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Everything posted by stalewee

  1. stalewee

    Some BM bag odds

    Lots of posts here about the BM bag drop rates. Here are some odds based on 20 BM bags: 0 - 0.32% or 1 in 315 1 or less - 2.4% or 1 in 41 2 or less - 9.1% or 1 in 11 3 or less - 22% or 1 in 4.4 6 or more - 38.3% or 1 in 2.6 7 or more - 21.4% or 1 in 4.67 8 or more - 10.1% or 1 in 10 9 or more - 4.1% or 1 in 24 10 or more - 1.39% or 1 in 72 11 or more - 0.39% or 1 in 253 With the large number of players, it's highly likely that many would get 0/20. It's also highly likely that many would get 11/20.
  2. The odds of 0/25 is 0.075%, or 1 in 1329. That's certain to happen to many many people, given the number of players.
  3. I went 0/13 before getting one on the 14th. The odds of going 0/13 are 2.38%, which isn't actually that unlikely. The odds of going 7/13 or more is higher than 0/13 (2.43%). The system is absolutely retarded.
  4. BW stated that each BM bag has a 25% chance. So the odd of getting 1/19 is 2.68%. Thats not really that unlikely and will happen to a lot of people. Their system is an incredibly bad idea. The odds of you getting 9/19 is about the same. Stupid system...
  5. I'm not following? Why isn't it meant to be used for PVP? It's great for healing while moving. And what does that have to do with the price of fish? I want it to be useful in PVE.
  6. It's nothing compared to the sage bubble, but I wouldn't say it's useless. I always keep it on in PVP and I do notice the difference when it's off. In a 1 on 1 fight it can be about a 10% advantage, depending on the other class. If you have more than one enemy attacking you, then yeah it's not much chop.
  7. The 3 target limit on kolto bomb makes it pretty useless. The only time I use it is in PVP to heal myself while running. There really isn't any reason to use a commando healer over a sage in PVE. The sage is clearly the stronger healer. Plus some fights really need an AOE heal (e.g. every Soa vid I've seen has sage/sorc AOE healing). The only complaint I see about combat medics being overpowered is that we take a long time to kill in PVP. Whether or not that is true, increasing the number of targets affected by kolto bomb wouldn't make us any tougher.
  8. sage/sorc is slightly better for PVP. sage/sorc is drastically better for PVE.
  9. Negatory. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binomial_distribution
  10. I'm 1 from 15 on my BM bags. I know a lot of guys getting 50%. I haven't played for a few days now and I don't feel like playing today. I don't see the point.
  11. I'm 1 from 15. I haven't played for a few days now. I feel no urge to play today.
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4PTDo9cgk2c That video shows 1210 valour in 2 minutes. That's 36300/hour, or about 10x as much as WZ grinding.
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4PTDo9cgk2c That video shows 1210 valour in 2 minutes. Grinding warzones is about 3300/hour. So the Ilum video is 11 times faster
  14. stalewee

    No rollback?

    I've cancelled. I worked long and hard to got my valour.
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