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Official Q&A Thread for February 10th, 2012 Q&A Blog Post


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As I understand it, classes are suppose to mirror each other. As it stands now, certain classes such as the Trooper dont exactly stack up equally against the Bounty Hunter. Mortar Volley for example. Are these small things going to be fixed, or at least acknowledged?
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Just by searching this forum, you can see that the users have identified (and some even went as far as compiling) lists of bugs for things like classes, UI, PVP balance, etc. What is your short term and long term road map in terms of bug fixing? In other words, how do you plan to address these bugs in the next 3 months to the next year?
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I'd also like to ask: When will we see same gender romance companions? Will they be available as part of the levelling experience, or are they introduced at max level? Are we talking one NPC or will there be several options like there are for those who are into opposite sex romance?
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Could you elaborate about what specific benefits the Legacy will offer? I know that I am not alone in the fact of putting off making an alt (and hence losing out on gameplay) because I wish to know what kind of character creation options will be available. All we have to go on now is "The legacy system will unlock new character creation options, including new species." Does this mean species that have been unavailable for that specific class, or that have been unavailable to play in the game as a whole. It will be beneficial for many players who have been waiting to make alts to know what species will become available, because if none are of interest to me, I'd rather not wait any longer on making a new character, and would love to jump into the action.
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This may already be in the list somewhere, but Id like the Devs to tell us WHY they choose to limit us to 5 weapon colors options for the majority of the game (Blue/Green/Yellow/Orange/Red), and why we cant have PURPLE (from an early level).


Also, I would like to know if you are thinking about any kind of possibility in the future to start a character back at the beginning or allow us to repeat our class story/companion quests.




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Why Can we not read the actual patch notes that are going to be implemented in the upcoming patch until they are already implemented the test server patch notes don't always coincide with the actual live updates and during the patch your site is down and that's for stress i understand. why not post the patch notes before implementing them?
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Are there any plans for continuing class quests post 50, with updates will we see personal story's progress and new companions? also is there any intention to increase the rate that music plays during game play, as it stands the games audio seems like its missing.
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Hello, I will like to know if there will be a way to get Medium or heavy social armor, I know the reason they all are light armor is so all classes can use it, however if all social armor is light it will not work for all classes the same way, example a tank will be less effective

so it will be great if there will be a way to either select the type of armor while buying from social vendor or a way to adapt it to different types.

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I am not sure if this has been asked already, but I shall ask anyway.


1) Is there an ETA for same-gender romances being offered (as in the next content patch and so forth)?


2) Will those romance options be in the form of new companions still or will some/all of the currently available romance options be opened up to both genders?


3) Will there be an attempt to balance out the number of romance options available in each class (for instance, will the Consular get three female romance options to go with the three male romance options already in place)?


Thank you, and I do hope that you will let us know since a lot of us would like to know.

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Are you guys content with the medal system in WZs at its current state? Do you think the most worthy players of each game are being rewarded accordingly? Do you think it's a good idea to base medals on everything but the actual objectives of each WZ?
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I'd really like to see a level-matching feature in the game to promote grouping with friends of varying levels. (For example, the 'sidekick' system in City of Heroes.) Is this possible and/or likely in the near future? Think it'd be a big boon to the game.
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When are you going to add social gear that is NOT light armor, and why was only light armor put into game?


When is the CE store going to be updated with more items or unique (land) speeders just for CE owners to purchase?


For those of us at level cap and have done all the quest already and still at social 2 or 1, are you going to put in new ways to get social points beside running BT/Essels normal modes over and over.


And when are you going to fix hard modes so they give us the full social points and dark/light side points?



Almost forgot, when are you going to add in a system to let us convert Tionese Crystals for Tionese Commendations. We end up with a surplus of the crystals and they are useless atm.

Edited by MrLeee
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What are your views on the current tanking ideology? More specifically:


Threat and the Juggernaut's embarrassing lack of AoE threat.


Threat scaling and tanks being able to keep up with DPSers seemingly exponential increase in damage as they gear, while the tanks' 'growth' remains rather linear and lackluster.

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