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All will be ingame by the end of the day


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Well, the game is officially released on the 20th, so as long as you get access before then, I don't see the problem. If anything, the way they are doing the waves is beneficial to me as it allows me to actually do my work without getting sucked into the world of swtor ahahaha


That being said, I totally agree that they are going to try and get as many in today, but they obviously can't say that in case it's not possible.


If they sent the EGA to EVERYONE at the same time, you'd probably be sat here whining that you can't get onto a server because EVERYONE is trying to.

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I think people are greatly underestimating how many people pre-ordered in Nov/Dec. It's probably a safe bet far more people pre-ordered in that period than Sept, Oct, and most of Aug put together.


If there was a good chance they were letting in everyone, they would be trumpeting it everywhere to counteract all the forum rage. :p


I suspect it's gone from 'last week of Nov' to 'first week of Dec', but I am open to being pleasantly surprised. :D


Preorders by month:

07/11: 119,620 (end 7/30/2011)

08/11: 240,162 (end 9/3/2011)

09/11: 103,731 (end 10/1/2011)

10/11: 235,076 (end 11/5/2011)

11/11: 217,901 (end 12/3/2011)

12/11: 22,868 (end 12/10/2011)

TOTAL: 939,358


Day 1 invites: ~119,620

Day 2 invites: ~343,893

Still to be invited: ~474,845 + any that pre-ordered after 12/10 (no data on these numbers yet).


The invite estimates may be way off since Bioware is inviting based on when we entered our pre-order codes instead of when we ordered, and since many have reported significant delays in receiving their pre-order codes from external vendors.


[edit: remembered the wrong date for yesterday's invitation cut off]

Edited by Kjetl
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Honestly if everyone makes it into the game today I'm canceling my pre-order. For those of us that accepted and understood the entire concept of the EGA and just barely missed the cut off from the 14th this is a HUGE SLAP IN THE FACE.... come on some one that pre-ordered at the beginning of November is now going to be sent in on the same day with all the people that waited till the very end to order.. that’s total BS.


How is it a slap in the face or bs. Seriously, get over yourself. Most of us have lives to contend with, Homes to pay for plus families. Not everyone is spoonfed money to do with as and when they please. Where'as I understand the, first come first serve basis. Your attitude stinks.


I think most people " accepted and understood the EGA concept " Just remember. For most normal people. Real life comes before a game. Oh and BTW I ordered 6/12, I have not *****ed once or moaned about not getting in yet. It is what it is. So chill the hell out.

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Honestly if everyone makes it into the game today I'm canceling my pre-order. For those of us that accepted and understood the entire concept of the EGA and just barely missed the cut off from the 14th this is a HUGE SLAP IN THE FACE.... come on some one that pre-ordered at the beginning of November is now going to be sent in on the same day with all the people that waited till the very end to order.. that’s total BS.


You are a thousandfold more immature than all of the late pre-order whiners combined. This is completely irrational and petty.

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There is no way December has more pre-orders than October and November.


Just look at the data above...


Oct+nov = 452,977


December to date is around 22,000... and december only has this week not yet reported. There would need to be more than 431,000 pre-orders this week which isn't going to happen. In perspective, that's almost HALF THE TOTAL PRE-ORDERS in one week. :D

Edited by Kjetl
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Just me who thinks everyone will be in by the end of the day?

Yesterday they went from 28/7 to 3/10 and there should also be a small peak at the release date in late september. Now after wave one we almost hit november and they also said that they will be inviting more people today. (http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=26745)

12/12 - Keeping my fingers crossed (And finishing all work I should be done with before SWTOR is going to steal all my time)




I declare you star wars moses, now please part the WAVES in the red sea and let your people IN!

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From what I read around the web December preorders should be about 25K. If this information is correct, and BW do not let 25K people in by tonight, it means they are not willing to do it. I cannot see any other explanation than BW's will to upset customers on purpose.
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Honestly if everyone makes it into the game today I'm canceling my pre-order. For those of us that accepted and understood the entire concept of the EGA and just barely missed the cut off from the 14th this is a HUGE SLAP IN THE FACE.... come on some one that pre-ordered at the beginning of November is now going to be sent in on the same day with all the people that waited till the very end to order.. that’s total BS.


I preordered the first day it was available and with your attitude, I find it a slap in the face that your allowed in AT ALL.

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From what I read around the web December preorders should be about 25K. If this information is correct, and BW do not let 25K people in by tonight, it means they are not willing to do it. I cannot see any other explanation than BW's will to upset customers on purpose.


Oh god can you imagine if they let in hundred thousand+ up until the last 20k or so and say sorry better luck tomorrow, defend bioware or not, but that would be cold.

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Honestly if everyone makes it into the game today I'm canceling my pre-order. For those of us that accepted and understood the entire concept of the EGA and just barely missed the cut off from the 14th this is a HUGE SLAP IN THE FACE.... come on some one that pre-ordered at the beginning of November is now going to be sent in on the same day with all the people that waited till the very end to order.. that’s total BS.


Welcome to the 21st century!


Thanks to First-World problems like that, the 22nd ain't gonna happen! XD

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Honestly if everyone makes it into the game today I'm canceling my pre-order. For those of us that accepted and understood the entire concept of the EGA and just barely missed the cut off from the 14th this is a HUGE SLAP IN THE FACE.... come on some one that pre-ordered at the beginning of November is now going to be sent in on the same day with all the people that waited till the very end to order.. that’s total BS.


What a loser...

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I have never once complained about the EGA since this all started cause I understood that the order was based on your pre-order date and code activation through the manager. So now you’re saying my October 7 registration is the same as a Dec registration? What was the point of the EGA in the first place if you’re just going to abandon it because the late people complain like the worlds ending... it was the main selling point to register as early as possible and now they change their mind. I guess you can class me as a hater but really I feel gipped.


If it makes you feel any better, they started the EGA 2 days in advance, so in a sense, players getting in today would have been getting in on Saturday giving them 2 full days of early access. PREPOSTEROUS I KNOW. /sarcasm

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I think everyone will be in by this weekend. Apparently there were a lot of preorders in December, so you will have a similar spike to what happened in July. If you remember a couple days ago, only a narrow date range got in due to this spike.
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