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  1. Calling BS, because everything you say is based on BS.
  2. But its just as possible they had a valid reason 5,15,25,50 times... nothing is absolute in that situation unless they are in your HOUSE!
  3. All that can happen or someone who was the first person into the wz decided not to finish it. Hrrrmm.... tough choice.
  4. Did you guys really just fail that hard to actually reveal that the issue can be caused on purpose for those sadistic enough to implement it on purpose?!! This is a giant oversight! Reporting someone who left the match earlier because his kid started crying in the other room? Oh yeah, sounds like a perfectly valid excuse.
  5. If you truly feel that way, then I dare you to delete all the pvp gear you have and start again from scratch. Let's see you put your money where your mouth is. I don't care for any excuses or any reasoning that you can provide. Delete your gear, and start from scratch and practice what you preach. I am not really on anyone's side.. the system is Flawed, but to tell someone that "its for fun," and that's all its about so stop whining when you are so fortunate is UTTER BS!. I will make a toon on your server, just to witness this if it was anyway possible to verify. But if you do that, I'd actually agree with your suggestion of how he should feel about his "LUCK"
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