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Help Improve Combat Medic


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UPDATED for 1.2 - Since there has been a great deal of debate regarding the changes to Combat Medics in Legacy Update 1.2, I wanted to bring this thread back for some discussion and debate with regards to how to improve the Combat Medic specialization. Several suggestions and points made in the original post have been edited to reflect changes in 1.2, which are highlighted green.


Combat Medic is one of my favorite specializations, because it is part of my favorite class (I've got three Troopers at this point). Our efficiency and durability are our highlights, and I'm sure you'd expect nothing less from the Republic's finest soldiers. But with that said, there are a few aspects of our aresenal of abilities (or lack thereof, at times) and our skill tree which make our job as frontline healers difficult.


The purpose of this thread is to develop suggestions to improve Combat Medic. I have started with my own suggestions (which I'll get to in a minute), but also want to open the floor for feedback, discussion, and most importantly, your suggestions. Together, we can successfully make Combat Medic a valuable asset to any team.


NOTE: Although most of this thread will expressly deal with Commando's Combat Medic skill tree, it would also be mirrored across to Mercenaries' Bodyguard specialization. Suggestions from both sides are encouraged.


Guidelines, Restrictions, and Goals


First, I want to lay out a few guidelines and restrictions I've used while developing my own suggestions. Some of them have been collectively "agreed" upon, others are assumptions I have made or areas I believe need improvement. (Feel free to discuss/challenge these, or add your own.)


  • Combat Medic is intended to be SWTOR's sustained, single-target healing specialist. To balance (as currently is the case), our greatest challenge tends to be healing a large number of targets in a short period of time. Assuming this is indeed our niche, suggestions should respect both our strengths and weaknesses.
  • Also, barring any significant restructing of Combat Medic and Commando in general, I think we can assume that our class mechanics and specializations are not subject to substantial change (ie. there won't be an update which grants Combat Medics three new AoE healing abilities).
  • "Economic" ideas are usually best, meaning they make use of existing abilities by giving them new or additional uses, resolve several issues at once, and are relatively simple or "ready" to implement (ie. no new complex ammo system, or multiple new animations or models, etc).
  • OBJECTIVE (Updated for 1.2): Game update 1.2 gave Commando/Mercenary an in-combat revive ability. This objective, as a result, has been fulfilled. Original text can be seen in the following spoiler.
    In the absense of an in-combat revival tool, Combat Medic absolutely needs a compelling alternative which is both useful and unique to our class.
  • OBJECTIVE (New for 1.2): Give Combat Medics new ways to manage their ammo, specifically for those players invested deep into the Combat Medic tree.
  • OBJECTIVE: Give Combat Medics additional utility by giving incentives to putting pressure on enemies and staying in the heat of battle longer.
  • OBJECTIVE: Lastly, improve our mobility by giving us ways to heal ourselves and allies on the go in a pinch.


My Suggestions:



  • Hammer Shot: In addition to its existing effects while Combat Support Cell is active, Hammer Shot also heals you 50% to 100% (up for debate) of your bonus healing (over 1.5 seconds, as it currently does to allies) when dealing damage to an enemy or while healing an ally.
    The biggest benefit is fairly straightforward: it gives Combat Medics a cheap, efficient, and simple way of healing ourselves on the move or in combat. In short, the less time we need to spend healing ourselves, the more time we can spend healing those who really need it: our comrades! I'd most likely see this as a trainable skill, potentially replacing Efficient Conversions (Tier 3 of the Combat Medic skill tree).
  • Kolto Bomb (Updated for 1.2): Introduce smart healing, and keep the other properties as-is (healing/player cap/cooldown/cost). Original text can be found in the following spoiler.
    Same healing and same cooldown. Raise the player cap to 5 or 6 (globally, or by putting points in our skill tree; for instance, for Cell Capacitor, add in "In addition, Kolto Bomb can now target one/two additional targets.) Alternatively, remove the cap entirely.
  • Kolto Residue (2 skill points): Kolto Bomb has a 50%/100% chance to apply Kolto Residue to anyone within its radius. Affected friendly targets have their healing received increased by 3% for 10 seconds (does not stack). Affected enemy targets suffer an adverse reaction, increasing their damage taken by 3% (stacks up to 2 times) for 10 seconds.
    This would make our Kolto Bomb both a tool for healing and ability to debuff our enemies, assisting our teammates. Initially I considered allowing the "adverse reaction" debuff to increase damage taken by 10% (non-stackable), but I suspect that due to Kolto Bomb's spammable nature, a stacking effect would be more balanced while still beneficial. This is especially true since this debuff can be applied to multiple targets. Alternatively, the debuff could be replaced with a short (2-3 second) DoT. However, this may cause complications in situations where you cannot afford to use AoE abilities, which could temporarily make our only AoE heal useless (such as if a few enemies are CC'd; you're DoT might break it when your group really can't afford it).
  • Bacta Infusion (New for 1.2): In addition to its current effects, Bacta Infusion provides 1 ammo instantly on use.
    In light of the changes in 1.2 to Combat Medic ammo management, I felt something was necessary. Field Triage and Supercharged Cells are not as effective as before, and both of these were key for staying efficient as a healer. For this reason, I felt that there should be an ammo management talent or ability high in the Combat Medic tree to allievate the stress on players investing deep (30 points) into the healing tree. My idea here is honestly inspired by the Vanguard's Energy Blast (the tank tree's 31-point skill) which regenerates 1 ammo on use. Something as simple as this would reward pure healers, add worth to our 31-point skill, and provide some flexibility into our fairly unforgiving resource.
  • Medical Technician (2 skill points): Critical heals have a 50%/100% chance to reduce the active cooldown of Tech Override by 3 seconds. This effect cannot occur more than onace every 1.5 seconds.
    This is trainable skill is focused on increasing our mobility and life-saving ability and is earned by being a good healer (or a lucky one I suppose). Tech Override, as it stands, is our Level 50 Commando ability which (I personally) allowed to gather dust until I realized how useful it is when you need to heal someone NOW. It has a two minute cooldown and short of lowering it entirely, I think it would be quite productive if there was a way to lower this cooldown. Not only does it allow us to get a heal (or even a Charged Bolt) off instantly, it improves our mobility by letting us heal without stopping to cast. Ideally, this skill should appear next to Potent Medicine (Tier 6 of the skill tree).
  • Polytrauma (2 skill points) -- Updated for 1.2 : This skill still seems valuable to me, but I have taken it off the list in favor of focusing on improving Combat Medic ammo efficiency. Original text in the following spoiler.
    Increases your healing done by 2.5%/5% on friendly targets who have sustained damage from at least four unique enemies in the last 5 seconds. Intercepted damage from Guard or equivalent effect does not count toward this total.
    This trainable skill is one that would need special attention for balancing. It would increase our healing on any target being focused by four or more targets (within the last five seconds). The concept here is simple: allow us to heal our tank more effectively. However, the numbers here are important, and must be balanced carefully between giving us a unique advantage in scenarios where an ally is being focused, but without dimishing the completely valid and acceptable tactic of overwhelming a target with focused damage.
  • Tourniquet (or Bloodletting) - 2 skill points: When stunned, immobilized, knocked down, or otherwise incapacitated, you have a 50%/100% chance to finish the cooldown on Tech Override. In addition, your next Advanced Medical Probe has a 50%/100% chance to crit automatically.
    This skill is all about recovery: allowing us to quickly bounce back from being incapacitated and quickly resume healing - ourselves or otherwise. Because it finishes the cooldown on Tech Override, it allows us to heal on the move if under fire; but also makes our next Advanced Medical Probe stronger, setting into motion Combat Medic's AMP/MP combination healing. This also puts emphasis on defeating the Combat Medic when he is incapacitated, otherwise we'll able to produce a very quick amount of healing. Because this ability is initiated by incapacitation, this burst healing power only exist if we survive the incapacitation.
  • Induced Immunity (Cooldown: 1-2 minutes) -- Updated for 1.2: This ability is no longer necessary due to the introduction of an in-combat revive to Combat Medic. Original text in spoiler below.
    Converts 30 charges of Combat Support Cell to make a friendly target 100% immune to all damage received for 6 seconds. The affected target generates 50% more threat and deals 25% to 35% less damage. Cooldown of at least one minute, probably 2-3 minutes. Cannot target self. Intercepted damage from Guard or equivalent abilities is still dealt normally.
    Induced Immunity is my alternative to Supercharged Cells, giving us the ability to make a single ally (cannot target self) immune to damage for 6 seconds, and increasing that target's threat for the duration. Balacing this, like Polytrauma, will be somewhat difficult. Firstly, the damage reduction is in place so a high damage-dealer is hanicapped somewhat if they're to be immune to damage. Second, for PvE content, the threat generation modifier must balance the threat that is lost by dealing reduced damage. As a result, these numbers also must be finely-tuned.



    Community Suggestions:


    I'll start this section with a few ideas I've seen around these forums that I think are interesting ways of improving Combat Medic. Your suggestions are encouraged, as I'd like to update as a running list of ideas.



    • Kolto Charge: Like concussion charge but healing, would keep the movement healing aspect of kolto bomb viable and would act a lot like the sage aoe heal but insta cast on a cooldown. Would replace Kolto Bomb. Credit: BranRizzy, Link
    • Chain Healing (Kolto Bomb/Hammer Shot combo heal): How about making Kolto Bomb affect more than 3 targets and make Kolto Residue add a viable HOT over the next 8 seconds. Or how about making targets affected with Kolto Residue chain healed by Hammer Shots. That way you could throw a Kolto Bomb into a group, and immediately follow it up with Hammer Shots on one of the target, spreading a HOT to the group. Credit: bot_logic, Link.
    • Adding Ammo Regen from Hammershot: Hammer crits have a X% chance to restore 1 ammo; OR Hammer shot crits grant you ammo regen as if you have a full ammo bar for X seconds; OR when hammer shot crits, you gain a charge stacking up to 3 times. Each stack reduces the cost of your AMP or MP by 1 ammo. Credit: Haydawgg, Link
    • Change Animation for Hammershot: Either bring the animation more in line with the Bounty Hunter equivalent universally, or make it less visibly apparent to enemies (while leaving its appearance to teammates unchanged). Credit: several posters.

Edited by SpaniardInfinity
Updated original post to reflect changes in 1.2
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Excellent post! I like many of the suggestions you have made. I would like to comment on one in specific:


Kolto Residue (2 skill points): Kolto Bomb has a 50%/100% chance to apply Kolto Residue to anyone within its radius. Affected friendly targets have their healing received increased by 10% for 10 seconds (does not stack). Affected enemy targets suffer an adverse reaction, increasing their damage taken by 2% (stacks up to five times).


This would make our Kolto Bomb both a tool for healing and ability to debuff our enemies, assisting our teammates. Initially I considered allowing the "adverse reaction" debuff to increase damage taken by 10% (non-stackable), but I suspect that due to Kolto Bomb's spammable nature, a stacking effect would be more balanced while still beneficial. This is especially true since this debuff can be applied to multiple targets. Alternatively, the debuff could be replaced with a short (2-3 second) DoT. However, this may cause complications in situations where you cannot afford to use AoE abilities, which could temporarily make our only AoE heal useless (such as if a few enemies are CC'd; you're DoT might break it when your group really can't afford it).


I love the idea to increase the usefulness of Kolto Bomb. I also agree that a damage increase would be more valuable than a DoT for the exact reason you mentioned. However, I do believe that a non-stackable debuff would be better than making it stackable. Calling Kolto Bomb "spammable" is being pretty generous. Throwing 5 KB's to get the full 10% debuff would end up putting you practically out of ammo. Maybe a 5% debuff with the ability to stack once to get 10%, but any more stacks than that and it quickly becomes impossible to achieve the stacks needed without sacrificing an excessive amount of ammo.


Other than that, though, I think you did a good job of organizing and presenting some interesting ideas. Hopefully some more people in the community can hop in here and give some feedback as well!

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Your ideas are good, but the only one I think is absolutely necessary is an increase to the number of targets Kolto Bomb hits. I think giving abilities to make tech Override stronger is also a good idea, since TO is one of our key mobility skills. Edited by Fishcatch
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  • Kolto Charge: Like concussion charge but healing, would keep the movement healing aspect of kolto bomb viable and would act a lot like the sage aoe heal but insta cast on a cooldown. Would replace Kolto Bomb. Credit: BranRizzy, Link


I thought this was a great idea when i read it originally.


I do also like all of your suggestions i think i like the beam healing you as well a lot.


For me my suggestions would simply be minor changes mostly aesthetic.


As i said in another thread. Id like;


Going full 31 pts would be great if they added something maybe to Armor Screen that allows you to use charged Bolts with a Rifle - Simply put while running around with a Rifle instead of the Cannon i am initially targeted less. And it allows me to heal much more effectively as they are usually looking for someone with a cannon, and gives us a choice if we want to use the cannon or not.


Healing Hammer Shot - Change it so that the graphic is similar to that of the BHs ability. We lose out alot because most healers in pvp wont use the Hammer Shot Heal cos its a huge beacon. turning it into a burst of shots would also make us less obvious.

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My favorites from your list:


1) Hammer shot as a linked self-heal. I think 50% is a good number. Currently you cannot use it on yourself at all. Letting it apply a small amount of healing to you would be a great help in groups, where often I find the hardest person to heal is myself.


2) Kolto Charge. I've seen this suggestion before, and loved it then too. Great idea. Also, the Kolto Bomb (fart grenade) is one of the worst animations in the game. I die a little inside when I see the awesome glow effects on the Sage AoE, and my little fart bomb sitting in the middle of it.


Other suggestions:


1) As you say, we are supposed to be the Single-target masters, and are balanced by weaker AoE. That is fine in Operations, and most groups will bring a dedicated tank healer and a healer to cover the rest of the group. In a setup like that, we work amazing paired with a Sage. In FPs, however, it is just us, and there is often damage going out to all 4 people, and our AoE heal is limited to 3 in addition to being pretty weak. At the very least, Kolto Bomb (or ideally Kolto Charge) should heal 4, and have a much much larger radius.


2) Kolto Bomb (hopefully one day replaced with Kolto Charge) absolutely needs to smart-heal. Wasting 1/3 of it applying to someone at full health and skipping the injured person next to them is terrible.


3) Not Combat Medic specific, but for the love of all that is holy, remove keybinding restrictions. Why can I not bind the "~" key, just to the left of "1"? That key is amazingly well placed for all sorts of things, but can't be bound in SWTOR. Why? WHY?! If I want to bind a modifier key to a specific command, instead of letting it serve as a modifier, let me. It's my keyboard, let me configure it to maximize my play. As it stands, I had to bind F1 to autorun because I couldn't use ~ for it, which makes targeting myself harder than it needs to be.

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Hammer Shot: In addition to its existing effects while Combat Support Cell is active, Hammer Shot also heals you 50% to 100% (up for debate) of your bonus healing (over 1.5 seconds, as it currently does to allies) when dealing damage to an enemy or while healing an ally.


The biggest benefit is fairly straightforward: it gives Combat Medics a cheap, efficient, and simple way of healing ourselves on the move or in combat. In short, the less time we need to spend healing ourselves, the more time we can spend healing those who really need it: our comrades! I'd most likely see this as a trainable skill, potentially replacing Efficient Conversions (Tier 3 of the Combat Medic skill tree).


I love how pve people just do not care at anything that is not their own benefit.

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Clearly, the main weakness of the spec is with AOE heal. All three healing classes should be competent enough in both single target and AOE heal. Differences are OK and good, but rigth now the problem is the comparaison with sage which is the best at everything.


It is easy to fix.

As said before, our bomb should be improved, using a balanced combinaison of

-allow smart heal

-increase area

-increase number of target.


Considering that smuggler also need a boost in healing an especially AOE healing, and to not make PVE content too easy, sage AOE heal would have to be reduced aswell.


Well basically balance AOE heal capapilities among three classes, as all three should be competent in single target heal, because they must be able to heal 4 man content alone.

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Clearly, the main weakness of the spec is with AOE heal. All three healing classes should be competent enough in both single target and AOE heal. Differences are OK and good, but rigth now the problem is the comparaison with sage which is the best at everything.


It is easy to fix.

As said before, our bomb should be improved, using a balanced combinaison of

-allow smart heal

-increase area

-increase number of target.


Considering that smuggler also need a boost in healing an especially AOE healing, and to not make PVE content too easy, sage AOE heal would have to be reduced aswell.


Well basically balance AOE heal capapilities among three classes, as all three should be competent in single target heal, because they must be able to heal 4 man content alone.


I strongly disagree with a lot of what you said:


1) This is a huge one for me: Don't ask for other classes to be nerfed. It starts a vicious cycle, and gets the trend started that the solution to an imbalance is to hammer down the good class, instead of lifting up the weak. Everyone hates nerfs, everyone loves buffs...how about we only request positive changes?


2) The OP explicitly stated trying to keep the suggestions within the design philosophy that we are the single-target kings, not to make all classes even. Now, you might disagree with the OP on that, but it does put your suggestions a bit outside the scope of the suggestions this topic is meant for.


3) We do not all need to be equally capable of all functions in Ops, but we do need to equally viable in FPs. Every class should have viable AoE that can cover 4 people over the range people stand in a flashpoint. Every healer should be able to keep a tank alive against a high-damage tank-focused FP boss. In Ops, bring a sage or scoundrel to cover the raid, bring the Commando to cover the tank.


Disagreements aside, your 3 main KB suggestions are obviously needed:

1) Smart Healing (how did this not make it in for release?)

2) 4 targets (FP group size....)

3) Larger area.


Many of the other suggestions above work to improve our FP AoE, without pushing us out of our niche in Ops. For instance, the chaining of Hammer Shot beams on those with Kolto Residue buffs our ability to spread healing around, without making KB extremely powerful.

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Yes I disagree with the notion of niche. It creates raid composition problems, narrows the gameplay. Relative strenghts/weakness , flavours are cool because people try to look for synergies, make people feel they are not a clone and bring something unique to a group, but one should not want to go too far in this direction.


As for the nerf thing, obviously it is not something preferable, but rigth now the sage ability is way off the other two classes (and they are not in a raid heal niche, they can do everything). Bringing equity on this point (increasing a lot AOE heal for smuggler,commados) may unbalance the PVE content. Better tuning down one ability (on a well rounded class) than messing with the whole PVE design.


And I am not speaking of PVP, increasing single target heal would make commando PVP heal gods, especially in organized context.

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Yes I disagree with the notion of niche. It creates raid composition problems, narrows the gameplay. Relative strenghts/weakness , flavours are cool because people try to look for synergies, make people feel they are not a clone and bring something unique to a group, but one should not want to go too far in this direction.




The only niches are the ones made up by players who seemingly haven't done an Op or they'd see we can raid heal too. Why do you care how unique you are, as long as what you bring works and gets **** done?

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I very much like the self-splashback on Hammer Shot idea.


I also definitely think kolto bomb needs improvement. I think the template heals in general aren't the greatest; I'd kinda rather kolto bomb was targeted and then just hit X allies within Y meters. Increasing the number of targets would be great, but I won't hold my breath.


Supercharged Cells definitely needs some love. I think 30 charges is too high, personally, to gain the somewhat-weak benefits. Sages only need to drop their instant hot to gain their benefits, which are pretty potent. I would like to see the required charge go down to 20, or increase the charges gained from spells, and/or please let advanced medical probe/kolto bomb add charges. If the charges are going to remain at 30, I think every single heal should be adding charges, even if its just 2.

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I have to say that I really enjoy healing with my Medic and I also feel that our healing seems to be fairly balanced and powerful. BI has a rather brief CD (I use it as a top off if I get behind on my tank). And SCC is easily charged up to 30 with HS/MP but the one aspect of this thread that I passionately agree with is the fact Kolto Bomb A.) Only heals three people-Group makeup is composed of multiples of fours? ***? and B.) Kolto Bomb is not a "smart" heal- I think this is more of an oversight than an actual design decision. Edited by JadedSinner
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I am only level 42 so I havent done any end-game ops but I have done a few world bosses. All in all I am happy with medic healing but there are some things I think could be boosted a bit.


In combat rez would be nice. I think we are the only healer class that doesn't have it. We should have one even if it is buried in the talents somewhere and not given automatically.


Kolto bomb being an actual AoE heal would be nice too. It makes no sense that we throw a kolto infused grenade and it only hits 3 selective targets in that green pool that it kicks out. It is not a massive heal that would be gamebreaking so I don't see why they couldn't remove the 3 target maximum.


Also, removing the green beam of suicidal intentions would be nice. One hammer shot on the tank and every enemy player can follow the green path back to the poor fool who is about to get slaughtered. Just make the graphic the same as a normal hammer shot and increase the life expectancy of the medic.

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Only change that needs to be made is allow supercharge charges to build while supercharged. The gap makes all skills specced into for supercharge useless for these 10 seconds. So 20-30 seconds a minute we have skills going to waste. Fix this asap and the ability activation lag and all will be good in my book.
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Only change that needs to be made is allow supercharge charges to build while supercharged. The gap makes all skills specced into for supercharge useless for these 10 seconds. So 20-30 seconds a minute we have skills going to waste. Fix this asap and the ability activation lag and all will be good in my book.


If we were allowed to get supercharge cells while being supercharged, we would never leave the supercharged state and we would just be spamming Kolto bomb, adv Probe, medic probe non stop at a low cost and at such a rapid rate that it would make us totally OP.


AS for the OP i like a lot of the idea's. Our class is already very good at healing.

Edited by XOpusX
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I feel like the Combat Medic Mastery tree is excellent as almost everything is worth putting points into. With that said I would like to see Psych Aid changed so that we can cleanse off all DoTs.


-It is fairly high in the mastery tree so it is not a tool that would easily be accessed by a hybrid spec.


-Grants us the ability to cleanse some pesky snares thus increasing our survivability when kiting (damn Sentinels and Sorcs!).


As far as ability additions go, I would like to see a HoT or buff we can cast on players on a short cooldown. The HoT would greatly increase our survivability while a defensive buff would help our utility.




Also, SCC is the greatest **** ever! I think allowing us to build charges during it would be a bit unfair though. Starting at +18 after an SCC would probably mean I'd be near max ammo regen all the time!

Edited by BelligerentBob
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  • 2 months later...

Since there's been a lot of debate after 1.2 about Combat Medics, I wanted to bring this discussion back to take a look at our tree and how to improve it with these changes (and edited the original post accordingly).


I ended up removing the suggestion for an alternative to an in-combat revive (since we now have one), changed my standpoint on Kolto Bomb (keep the cap at 4, but add smart healing), and most importantly would like to see Bacta Infusion refund 1 ammo (inspired by the Vanguard's Energy Blast ability that does the same). I also added a few suggestions that I thought were interesting to the community suggestions section.


What are your thoughts for how to improve the class after 1.2?

Edited by SpaniardInfinity
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I think something BW could take into account, is in the 6th tier, change Potent Medicine from 5/5 @ 3% each to 3/3 @ 5% each and add a 6th tier talent of 2/2 for 25% each that makes Alacrity part of the resource regeneration. And no not just to CM's this could be added for all healers, so there is no bias. The reasoning it is so high up is so the pure healers get access to this talent.

Reasoning: One of the biggest things I've heard come 1.2 is resource management. but at the same time maybe this is what BW wanted. I'm just throwing in my 2 cents because, this is a lot that i have seen on these forums, as i haven't hit 50 yet. So be it as it may, take this with a grain of salt, trying to stimulate the communities opinions on this matter.

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Yeah, the main complaint is about resource management.


More precisely, the 100% lack of it whatsoever. There is nothing you can do to manage your ammo besides cast less. Some people are so desperate for more ammo they click off the supercharge buff just to more quickly attain the single ammo the activation brings.


Commando healing entirely revolved around field triage making their overall healing cheap enough to be workable. How they thought gimping both it and supercharge cells wouldn't cripple the class I'll never know. Even if the class is still "competitive" by whatever bizarre metrics they use, anyone could tell you that there is absolutely nothing more frustrating for a healer than losing control of their resources.


I'm not touching the Combat Medic tree with a 9-foot pole until they either revert the efficiency nerfs or add a means of actually managing your ammo. I don't care if it's ammo back every time the trauma probe activates, ammo for crits, vastly reduced recharge cells/reserve cell cooldowns, whatever. Anything that lets you manage ammo better than the absolute 100% perfection in heal targeting/choice with a dash of luck you need now.

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