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Marauder best pvp spec - Annihilaton vs. Carnage vs. Rage


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I've tried rage and annihilation so far, was rage most of the time at 50, and respecced to anni few days ago. Rage was good, had nice dmg, some good burst, especially in aoe situations like on voidstar, making healers panic abit when they suddenly see everyone drop to 60% hp, on top of them being nuked by you + interrupted. The slow from force crush was nice too, and the survivability was good. But when i changed my spec to annihilation, man, the real fun has started. the damage is good, the self heals make up for lower survivability, and if you have a decent healer in your team, you're going to melt faces.


The Annihilation spec has this awesome feel to it. Makes you feel like this relentless, unstoppable killer, which is what a marauder should be, i love it.

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It seems to me that noobs play Rage, while people who have both hands and all of their fingers play Annihilation and sometimes Carnage. Is it just me or anyone else started noticing it?


You might be on to something here. I'm missing a hand and have really started to enjoy Rage spec after many respecs. I'll probably end up going back to Carnage again though.


p.s. You're a dick!

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You might be on to something here. I'm missing a hand and have really started to enjoy Rage spec after many respecs. I'll probably end up going back to Carnage again though.


p.s. You're a dick!


Lol, good one. Yeah these ppl who think noobs play rage are laughable at best... Same amount of key binds and less survivability the anil, so you actually play more defensive as Rage considering you lose the passive heals... These ppl toot their horn as if any class in this game actually requires any kinda "skill"... Spare me

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Lol, good one. Yeah these ppl who think noobs play rage are laughable at best... Same amount of key binds and less survivability the anil, so you actually play more defensive as Rage considering you lose the passive heals... These ppl toot their horn as if any class in this game actually requires any kinda "skill"... Spare me


Don't forget 100% damage reduction force camouflage. I've played both anni and rage, neither is "hard". Rage has a much higher potential since you can drop over 30k in a single global, something anni can't come close to. For garbage solo queue anni has an edge due to survivability, but overall rage is far better. The only issue with rage is our gear is itemized so poorly for it.

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Well that sucks. Carnage with the roots definitely seemed like the more fun PVP spec




now it's a DOT stacker or AOE spammer spec i guess :(




I felt like I did well as carnage... though this toon is still not 50

Edited by VoidSpectre
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carange is by far my favorite but anhilation is more efficient.

the basic reason i dumped my beloved carnage for anihlation is latency, the talnet that is 2nd to none on carnage is the one that makes ravage imobbilize your taget but gore for is the key of carnage and when there is latency you are losing some very precious time out of the 6secs it provides you armor petration. :(

Edited by darth_billy
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carange is by far my favorite but anhilation is more efficient.

the basic reason i dumped my beloved carnage for anihlation is latency, the talnet that is 2nd to none on carnage is the one that makes ravage imobbilize your taget but gore for is the key of carnage and when there is latency you are losing some very precious time out of the 6secs it provides you armor petration. :(


I have been playing my alt as carnage while he levels. It's wonderful



I'm not sure why annhi gets the PVP related talents like lower CD on interrupt. It feels like this would go well with the PVP idea of rooting people


maybe if they consolidated these PVP ideas into one talent tree marauders would be rocking more socks like they should

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I think an issue comes down to survivability. While you have bad gear, you're gunna wanna go rage; it has more damage reduction and you aren't very likely to be surviving long enough to definitely get berserk. Rage also produces A LOT of AoE burst damage which is good for disrupting strong groups but not so great for actually finishing people off.


When you get good enough gear that you don't die so quickly, annihilation takes over since you get berserk more often and thus you actually benefit again from more self-healing, also as you get more critical chance on your gear then you get more random self-healing which helps too. Ticking the bleed damage on can cause significant headache for who you inflict it on and add all the other damage you do on top of the bleeds, it can do very significant damage on a single target.


Carnage... Carnage has the highest damage potential but... the lack of survivability means I probably wouldn't try it in anything but the best PvP gear possible... Champion or Battle masters. The damage potential of Carnage makes it a very good finisher class and possibly a tank buster since tanks don't do much damage and Carnage can by-pass armor but I wouldn't rush up to go toe to toe with other DPS.

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I think carnage is the most fun spec but it does feel sadly under powered damage wise when compared with the other 2 (maybe better with different gear), I hope they increase the damage some day. I like annh, it feels a little cluncky to me (since it is right now) but I've seen it work great for other Mar in my guild. I play rage since I like being able to focus my single player attacks on one target and still do massive damage to them, as well as to the other targets my team might be fighting around me. I love the force crush slow too makes hitting those stomps real easy.


One thing I see here again and again though is the idea that rage mauraders have no group utility and that makes me wonder how many of them keep predation up 100% (or how many even know that you can) like I do in pvp and pve. Keeping predation up for your team can really make a big difference for a bunch of obvious reasons. I'll often use frenzy and predation right when I zone into the warzone before the match (especially for huttball my sorcs always get the ball first due to this and their boost) and keep predation up until I want to use bloodthirst, or I die. Keeping a ball carrier moving at 50% faster rate while killing everybody around them is pretty fun, or running it yourself with 2 jumps 1 of them can give you another speed boost if you spec into it.

Edited by Finnyous
wanted to add something about carnage
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rage mara vs anni mara 1v1 lol anni is going to tear u up from the get go u boost your smash 1 miss and your fkd as anni we have several diff ways of avoiding all smash dmg rage has the same defensive cds but doesnt have the consistancy aka 15 sec cds on your only good ability

have fun waiting longer than 15 seconds in the fight to see if you survive

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This seems like the best thread to post this


I posted this in another thread, but didn't get any good responses.

Really looking for a pro pro PRO sent/mara that has played Rage/Focus and Annihilation/Watchman. Seriously.

I'm trying to convince myself not to roll an alt an regrind to try watchman.

Here it goes, Rage/Focus Jugg/Guard vs Anni/Watchman Sent:


DPS wise:

I gotta ask a pro marauder that has PRO'D both rage and annihilation.


How would you compare your Annihilation to Rage if you smashes hit a lot harder (I think it goes (x + 30%) x 200% x crit modifier - so that 30% adds up huge with the modifiers basically) AND u had another 20% armor pen (spec right, 1 saber throw + sundering strike ur already at 16% armor pen)


Defense wise

Enure vs Undying rage (xcpt for 1v1, Undying rage wins all the time)

4 sec stealth vs Intercede (guardian leap doesn't do anything 1v1, imo stealth wins here)

2 sec dmg immunity on blade storm for Jugg (ok whatev)


Group Utility wise

Marauder group buffs vs Taunt, Aoe Taunt, Guard, Force Push and aoe snare. (Guard/Jugg wins here big time imo)

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rage mara vs anni mara 1v1 lol anni is going to tear u up from the get go u boost your smash 1 miss and your fkd as anni we have several diff ways of avoiding all smash dmg rage has the same defensive cds but doesnt have the consistancy aka 15 sec cds on your only good ability

have fun waiting longer than 15 seconds in the fight to see if you survive


I've played both specs, and currently rolling with Rage for PVP purposes. I have no issues taking down similarly geared Annihilation Marauders 1v1. It's more skill dependant than spec dependant.

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carange is by far my favorite but anhilation is more efficient.

the basic reason i dumped my beloved carnage for anihlation is latency, the talnet that is 2nd to none on carnage is the one that makes ravage imobbilize your taget but gore for is the key of carnage and when there is latency you are losing some very precious time out of the 6secs it provides you armor petration. :(




You know what would fix carnage in one swift change.... "gore gives your next 3 attacks 100% armor pen lasts 15 seconds."



Also, no1 has stated a glaring truth... ANI is very gear dependant.. VERY.. rage isnt.. carnage is not as much as ani but still is..i think this could be where these arguments stem.. diff specs suit diff character stages.


If your bleeds arent doing much dmg.. Ani is bad.. whereas rage is indifferent to gear.


Carnage scales very very well with gear.. so it seems week until your 1800 str is hitting an armor-less target, then its a diff story.

Edited by Kaluah
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Currently lvl 41 speced to carnage, have been leveling only in pvp Rage spec untill now. I just got tired of my best move hitting less than 50% of the time. I switched to carnage at 38 and plan to go to anni at 44 level to 50 and then retry all 3 at 50.
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You know what would fix carnage in one swift change.... "gore gives your next 3 attacks 100% armor pen lasts 15 seconds."



Also, no1 has stated a glaring truth... ANI is very gear dependant.. VERY.. rage isnt.. carnage is not as much as ani but still is..i think this could be where these arguments stem.. diff specs suit diff character stages.


If your bleeds arent doing much dmg.. Ani is bad.. whereas rage is indifferent to gear.


Carnage scales very very well with gear.. so it seems week until your 1800 str is hitting an armor-less target, then its a diff story.



Not sure what fantasy world you're living in but good luck with that "logic".

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I've played both specs, and currently rolling with Rage for PVP purposes. I have no issues taking down similarly geared Annihilation Marauders 1v1. It's more skill dependant than spec dependant.


You should do comparisons with decent players, not total clueless noobs. Ofc you are gonna win that 1v1 against noobs, you do not even need a rage spec... one could beat them with a 0/0/0 spec.


An anni mara that lose against a rage one in a fair 1v1 is pathetic.

Edited by atreyuz
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You should do comparisons with decent players, not total clueless noobs. Ofc you are gonna win that 1v1 against noobs, you do not even need a rage spec... one could beat them with a 0/0/0 spec.


An anni mara that lose against a rage one in a fair 1v1 is pathetic.


Warzones are almost never about 1v1. If you are 1v1ing you are most likely not helping your team. In Voidstar, when I cast predation and 4k Smashes that hit 5+ people, I'm helping my team. As anni if you are 1v1ing some noob straggler you'll here "alert! unauthorized access detected"


In Huttball, most likely the ball carrier is travelling with people, I run to them with predation (not charge) get knocked off (then charge) then they all get smashed. I see Anni warriors all the time 1v1ing people under the ramps while the ball carrier is running above them. Most rage warriors might be noobs but at least they smash lots of people instead of looking for 1v1s which most noob anni warriors do.


In Civil War, As long as you fight by the nodes youll be one of the top DPS as rage. Oh and there goes that anni warrior again 1v1ing on the road. Wow good job you beat the 1v1 while they took the nodes fromt he rest of your team.


I guess in conclusion you can say its all about mindset. If you are a 1v1 noob then you'll cost your team a win no matter what spec you are. Rage however makes it so the noobs at least look for a pack of enemies.

Edited by AGSThomas
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Warzones are almost never about 1v1.


I stopped reading here, Seriously *** guys, we were JUST TALKING about 1v1 situations.


Spare me the "this game isnt about 1v1" crap every damn time, we know it.


it was just an example of a 1v1 beetwen 2 specs of the same class.







Still Anni > Rage... 1v1/2+ , group pvp, pve endgame, exping...ANYTHING.


Deal with it.

Edited by atreyuz
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I guess in conclusion you can say its all about mindset. If you are a 1v1 noob then you'll cost your team a win no matter what spec you are. Rage however makes it so the noobs at least look for a pack of enemies.


The difference is indeed in a mindset.


Anni Mara is about jumping one target in a group, and killing them quickly and efficiently. You don't get big numbers, and you don't hit many people, but whoever you zero in on - like a ball carrier or his healer, is going to die. And fast.


Rage Mara is about jumping into a group, and doing one bug Smash before getting yourself killed or having to run away, without actually killing anyone. Unless of course someone else already did 80% of the work for you.


It all depends what you want to do. Do you want to do 15k damage to one target resulting in that person being sent to the spawn. Or do you want to do 25k damage spread across 5 people.

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I stopped reading here, Seriously *** guys, we were JUST TALKING about 1v1 situations.


Spare me the "this game isnt about 1v1" crap every damn time, we know it.


it was just an example of a 1v1 beetwen 2 specs of the same class.







Still Anni > Rage... 1v1/2+ , group pvp, pve endgame, exping...ANYTHING.


Deal with it.


Remember that mindset I was talking about fellas? This is one of those losers (literally) 1v1ing under the ramp while the ball carrier is running on top of them.

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Remember that mindset I was talking about fellas? This is one of those losers (literally) 1v1ing under the ramp while the ball carrier is running on top of them.


I might be , as I might not be one of those. It surely does not concern you.

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Rage Mara is about jumping into a group, and doing one bug Smash before getting yourself killed or having to run away, without actually killing anyone. Unless of course someone else already did 80% of the work for you.


That's a horrible way to go about playing Rage. No wonder people think it's terrible...

Edited by Sylriana
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