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Sexiest male companion?


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1. Quinn- he is the whole package; looks, brains, sexy voice, angst-ridden honor and duty before what he wants. Sigh. I love hearing him talk, getting him flustered, when he finally admits how he feels and that kiss. Again, sigh.


2. Doc- I like it that he comes after you, and doesn't let the whole Jedi thing get in his way. Gotta love the guy who is like "How you doin'?" since almost every other LI is slower on the draw (I know he comes along late, but I think he'd be the same way even if he was in the story earlier).


3. Corso- Too clingy to inspire the same devotion as the above two, but still very sweet and mostly understanding of the smuggler doing her thing. Love his VA more then his character, really.


4. Aric- Slow moving, kinda fussy but that voice makes me get all fangirlie. Plus even though its slow, this romance seems to move with his character development, at least in my opinion.


5. Torian- Still in early phases of this one, but so far so good. His hair is lame, though. Not a Bieber fan. Good voice, suits his looks/personality well.


Bonus round- Pierce. Wish it was more then a fling, but hey a Sith needs options. Still dragging through my IA, so I haven't gotten to Vector yet. I'm looking forward to it! As for JC and SI, I haven't started yet. I'm looking forward to every one but the JC, which I keep hearing is lame. But I'll probably try it anyway.

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Pierce has that whiskey soaked, graveled voice that just curls the toes. Just imagine him whispering naughty things in your ear. :jawa_angel:


I'm pretty sure I would be turned on listening to Pierce read paragraph seventeen, subsection three under heading 12B of the Boringville commonlaw statutes.


I had no idea Quinn was so popular on the hotness front. He is such a jerk, and yet...

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I had no idea Quinn was so popular on the hotness front. He is such a jerk, and yet...


Well, the sad truth of it is... Quinn is a honeypot. (BTW, a honeypot is an enemy agent, usually female, sent in to seduce the hero; most popularly seen in Bond movies.)


I'm almost certain Quinn was purposely designed to be irresistable to most (if not all) female players. (The funny part is, I don't think Quinn sees himself as such, but I'm almost positive Baras knew what would happen when he let Quinn join the female Sith Warrior...)

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Well, the sad truth of it is... Quinn is a honeypot. (BTW, a honeypot is an enemy agent, usually female, sent in to seduce the hero; most popularly seen in Bond movies.)


I'm almost certain Quinn was purposely designed to be irresistable to most (if not all) female players. (The funny part is, I don't think Quinn sees himself as such, but I'm almost positive Baras knew what would happen when he let Quinn join the female Sith Warrior...)


But it was good honey... wasn't it? Yum!


'sides he's got a good "average" realistic look to him, I honestly thought those stupid moles on his cheek would drive me nuts the first time I saw him but... then there was the dramatic villain entrance... hawt damn! I do like his voice, I just wish it was slightly less nasal but overall mmmmm


Aric though.. he's got a nice voice. *purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr*

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Well, the sad truth of it is... Quinn is a honeypot. (BTW, a honeypot is an enemy agent, usually female, sent in to seduce the hero; most popularly seen in Bond movies.)


I'm almost certain Quinn was purposely designed to be irresistable to most (if not all) female players. (The funny part is, I don't think Quinn sees himself as such, but I'm almost positive Baras knew what would happen when he let Quinn join the female Sith Warrior...)


-cough- Yes well it certainly worked on me!


I agree though, Quinn was probably clueless. Although there was his slightly bashful 'I want to come with you' act on Balmorra (due to him getting a boot up his rear by Baras about sticking with the apprentice), I don't think he anticipated falling for the female sith lord at all afterwards. I wonder if Baras ever took that possibility into consideration too.

Edited by AelixVII
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But it was good honey... wasn't it? Yum!


'sides he's got a good "average" realistic look to him, I honestly thought those stupid moles on his cheek would drive me nuts the first time I saw him but... then there was the dramatic villain entrance... hawt damn! I do like his voice, I just wish it was slightly less nasal but overall mmmmm


Aric though.. he's got a nice voice. *purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr*


Didn't sound nasally to me, but then again, I <3 me some British accents and his makes me want to drool on myself and wish I truly were my Sith Warrior just during the sexy fun times. Because he makes me melt into a little quivering pile of goo.


And I do like their looks. They make your companions sexy as all hell (cept Corso and Andronikos, they don't look sexy, cute-ish, but not sexy). But Corso is just all 'aw shucks, ma'am, and Andronikos is all 'my bed NOW, woman!' Then again, Doc makes me want to push my Jedi into her quarters, lock the door, have my wicked way with him and then high tail it out of there before she turns to the dark side just to force choke me. She can do it too, her auntie taught her!

Edited by Eanelinea
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his milkshake DOES bring all the girls to the yard.....



but yeah... you all know who my fave is <3

pros about vector:

-dat voice

-lives to serve

-very open minded

-not the jealous type

-subtle, coy sense of humor

-someone you can introduce to your parents and not be embarrased (unless they were alderaanian )

-you ever kissed someone, only to realise how good thier lips and skin smells and tastes? well hes the guy who went on about how he savoured a ration bar for 2 hours, getting excited about how it tasted. imagine what experiancing F!agent with ALL his senses must do to him.

-has the mental control and steady mind so he dosent get "too" overwhelmed too soon in such situations

-all that joiner knowledge, from both males and females... he should know ho to do things right

-prolly very tantric, awesome :D

-that proposal gift... awesome. shows he put a LOT of time and effort into wanting to portray his intentions.



-i like blondes, sorry vector ; ;

-might be too quiet for some people

-probably wouldn't like it rough, or fast and furious

-if you want "special" time with him without the hive eavesdropping, your not gonna get it that often

-prolly a bore if you wanted to take him out drinking or clubbing

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Didn't sound nasally to me, but then again, I <3 me some British accents and his makes me want to drool on myself and wish I truly were my Sith Warrior just during the sexy fun times. Because he makes me melt into a little quivering pile of goo.


And I do like their looks. They make your companions sexy as all hell (cept Corso and Andronikos, they don't look sexy, cute-ish, but not sexy). But Corso is just all 'aw shucks, ma'am, and Andronikos is all 'my bed NOW, woman!' Then again, Doc makes me want to push my Jedi into her quarters, lock the door, have my wicked way with him and then high tail it out of there before she turns to the dark side just to force choke me. She can do it too, her auntie taught her!


Granted , I probably prefer a slightly deeper voice but Quinn's is still delicious. There are some words or scenes when he speaks where it almost sounds like he's talking from his nose but those are rare. In all seriousness though, the conversation quest for the female SW called Technical Changes... *melts*

For me, he's the best looking non-customized HUMAN male companion that I've encountered, after SW, SI, JC, Trooper, IA and (spectating) JK.


Second sexiest is Vector for humans tied with Aric =D

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but yeah... you all know who my fave is <3

pros about vector:

-dat voice

-lives to serve

-very open minded

-not the jealous type

-subtle, coy sense of humor

-someone you can introduce to your parents and not be embarrased (unless they were alderaanian )

-you ever kissed someone, only to realise how good thier lips and skin smells and tastes? well hes the guy who went on about how he savoured a ration bar for 2 hours, getting excited about how it tasted. imagine what experiancing F!agent with ALL his senses must do to him.

-has the mental control and steady mind so he dosent get "too" overwhelmed too soon in such situations

-all that joiner knowledge, from both males and females... he should know ho to do things right

-prolly very tantric, awesome :D

-that proposal gift... awesome. shows he put a LOT of time and effort into wanting to portray his intentions.



-i like blondes, sorry vector ; ;

-might be too quiet for some people

-probably wouldn't like it rough, or fast and furious

-if you want "special" time with him without the hive eavesdropping, your not gonna get it that often

-prolly a bore if you wanted to take him out drinking or clubbing


I for one sort of dislike Quinn's voice. It fits the character very well, sure, but the timbre of it...if I didn't so very much enjoy arguing with a smart guy and hearing his opinions, I would've duct taped his mouth shut months ago.


Pros about Quinn:

  • Handsome
  • Smart
  • Very good at his job
  • Intense
  • Perfectly dedicated
  • Master of the smug villainous entrance (give us more of this!)
  • Utterly enthralling sweet, hesitant, touch-and-go, conflicted romance with what may be the best finally-getting-together scene(s) in the game



  • Stuffy
  • Evil
  • Snotty
  • Bossy
  • Fussy
  • Hypercritical
  • Complains about everything (except his superiors)
  • Worthless heartless humorless lying murdering soulless rat bastard who deserves to die alone and in pain after having been stripped of everything he has ever loved


Kind of a tossup there, all in all.

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I for one sort of dislike Quinn's voice. It fits the character very well, sure, but the timbre of it...if I didn't so very much enjoy arguing with a smart guy and hearing his opinions, I would've duct taped his mouth shut months ago.


Pros about Quinn:

  • Handsome
  • Smart
  • Very good at his job
  • Intense
  • Perfectly dedicated
  • Master of the smug villainous entrance (give us more of this!)
  • Utterly enthralling sweet, hesitant, touch-and-go, conflicted romance with what may be the best finally-getting-together scene(s) in the game



  • Stuffy
  • Evil
  • Snotty
  • Bossy
  • Fussy
  • Hypercritical
  • Complains about everything (except his superiors)
  • Worthless heartless humorless lying murdering soulless rat bastard who deserves to die alone and in pain after having been stripped of everything he has ever loved


Kind of a tossup there, all in all.


if i had rolled a f!war, i'd have head cannoned keeping him around as a means to boost her rage every time she saw him

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He does complain about his former superiors, a la Moff Broysce.

Ahhh.. but once you get that stick out of his *** it's all good. =D


Plus he's an insensitive jerk in some sequences, and when you call him on it he's like "jah?! I was?" *faceplam*

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if i had rolled a f!war, i'd have head canoned keeping him around as a means to boost her rage every time she saw him


Sexual frustration was my Warrior's simmering power source from the Balmorra spaceport scene through the actual breakthrough much later in the game.


Now it's rage. The man really does make himself useful!

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Sexual frustration was my Warrior's simmering power source from the Balmorra spaceport scene through the actual breakthrough much later in the game.


Now it's rage. The man really does make himself useful!


sounds like poor quinn lost his safeword privvilages ;)

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He is just going to have to learn to like it eventually, at least on occasion.


im pictureing lokin looking up our agent's dental records, cause he noticed incriminating bitemarks all over vector's shoulders and neck...

at least MY vector's shoulders and neck >:3

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Judging by Quinn's approval record, he really, really didn't.


I played my Warrior a lot more restrained than most, it seems...


Naw, I think I only force choked a total of 3 people in my entire game and usually that was after I had been a "nice" little Sithie. You know, that guy in the Quesh planet chain who insults just about everyone when they walk in the door.



I'll admit, Quinn was in that very select group of people who were force choked but he just needed to be taught a quick lesson, and maybe someday my SW will put that whole nasty incident behind her. Maybe.



EDIT: Quesh.. not quest... *facepalm* This is what happens when I multitask.

Edited by Kalterien
Had to fix spelling of planet Quesh
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Naw, I think I only force choked a total of 3 people in my entire game and usually that was after I had been a "nice" little Sithie. You know, that guy in the Quest planet chain who insults just about everyone when they walk in the door.



I'll admit, Quinn was in that very select group of people who were force choked but he just needed to be taught a quick lesson, and maybe someday my SW will put that whole nasty incident behind her. Maybe.


Admittedly, I let my SW marry him even knowing what he was going to do simply because I thought I could rationalize it enough to be comfortable still having him around but when it came to that scene, my Lightside Sith Warrior took the Darkside option and told him to never come to her chamber again.

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Hmm let's see....


My list is:


1. Malavai Quinn - He's easy on the eyes, he's got a sexy voice, and he loves it when I snap necks for the Empire. My Sith cut a bloody swathe of death, pain, and fear across the galaxy, but it was only for Quinn, that any mercy was shown...his impact was that great on my Siths burning soul. (and I had to head canon the romance)


2. Vector Hyllus - Those entrancing eyes, that ever calm voice, and his thoughts reaching beyond the stars. He has a kind heart, but he's no ones fool, and as a Joiner he's given up much, but gained so much more. I love hearing him talk....and so does my Agent. (also had to head cannon this romance)


3. Talos Drellik - He's sexy for his mind, and his smile. Sure he's an older man, but he's not too old in my books. I love his wit, his smarts, and his mountain of charm.... I wish we could romance him.




Edited by JediElf
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Hmm let's see....


My list is:


1. Malavai Quinn - He's easy on the eyes, he's got a sexy voice, and he loves it when I snap necks for the Empire. My Sith cut a bloody swathe of death, pain, and fear across the galaxy, but it was only for Quinn, that any mercy was shown...his impact was that great on my Siths burning soul. (and I had to head canon the romance)


2. Vector Hyllus - Those entrancing eyes, that ever calm voice, and his thoughts reaching beyond the stars. He has a kind heart, but he's no ones fool, and as a Joiner he's given up much, but gained so much more. I love hearing him talk....and so does my Agent. (also had to head cannon this romance)


3. Talos Drellik - He's sexy for his mind, and his smile. Sure he's an older man, but he's not too old in my books. I love his wit, his smarts, and his mountain of charm.... I wish we could romance him.





i want pics of your headcannons pls :D

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