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I canceled my sub tonight. Here's why -


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This is what I told Bioware when they asked why I was cancelling my subscription. I know many of you will disagree so I don't need a ton of counter-rage fanboyism going on here. I'm just letting you read the reason why I just can't play this game anymore if you care to read it. If you don't, then please don't =)


Did the game meet your expectations?


Not even close. This game doesn't deserve anyone's money. There are more bugs and broken aspects of this game then I can possibly stomach. It is completely unreasonable to expect anyone to pay for such garbage. I could say a thousand things that are wrong with this game but it's all over the forums and I suspect many, many others have quit for the same reasons. I'm quitting today finally because players are now also exploiting warzones and running them with 10+ players. That was just the last straw for me though. Warzone wins still do not count every time. You don't always get credit for the work you put in to the game. The delay on abilities is still horrendous and makes PvP and PvE unplayable at times. Nothing lands when it should and nothing registers properly. I have many bug reports subbmitted for other various reasons as well but it's just too much to go through.



On top of all of this your game isn't even built to be playable once you hit 50. The token system is a rediculous replacement for gearing that almost completely removed the excitment of obtaining lots of various epic gear from HM FPs and Raids. Sure you get pieces sometimes but EVERY boss should drop gear ON TOP of tokens. No one wants to run the same thing over and over and over just for the same tokens over and over and over. PvP is unplayable so that's out of the question and the PvE system forces you to eventually ONLY pick the vendor token gear. If you don't and choose to mod some other gear...you can't because you don't maintain the set bonus. So you end up looking like everyone else. Why even have moddable gear? It doesn't make any sense.



Also, where are the guild functions? Where are any of the social functions? Social points don't even work...most of the time I don't even get any at the end of a FP or Heroic mission. I can't increase byond Social II. And then all the social gear is light...and the armoring mods give different armor values based on the gears base category (light, mediuim, heavy.) On top of that the social point system is just another token grind essentially. There is nothing social about it. There are no reasons for guilds because there isn't any crafting or function within the game that requires guild members to work together to aquire resources or assist one another. There is no bank for one and NO other guild system for rewards, levels, gear, social items....nothing.



Speaking of that the crafting is a joke at minimu. Sure it's great I don't have to do it myself and I can run off while my companions do everything fore me...but it also trivializes the entire system. There is no player interaction within the crafting system at all. It's a pointless system that doesn't even allow players to help others very much at all. It's insane honestly. I'm astounded that there isn't a reason to have crafting. Sure you get a purple or two...but you have no interaction with it at all.



Another major flaw with the game is the planet design...what's the point of a PvP server with the current design? Only a few planets are even designed to cause you to come in to contact with the enemy faction. Most of them you never see any player of the opposite faction at all. Nothing.



You guys like to say how big your planets are but it's all rubbish because not only can you not go and invade or attack the NPCs at the enemy players towns...you can't EVEN GET THERE. Most of the planets are just compartmentalized chunks of areas that you have to take a speeder to reach. Nothing is seamless. There is no openness or "large" feel to the game at all. It's all very small and tires quickly. There is no real exploration because there is no seamlessness to any of the planets designs. There are so much zoning and loading screen watching followed by pointelss 10 to 30 seconds runs before another loading screen that it doesn't even make sense. You can't manage your inventory, or chat, or be social at all because it constantly requires you to interact with a door, or button or run down a 30Ft hallway. So the travel feels horribly broken, choppy, and not immersive at all.



Another problem is the character creator. On the republic side you basically get to pick 4 humans, a Zabrak and a Twi'lek....Awesome. So I can be a green Human, Normal Human, Human with parts on his face or a Human with straps on his eyes. Rediculous. Not only that but most of the "hats" or helmets in the game don't work with the Miralukan eye straps. They clicp through each other constantly. So does the hair. You always have your hair sticking out of your helms. Then once you've deep in to the game and realise this, you can't do anything about it. It's permanent. Later on when you get high level PvP or PvE gear, not only do you look exactly like everyone else and can't change that, the gear looks horrific. Most of the Consular gear looks like it was designed by blind people. It looks so much worse than anything on the Imperial side. Not only that but so do the spell effects of the Consuluar. It's just insane how little time was put into crafting good looking gear and abilities. Worst I've ever seen actually.



On top of all that the only thing you could really do is just roll another character...sure the Story line would be different...but only for the PERSONAL CLASS STORY. The world archs are exactly the same, all the side quests are exactly the same and you're forced to level down such a linear planet design that you will see the exact same content, in the exact same order EVERY SINGLE TIME. It's so mindboggling pooly designed that I can't help but be in awe. No other game has ever done this. No other MMO is this poorly designed. In other games you can level in a given level range in a multitude of areas and most of the races have their own starting cities that have their own leveling areas that eventually meet up with others and contested zones. Most of this is seamless content as well. It's a joke...an honest joke.



There isn't a single thing in this game that will keep players. Your entire game has to be overhauled to even make it start to APPEAR like a decent MMO that I frankly think it's impossible for you to do. I am absolutely astounded by the lack of good design choices here that I can't even find the willpower to even seem moderate in my views. I went back and watched many of the videos you guys put out before the game launched and realized that the players didn't overhype the game. You guys did. You flat out lied in some of those videos. I would challenge anyone to go back and watch those, look at the videos, watch them...and listen to what is being said we will get to do and have. Most of the lies are obvious, but some you may miss unless you really listen.



I could go on all day with this but at this point it's a waste of my time. There are a lot of other players mirroring what I'm saying and know that the game is truly a mess. Don't listen to the player base that says they still love it because the story is SO SO GOOD. Doing that will just give you a false impression of the majority of the market. You will continue to lose players in an MMO game when you continue to make design choices that do not encourage MMO gameplay or socializing. On top of that, most of the people who love it right now, will change their minds when they experience enough same troubles many others are experiencing and when they have run out of the will to do nothing but play ALTS. They will quit, just like they would quit a single player game.



I have never been more disapointed in a game before. It's really sad that my favorite game developer, producing a game around an IP that I've loved since I was a child completely failed to make it even interesting beyond the first month it took me to get to 50 (not counting all the time I spent in Beta expressing my same views.)

Edited by TomParker
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Didn't read all this but let me say this...


I've played a republic scrapper and an operative. The delay time on a scrapper from drawing the shotgun to do a backblast and the ops animation for the backstab is noticable.


There's lots of things I don't like, but every time I post something about it, it's just flames and lots of people crying "whiner".


I don't like the faction imbalance. I don't like the crap economy that comes from a 3:1 imerial to republic ratio. I don't like it that imperials ops have noticably better activation timers (see above) than scrappers. I don't like it that I spent 8 hours trying to RE a scattergun from green, not knowing that it wasn't in game and no tooltip or codex telling me you couldn't.


Lots of things I don't like. I could go on.



I just got an invite for the closed beta of Diablo 3. I think I'm going to cancel too and play that for a bit and see if they can fix some of this crap.

Edited by salvadorellama
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Why the hideous orange color text?


I read up to you saying that they had more than 8 players in a WZ and called that an exploit. One of the first WZs I did several weeks ago when this game was released? There were 16 Republic players in the Civil War FP.


I see this about once a day, maybe. There's something bugged with the FP queues. It's not an exploit. It's a bug. And it's not even that big of a deal.

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I just got an invite for the closed beta of Diablo 3. I think I'm going to cancel too and play that for a bit and see if they can fix some of this crap.


You'll be back quicker than you think. The beta for D3 is short and somewhat boring.

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Why the hideous orange color text?


I read up to you saying that they had more than 8 players in a WZ and called that an exploit. One of the first WZs I did several weeks ago when this game was released? There were 16 Republic players in the Civil War FP.


I see this about once a day, maybe. There's something bugged with the FP queues. It's not an exploit. It's a bug. And it's not even that big of a deal.


So if there is a bug in the game that most people don't know about and only certain people are using it to gain a numerical advantage in a closed Warzone setting...you wouldn't call that an exploit? Interesting.

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Non specific solutions or problems, emotive language and biased to the nth degree.




So I'm not a robot. Sue me. The things in the game that are broken are still broken, no matter how much you like or dislike how I go about expressing that. If you would like to revise my list to a more robotic power point presentation by all means...please do so.


Also, expressing that Bioware lied about their game, and players expectations in mass were not met and that the game has many, many flaws and/or broken content is not bias. That's true.


My personal opinion of the DESIGN choices are my own and you could claim as bias. But you can't just cast a blanket statement of "bias" simply because you don't agree. That's being bias =)

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If you like, then play it. If you don't like it then don't play it.


There aren't any huge game bugs and the game is managed somewhat decently.


I don't think Bioware is that great at handling the MMO community, I think they released the game in a somewhat unpolished state.


But it's arguably better than everything else out there (with one glowing exception).


So again, if you like, try to learn to just not be so irritated with the small mishaps and just enjoy the game.

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Reply's like this are not needed or wanted. You do not need to read my post if you don't want to, so there is no reason to even come in here to say that.


Well what did you expect would happen from your "I Quit" post? The brutal honest truth is nobody really cares.

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I read up to you saying that they had more than 8 players in a WZ and called that an exploit. One of the first WZs I did several weeks ago when this game was released? There were 16 Republic players in the Civil War FP.




If you are using a bug to gain an advantage over other players that is an "exploit".

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So if there is a bug in the game that most people don't know about and only certain people are using it to gain a numerical advantage in a closed Warzone setting...you wouldn't call that an exploit? Interesting.


The bug isn't controllable as far as I can tell(which would make it not an exploit). I often queue with a friends and sometimes when we accept our queue to the WZ we get inside and still have the queue popped up to accept/leave. Normally when that happens we get extra people. No idea why it happens. Usually results in a game ends in 2 minutes message.

Edited by Azureflames
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If you like, then play it. If you don't like it then don't play it.


There aren't any huge game bugs and the game is managed somewhat decently.


I don't think Bioware is that great at handling the MMO community, I think they released the game in a somewhat unpolished state.


But it's arguably better than everything else out there (with one glowing exception).


So again, if you like, try to learn to just not be so irritated with the small mishaps and just enjoy the game.


That's what my self and many others have done. When the core aspects of the game that you are trying to focus your time on do not work properly it's not just something you can go, "Eh, who cares that it doesn't work?"


It's also not arguably better than anything else out there. It may be arguably better than SOME games out there but not everything. I have a whole list of other games that play as an MMO better than this game does...as in they aren't broken and have aspects an MMO game should have.

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So if there is a bug in the game that most people don't know about and only certain people are using it to gain a numerical advantage in a closed Warzone setting...you wouldn't call that an exploit? Interesting.


No, it's not an exploit because people aren't doing it on purpose. They queue up and they get in and they're an extra player but they did nothing special for this to happen.


It's not an exploit. Is this really that complicated? Then again, your orange text leads me to believe that you are merely another troll.

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OP watch the colour :( Yikes. One thing I'm observing is "I QUIT" WoW posts are typically under a paragraph and all the SWTOR are mini novels of reasons why. Interesting.


Does taking the color off help? It was quite hard to read with that much color.

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The bug isn't controllable as far as I can tell(which would make it not an exploit). I often queue with a friends and sometimes when we accept our queue to the WZ we get inside and still have the queue popped up to accept/leave. Normally when that happens we get extra people. No idea why it happens. Usually results in a game ends in 2 minutes message.


You can control it. I took screenshots of the players doing it and reported them. I logged on to their faction and asked them how they are doing it and they told me. I won't say it here to reduce the amount of replication but it definitely can be intentionally replicated.

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Well what did you expect would happen from your "I Quit" post? The brutal honest truth is nobody really cares.


So then what is the point of even having forums? All they are, are collections of peoples opinions for better or worse discussing the game. Why should anyone care about that either? If you don't care about it, don't engage it in.

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