoyable, and holy cow did they pump out content and positive changes to their game in a crazy-quick fashion. Only problem was... it was still magic and dragons.


I'd already played WoW since its original release, and Ultima Online before that. I played other MMOs such as City of Heroes during breaks, but usually they became a bit too grindy and I'd go back to my "home" MMO. Thankfully, Rift's amazing communication with customers and content releases completely broke me of ever having any desire to return to WoW. That game is over for me. However, Rift still ran out of fun for me, even with content being released on a consistent basis.


Flash forward to SWTOR's release. This game has bugs, and is lacking some features that I will admit, I find to be fairly important. However, when I started, it was a huge breath of fresh air. Now, obviously there's still fantasy involved. Star Wars is space fantasy, not science fiction. However, the important key for me is still in that statement. It's in space.


Don't get me wrong, some of the flora and fauna on the planets make it feel a bit like an elf might jump out, but the fact that there are blasters, space ships, vehicles, and a completely different theme behind SWTOR is what will keep me here. I absolutely don't blame people that decide they're going to quit for awhile until bugs are fixed or features are added, but as it is, I know that the features and fixes are coming (it's an MMO after all), and I'm still having fun taking characters through the leveling process and doing higher content with friends.


Who knows, when I take a break from SWTOR, I'll probably play a little Rift again. Maybe later when I've had a much, much needed break from dragons I'll hop back and forth between the two. Right now though, I'll be sticking with SWTOR, and I don't expect that I'm the only one that's pleased to have a successful change of environment.


That... ended up being a little longer-winded than I expected, but I hope that helps people that have decided the game is a flop to understand why some of us may love the game despite its current flaws.

Edited by Llaera
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Great enjoy your mass effect with coop thrown in. Too bad you gotta pay 15$/month for it. Other players in this other game you mention actually want to play an MMO. Swtor isn't a heavy contended by any means and will be a niche MMO that might go FP2 just like LOTRO.


Mass Effect with Co-op thrown in, it's a sweet deal for only 15$ if you ask me.

But this is Star Wars, not mass effect. Which means the 15$ is so much sweeter.

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Great enjoy your mass effect with coop thrown in. Too bad you gotta pay 15$/month for it. Other players in this other game you mention actually want to play an MMO. Swtor isn't a heavy contended by any means and will be a niche MMO that might go FP2 just like LOTRO.


2 million copies and 1.7 million subscribers say you are wrong.

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At least RIFT got that not too wrong, so I wonder why BioWare with a much higher budget couldn't got that also right.


RIFT is a really lousy WoW clone that tries to cater to everone and thus fails. 20 levels worth of content stretched over 50 levels. I would rather deal with all the little "flaws" in SWtOR than waist money on RIFT. I like SWtOR, it isnt perfect but it really is a great game if you just quit trying to make it into some other game and play it. Sure, there are things I would love to see incoporated into the game - I am spoiled jaded like everyone else. But I am really having a great time with this game.

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RIFT is a really lousy WoW clone that tries to cater to everone and thus fails. 20 levels worth of content stretched over 50 levels. I would rather deal with all the little "flaws" in SWtOR than waist money on RIFT. I like SWtOR, it isnt perfect but it really is a great game if you just quit trying to make it into some other game and play it. Sure, there are things I would love to see incoporated into the game - I am spoiled jaded like everyone else. But I am really having a great time with this game.



At least RIFT isn't as buggy as SWTOR, what you call little flaws are actually annoying bugs that should not be in the game, and having to spacebar through sidequests is annoying as hell.

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Great enjoy your mass effect with coop thrown in. Too bad you gotta pay 15$/month for it. Other players in this other game you mention actually want to play an MMO. Swtor isn't a heavy contended by any means and will be a niche MMO that might go FP2 just like LOTRO.


LOL - yet you are here every day posting. says alot about you kid!

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Right now, purely fantasy-based MMOs have grown stale for me, and I suspect that it has for others as well. When Rift came out, it was honestly one of the more amazing games I'd seen in regards to graphics, the quests were fairly enjoyable, and holy cow did they pump out content and positive changes to their game in a crazy-quick fashion. Only problem was... it was still magic and dragons.


IMHO problem was that the setting was bland and uninspired. Magic and dragons weren't nail in the coffin.


SWTOR has "different" setting that other prime mmos but suffers from boring class design. Class abilites are plain and simple, lack finesee and complexity. Force users are best example of this. Nothing will come close to Mesmer from GW.


Overall - Interesting mechanics > setting.

Edited by Mindwormbified
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