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Huttball, worst or the worst designed warzone ever?


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I don't think I could **** this **** up anymore than they did.


If you got a pull or a charge you basically dominate that warzone, if you don't... well... you get to not do **** as you get knocked around and can't hold your footing whatsoever. You know how you nerfed ops/scoundrels? They're basically the only class that have nothing to offer in that warzone. Huttball pisses on ops/scoundrels, you're lucky to have any use in that warzone at all. It's not only that, because of how much you screwed up with combat system, dropping combat for restealth is nearly impossible in huttball, let alone any other warzones. And that class that 90% of people play, Sorcerers I mean, they're gods of that warzone because of how poorly you designed the resolve system as well as knockbacks and slows.


Bioware, you have disappointed me deeply. I have loved every single game you made up until now, but this **** is just garbage, a 5 year old kid could brew up something better and more enjoyable and balanced than your game, let alone this specific part of it.


You don't have a damn clue how to design a multiplayer game on any level. You screwed up classes, you screwed up gear, you screwed up stats, you screwed up leveling, you screwed up level design for all the leveling areas, there's just so much damn FAIL in this game I don't understand how you managed it with your (alleged) 200mil budget that you more than likely dumped into voice overs for no good reason. Your priorities are all screwed up, you have bugs that have been here and reported since July, you were clearly warned about faction imbalance way ahead of time, BUT YOU CHOSE TO DO NOTHING.

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I'm playing a healing operative.


I have no pushbacks.


I have no gap closers.


I am probably the worst class for this particular warzone.



BUT I LUVS IT! I like Huttball much more than both Alderaan and Voidstar. Alderaan and Voidstar are nice for the variety but, for pure pvp action nothing beats huttball.

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Class Imbalance?


Nooo the classes are balanced... but not in the same way... If you're 1v1ing a scoundrel who opened right, YOU'RE DEAD. That's the way it is. Period. What else are they good for? People say their healing is allegedly bad. I disagree, but then again, I can manage two combat resources.


Resolve system works, you just don't know how it works Yeah we know that you think you do. You don't. Deal with it. I'll give you a mini tut on it if you ask politely.


And I like how 2/3 of the OP has nothing to do with huttball. Slows don't affect resolve. That's not a bug. That may be dumb in your opinion, but it's intended.


That's good and bad for melees. They can either be snared to death or snare others to death so they can't run away.


Knockbacks make resolve. Fact. You can't argue with your inaccurate anecdotal "Evidence"


EDIT: To cal, your whining, I will suggest to you a class that probably won't get the nerf bat, simply because not enough people play it to affect their epeens. Powertechs and Vanguards. Mid (as opposed to melee), Non-stealth (Don't rely on one opener and then bad, low quality small damages afterwards. ), Heavy Armor, Can tank(Tanking medals are easy to get as a non-tank spec as opposed to healing medals as a non-healing spec), burst (most burst is op in this game), and TONS of utility.


Utility: Spammable AoE, good stealth detection

Troopers as a whole get actual stealth detection probes. No joke.

Grapple/Harpoon: Pull someone to your location, generates resolve (Vanguard only)

(tank spec 21pnt talent)Storm: Force Charge, but with a different animation and is 3 seconds (And therefore moar annoying, which is good for tanks)

Mortar Volley/death from above Mega powerful AoE (all troopers)

A shield, lowering all damage tank by 25% for 12 seconds (All troopers)


Using harpoon and storm allows you to control people in PvP (Like onto a fire vent or into the pit). Use them in PvE to tank effectively by rounding up mobs then AoEing. Harpoon gens high amount of threat



If you try the vanguard, and you don't like it by level 25ish (Stack endurance, even if you do go damage, it helps to have lots of armor and HP), Then try something else. I absolutely love the vanguard.


They're perfect ball carriers: Sheild for defense (Get someone to guard you and get a sage bubble, you're unstoppable!!!), Storm for mobility, Harpoon for... I dunno? It's cool.

Edited by Zunayson
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Huttball is awesome for those who actually understand how to play it.


./agree It's my favourite WZ and I'm a Gunslinger...It's also the most unique BG/WZ I've come across in many years...Which is nice.


to OP: Will "l2p" make you rage more? or less? Because it's probably something you should look into...

Edited by Themeatmarket
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Anytime you have some aspect of the game that clearly benefits some class and shafts another, it's extremely poor design. This isn't a single player game, you can't have someone getting an unfair advantage that other people can't get. Bioware clearly has no understanding of that concept when they built in advantages in mechanics for one faction over the other and thought that would fly.


I can't see how you can consider that ball of failure a good warzone at all, there's absolutely no fun in being knocked around or down into the pit nonstop or have the ball handler of the other team just straight up leap away from you at 10% health because he can and you can't do **** about it.

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I play a healing specced scoundrel. I have to say, I do very well in Huttball, in fact, I win more of those matches than any other warzone.




Smart scoundrel Huttball to do list:


1) Stealth near enemy goal line. Now your team mates can forget about getting over the ramps and just run close to the goal line and throw you the ball. Also, while they are getting in range, you can heal them.


2) Stealth near the ball spawn. As soon as the ball resets, grab it and go.


3) Hang out on the ramps near your teams respawn, stun people in the fire. Nothing like dropping a flash bomb out of stealth when a mob of enemy players are crossing a fire pit.


4) Get ahead of the ball carrier, throw heals and try to get in position for a good pass.


5) Put up defense screen, throw some HoT's on yourself, and run the ball. If there are only a few people playing defense, I can easily keep myself up with all instant heals and score about 30% of the times I get to run the ball.


6) Spam Tendon Blast. Enemy players are much easier to kill when they move very very slowly.

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Okay. Let's do empire classes:



Powertech: Grapple good in Huttball


Sniper: These are underpowered anyways.

Operative: What happened? I just died in like 4 seconds - Damage, goo din all WZs


Juggernaut: CHARGE PUSH CHARGE *The Allie Force Charge, mirrors Guardian Leap* 90 meters in 6 seconds. Mobility, good in huttball

Murader: These are underpowered anyways



Assassin: These are underpowered anyways







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All of the warzones are good.

Hutball is the most fun i think because it has so much less to do with combat.

The envirowar is just awesome and i do feel bad for folks that cannot participate in that aspect of the map as it is just fun.


I actually enjoy getting knocked into the acid if its done well.

although if they fix lag and such i can see how it might become so much easier to do that the fun aspect will go down.



I think voidstar is my least favorite as it has a lot of places that makes it feels like work.

Like working an assembly line where i can't keep up.

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1) Stealth near enemy goal line. Now your team mates can forget about getting over the ramps and just run close to the goal line and throw you the ball. Also, while they are getting in range, you can heal them.


And get pulled into a spawn by some powertech or assassin and get oneshot or just simply get ran over by the spawning people.


2) Stealth near the ball spawn. As soon as the ball resets, grab it and go.

And get killed cause you're squishiest class in the game.


3) Hang out on the ramps near your teams respawn, stun people in the fire. Nothing like dropping a flash bomb out of stealth when a mob of enemy players are crossing a fire pit.

Or just get stunned and knocked off the moment they see you.


4) Get ahead of the ball carrier, throw heals and try to get in position for a good pass.

Or just get stunned and knocked off the moment they see you.


5) Put up defense screen, throw some HoT's on yourself, and run the ball. If there are only a few people playing defense, I can easily keep myself up with all instant heals and score about 30% of the times I get to run the ball.

Or just get knocked off and killed because you have no way to bypass flames like marauders/juggs do and have to stand there like a moron for 10 seconds waiting for the fire to end while you get your *** kicked.


6) Spam Tendon Blast. Enemy players are much easier to kill when they move very very slowly.

Or just get stunned and knocked off the moment they see you.

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Hutball sucks, If I could I would check the box ingame "neva evah que for huttball".

Hutball abuses ranged - melee imbalances in this game to the max.


yeah, I play assassin.


BTW roots do not count for resolve

Edited by Hylfnur
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And get pulled into a spawn by some powertech or assassin and get oneshot or just simply get ran over by the spawning people.



And get killed cause you're squishiest class in the game.



Or just get stunned and knocked off the moment they see you.



Or just get stunned and knocked off the moment they see you.



Or just get knocked off and killed because you have no way to bypass flames like marauders/juggs do and have to stand there like a moron for 10 seconds waiting for the fire to end while you get your *** kicked.



Or just get stunned and knocked off the moment they see you.




( Quote isn't letting interject so I'm numbering this)


1) Don't stand in the middle. Stand near the edge. Be aware of the enemy players, and where the ball is. I am almost never seen until it's too late. Stay WAY over until a teammate is getting close with the ball.


2) Run? Heal yourself? Make it 10 yards and dump the ball off on a teammate?


3) Use the ramps. Flash grenade is ranged (slightly). If they're coming in on the top, be on the middle ramp, and vice versa. Yes, they will see you eventually. Yes, when they do you will die. Play smart and you'll take out at least a few before they get you.


4) Stay farther away, you can pass the ball a pretty good distance. Most dps will focus on the ball carrier. If they don't, they're not doing their job.


5) Save your Break Free. Use the top ramp, time your run to avoid the first fire, drop to the lower ramp. If your get stunned on the last fire pit then use Break Free.


6) Don't let them see you until it's too late. Stay behind them. Basic stuff here.

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( Quote isn't letting interject so I'm numbering this)


1) Don't stand in the middle. Stand near the edge. Be aware of the enemy players, and where the ball is. I am almost never seen until it's too late. Stay WAY over until a teammate is getting close with the ball.


2) Run? Heal yourself? Make it 10 yards and dump the ball off on a teammate?


3) Use the ramps. Flash grenade is ranged (slightly). If they're coming in on the top, be on the middle ramp, and vice versa. Yes, they will see you eventually. Yes, when they do you will die. Play smart and you'll take out at least a few before they get you.


4) Stay farther away, you can pass the ball a pretty good distance. Most dps will focus on the ball carrier. If they don't, they're not doing their job.


5) Save your Break Free. Use the top ramp, time your run to avoid the first fire, drop to the lower ramp. If your get stunned on the last fire pit then use Break Free.


6) Don't let them see you until it's too late. Stay behind them. Basic stuff here.


Or just, you know, get stunned and knocked off cause it's a fair and fun set of mechanics.



Stop trying to convince me with your arguments, they're flawed. The map is inherently inbalanced, favoring classes with charges and pulls. I got neither, I got no way to stop either, I can't even restealth on that damn *********** map, what the **** do you know about how hard it is to play on it?


Do damage? Yes, I can do damage, but not when I can't stay within melee range of anything because a single knockback puts me essentially 100m+ away from my target rather than normal 10m. I try to attack someone, they shift slightly and knock me off, boom, suddenly I'm once again a nonfactor.


Bioware is horrible, this is probably the worst *********** map design I've ever seen. It would've been somewhat fun if it wasn't for the plethora of pulls, knockbacks, charges and other gimmick abilities that people abuse to no end. I've seen people cap in huttball in under 10 seconds because they did a chain of pulls and hops from the ball to the cap zone and nearly nothing could be done to stop it because anytime you try to interrupt it they just knock you off. You spend 90% of the time running back up to attempt to stop it again.

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Or just, you know, get stunned and knocked off cause it's a fair and fun set of mechanics.



Stop trying to convince me with your arguments, they're flawed. The map is inherently inbalanced, favoring classes with charges and pulls. I got neither, I got no way to stop either, I can't even restealth on that damn *********** map, what the **** do you know about how hard it is to play on it?


Do damage? Yes, I can do damage, but not when I can't stay within melee range of anything because a single knockback puts me essentially 100m+ away from my target rather than normal 10m. I try to attack someone, they shift slightly and knock me off, boom, suddenly I'm once again a nonfactor.


Bioware is horrible, this is probably the worst *********** map design I've ever seen. It would've been somewhat fun if it wasn't for the plethora of pulls, knockbacks, charges and other gimmick abilities that people abuse to no end. I've seen people cap in huttball in under 10 seconds because they did a chain of pulls and hops from the ball to the cap zone and nearly nothing could be done to stop it because anytime you try to interrupt it they just knock you off. You spend 90% of the time running back up to attempt to stop it again.


bads will be bad

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And I have to state that I know that they won't fix **** cause majority of the classes can contend on that map, they've already shown that they ignore the minority with the op/scoundrel nerf and listen only to majority with how overpowered sorcerers/sages are and how many "bugs" favor empire.
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I'm playing a healing operative.


I have no pushbacks.


I have no gap closers.


I am probably the worst class for this particular warzone.



BUT I LUVS IT! I like Huttball much more than both Alderaan and Voidstar. Alderaan and Voidstar are nice for the variety but, for pure pvp action nothing beats huttball.




My rank for WZs.


1. Hball

2. Alderaan

3. VoidS


Even as a Medic OP, I still manage to do well albeit I avoid the above walkways like the plague.

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Other than spending most my time in the air, CC'd, or both at the same time...I have to say I hate Sorcball. Not entirely because of those things but due to fact that all I ever PLAY is that WZ. Seriously, getting into Voidstar or Alderan is like a super rare treat that only happens once every few days. Ugh, then we get rolled because NO one on Empire even knows how to play them LOL! Hey look its Sorcball again, gdi!


As to someone suggesting a heal Ops running the ball, I laugh. Are you playing sub 50s cus at 50 if you don't have a sprint, leap, AoE KD: yer insta gibbed. I guess best tactic is to camp the end zone hoping that someone might fluke getting close enough to toss it too you, but if you do that....low amounts of medals for you!


Dunno man, almost every Ops I play with chill in center cus any time you even get near an elevated area #23547424 Sorc or Sin runs in and sends you flying while merrily sprinting / force pulling each other into the endzone over and over.


As to resolve, this system is broken. I can have full resolve and still be CC'd by Sorcs; it happens all the time. Oh I wait till my resolve is full then I pop CC break, BAM! CC'd again. I am sorry, resolve does not work half the time. Is my char bugged then?

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To all those idiots telling me how to play. I am skilled player and I play the weakest class of all.


yeah, assassins got total zero damage abilities for 30 m.

yeah, we dont have charge, jump, teleport

yeah, roots doesnt count for resolve

yeah, being targeted from 40 meters and never hit by any ability sets you in combat so forgot restealth, just because someone targeted you, pressed some buttons to see that range is too big

yeah, that sucks totally


And yeah when im fighting on platform i think about positioning 24/7 to have that engine on my back or sandbags or stay in a straight line so i will not find myself off the platform. Crappy desync with server helps me a lot. last sentence was a little bit sarcastic


huttball is the most imbalanced warzone favoring ranged classess and 90m rush in 6 seconds of jugg sorc couple

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