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So few people on my server...


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So my server has anywhere from 8 to 18 people on fleet at once... I have been the only one on the planet I was leveling on twice on my way to 50... I went to Ilum and found NO ONE! When can I expect server mergers or the ability to transfer my character. It might as well be a single player game at this point because I can literally do nothing.
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So my server has anywhere from 8 to 18 people on fleet at once... I have been the only one on the planet I was leveling on twice on my way to 50... I went to Ilum and found NO ONE! When can I expect server mergers or the ability to transfer my character. It might as well be a single player game at this point because I can literally do nothing.


The funny thing is there is a simple solution to the problem, and no it's not server merges or server transfers, FIX ALL THE BUGS first (they can start by fixing the unable to abandon certain quests bug) and adding in key features that every other MMO out there has, that would bring in more players. If Bioware isn't working on this stuff, they need to be doing it ASAP because it will bring in more players.



Bioware needs to learn that adding in these new features is not going to somehow make this game feel less like the one they envisioned, it will instead make it a better experience for everyone playing it.

Edited by PeacefulViolence
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The server is Thendys Noori. It was a heavy/standard server when i started playing the game, had a decent population (50-100 in fleet at all times, 20-30 on every planet), and hardly ever had que times. unlike my sith server which is exar kun. i just really see no point in continuing on this server with my 5 friends tbh. yes, i have friends here but we're never all on at the same time and the population is way too low to pug anything lv50.


honestly, just want to pay for a character transfer.

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Seems like a lot of people are in the same situation as the OP. Only solution atm, sadly, even SR says to reroll to another server. If you decide to Jung Ma is a nicely populated RP-PvP server with lots of Republic and Empire players. Always people on every single planet.
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Yeah I would recommend two things.


1) Switch servers and go to a server like The Swiftsure. That server always has a lot of people any time of the day.


2) Stay on your server and wait for server transfers.. if they even happen.



I went with number 1 and I had a Jedi Knight at 34. Alderaan has 3 people on the planet and I just had enough so I went to The Swiftsure and I'm on Dromund Kaas with 240 people. Also I'm an Imperial Agent now.

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and i refuse to reroll so i will most likely just finish off my lv40 sith on exar kun and forget about the lv50, 35, 32 characters i have on what i was considering my main server. either that or unsub until they have a solution to my problem.
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While i dont blame you in that choice of yours to join a server you could join, that tends to happen when picking a decent server right at launch. I picked Jung Ma, one of the servers that had up to 2 hour queues and was almost always full, which now usually gets high-standard populations at a time and on weekends can get to over 200 people in the fleet, and ive never seen a planet, ever, that had less than 15-20 people on it at a time, and usually didnt even get that low.


Like i said i dont think your stupid for doing that, but it happens.

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So I have a question..


You rolled on a low pop planet. why didn't you move when you didn't see the population increase?


I think this guy would rather all of us congregate on a very few select planets. People leaving the low population server isn't a solution as it makes life worse for people left on the planet

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While i dont blame you in that choice of yours to join a server you could join, that tends to happen when picking a decent server right at launch. I picked Jung Ma, one of the servers that had up to 2 hour queues and was almost always full, which now usually gets high-standard populations at a time and on weekends can get to over 200 people in the fleet, and ive never seen a planet, ever, that had less than 15-20 people on it at a time, and usually didnt even get that low.


Like i said i dont think your stupid for doing that, but it happens.


I did the same thing. I rolled on Jung Ma the first day I could for head start. I knew my server was overpopulated and we had 2 hour ques, but I also knew a month later I'd be sitting pretty on a well populated server with no ques. Never, ever, listen to them when a new game comes out and they suggest you roll on a low/medium server. Always, always, pick the one with high que times.

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yeah, that's about the same numbers i see on exar kun. just really, really, sucks that i essentially got to lv50 for no reason other then to start again. sure, i can craft stuff for a week and finish quests but why even bother if i can't do hard flashpoints or operations right? i know im just ************ but it's frustrating. i'd love to be able to transfer off this server and i would recommend giving all 50 people who probably make up the population of the entire server a free transfer to another server lol.


Tiam if you read what i said it was a standard/heavy server and i started during early release.

Edited by wing
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yeah, that's about the same numbers i see on exar kun. just really, really, sucks that i essentially got to lv50 for no reason other then to start again. sure, i can craft stuff for a week and finish quests but why even bother if i can't do hard flashpoints or operations right? i know im just ************ but it's frustrating. i'd love to be able to transfer off this server and i would recommend giving all 50 people who probably make up the population of the entire server a free transfer to another server lol.


Tiam if you read what i said it was a standard/heavy server and i started during early release.


Unfortunely Stephen Reid thinks your choices are to reroll on your server or reroll on another.




Really sucks for you all they don't want to offer you xfers :(

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Ah yes, unsubscribing is obviously a much better solution than switching servers.


Kind of like saying you'll start walking 12 miles to work instead of buying a new car when your old car (that you bought used but thought, hey, it will probarbly work anyway) breaks down.


you picked a low-pop server, now your angry that nobodys on and you blame bioware for your mistake.


but im sure they will feel the pain of your "punishment" of unsubscribing.


can i have your stuff?

Edited by OddballEasyEight
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Ah yes, unsubscribing is obviously a much better solution than switching servers.


Kind of like saying you'll start walking 12 miles to work instead of buying a new car when your old car (that you bought used but thought, hey, it will probarbly work anyway) breaks down.


you picked a low-pop server, now your angry that nobodys on and you blame bioware for your mistake.


but im sure they will feel the pain of your "punishment" of unsubscribing.


can i have your stuff?


^ People like this knucklehead are exactly why you shouldn't regret unsubbing. Guys like this want the community to be good, want the game to do well, yet he comes here and punishes you for having done what Bioware told you to do, and roll on a non maxed out server. Which turned into a complete Ghost town, which by the way is Also your fault.


Worst is he didn't even read your post about how it used to have a queue. Good job.

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^ People like this knucklehead are exactly why you shouldn't regret unsubbing. Guys like this want the community to be good, want the game to do well, yet he comes here and punishes you for having done what Bioware told you to do, and roll on a non maxed out server. Which turned into a complete Ghost town, which by the way is Also your fault.


Worst is he didn't even read your post about how it used to have a queue. Good job.


Yep. Their ignorance is really only hurting the game. Many peopled joined heavy servers before at least 20% of game left so the people stuck behind are either rolling other servers which are in turn making other servers worse.

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At launch Basilisk Droid had a heavy population, so I went there hoping to find a lively server or at least a server with a lot of activity on the kiosk.


Now is depressing, I have to roll my out crafters because there's almost nothing there.


The worst thing is, I convinced some friends to come to my server and we're too advanced to re-roll on a different server now.

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