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Everything posted by TribalzWolf

  1. Honestly no one should have this attitude especially when the game is still new. In my experience most of these people are kids or some such that don't have jobs, etc. So they quickly move through the game and think that makes them the best. I play on a rp server. So i play these games to be in character and have fun. I never play these games to get to raid ready status and such. That mentality bothers me and is why i left WoW and Rift. I am happy to hear that others are good to new people. Some of these new folk are also trying a MMO for the first time or this may even be their first MMO. I tend to treat people how i wish to be treated. So i give much respect to all of you like minded individuals who are kind to "newbs" as rude folk like to say.
  2. I agree, because if you live with roommates and every plays and there is only one comp then some one gets hosed when all the maintenance keeps happening. And FYI, to them their gripes are relevant, its not for you to decide.
  3. What i want to know is having guild leaders attend is all well and good, but how does that represent the players who are not in guilds?
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