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How does it feel being stoned to death?


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All I can say is Sages are just as crazy as Sorcerers.


But I would also have to admit that I can ignore Force Lightning a lot more than i can ignore Force Project, Project can really mess me up, whereas Lightning doesn't seem to have the same OMGWTFBBQ?!?! behind it.


And Telekinetic Throw is like someone dropped a piano on you half the time, and to top it all off you can't kill the bastards either cause they have more heals than you have interrupts.

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Heh, reminds me of one repub on repub game I played where *4* DPS Sages were on the other team.


Each time I approached the center, a swarm of rocks hit me from all directions. Then I fell over dead.

Edited by McVade
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OP, I agree with you. Waaay overpowered. If you're melee and just outside your range, if you cant stealth or disengage, you're usually dead. I got a post on the 1st page of the test server section about these guys. They'll complain to you about how squishy they are and then admit that they can top the pvp charts in the same paragraph. Edited by RaulTheConquerer
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invisible pebbles is an advantage but lets face it , its one of the only advantages they have , less QQ moar pewpew.


Let me guess you play a Consular lol, not saying you should lose the ability but the damage should definately be reduced. all you have to do is play a WZ, Republic is primarily made up of Consulars and troopers, why? because they are FOTM...everyone wants an advantage.

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In Wz's i'm often reminded of the old fella in "Life Of Brian" who says "all I said was Jehovah" then gets stoned to death. I dont know whats worse a rock throwing fundamentalist or a fire spewing trooper hahahaha. Edited by NoxiousAlby
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I dont care that they are powerful, but it seems like there is no escape or deterrent... I use my quell which never seems to work on anything let alone that.. and i try to run, but the slow down effect is insane, im going nowhere....
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rock throw > tracer


tracer is pretty much our only move(required to stack defense and debuffs on the enemy, or our other skills flop), yet you wanna nerf it? even though it does the same amount of damage as some other classes SPAMMABLE skills (cough cough-smuggler)


I personally just haven't fought enough of them to understand what is going on when they attack me, swear their rock throw repetitively interrupts my skills over and over.

Edited by Facelessred
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rock throw > tracer


tracer is pretty much our only move(required to stack defense and debuffs on the enemy, or our other skills flop), yet you wanna nerf it? even though it does the same amount of damage as some other classes SPAMMABLE skills (cough cough-smuggler)


I personally just haven't fought enough of them to understand what is going on when they attack me, swear their rock throw repetitively interrupts my skills over and over.


Agree with you here, I havent played a BH yet but in pvp on my Republic character i'm never bothered by tracer missile as much as I am by rock throwing fundamentalists.


To the person who said "interrupt" your laughable, how often do you only ever encounter a singular consular in WZ? Also interrupt lasts 4 seconds, that gives me enough time to fire 2 x sniper shot for a whole 2500 dmg tops, then your dead. And thats providing you have the player targeted in the first place.


There is no doubt in my mind that the dmg is currently overpowered, the mere fact that nearly every WZ you play in your majority of opponents are consulars & troopers. I even had 1 game the other night where the opposition was made up of 4 troopers & 4 consulars, needless to say we were thoroughly trounced. Got to love fotm

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Maybe it's just your server has a lot of jedi consulars. Because when I play warzones on my pub server there is a lot of force lighting spam, force lighting from edge of spawn point in voidstar, force lighting from behind a column, force lighting from the top level in huttball down to the center.


So while your getting stoned to death, I'm getting electrocuted by UNLIMITED POWER!!!

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Balance Spec Sage's get an ability that removes the cooldown just like Sorc's remove the cooldown on their same lightning attack.


The ability is kinda weak for DPS unless you combine it with the DoT's.


I decided to go Hybrid and get a skill that made my DoT crits increase the channel time by 50% and when it proc'd... Well last night I was mowing down level 49 BH's in 6 seconds using just my DoT's and Telekinetic Throw.

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tracer is pretty much our only move(required to stack defense and debuffs on the enemy, or our other skills flop), yet you wanna nerf it? even though it does the same amount of damage as some other classes SPAMMABLE skills (cough cough-smuggler)


I love how BH/Troopers say that it's required for the debuff. Make them do 500 a pop instead of 2k+ and i bet you'll see 90% of them stop using it even though it would still give a debuff.

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Next in line after grav/tracer gets damage reduced by half.


You can't just reduce damage of one skill that drives others. without increasing something else (disclaimer: I play Vanguard) As annoying as Tracer/Grav is they need to change whole class then jut nerf one ability.

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