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Critable orange gear undermines intent of removable epic base mods


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its already a problem with the craftable rakata gear, get your armor crafting skill upp, get rakata gear with augmentslots drop crewskill, start with artificer and in the end, make reusable adrenals as bichem....


and for anyone with the time and patience to do that, well they can get all the little extras for all i care, cause its some work to get them like that.

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i dont think augments are going to make up for the set bonuses on raid/pvp sets anyway


that issue aside i dont know why they dont just make it so that crafters can reverse engineer ALL existing armor in the game with a chance to learn its recipe. if you had a piece you wanted the look of a crafter should be able to "remake" that look with an augment slot for you


this should be an armormech perk, as it is, there is currently no reason to keep armormech aside from gearing out alts and even than, not all of them


crafting in this game is so broken it would take me pages to list the current problems



Honestly I wish all the craftable raid drops were sellable.. but I thought I heard somewhere that they were going to add set bonuses to certain mods so that we could actually have more of a custom look

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This is going to be the biggest factor out of everything, if orange gear is ever going be a success, in the way it was originally planned.


You cannot follow the idea of being able to look how you would prefer, using the mass of orange gear available to you in game, if you give a select few augment slots. It destroys the entire idea, and puts us in the current situation of it all being clone wars, because people are all using the same augment slotted orange gear.


-Also, making augments a tier related thing, is still going to destroy it all, by cutting out most the orange gear you receive at lower levels, and especially those you gain from flashpoints. I think the problem is that augment slots are on the armour, and not on the mods.


(This all first occurred to me shortly after making the thread about my excitement of it all, and I made a post about it, but it really did need it's own thread, so thanks for making it.)

Edited by PutinDoesJudo
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There should be an option for a crafter of that item type to "recraft" any item for a chance to add an augment slot. Would make crafters more useful. Plus, some sets don't have orange versions that can be crafted. Edited by LordZanos
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There should be an option for a crafter of that item type to "recraft" any item for a chance to add an augment slot. Would make crafters more useful. Plus, some sets don't have orange versions that can be crafted.


Yes, it will make crafting more useful, but will make all those flashpoint oranges and other drops all useless.

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From what I understand the set bonus is going to be on the Armoring not on the gear itself. So you could conceivably have the tier set bonus on custom gear.


That's exactly what they plan on doing, and i was concerned about the same thing as you too OP.

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Yes, it will make crafting more useful, but will make all those flashpoint oranges and other drops all useless.

You would still need the mods from the flashpoint drops to get decent gear. How is it making your drops useless, exactly? You can't craft R58 mods/armoring/etc. from my experience.

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You cannot follow the idea of being able to look how you would prefer, using the mass of orange gear available to you in game, if you give a select few augment slots. It destroys the entire idea, and puts us in the current situation of it all being clone wars, because people are all using the same augment slotted orange gear.

There are allready different visual flavours for orange gears (e.g. there are 2 different lightsabers for every class just with different visuals).


It's much more diverse compared to the PVE/PVP sets. So i dont really see that point.

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i dont think augments are going to make up for the set bonuses on raid/pvp sets anyway


that issue aside i dont know why they dont just make it so that crafters can reverse engineer ALL existing armor in the game with a chance to learn its recipe. if you had a piece you wanted the look of a crafter should be able to "remake" that look with an augment slot for you


this should be an armormech perk, as it is, there is currently no reason to keep armormech aside from gearing out alts and even than, not all of them


crafting in this game is so broken it would take me pages to list the current problems


You forget, they also said the set bonus will be movable, too.

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I've been a Synthweaver from launch and I'm not really sure the need for crits on orange gear in the first place. We get 2 t3 pieces of ops gear of which you can crit to have an augment slot, we don't need all of our armor to be riddled with augments.


Aside from that, the OP is correct. People want to be diverse in what their options are for gear appearance, but if they make orange gear critable the armor crafting proffesions will be extremely over-powered. They're already taking steps to help with customizability by allowing players to take the mods out of ops gear and putting it into oranges of their choice. That in itself is the benefit of crafting an orange, the ability to pick your looks, having a chance at an augment slot shouldn't be an addition.

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crit gear will soon die... or this change will be reversed because bioware isnt going to make new tier gear when crit orange gear is better, and it will make a big difference if everyone has an aug slot in raids or pvp


min/max people will rejoice


i dont think bioware is THAT stupid

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I've been a Synthweaver from launch and I'm not really sure the need for crits on orange gear in the first place. We get 2 t3 pieces of ops gear of which you can crit to have an augment slot, we don't need all of our armor to be riddled with augments.


Aside from that, the OP is correct. People want to be diverse in what their options are for gear appearance, but if they make orange gear critable the armor crafting proffesions will be extremely over-powered. They're already taking steps to help with customizability by allowing players to take the mods out of ops gear and putting it into oranges of their choice. That in itself is the benefit of crafting an orange, the ability to pick your looks, having a chance at an augment slot shouldn't be an addition.


you are getting 2 gear pieces with augment slots, I dont since Im not a synthweaver/armormech/artificer let me get it too else its not fair


isnt that what people are screaming about everything else?

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I've been a Synthweaver from launch and I'm not really sure the need for crits on orange gear in the first place. We get 2 t3 pieces of ops gear of which you can crit to have an augment slot, we don't need all of our armor to be riddled with augments.


Aside from that, the OP is correct. People want to be diverse in what their options are for gear appearance, but if they make orange gear critable the armor crafting proffesions will be extremely over-powered. They're already taking steps to help with customizability by allowing players to take the mods out of ops gear and putting it into oranges of their choice. That in itself is the benefit of crafting an orange, the ability to pick your looks, having a chance at an augment slot shouldn't be an addition.


yeah but the belt and bracers is JUST for us, the augment slots on the other oranges are at least stuff everyone can wear.

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This is a really good change, although my gear as a bounty hunter will still look like I've put together random parts from a junk yard. But I've really missed the option to customize your armor/weapons like this.

Next up: a way to convert medium/light armor to heavy armor so I can look cool as well. :)


As for orange gear critting; the level 50 orange heavy armor crafted by armormech looked just like a lowbie crafted armor. No epic-ness. Bulky, bent, dirty junk-yard armor. I think I'd prefer looks over an augment slot, considering that augments can be pretty weak. If there was a +64 crit augment I'd be all over it.

Edited by Mrs_Murder
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I think I'd prefer looks over an augment slot, considering that augments can be pretty weak. If there was a +64 crit augment I'd be all over it.


You may prefer looks over augment slots but I guarantee you that is not the view of most of the people that actually have the endgame gear atm, myself included. You are also not taking into account that it is an augment slot on EACH armor piece, making the net bonus you'll be missing out on HUGE if you decide to go for looks over stats. 1 Augment slot on each piece of orange armor with a +20 crit augment in it comes out to +100 crit, you honestly think having +100 crit on your gear is weak and something you can just get by without so you can look cool?


They need to either allow crafters to acquire schematics of any current gear(empty shells if need be) through reverse engineering or something, or allow them to add augment slots to already existing armor, otherwise this entire change is pointless and we'll just be trading one pigeon hole for another.

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There are allready different visual flavours for orange gears (e.g. there are 2 different lightsabers for every class just with different visuals).


It's much more diverse compared to the PVE/PVP sets. So i dont really see that point.


Oh wow! A whole 2! We should just stop trying to get them to fix this and allow more customization for endgame gear so we all don't look the same. Instead of us all wearing 1 set of gear, now we can wear 2 different sets of gear so only half the people you see will look like you! :rolleyes:

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you are getting 2 gear pieces with augment slots, I dont since Im not a synthweaver/armormech/artificer let me get it too else its not fair


isnt that what people are screaming about everything else?


No, no one is crying over how fair/unfair the crewskills (aside from Biochem) are. That's just the perk you get currently for being a Synthweaver/Armormech.


yeah but the belt and bracers is JUST for us, the augment slots on the other oranges are at least stuff everyone can wear.


Right, but at the same time everyone will be forced to get their armor from a Synthweaver if they're Jedi/Sith or an Armormech if they're Smuggler/Trooper/BH/Imp Agent. Once again forcing people to wear certain items and tada, we're back to where we are now. Letting orange items crit is not how you fix the issue of everyone wanting to be a pretty little snowflake.

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My take on the whole crafting matter is as follows


  • Crafters should be able to reverse engineer anything (within their profession) with a chance of learning the schematics.

  • Customisable schematics should be learnable via reverse engineering either prototypes or artefacts. Either that or increase range of armors available from schematic drops.

  • Set bonus’s must somehow be available to crafters (attached to the armouring is a good suggestion, perhaps an epic drop schematic). If raid gear is the only set with bonus's, it is immediately more desirable than anything crafters can provide

  • Improving the crit chance/learning schematic chance needs to be increasable (via more than affection). LOTRO did this perfectly by allowing you to add a rare material to your crafting which boosted your chances of critically crafting that item. I’m sick of bad luck and not being able to improve the odds.


  • All top tier and PvP stats need to be extractable so you can put in armour you actually like the look of


  • Schematic drops seem to be from a very small table. I have over 50 custom speeder 25s, custom speeder 40s and the hotrod. Guess what, so does everyone else. They are worth nothing and only useable by cybertechs ( I havent bothered to look but I dont think there is anything special about them compared to the ones you can buy, making them very pointless).

This system has great potential, but it is in its infancy and needs to grow quickly

Edited by Kalliadies
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People want to be diverse in what their options are for gear appearance, but if they make orange gear critable the armor crafting proffesions will be extremely over-powered.


How so? Being able to craft BiS with 30 skill (crit on some cheap as dirt orange newb vest) doesn't make a profession over-powered. It makes it worthless as everything 30-400 becomes pointless.

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Couple ideas that could fix the issue,


1. Make augment slots permanent, this keeps someone from crafting a single piece of orange gear and using it from 1-50 since if they put a lower lvl aug in there they are stuck with it, this also helps stabilize the market and doesn't make certain crafts "useless" after someone has collected the look they want.


2. Add augment slots into t2/t3 raid/pvp gear, its the only way too balance orange craft gear imo, so you can still have the look you want but its not superior too raid gear.

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Couple ideas that could fix the issue,


1. Make augment slots permanent, this keeps someone from crafting a single piece of orange gear and using it from 1-50 since if they put a lower lvl aug in there they are stuck with it, this also helps stabilize the market and doesn't make certain crafts "useless" after someone has collected the look they want.


2. Add augment slots into t2/t3 raid/pvp gear, its the only way too balance orange craft gear imo, so you can still have the look you want but its not superior too raid gear.


I don’t see why it shouldn’t be superior to raid gear. Especially since you would have to HAVE the raid gear already to extract the mods to put in your custom gear.

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