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Darth Jadus Bugged - Spoilers


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I can't find players to PvE Flashpoints on my server, much less to help me finish a bugged solo quest. The only good thing is that since I can't proceed on the story line, I was "forced" to PvP... and I've gotten quite good at that but I'd like to proceed with the storyline. I was really enjoying it until this epic cinematic fail.


Any tips on how to kill this guy with the bug would be helpful. Right now I am sending in my companion, hitting passive, then setting the companion to attack again and then opening up with my attacks.


Should I be running away from his knockdown/knockback? Which attacks should I interrupt? I try to use my interrupt but I only have one, unless I can use Flashbang as a interrupt as an earlier poster suggested.


Also, if anyone is willing to help, I'm on Prophesy of the Five server. Character name is Sodan. I'd also be glad to help others in exchange for helping me.

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So tried this for about 4 hours today in every way imaginable and same problem. Its amazing that this thread was started a month and a half ago and there there is still no resolution. Guess its time to grab that level 50 tank...
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....I highly doubt the majority of agents have trouble finishing this quest solo...level 50's certainly not necessary.


I did it as a level 31 sniper no issue.


1) get up in his face and knife him


2) run down the stairs and setup up cover around the computers


3) interrupt that big cast...rotation would be distraction, then debilitate, then distraction, then flashbang, then distraction...


4) Do it again 3 more times


5) profit!


Yes, and during this I get knocked back, slammed around, he paths onto objects, paths through walls, and DoTs me up to the point of stupidity so even if I interrupt that Big Cast (Thundering Blast) I am still taking around 900 damage every single time he does anything else.


If I am somehow supposed to interrupt every single cast he does then I do not see how it can be done.


Also, I set up cover around the computers and continue to get hammered.


The fight is bugged to hell and back. Sorry. You got lucky. Most of us didn't.



Edited by Bakarn
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I spent a lot of time stuck on this portion too, and with no one to help me but eventually I managed to beat it with just myself and Kaliyo. Here's my tip in case any of you get hit by this bug and can't get help. Use Suppressive Fire! It doesn't require a target so you don't need to worry about LoS, but Jadus will still get damaged. When he gets aggroed let him come off the platform, hit him with a flashbang, then quickly do an explosive probe and corrosive dart while he is stunned. After that, you should be able to charge up Ambush at least half of the way before he breaks off the stun. After that, the rest is up to you. One last tip, keep an eye on his lightining move. When you see the bar charging up, use Distract. This makes the whole fight a LOT easier when you're not stunned AND damaged by force lighting at the same fricken time. I really hope some of this advice helped. This bug really makes me mad


TL;DR: Use Suppressive Fire, flashbang, explosive probe, corrosive dart, ambush, followed by your normal combat routine. Use Distract when Jadus tries to use his lighting stun. Make sure Kaliyo is your companion so she can soak up the damage!

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I don't remember exactly what my rank was, but I was level 36 with all up to date abilities. I think the level advantage probably helped a lot. I can see how ops can say this fight is easy, but for us snipers who rely on long range, it's a real pain! Felt accomplished when I won though :D
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Well thanks for this thread people....its a huge help and we need as Agent players to keep them heading into this informed.


got stuck on this nightmare yesterday, have died ooh a good 30-40 odd times trying to do this cost me maybe 20,000 in repairs, etc etc before finally getting so annoyed i read here to see how to do the damn quest.


the bug is ridiculous, how do you shoot when it says cannot see and worse half the time when trying to heal it says cannot see so your companion is dead within seconds.


but thanks to the thread i headed to imperial fleet, asked about, got a player willing to spare 10 minutes and he helped me past it.


lost some xp yep, but i can take the hit to progress...........it's crap to have such a glaring fault half way through the storyline, but least being allowed help does give you an option.

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Just a helpful reminder: Suppressive Fire isn't affected by LoS, so you can use it to start the fight at max range.


Dang, I should have checked the forums when I was struggling with this last night. That would have helped a lot!


I ended up running up to him to trigger him, then backing off and dropping into crouch. It was still a crappy fight, but I got through it without dying.* (LVL 34)



*By "not dying," I mean in the second and third parts of the fight. I died A LOT the first time I fought him.

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You can use the LoS on the platform to your advantage. If you get in trouble just run up there and heal up. Also, learn to kite. You can run circles all day around the big computer screen. Put a DoT on him and take advantage of small burst windows. Most of his big attacks are cast time or channeled. Use your instants and LoS.
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This was an amazing fight. I had just dinged lvl 29 when I tackled this fight. FAILED miserably the first few times and google led me to a vid that said to LOS. But the most important thing was to have bug boy not be bugged up front and LOS'ing Jadus. I'm engineering and talented IP w/ snare and interrupting/LOS'ing his casts near the terminals helped.
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I did this mission last night and didn't really have any playability issues. I've played pretty much rested, so I went in at 34. At my level, Jadus was really not that hard to bring down. I did have to fight on the platform but there is cover in the far back.


The suggestions on this one page are all you really need. Interrupts are critical.


I did have one weird funny glitch most of the time I was on the ship/station. Everytime Vector stopped walking or fighting, he would lay face down on the floor motionless. When he was fighting he would attack, then lay down and then attack again. Up, down, up, down,...... It was funny but very distracting and I wasn't about to reset.

Edited by Ravenwhyte
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Yep, I ran into this and it caused a little bit of trouble, but I'm not mad because of ridiculous repair bills or a huge chunk of time wasted. What I'm mad about is the fact that this could be a really cool quest, and it's all ruined by these difficulties. There are some crazy plot twists fun story elements going on, but as soon as the game starts bugging out (I had the LoS issue as well as the companion not being able to stay standing issue) it reminds you that you're playing a video game, and an unprofessionally done one at that. So much for immersion.


Also, small issue with the title of this thread. I saw way back when I started my sniper when I came on here looking for some info on class mechanics. Then, when Darth Jadus supposedly died, I didn't think for a second that he was dead. When there started being talk of a traitor, I knew immediately that it was him. I was not surprised in the least to see him standing on the bridge of that dreadnought. I know the title says "spoilers," but the problem is that the title itself is a spoiler. It could say "Chapter 1 Conclusion Quest Bugged," or something to that effect without mentioning Jadus by name. Just a little bit annoyed by that.


Anyway, it's pretty funny to be going back through this thread now and to read on 2/4 (two months ago) that the devs say they are working hard on fixing this issue. It's the most pathetic thing I've encountered in this game yet and, like I said before, just plain unprofessional.

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This quest is AWFUL! It's by far the worst boss fight I've experienced in the game. I can't believe that something as basic as not being able to, you know, SHOOT THE BOSS would get past QA.


I died about five times on this so far...guess I'll try again or get my friend to help me...

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Did anyone else have a huge amount of trouble with this fight?


The fight itself is difficult, but during the second and third phase my sniper kept getting "Cannot See Target" errors no matter where I stood. If I walked right up to him, he wouldn't react for about five seconds, and once he started hitting me, I could only fire back if I was lucky enough to be standing in a very specific, unknown location right next to him. Made no difference if I was in or out of cover.


As you might imagine, this makes the fight nearly impossible as a sniper. I ended up having to recruit a lvl 37 friend to do the fight for me, while I ran around frantically mashing attack buttons, trying to get something to register.


The first phase seemed to work fine from a mechanical perspective - it was just the second and third phases that were broken for me.


So - anyone else having this problem? Jadus is a hard enough fight as it is, without this going on.


Yes. It is now 1 April, and they still haven't fixed that bug. Needless to say, my sniper agent isn't effective at CQB against a friggin' Sith Lord. Somebody is asleep at the switch.

Edited by GreySix
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Just completed this quest as an Operative concealment specced. After reading thru all the posts I tried pulling Darth J from second set of stairs with companion. This worked very well and completed all 3 stages without a death (lvl 32) using Kaliyo.


You have to use all your interrupts on CD and keep up dots with a little melee dps thrown in for fun.


Good luck!

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Shameless attempt to keep this on the front page; but I've found all your 'constructive' input helpful as I tried a few times to only wipe each time using various close-up and companion pulls to no effect but with some truely good descriptions of how other players have beat the bug I'm going to give this another try tonight.


Really enjoying the IA quest line so far and LOOOOVE the ship! :D Was hoping to be able to keep going with my Agent all the way to 50. Thank you all for your inspiration and helpful tips. Wish me luck.


==> BW: I'm not a professional coder but can't DJ be moved or just take down that Get Smart force-field cone that he stands under, either one will work.... ;) Great job on the rest of the quest line so far, Kaliyo is FUNny

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The fix I found for that fight was to kite Jadus off the bridge a little bit. Once he got down to the middle of the room I had no problems targeting him.


How'd you manage that? I always lose too much health by the time I lure him away/get close enough to cut him, even if I send Kaliyo up first.

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I still don't know why anyone still having problem of this fight. Send the pet up, immediately put the pet back and go to the location you want. DJ will follow. Then you can go on with what you have to do. I did this with Kaliyo at 32 as Op Med. I 1 shot each stage, no death. Ended the fight with full health, full energy bar as well. I really wish I could kill him instead of him getting caged.
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I still don't know why anyone still having problem of this fight. Send the pet up, immediately put the pet back and go to the location you want. DJ will follow. Then you can go on with what you have to do. I did this with Kaliyo at 32 as Op Med. I 1 shot each stage, no death. Ended the fight with full health, full energy bar as well. I really wish I could kill him instead of him getting caged.


Yeah he'll follow...and attack me before I can do anything to him. No matter what I do I've had to knife him first to get rid of the "Cannot see target" stuff.

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