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Official Q&A Thread for February 10th, 2012 Q&A Blog Post


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Do you have plans to make it easier to take down healers in PvP? As is, healers can survive for nearly forever in PvP unless you outnumber them and with 2-3 healers in an arena staying together it's basically impossible to kill that group
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There has been some concern raised over the "less popular" crafts and their usefulness, given the readily available orange gear and commendation mods vendors. Are there any plans to make all crewskills more desirable, both for serving endgame and players still leveling?
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When will Artifice be fixed, I know the next major content patch is supposed to add more schematics but this doesn't address the bugs with the crew skill. Examples are


1. Duplicate recipes for Enhancements. By this I mean 2 different named enhancements with the exact same stats and crafting materials needed to craft.

2. Lack of ability to craft Shield Generators for Assassins/Shadow tanks. The items we can craft for the tanks lack the 20% absorb and 5% shield rating bonus. Currently willpower offhands seem to be dps/healing oriented.

3. Lack of +power schematic trainable. Atleast a +27 or +31 power should be trainable and not require an op and hope it drops from a wb.

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Will Bioware be implementing more interaction in their open world environment. Something similiar to phasing in World of Warcraft would be great.


Also can we get different armor in the social. So far the only thing offered in light armor:(.

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With the Legacy system introducing relationships, will the relationships with NPCs affect this since you can marry some NPCs?


Like others, I'm also wondering if I should hold off on an alt idea I have if there will be more character creation options when Legacy goes live.

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I and others have at times become bored with the game. When you quest & do instances, it is essentially the same experience as other MMoRPG's with a nice new look. You have the unique opportunity to do with your game what other's cannot, allow for a customizable ship. Are there any plans to implement this?
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lets face it the empire out way the coolness of the republic so the republic will always be the under dog in the scenario


so i was thinking how about you add more Alien races to the republic for the lone fact the empire is pretty dame raciest gives an edge to the republic


(only said this because i knew you guys would read through all the posts)


but here is my question When/if you plan on implementing a coloring armor thing? I'm tired of looking like everyone else

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Is there any plan to make the "Looking for Group" feature more useful? (i.e.: global maybe)


The community need help facilitating Flashpoint group formation, grouping and running flashpoint is key to an MMO success... standing in the fleet for hours LFG isn't enjoyable.

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My question is: How can you justify charging a monthly fee for a game this incomplete and riddled with bugs and issues?


I understand the game just launched but you have some serious gamebreaking issues that should have been caught in beta, some were caught and reported in the very beginning of beta and are still not fixed. This game should still be in beta, I was so anxious for this game for so long only to have it released in a rush before it was complete is a total slap in the face and shows a lack of concern for your customers and more corporate greed than anything.

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While I understand that there was probably a lot of effort put in to the UI currently in game, and that there are plans underway for a more customizable UI in the future, are there any plans to implement a mod API and allow us to use addons? I realize there are concerns that addons similar to gearscore, decursive, or healbot may cause problems with the game balance that you beautiful people are going for, but there's simply no way for you to come up with as many UI customizations, features, and other helpful tools as the entire internet can. I feel like the lack of customization available is really negatively impacting the game, and the sub par auction house interface is really hurting the economy. All of this could be fixed by just allowing us to develop and use addons.
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Is there any news on Duel Spec for us.


I like to DPS when on my own but I like to heal in groups. And constantly paying to respec isn't viable because of the costs. Being able to change on the fly would be greatly appreciated.


However, I would like it that you don't let us change advance class. It would spoil the fun of choosing if we know we can just change.

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