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Sexiest male companion?


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I like the that Quinn has a sense of honor, but can still be regarded as evil. I've heard him described as Lawfully Neutral, which is dead on (for Quinn, it's duty before everything else).


And Quinn's possibly the only morally grey companion in the game; every other one I've met so far falls into Dark or Light exclusively. I think it's part his charm, actually...


Agreed! From the looks of it as well, he has just as many options for Light, as well as for Dark.


I just love his complexity. His sexy, sexy complexity. :D

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I like the that Quinn has a sense of honor, but can still be regarded as evil. I've heard him described as Lawfully Neutral, which is dead on (for Quinn, it's duty before everything else).


And Quinn's possibly the only morally grey companion in the game; every other one I've met so far falls into Dark or Light exclusively. I think it's part his charm, actually...


The whole morally grey aspect was great, and probably why it fit my SW so well because honestly that's what she was. She was dedicated to the Empire but would look out for the "little guys" if she could. Ideologically, he was the perfect fit for a partner and refreshing after having to deal with all those goodie two shoes that I had as a JC or even Vette. I've been trying to figure out whether Kanpeki falls under Lawful neutral because honestly, she's neutral at 50 and was having that discussion with my husband last night at dinner.


Plus, Quinn's got that flair for the Evil Genius thing going for him.

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The whole morally grey aspect was great, and probably why it fit my SW so well because honestly that's what she was. She was dedicated to the Empire but would look out for the "little guys" if she could. Ideologically, he was the perfect fit for a partner and refreshing after having to deal with all those goodie two shoes that I had as a JC or even Vette. I've been trying to figure out whether Kanpeki falls under Lawful neutral because honestly, she's neutral at 50 and was having that discussion with my husband last night at dinner.


I have always been fascinated by the near-symmetry between Quinn and, of all people, Doc.


Doc's motivations are chaotic selfish. At least to begin with, he cares very little for right and wrong; he cares for what looks good, what gets him adulation and babes. It's just that 90% or more of the time, the actions that accomplish this have good results. But he isn't into doing good for its own sake.


Conversely, Quinn's motivations are lawful neutral. His intentions and decisions do not have a moral component. Which is fascinating and alarming in itself. And yet, in his chosen lawful system, 80% or more of his actions have evil results.


Do you call Doc good? Do you call Quinn evil? Doc makes me feel slimy because our great shining achievements come from such a selfish place. Quinn makes me feel oddly...justified?...because our darkest actions come from such a dutiful place. It's weird. And really interesting.

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I have always been fascinated by the near-symmetry between Quinn and, of all people, Doc.


Doc's motivations are chaotic selfish. At least to begin with, he cares very little for right and wrong; he cares for what looks good, what gets him adulation and babes. It's just that 90% or more of the time, the actions that accomplish this have good results. But he isn't into doing good for its own sake.


Conversely, Quinn's motivations are lawful neutral. His intentions and decisions do not have a moral component. Which is fascinating and alarming in itself. And yet, in his chosen lawful system, 80% or more of his actions have evil results.


Do you call Doc good? Do you call Quinn evil? Doc makes me feel slimy because our great shining achievements come from such a selfish place. Quinn makes me feel oddly...justified?...because our darkest actions come from such a dutiful place. It's weird. And really interesting.


Huh, that's interesting. That's not at all the feel I've gotten from Doc. I could be wrong (and I'm not done with the story by a long shot) but he always struck me more as a 'play hard, work hard' type. I think he honestly wants to help people, and sometimes he'll go out on a limb to do it, but he's not about to be serious about it, cause where's the fun in that. Does he want nookie? Yes, and subtle isn't really in his vocabulary. But I don't think that's the driving force behind his choices.

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Do you call Doc good? Do you call Quinn evil? Doc makes me feel slimy because our great shining achievements come from such a selfish place. Quinn makes me feel oddly...justified?...because our darkest actions come from such a dutiful place. It's weird. And really interesting.


Beautifully said Bright....beautifully said.

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I have always been fascinated by the near-symmetry between Quinn and, of all people, Doc.


Doc's motivations are chaotic selfish. At least to begin with, he cares very little for right and wrong; he cares for what looks good, what gets him adulation and babes. It's just that 90% or more of the time, the actions that accomplish this have good results. But he isn't into doing good for its own sake.


Conversely, Quinn's motivations are lawful neutral. His intentions and decisions do not have a moral component. Which is fascinating and alarming in itself. And yet, in his chosen lawful system, 80% or more of his actions have evil results.


Do you call Doc good? Do you call Quinn evil? Doc makes me feel slimy because our great shining achievements come from such a selfish place. Quinn makes me feel oddly...justified?...because our darkest actions come from such a dutiful place. It's weird. And really interesting.


hmm.. Since I haven't actual had the Doc experience yet, I have nothing to compare too in his regard. Given the "moral" component of our favourite villainous-Captain, I have but one rebuttal and that he was raised in the Empire, where morals may not come into play. He works extremely well in that environment though, is there something he'll be squeamish about? Probably. I know there were things he wasn't exactly pleased with in my play through,and it my case it almost felt like I had to justify some of my decisions to him. Sith having the moral code, weird I know.


He comes off a bit extreme in some ways but at the same time he's wholly believable as a person, more so than say Ashara from the SI story.

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Huh, that's interesting. That's not at all the feel I've gotten from Doc. I could be wrong (and I'm not done with the story by a long shot) but he always struck me more as a 'play hard, work hard' type. I think he honestly wants to help people, and sometimes he'll go out on a limb to do it, but he's not about to be serious about it, cause where's the fun in that. Does he want nookie? Yes, and subtle isn't really in his vocabulary. But I don't think that's the driving force behind his choices.


I dunno, there were a few lines that I found somewhere between creepy and damning. Check out "Cure a plague-ridden planet or two, and people get grateful enough to give you anything." Or the outright smug tone of Nothing beats the look of gratitude from someone whose life you just saved, and reaping the beautiful rewards is great. - I had a nagging feeling that he meant it - even if he doesn't think of it as getting off on power, that's sort of what he's doing. In a charming and net-constructive way. The morals don't interest him, the rewards do. If he's joking, it's a very thorough joke.


But he gets better as you go.


Then again, maybe I'm over-psychoanalyzing a very straightforward comic character.

Edited by bright_ephemera
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I dunno, there were a few lines that I found somewhere between creepy and damning. Check out "Cure a plague-ridden planet or two, and people get grateful enough to give you anything." Or the outright smug tone of Nothing beats the look of gratitude from someone whose life you just saved, and reaping the beautiful rewards is great. - I had a nagging feeling that he meant it - even if he doesn't think of it as getting off on power, that's sort of what he's doing. In a charming and net-constructive way. The morals don't interest him, the rewards do. If he's joking, it's a very thorough joke.


But he gets better as you go.


Then again, maybe I'm over-psychoanalyzing a very straightforward comic character.


I do remember watching his entire conversation arc on Youtube and granted I'll have to rewatch those because now, Doc is just sounding more creepy. I would hate to have to actually rely on him to "save" me.... *shudder*

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I dunno, there were a few lines that I found somewhere between creepy and damning. Check out "Cure a plague-ridden planet or two, and people get grateful enough to give you anything." Or the outright smug tone of Nothing beats the look of gratitude from someone whose life you just saved, and reaping the beautiful rewards is great. - I had a nagging feeling that he meant it - even if he doesn't think of it as getting off on power, that's sort of what he's doing. In a charming and net-constructive way. The morals don't interest him, the rewards do. If he's joking, it's a very thorough joke.


But he gets better as you go.


Then again, maybe I'm over-psychoanalyzing a very straightforward comic character.


I actually just, I mean like last night, went through those conversations in game, lol. What I got from it was that he's not above capitalizing on doing good stuff, but he'd do it anyway. He just strikes me as that guy who jokes and feels flaky as hell until you come right down to it and then he'd sacrifice himself to save everyone (and make some joke about putting up a statue of him while he did it). Course if he was the other type my jk would have to tell him to g. t. f. o. cause, yeah, not her thing.


I do really like that Doc and Quinn (from what I've heard) and some of the other companions have these complexities to them. I really like that they're not all static - that there are character arcs and changes that the companions go through as well.

Edited by iamthehoyden
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Doc's motivations are chaotic selfish. At least to begin with, he cares very little for right and wrong; he cares for what looks good, what gets him adulation and babes. It's just that 90% or more of the time, the actions that accomplish this have good results. But he isn't into doing good for its own sake..


I'd say Doc shades more towards a True Neutral by your description - doing whatever benefits him the most. (Although he's still a Light side companion since he prefers that you help people.)


I didn't care for Doc, to be honest. I normally don't mind womanizing in characters, but him being a glory hound (and the questionable thought processes associated with it) was off-putting to me. Plus the DS hits I would have to take... I just can't bring myself to seal the deal with him. (My guild always talks about switching sides, and I dread it, because I would have to switch from Quinn to Doc, LOL.)

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I wasn't sure that I'd like Doc from what people said about him or how he acted when I first met him. But with my Jedi being the daughter of an Agent that's seen more bits than any of my other characters, he actually fit the mold pretty well for how I RP her. She's light side just like her mom, both are Chiss, but with Doc, he just seemed to fit this idea I had about her. Plus, sure Doc is a bit of a braggart, but he really does enjoy being a doctor. If he didn't I'm sure he wouldn't bother, especially with the way it seems like he whines about being a combat medic.


So, even though I got hit with almost 500 DS points just from flirting, romancing and marrying him, he fits my LS Jedi to a tee. She's in love and lust with him.

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I am surprised Zenith has so little attention on him. I found that character to be an amazing potential as a romance option for the Consulars.


There is a certain charm about the way that character actively addresses conflict as a contrast to the more mild way of thinking of the Jedi Consular.


I cannot stop wondering about the unexplored potential there.


Can I kiss you for that? :)


I mentioned Zenith here and happy someone else did it again now.


I think the reason he is not mentioned mostly because not so many players get JC here. Look who is discussed: Quinn, Vector, Torian, Andronikas. And from Republic - only Aric and a little bit Corso. Just now someone mentione Doc, and this is the LI of the most canonic class in game!


People do not play Republic in general and ignore "boring tedious story of JC". Not to mention do not pay attention to "side"-companions (not LI).

Edited by Mirandel
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I loved playing the romance in my JC's story, and think Felix is very sweet. I worry about how my female JC seems so reserved with him, but then he's kinda shy too at first. Love his voice, and the things he says when he gets to the fade scene, well, I've replayed that in my head more than a few times! Edited by Magdalane
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this thread needs more vector and blizz love. i demands it <3


but..but..the others are also so yummy...


ok, howabout who was the hottest male fling?

i personally kinda felt a little attachment to phi-ton, even if he made my agent's life way to complicated for a short time ( she REALLY regrets taking the "full course" wedding with him, she kind of let her guard slip, and in order to honor voss tradition, followed everything to a T, and agreed to it all, only to realise what she just agreed to in the end..roffl)

i was kind of sad when he told my agent in the litter to forget about him ; ;. she worries if she has blocked him for ever finding true love with his married status, or if he was able to nullify it with the mystics.

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For me sexist male companions are in this order


1. Lord Scourge Arrrg! Why am I not allowed to romance him Bioware!? WHY!?

2. This ones a tie between Aric and Torian, love em both to bits

3. Pierce, mostly for his voice =P

4. Oddly enough I find myself wishing Rusk was romancable as well

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ok, howabout who was the hottest male fling?


While avoiding spoilers...


Lokir-Ka, Smuggler contact on Voss. He starts out as the cutest straight guy - in the comedy setup sense of the term - and slowly warms up in this "I'm not even sure why this is happening" way, and there's poetry - poetry! - and teasing and getting it on with him was very nearly the highlight of my Smug's playthrough. I don't think Voss look attractive...or sound attractive...but Lokir-Ka had a way about him. My knees are going all rubbery just thinking about it.


I'll always be fond of the Smuggler's Darmas Pollaran. That arrogance is just...he's charmingly arrogant, elaborately complimentary, and he gets me useful information in my pursuit of stuff and money. How much hotter can you get?

Edited by bright_ephemera
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While avoiding spoilers...


Lokir-Ka, Smuggler contact on Voss. He starts out as the cutest straight guy - in the comedy setup sense of the term - and slowly warms up in this "I'm not even sure why this is happening" way, and there's poetry - poetry! - and teasing and getting it on with him was very nearly the highlight of my Smug's playthrough. I don't think Voss look attractive...or sound attractive...but Lokir-Ka had a way about him. My knees are going all rubbery just thinking about it.


I'll always be fond of the Smuggler's Darmas Pollaran. That arrogance is just...he's charmingly arrogant, elaborately complimentary, and he gets me useful information in my pursuit of stuff and money. How much hotter can you get?


hahaha i liked phi-ton too. iuno why, but the innocent ones are just so fun to unleash :D

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On the topic of Voss...and Smugglers and Agents...


hahaha i liked phi-ton too. iuno why, but the innocent ones are just so fun to unleash :D



Lokir-Ka was already married, so he already had his Voss whatever-unleashing-of-feeling they do when they're newlyweds. He mentioned his wife, I said I was glad she was willing to share, we never brought her up again. He had these poetic quotes about forbidden love and he was so earnest about it. The sheer seriousness of him made him really special.


Um, until some legal proceedings further down the line, but let's not get into that :D Voss is my favorite planet in the game, ESPECIALLY the Smuggler line!


Yana-Ton, for the male Agent, is a brave sweet darling...but we're appreciating men here.


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While avoiding spoilers...


Lokir-Ka, Smuggler contact on Voss. He starts out as the cutest straight guy - in the comedy setup sense of the term - and slowly warms up in this "I'm not even sure why this is happening" way, and there's poetry - poetry! - and teasing and getting it on with him was very nearly the highlight of my Smug's playthrough. I don't think Voss look attractive...or sound attractive...but Lokir-Ka had a way about him. My knees are going all rubbery just thinking about it.


I'll always be fond of the Smuggler's Darmas Pollaran. That arrogance is just...he's charmingly arrogant, elaborately complimentary, and he gets me useful information in my pursuit of stuff and money. How much hotter can you get?


Comming out of lurkdom for a minute here....I loved the Lokir-ka with the Smugg, I never actually went through with it though cause I had Corso with me, and his line after my smug swooning over the poetry "Poetry? really? I could read you poetry! I just need to read some" . After that hilarious fluster I just couldn't go through with it. Corso, I'm still waiting on my poetry!


As far as my Sexiest Male companions:


1- Vector


3- Corso


5-Zenith (WHY not????)


Anyways, doing a BH next, Torian has me intrigued.

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Comming out of lurkdom for a minute here....I loved the Lokir-ka with the Smugg, I never actually went through with it though cause I had Corso with me, and his line after my smug swooning over the poetry "Poetry? really? I could read you poetry! I just need to read some" .


Prepare for sweet sad and incredibly cute seriousness (also -90 or more Corso approval):

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hmm.. the fling my SW wanted but couldn't have: Lord Draagh or however you spell his name.


It was probably a good thing you couldn't flirt with this guy but hey... I wanted to at the time.


Aaaahh, Lord Draahg. I would hit that 'til it stopped moving...but no, because female Warriors are supposed to be asexual apart from the robot and, I'll admit, the hottest companion in the game. The hottest, but there's only one of him.


I wish we could've had Lord Draahg. FimmRess back on Alderaan wasn't half bad, either.

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