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Micro-transaction Shop. Yay or Nay?


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Question for you Nay-Say-ers....


Do you have a problem with people who pay extra for the CE and such getting extra gear? Things that are not just cosmetic?


Seems like the "Yay!" folk agree with me, "Cosmetic items only please"


Doesn't matter what you think.


Bioware have them in Warhammer Online, they'll be in SWTOR.


I strongly suspect you're right. I'm not that worried, I always have the option to ignore it. Wouldn't make me rage-quit my subscription.

Edited by essell
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Yay--but only for the folks that ordered the CE. They have already shown the propensity to spend money in foolish ways.


I ordered the CE. And I would probably spend stupid amounts of money if microtransactions happened. (Anything more than the sub price really is stupid. But I like shiny new things, and about 1/3 of my income is completely disposable.)


So my vote is nay. My hobbies are expensive enough as it is. Though, if I stopped playing CoH... :)



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I think an MT shop would be a bad idea. We already pay $60-$150 with a $15/month subscription. Adding sparkle ponies for $15 just doesn't do it for me.


For the money we pay, we should have access to all the content (barring special offers from collector's edition bonuses and such); not giving an already greedy company like EA the idea to skim the milk or water the wine in order to make some more bucks by cutting content just to sell it in a shop.


Doing so we would end up like some other game where Engineers got the shaft when all their engineering gizmo's ended up in a cardgame or for sale in a MT-shop. :mad:


Keep MT's in free-to-play games, not in pay-to-play. At least this is my opinion on the matter.

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Question for for you Nay-Say-ers....


Do you have a problem with people who pay extra for the CE and such getting extra gear? Things that are not just cosmetic?


Seems like the "Yay!" folk agree with me, "Cosmetic items only please"


I have a problem with it because the sub fee should cover the cost of minor items like that being developed and they should be earned in game not with your wallet.

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Seems like the "Yay!" folk agree with me, "Cosmetic items only please"



Won't happen, WAR has pets that give in game bonuses and 1 P2W (pay to win) pet (as well as mounts and cosmetic pets).



I can't see why Bioware will do anything different in SWTOR than they have already done in WAR.

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Question for for you Nay-Say-ers....


Do you have a problem with people who pay extra for the CE and such getting extra gear? Things that are not just cosmetic?


Seems like the "Yay!" folk agree with me, "Cosmetic items only please"


Reasons people like consoles:


Everyone is on equal footing spec wise.


Reasons people like P2P mmo over F2P mmo:


Everyone is on equal footing Gameplay AND Visual, you want to look special stat wise or visualy? you have to earn it!


If you just want to pay extra to look more special then everyone else, then honestly that is what f2p titles are for.


(no, I am not saying you should quit swtor, and go play f2p, I am just saying the market for what you want belongs in f2p games, not p2p games.)



As for warhammer, last time I checked warhammer is about as far away from a sucsessful mmo you can get.

Edited by Munx
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The only way I'd ever back a store is if they also gave a way to obtain it in game with a reasonable chance, and I'm not talking about giving said item in game a .00001% chance to drop.


Other then that all I have ever seen is the store destroy games they were added to where you had to pay a subscrption.

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As long as it doesn't provide items that affect my gameplay in any meaningful way, either through disruption or simply being unable to be on par with those who do opt to spend extra, I say "yay" power to 'em...


If people want to drop $10 on a new mount model or a rainbow lightsaber crystal, that hurts me... or the game... how?

Edited by Fascion
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The problem with microtransactions, even in regard to purely cosmetic items, is that you're essentially paying for the developers to use their time that could be spent on providing us with new, free content to cater to a very small percentage of the player base. Microtransactions have no place in a subscription-based MMO. Edited by Pythius
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These shops never work out. They always start out with good intentions, eventually leading to Pay to Play on almost every level. Once these shops open the floodgates can't be closed. The developers will be pressured from the top to sell more items and services to yield ever more profit... it is not a good position. Over time, not a single mmo or game has been able to do this without completely destroying the game and its playerbase.


PS: Huge NAY after seeing originally cosmetic only shops utterly destroy games over time.

Edited by manipi
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Just to reiterate, back in 2008, SWTOR was planned to be microtransaction based, not subscription based. At some point they changed their mind. But, seeing as they were open to the idea of being microtransaction based in 2008, I wouldn't be shocked at all if microtransactions showed up in the future. Especially since Warhammer has them, and both it and SWTOR are run by the same division of EA


For all the noobs who haven't been following this game over the years, here's an archive of the news back in 2008:



Edited by revial
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The problem with microtransactions, even in regard to purely cosmetic items, is that you're essentially paying the developers to use their time that could be spent on providing us with new, free content. Microtransactions have no place in a subscription-based MMO.
Frankly, I wouldn't give two shakes of a whale's tail if patch 1.2 introduced a new hooded robe model. The people who work on that kind of content are not the people who work on the kind of content I actually care about.
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Why would anyone WANT a micro transaction shop, when the same goodies could just be put into content updates?


Not only would it save money. It's more rewarding to earn your goodies by achieving something in game, rather than simply forking over extra money.

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IMO, Microtransactions are a good idea if, and only if, you do not have a monthly subscription.


If you are already paying real money on a regular monthly basis for the game, then anything available to buy in game should be available for in-game money.


The cosmetic items you would buy with a microtransaction would need to stand out, to make it worthwhile you shelling out that money. That would then almost automatically bar you from PvP servers and PvP Battlegrounds in PvE servers unless there was a high takeup of them (which makes you less of a unique snowflake, so why bother in the first place), because seeing those items on one specific player will make a lot of them target that player first.


Plus, the "I want to be unique, so give me an outfit that no-one else has got" approach that usually fuels microtransactions for cosmetic items then becomes a time sink for the development team - management know that they will get a $15 sub from everyone, but from the microtransactioners they can get an open-ended amount, so they will push for more and more dev time to be spent on the microtransaction items and less on the general content and bug fixes for the game.

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I think you should use your money to lose some weight, buy nice clothes, a car and get a girlfriend instead of buying fluff in games.


I'm (slowly) losing weight, I don't care about nice clothes, my wife wants the micro-transation store and my car is fine. Time to buy some game fluff! :D

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