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When you compare Kass to (possible spoilers)


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I suppose a better way to put it would be....


Kass is an open world, whereas Coruscant is an extremely linear follow the yellow brick road world.


Ok. and again you ignore the point.



There is absolutely no disagreement from me that kass is open world and coruscant is linear.


I could make a really obvious statement like 'jedi have lightsabres and bounty hunters have guns'. What it doesnt do is actually MEAN anything



What you still havent addressed is the fact that you somehow make this obvious statement that no one disagrees with mean that somehow people will roll empire over repubic.

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I think the most telling example of the developers favouring the Sith side is that in the fleet there are 2x the cargo holds than there are in the republic fleet (republic has 2 per side, sith has 4). So they were obviously expecting more Sith players than republic.
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Ok. and again you ignore the point.



There is absolutely no disagreement from me that kass is open world and coruscant is linear.


I could make a really obvious statement like 'jedi have lightsabres and bounty hunters have guns'. What it doesnt do is actually MEAN anything



What you still havent addressed is the fact that you somehow make this obvious statement that no one disagrees with mean that somehow people will roll empire over repubic.


are you trying to say that an open world is just as engaging as an extremely linear world?


While a more engaging leveling experience is not the main reason people are rolling empire over republic, it is probably one of them.

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What did you expect out of a city?


Go into any metropolis, it's mostly streets that resemble giant hallways. You're not going to find forests on Coruscant. I think everyone knew this if they knew anything about the basic Star Wars setting.


actually... there are some erm parks. you know *parks.*

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What did you expect out of a city?


Go into any metropolis, it's mostly streets that resemble giant hallways. You're not going to find forests on Coruscant. I think everyone knew this if they knew anything about the basic Star Wars setting.


You can make city's open ended. They are suppose to still be rebuilding, however most of the areas you are in are fully intact with a small amount of rubble laying around. They could have made the area a lot like the ruined city's from fallout 3, with tons of exploration.


While Kass may be linear in its quest progression the word itself is rather open. I can go from point A to point G to point C if i so desired. On Corucsant i have to go from A to B to C.

Edited by nabrass
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are you trying to say that an open world is just as engaging as an extremely linear world?


While a more engaging leveling experience is not the main reason people are rolling empire over republic, it is probably one of them.


Im trying to say that some people prefer some things over others. If we are going to be honest despite the 'look' of worlds they are all linear. Sure hoth and tatooine are 'open' but most of the quests are accessed by running down or near paths that are present on the planets, and therefore despite the fact they FEEL open, you are in fact still running down corridors.



And your premise is entirely flawed. Firstly new players will have almost no knowledge of the levelling experiance. Thus picking republic or empire is not in any way connected to the difference between coruscant and kass.


Secondly why would people chose to roll a faction they dont want to play, because 1/15th of the time they are levelling is spent on a slightly less attractive planet - which I might add is entirely subjective because the planet ive hated the most since playing is Taris which isnt all corridors. Not to mention the fact that once you have hit level cap its entirely irrelavent as you dont need to go to coruscant for anything ever again.

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actually... there are some erm parks. you know *parks.*


Would a park change the fact that metropolises still resemble long hallways? 99% of the area of most big cities aren't parks.


You can make city's open ended. They are suppose to still be rebuilding, however most of the areas you are in are fully intact with a small amount of rubble laying around. They could have made the area a lot like the ruined city's from fallout 3, with tons of exploration.


While Kass may be linear in its quest progression the word itself is rather open. I can go from point A to point G to point C if i so desired. On Corucsant i have to go from A to B to C.


Kaas is a better city, no doubt. I just think the designers had more freedom to design it being a mixture of ruins, forests, mountains and a city. Coruscant is too well known by the SW masses to tweak like that. In that respect, it's no worse than Nar Shadda (Imperial) which is also well known to be a massive city. I don't see any discrimination here against Republic players, it's just the way the designers chose to represent cities in SWTOR on both sides.

Edited by kristoffbrujah
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OP is right, Coruscant is lamesville... but thats just one in a many slew of reasons why people are playing Imperial over Republic. Terrible endgame gear is another (go go rocket pack-samurai Jedi!). Spells being blatantly better for Imperials, Projection vs Shock is one example. And finally, evil options are generally more interesting and often humorous compared to lightside options, and the idea of playing a "lightside" Darth Sith is moronic just as much as a guy running around with Dark V corruption named Master is, which ties in with a problem of Corruption (nice visuals) vs. Lightside (no visuals and boring). Edited by laslaya
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Im trying to say that some people prefer some things over others. If we are going to be honest despite the 'look' of worlds they are all linear. Sure hoth and tatooine are 'open' but most of the quests are accessed by running down or near paths that are present on the planets, and therefore despite the fact they FEEL open, you are in fact still running down corridors.



And your premise is entirely flawed. Firstly new players will have almost no knowledge of the levelling experiance. Thus picking republic or empire is not in any way connected to the difference between coruscant and kass.


Secondly why would people chose to roll a faction they dont want to play, because 1/15th of the time they are levelling is spent on a slightly less attractive planet - which I might add is entirely subjective because the planet ive hated the most since playing is Taris which isnt all corridors. Not to mention the fact that once you have hit level cap its entirely irrelavent as you dont need to go to coruscant for anything ever again.



I'm sure there are tons of people who rolled both factions, got the the first major planet, and decided that they preferred an open ended experience compared to a linear experience.

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I'm sure there are tons of people who rolled both factions, got the the first major planet, and decided that they preferred an open ended experience compared to a linear experience.


It's likely a factor in the imbalance. I'd say the imbalance is due to (1) level cap (and also lower) armor differences making Empire look much cooler, (2) big butts on jedis, (3) Coruscant sucks, (4) lightning from fingertips vs pebble spam and (5) Dark Side mayhem on Sith characters (plays into GTA mentality). It would take so many things to fix the faction imbalance at this point that it seems very unlikely to happen, really.

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It's likely a factor in the imbalance. I'd say the imbalance is due to (1) level cap (and also lower) armor differences making Empire look much cooler, (2) big butts on jedis, (3) Coruscant sucks, (4) lightning from fingertips vs pebble spam and (5) Dark Side mayhem on Sith characters (plays into GTA mentality). It would take so many things to fix the faction imbalance at this point that it seems very unlikely to happen, really.



I personally like the look/animations of the trooper/smuggler/cunsular more than their empire counterparts >.>


While i agree Coruscant sucks is not the main reason empire out number republic it is certainly a factor, which was the point i was trying to make this whole thread. BW should have anticipated that the "bad boy" mentality would kick in big time, and as such they really needed to make the republic more compelling.

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I'm sure there are tons of people who rolled both factions, got the the first major planet, and decided that they preferred an open ended experience compared to a linear experience.


Im sorry but UTTER rubbish. I dont normally dismiss people like that, but what you have written is unsubstatiated opinion, expressed as fact.


As the person directly underneath you pointed out your opinion is just that, an opinion because he has the exact opposite opinion to you.

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I personally enjoy Kaas a lot more than Coruscant.


Corus is supposed to have a trillion people living there, but the entire population seems to consist of stock-still enemies and a couple handful of cloned NPCs frozen in time. You really have to suspend the old disbelief every time you set foot on Corus.

Edited by face_hindu
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I'm actually quite fond of Coruscant, and Nar Shadaa was well. Guess I just like the city worlds, as they feel very Star Warsy to me. Now, knowing that I'll have to go through Taris again is what makes me reluctant to level alts on the Republic side. That planet just feels like such a drag...
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Kass is an open world area in which you have a diverse selection of enemies to kill, from rebelling slaves to the local wildlife, and there are almost no black elevator screens.


Point taken, but calling Dromund Kaas "open" is false. The indoor corridors of Coruscant are just replaced by outdoor paths on DK. You have a bit more manuverability on DK since they aren't narrow corridors, but it's essentially the same concept.

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I do wish Coruscant's plotline wasn't quite so much of a series of 'fight street crime in this district... then move on and fight street crime in *this* district' plod. The Gree quests are a breath of fresh air, not least because they give your character a chance to show his or her personality, in terms of how you react to the Gree's idiosyncratic language, and the senate-based ones are morally interesting... but I'd have kept the Migrant Merchants' Guild and the Justicars, but then had something different in place of the Black Sun gang in the middle, to break it up a bit.


That said, I would like to rename the Justicars to something that sounds a little *less* like a taxi firm.

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Kaas is my favorite planet aswell.


Didnt enjoy tat or hoth that much since most of the quests there (HC4) needs to be unlocked via bonus and other minor quests. Which made getting a group frustrating because they couldnt be shared if a person hadnt done some of the normal quests first. Big mistake if you ask me, well it dosnt help either that my server is rather empty so it was even more "ARGH". xD


Tat and Hoth, more so Tatooin just felt like an illusion of space. I never actually felt anything like it was on Kaas. Hoth appears bigger sure but the lack of any city (& players) ect kinda took away the charm it had pretty quickly for me.

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