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Why Empire


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Yeah, why roll Empire when we already know that they are going to lose? Is it hope beyond hope that you can change the future. The Sith Dynasty is destroyed by a snot nose kid having a temper tantrum.


Then it comes back again, and destroyed again,then back again. Same goes for incarnations of the Republic,so why go Republic?

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It's about wars in the stars, a battle of good versus evil that will outlast Luke Skywalker and any of his descendants. Their will always be Sith and always be Jedi, Empire and Republic.


One gets wiped out, comes back and wipes the other out and keeps fighting, that's Star Wars in a nutshell.

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Have you watched the movies?


The Republic gets destroyed first, then its rebels that destroy the Empire...

So shouldnt you ask Why play republic?

(offcourse neither of the 2 questions make much sense...)



Well, in the timeline this game is in, the Sith empire gets smacked round first. In part due to internal struggles.


We know at some point the Sith establish the Rule of Two (a master, an apprentice, less infighting, and someone ready to take over if something happens to the master.)


We know at some point the Sith retreat into hiding and low-key.


We don't know what happens between now and then. To the best of my knowledge, there's no fiction on that timeframe.


I mean, this is still 3000 ish years before the episode 1 movie. A lot can happen, even if the Sith empire is gone for 2700 of those.

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That's a really weird logic.

Just because your side will lose once or twice in the next 3000 years means you shouldn't be on it?

With this logic I shouldn't be on the Republic side because I know we'll lose to the Empire a couple of times too.

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Actually I believe there's only 2000 years that isn't accounted for between now and episode 1. In episode 1 they state that the oppression of the sith ended a millenium ago.


Of course I'm curious why anyone would want to play republic considering the attempted genocide commited by the republic 1000 years ago against the sith.

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I think the reason there are more empire players is because people rolled a couple of each when they first got the game and just ended up playing the imps because they somehow were more appealing than republicans. I see a lot of troopers on the republic side so I assume there story must be pretty good. You see a lot of sorcerors on the imp side but I think most of those guys rolled it for the mechanics rather than the story, you also see a lot of sith warriors, and that story is pretty good.
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Yeah, why roll Empire when we already know that they are going to lose? Is it hope beyond hope that you can change the future. The Sith Dynasty is destroyed by a snot nose kid having a temper tantrum.


Hey Vader, how's my Dark Lord of the Sith?


What do you mean they blew it up? WHAT THE HELL IS AN ALUMINUM FALCON???!


Sorry, Death Star blown up by a bunch of crazy teenagers. Wait, what? Build a new one? That's original and who's going to give me a loan genius? I don't suppose you have an ATM on that torso lightbright? Now get back here before I tell everyone about how you cried over what's her name...Panda bear..Padme, whatever.

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