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2/19 battlemaster bags


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I know you say it's a 25% chance token, but just make the items cost more and give us guaranteed tokens. This roll system for pvp loot is just angering the crap out of me to the point that I don't want to keep playing, all I keep thinking is "I'm doing this for nothing, I have every spot filled with champ gear." I want to play, I want to pvp, but I really want a reward for it as well and not watch other luckier players get rewarded while I get nothing.
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haha i guess im lucky.


so far i have had 13 bags and have gotten 6 BM tokens which seems perfectly fine with me since i am in full champ besides 5 BM pieces now. still got 1 more daily to finish and hope i can rub that 1 in with more bm comms.


stop crying about not getting rewarded. pvp is not about rewards its about fun and if all you care about is gear then im sure you will only ever be sub-par in pvp.

Edited by Redderic
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I know you say it's a 25% chance token, but just make the items cost more and give us guaranteed tokens. This roll system for pvp loot is just angering the crap out of me to the point that I don't want to keep playing, all I keep thinking is "I'm doing this for nothing, I have every spot filled with champ gear." I want to play, I want to pvp, but I really want a reward for it as well and not watch other luckier players get rewarded while I get nothing.


i agree 0/10 so far 25% is a lie

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I know you say it's a 25% chance token, but just make the items cost more and give us guaranteed tokens. This roll system for pvp loot is just angering the crap out of me to the point that I don't want to keep playing, all I keep thinking is "I'm doing this for nothing, I have every spot filled with champ gear." I want to play, I want to pvp, but I really want a reward for it as well and not watch other luckier players get rewarded while I get nothing.


If they want to keep 25% increse the cost of BM gear by 4 and put a damn comm in each bag. Fixed!!

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haha i guess im lucky.


so far i have had 13 bags and have gotten 6 BM tokens which seems perfectly fine with me since i am in full champ besides 5 BM pieces now. still got 1 more daily to finish and hope i can rub that 1 in with more bm comms.


stop crying about not getting rewarded. pvp is not about rewards its about fun and if all you care about is gear then im sure you will only ever be sub-par in pvp.


I think you need to re-read your post, maybe then you realize what an utter D-bag you are being.


In one sentence you brag about how lucky you have been with drops. In the next breath you then tell someone who has not had your luck to quit their QQ.

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If they say its 25% it is... But 25% means 75% chance to not get a token... For every bag you open there is this 75% chance of not getting anything, you can basically open an infinite amount of bags without getting anything.
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haha i guess im lucky.


so far i have had 13 bags and have gotten 6 BM tokens which seems perfectly fine with me since i am in full champ besides 5 BM pieces now. still got 1 more daily to finish and hope i can rub that 1 in with more bm comms.


stop crying about not getting rewarded. pvp is not about rewards its about fun and if all you care about is gear then im sure you will only ever be sub-par in pvp.


If you truly feel that way, then I dare you to delete all the pvp gear you have and start again from scratch. Let's see you put your money where your mouth is. I don't care for any excuses or any reasoning that you can provide. Delete your gear, and start from scratch and practice what you preach. I am not really on anyone's side.. the system is Flawed, but to tell someone that "its for fun," and that's all its about so stop whining when you are so fortunate is UTTER BS!. I will make a toon on your server, just to witness this if it was anyway possible to verify. But if you do that, I'd actually agree with your suggestion of how he should feel about his "LUCK"

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I am kind of split on the notion. I am fairly new to the whole pvp scene, and thus have only opened about eight so far with one piece (fortunately it was the saber).


I 'm sure you take that single piece away and I could easily have a different outlook so far, but right now I find somewhat of an interesting approach.



I think perhaps if they changed it around so there was a chance of both the +1 tier item as currently stands and an at-tier item (say a centurian piece for example) this could help increase the rate of getting some gear so you have a more reasonable health pool and some expertise, while not trivializing the process of attaining the more top-end.

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as somone whos had relatively decent luck with the bag system (missin those damn champ gloves, havent gotten to bm yet) i understand the frustration but have no real experience with it


nothing that can really be done at this point that wouldnt screw someone over.

many people had to work for those items (BMs with cent gear, anyone?) and many certainly did not (guildmate has full champ at valor rank 28)


fundamentally flawed system

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I was on 1/12 and then had a run of 8/9!! Now back to 0/6 from my last few. Random is random, but to be honest it is a great feeling to see that BM token appear :)


I don't see why people are complaining, since I already have half complete set of Battlemaster and Rakata, there is little end game incentive left. Seems like half the trolls on this forum just want everyone to get free BM gear handed to them on a plate. Remember this is the best gear in game atm, and it should take a while to get.

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its the same with the bloody champ bags, they should just rename them to centurion commendations bags imo. three times/weeks in a row now ive been completing the two weeklys on the same day plus the two dailys for that day and also having enough WZ and merc commendations do buy atleast one or two bags aswell, believing i would get some much appriciated gear with all those bags, but no. just getting those blasted centurion commendations every time..and when i finally do get a piece of armour its the ear piece or bracers over and over again..:mad:
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I was on 1/12 and then had a run of 8/9!! Now back to 0/6 from my last few. Random is random, but to be honest it is a great feeling to see that BM token appear :)


I don't see why people are complaining, since I already have half complete set of Battlemaster and Rakata, there is little end game incentive left. Seems like half the trolls on this forum just want everyone to get free BM gear handed to them on a plate. Remember this is the best gear in game atm, and it should take a while to get.


You have already gotten more tokens then those who have gone 1/24 + run. And it's not so much complaining that the gear shouldnt take long. It SHOULD. 1) will always be > than 2)


1) Every BM Bag comes with one BM token. BM pieces cost 25+ Tokens per piece. Will still take a long time however, people's time will never be wasted. They are always progressing


2) Current system , you can go two weeks worth for nothing. People will stop playing because of it. Therefore losing subs.


That post about them using the same system for their payroll is hilarious! they closed it.. kind of funny

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Same problem here, champ tokens only, over and over and over again. Just bump the commendation cost a little and guarantee 1 token per bag with a 25% chance to get 2.


Somewhere around 4/42 which resembles a sub 10% chance, definitely not 25%.

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If they say its 25% it is... But 25% means 75% chance to not get a token... For every bag you open there is this 75% chance of not getting anything, you can basically open an infinite amount of bags without getting anything.


I am nearly rank 57 now, and I was 20 when i hitted 50. I have yet to get all my champion pieces. I have no mainhand, no Offhand and no gloves. I have tons of pants and maybe even more chestpieces...


If my luck continues like this I will not get my battlemaster gear ever. I 'm not pariculary eager to see that coming.

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