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We're not all like THAT...


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I had a guy join my guild last nite, and after some randomizing and BS chatting, he made a comment that disturbed me.


He said he has never done FP's and skips his heroics because he had been yelled at and booted from groups before because he "didn't know what he was doing" or "didnt know his class"


Really? i don't pug anymore, mostly because i have been sick to death of the leetists who treat others this way, and im sad to say i had forgotten this mentality. i formed my guild so i didnt have to deal with this, but in doing so i was able to ignore the poor folks who dont have a group of people to run with, and have to endure the tooth-aching stupidity that can be the general populace.


So i post this, an apology on behalf of the decent folks in the game. there are good people out there, people who understand everyone has to start at one and learn from there. there are people who can be in a group, wipe, and still laugh about it as long as your enjoying yourself. unfortunatly most of those people have foregone the PUG scene and joined or formed guilds of like minded individuals.


hang in there, you people who don't have the best rigs, or infinite times to play. you people who have families that require attn, or full time jobs that require you to focus there first and game as you can.


if you play in mind trick, and your looking for a group like this, my guild site's in my sig. if you play on another server i really hope you find one of the guilds there who are good and decent people who enjoy the game because its fun, not because it matters how fast you hit 50, or how awesome your gear is.


we're not all like that, and some of us are pretty fun guys and gals.





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Ah yes...The Pug stigma.

Been there. Know that feel. Back when I played WoW, I had many outings ruined or staggered because of "lern 2 play" situations.

You're going to find players like that who think their way is THE way.


I agree, we are not all like that.

The next time someone cant handle your style, just ask them whether the just want to complan, or flash.

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+1 on the OP. Good man. I hate people who give players a hard time because they dont play like a professional gamer. I've only had it once on here so far with someone complaining I was pulling aggro to much (Im a vanguard btw and was using taunts to pull mobs off of people who had hit 50% heath) but it will get worse when they bring dps meters in.
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When I played a little on the Empire side of Mind Trick server, I have to say I was not at all impressed with what I saw of the community. It is nice to find a decent group of people playing that side. I will definitely have to look your guild up when I decide to play Empire a bit more.
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Just two cents, but I agree with the OP.


I don't usually like to PvP or group, for this reason. I have no desire to be 'the best', I just enjoy the game, I like the story and I like playing on my own, mostly.


On odd occasions I have grouped up, just for some extra XP or to finish a quest, but I always tell people I'm not a very good healer (I'm playing a Sage at the moment) and so far, everyone has been OK with it. If someone dies, they are cool about it, things happen!


So far, I've not had anyone 'pug' me, if I did, I would just leave and put them on the ignore list.


It's good to see that not all players are 'leet' and wanna be the best, they are in the game for that reason...it's a game!

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I have a formed a pretty serious guild with some friends but I still tend to group up with "newbs/noobs" for flash points on my alt, or just normal fp, also had some not so good pugs in my normal operations run with the guild, it really doesn't bother me, but when doing HM FP or HM/NMM operations I prefere having skilled players with me.

In the end it is about having fun, but serious progress is also a kind of fun for some people :).

But gotta admit I really can't hate players who are not so good, as long as they are nice people, mostly arrogant *****s that annoys the hell out of me no matter how good they are.

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heres my "view" on this


PUGS can be a pain but hey every one needs to learn just because some sit on swtor for 8 hours a day n can eat read and sh** there class off by heart does not mean all can


the other thing i want to add to this under the "lern 2 play" BS

is please also remmber some classes are mixed roles anjd some spec 1 or the other

just cause its a comando dont mean that its a healer it may be a dps


just cause it quacks like a duck looks like a duck dont make it a dammed duck



i was in a group this morning "O we gota tank " i am dps i reply "ok your in heavy armour your a tank"


playing a guardian i should not get that crap of pre-judgeing what i am


and i am lucky that todate i not been kicked for saying i anit a tank


dont judge till you play with some one and also remmber



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Honestly no one should have this attitude especially when the game is still new. In my experience most of these people are kids or some such that don't have jobs, etc.

So they quickly move through the game and think that makes them the best.

I play on a rp server. So i play these games to be in character and have fun. I never play these games to get to raid ready status and such. That mentality bothers me and is why i left WoW and Rift.

I am happy to hear that others are good to new people. Some of these new folk are also trying a MMO for the first time or this may even be their first MMO.

I tend to treat people how i wish to be treated.

So i give much respect to all of you like minded individuals who are kind to "newbs" as rude folk like to say.

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Honestly, threads like this are one of the reasons I'm going back to WoW. It's far too casual here, and the general mentality is "it doesn't matter how I play". I parsed regularly on my rogue in WoW, sometimes as high as 3rd in the world (no crap), but never, NEVER did I link meters. My assumption was that anyone who cared about dps already had meters and could see themselves. Those that didn't have them wouldn't care how I did in the first place so there was no reason to link them.


There's a misconception that you have to play like an addict to have basic understanding of your class. Honestly, most of the information is out there, and usually all it takes to have a full grasp of what you need to do may take 30 min at worst. Now, making your class work at the highest level is obviously not as simple as reading up on it, but there's no REAL excuse besides being lazy not to know what basic stats you need, and what your rotation should look like.


I really try my best to help people out when they are messing up in dungeons. I was doing Directive 7 a couple weeks ago the tank had zero idea what to do, and on the first boss he just kept tunneling one droid instead of switching when the droids' shields swtiched. This caused us multiple wipes and several thousands of credits in repairs (believe it or not, money I didn't have). While some of the group members were relatively upset, I did my best to explain what he needed to do, and offered to explain the boss multiple times.


You don't have to suck to be nice and you don't have to be good to be a jerk. Making broad statements about skilled players being buttholes is equally as arrogant as saying saying all people who play less than an hour a day must be absolutely terrible. It's not all black and white and your OP leaves no room for gray.

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All i hear is: "mimimi 3 guys did not want me.. they ruin my game experience"

but what about the other 3? that "low-bob" destroyed theirs.. nuff said




kind to "newbs" as rude folk like to say.

newbs is the short-form of newbie... nothing rude about that word... there are new players and there are advanced ones.. sorry but thats real..

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I pray they never bring in dps meters. That totally ruined WoW in my humble opinion.


Your the kid who was always at the bottom then? When I pulled 15k in Wrath in Icecrown I am guessing you pulled like 6k in a 25man and got kicked? Yeah well that's the way it should be Learn to Play your class put some effort it people like you do not deserve the epics at the end of the day.


The word in red is important. The reason you hate dps meters.

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Your the kid who was always at the bottom then? When I pulled 15k in Wrath in Icecrown I am guessing you pulled like 6k in a 25man and got kicked? Yeah well that's the way it should be Learn to Play your class put some effort it people like you do not deserve the epics at the end of the day.


The word in red is important. The reason you hate dps meters.




guys whining about dps-meter are those that DESERVED to be left at home, because of repeated trying to destroy others game-experience...

if u dont want to mess with other players dont play with other players... uninstall and play tetris.

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we do?

just because i am not willing to write a wall of text, that has been written thousands of times?


I am one of those players, that want to get the maximum out of his character.. call it what you want, but that is my way of playing.

I prefer playing with people like me. People that share my oppinion. If you want to judge me for that.. just go ahead, but remember. "low-effort" guys want to play with "low-effort" guys, and people like me want to play with people, that know how their char works, what stat is needed, what rota should be done.


If i meet people that do like "oh wow this skill LOOKS great i only gonna use this" i ask him if its his way of gaming, or if he does not know.... if he answers he does NOT play my style, i shouldnt be forced to play with him.


thats exactly the story of black, white and grey...


don't expect me to respect "low-bobs" if i am not respected...


unfortunately, although beeing progress oriented, i am not one of those guys mentioned above, that can play 24 hours a day... i got a few hours spare a few days in the evening when my daughter is asleep and my wife watches tv.

i want to do my fp then and maybe do something other but guiding a newb through his first flashpoint attempt in green/white gear..

sorry.. my time is short.. so i use it for MY pleasure.. not for some random-guys pleasure... how egoistic ....

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I don't think the OP was trying to say all good players who know how to play their characters are mean people, Whatsalightsaver. In fact in my experience in gaming, a lot of the jerks I've run into were not the best at what they did, though many thought they were. Its all just a matter of how people treat one another. I think some people just forget that everyone has to start somewhere. But also, I can understand wanting to play with people who know what they are doing, particularly in the higher levels. After so many levels and a certain amount of gameplay one can only hope the people they play with have some idea of what they are doing.
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we do?

just because i am not willing to write a wall of text, that has been written thousands of times?


I am one of those players, that want to get the maximum out of his character.. call it what you want, but that is my way of playing.

I prefer playing with people like me. People that share my oppinion. If you want to judge me for that.. just go ahead, but remember. "low-effort" guys want to play with "low-effort" guys, and people like me want to play with people, that know how their char works, what stat is needed, what rota should be done.


If i meet people that do like "oh wow this skill LOOKS great i only gonna use this" i ask him if its his way of gaming, or if he does not know.... if he answers he does NOT play my style, i shouldnt be forced to play with him.


thats exactly the story of black, white and grey...


don't expect me to respect "low-bobs" if i am not respected...


You misunderstand. I *ALSO* refuse to raid with people who don't play at their peak. The difference between me and you is that you rip them to shreds, carrying around the very elitist attitude that the OP is talking about. I will not tolerate failure in my raid group. However, I won't be a jerk to people who aren't as good as I am. All things like your post do is create a divide in the player base. You aren't entitled to treat someone like **** just because they aren't up to your standards. I'm not asking you to group with them, hell, I won't, but you don't get to leave human decency behind just because it's the internet.

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And some of us don't want to have to buy some L33T-mouse just to play a game, nor have a keyboard that does everything pr. macro or have 1000 extra buttons.


For some of us this a game - we're all fallible players - and mistakes get made. Besides, you get further by being friendly than agressive.

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we do?

just because i am not willing to write a wall of text, that has been written thousands of times?


I am one of those players, that want to get the maximum out of his character.. call it what you want, but that is my way of playing.

I prefer playing with people like me. People that share my oppinion. If you want to judge me for that.. just go ahead, but remember. "low-effort" guys want to play with "low-effort" guys, and people like me want to play with people, that know how their char works, what stat is needed, what rota should be done.


If i meet people that do like "oh wow this skill LOOKS great i only gonna use this" i ask him if its his way of gaming, or if he does not know.... if he answers he does NOT play my style, i shouldnt be forced to play with him.


thats exactly the story of black, white and grey...


don't expect me to respect "low-bobs" if i am not respected...


unfortunately, although beeing progress oriented, i am not one of those guys mentioned above, that can play 24 hours a day... i got a few hours spare a few days in the evening when my daughter is asleep and my wife watches tv.

i want to do my fp then and maybe do something other but guiding a newb through his first flashpoint attempt in green/white gear..

sorry.. my time is short.. so i use it for MY pleasure.. not for some random-guys pleasure... how egoistic ....


Yeah I agree completely. I am all for helping people if they are stuck I recall actually spending an hour teaching someone the whole Rogue class (PvP wise) at the training dummies this is only because he asked for it in trade. I refuse to help people who simply do no care enough to ask for help or seek it themselves this is especially frustrating in raids and I will never play for someone be that in Arena or Raids who doesn't have some level of commitment to the game and that character. Its as simple as that.

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Don't get me wrong...

I never flamed, or insulted one of those guys, that don't fit my playstyle..

All i wanted to do with my post is, that those guys blaming "experienced" or "advanced" players, for not playing with them stop their acting and look to that point from a different angle

As i told above i am short of my playing time. So if I see someone in my group that is performing exceptional bad, i tell him, that he should maybe get some help to improve his playing, if he wants, but i can not provide that (for several reasons, maybe even, because i am not used to his class or don't have time). So i tell him to please look for a group that:

a) has time/will to explain him

b) has time/will to spend more time in the dungeon because of someone who is or might be failing.


I do not see why i should be telling him: "Oh sorry dude you are so bad, but you are learning and i like that please stay in my group even if i can not finish that flashpoint then.. i don't need to reach my set targets in that game if u can get better<3"

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Don't get me wrong...

I never flamed, or insulted one of those guys, that don't fit my playstyle..

All i wanted to do with my post is, that those guys blaming "experienced" or "advanced" players, for not playing with them stop their acting and look to that point from a different angle

As i told above i am short of my playing time. So if I see someone in my group that is performing exceptional bad, i tell him, that he should maybe get some help to improve his playing, if he wants, but i can not provide that (for several reasons, maybe even, because i am not used to his class or don't have time). So i tell him to please look for a group that:

a) has time/will to explain him

b) has time/will to spend more time in the dungeon because of someone who is or might be failing.


I do not see why i should be telling him: "Oh sorry dude you are so bad, but you are learning and i like that please stay in my group even if i can not finish that flashpoint then.. i don't need to reach my set targets in that game if u can get better<3"


No one is asking you to group with bad players. I'm not asking you to baby anyone. I'm asking you not to be a d*ck about it. Consult the group, and if you decide to kick him, kick him. That's what the group kick function in WoW was for. However, maybe you're not as good as you think you are, because I could carry any amount of bad in a random heroic in WoW. I never kicked anyone because it was never necessary. Literally, I never kicked anyone. If you are good enough, the kick function becomes irrelevant. If the heals suck and the tank dies? I spread out defensive cooldowns, use self heals, and pick up tanking mid fight. If the rest of the dps sucks, I pop a potion of the Tol'vir and just dps harder. Group kick is unnecessary but I think it's perfectly valid to use it if someone is literally holding the group back.

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No one is asking you to group with bad players. I'm not asking you to baby anyone. I'm asking you not to be a d*ck about it. Consult the group, and if you decide to kick him, kick him. That's what the group kick function in WoW was for. However, maybe you're not as good as you think you are, because I could carry any amount of bad in a random heroic in WoW. I never kicked anyone because it was never necessary. Literally, I never kicked anyone. If you are good enough, the kick function becomes irrelevant. If the heals suck and the tank dies? I spread out defensive cooldowns, use self heals, and pick up tanking mid fight. If the rest of the dps sucks, I pop a potion of the Tol'vir and just dps harder. Group kick is unnecessary but I think it's perfectly valid to use it if someone is literally holding the group back.


I see not everyone plays Death Knight / Paladin / Druid. Certain classes don't have the CDs to effectively Tank / Heal / Dps all at the same time. If the healer / tank is lacking it is quite frankly unacceptable because they are relied upon by 4 other people if they can't pull their weight they shouldn't queue until they are some what acceptable.

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